Table of Contents
Table of
Revision History ..................................... ii
Warranty ................................................. iii
Section 1
Introduction ........................................ 1
PCDU Menu Keys ............................. 2
Initial Display of the PCDU .............. 4
Section 2
HELP (HLP) Menu ........................... 5
Section 3
MONITOR (MON) Menu ................. 8
Section 4
PARAMETER (PRM) Menu .......... 10
Viewing a Parameter ........................ 10
Changing a Parameter ...................... 11
Section 5
FAUL T (FLT) Menu ........................ 15
Displaying the Fault List ................. 16
Clearing Faults ................................. 20
Displaying the Error List ................. 22
The Error Disposition List ............... 25
Section 6
TEST (TST) Menu .......................... 29
The Trace Monitor Function ........... 29
NVRAM Access .............................. 37
Loading Defaults ............................. 41
Self-Tune .......................................... 44
Diagnostics ...................................... 48
Section 7
FORCING (FRC) Menu .................. 54