The ZTE MF656 USB modem is a multi-mode 3G modem. With a USB interface connecting to your
laptop or desktop computer, it supports data and SMS services through the mobile USB Modem
network, helping you realize m obile communication anytime and any where.
Hardware Installation
Installing the SIM/USIM Card
1. Remove the back cover on the mode m.
2. Hold your SIM/USIM card with the cut corner oriented
as shown and then slide it into the card holder with t he
metal contacts facing the modem.
3. Replace the back cover.

Installing the Memory Card
Only microSD card is supported by the modem and do not insert other memory
cards into the modem.
Insert the microSD card, orientated as shown, into the holder until you hear a
Notes: The logo is a trademark.
Connecting the USB Modem to Your Computer
Remove the modem cap and plug the modem firmly into a USB port on your computer.
Software Installation
On different operating s ystems, the sof tware install ation procedu res may be dif ferent. Pleas e follow
the general guide below and the system prompts during installation.

• For Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7
When you connect the modem to your PC correctly, the system automatically recognizes it as a
CD-ROM and starts the softwar e installatio n wizard. If the system does n ot launch th e installatio n
wizard automatically, please start it by running the e xecutable file in the new CD-ROM directory.
• For Mac OS
The system will automatically display a new CD-ROM icon on the desktop, when you connect the
modem to your Mac correctly. Double click the installation software package in the CD-ROM, and
follow the system prompts to complete the software installation.

Click the following buttons to access each function.
Connect Connect to the Internet.
SMS Send and receive text messages.
USB Modembook Manage contacts information.
Settings Configure the USB modem settings.
Data record Show connection information.
LED Lights
Indication Modem Status
Red Power on, but not registered to a networ