Yaesu FT-450, FT-450AT User Manual

Users Manual
Authors Message
When I started this project, I did so thinking that the Yaesu Manual was too confusing and hard to learn from. Besides, writing a User’s Manual is a great way to learn any system.
Well, I have to say, I was wrong about the first item. It turns out the Yaesu Manual is very good. It is just that the FT-450 is a very complex machine. I continued with the effort because my second reason is still valid. And I wanted a shorter reference manual, structured closer to the way I think, to provide myself with a slightly different perspective of this impressive machine.
You will find that this is structured to my machine. I do not have the enhanced microphone, a linear amplifier to boost up the power, and as yet I do not have the software in my computer to drive RTTY , packet, or slow scan video.
Where Yaesu’s version of the manual gives explicit instructions on an entire task, I have tried to break it down to functional procedures and presume that the reader will learn these basic procedures so that I do not have to spell out the specifics of every keystroke over and over again.
The only area covered by this document that was not clear in the Yaesu manual is found in section 5.2 where I discuss the interaction between M-TUNE, VFO-A, and VFO-B.
YAESU HF/50 mHz Transceiver FT-450 User’s Manual
Table of Contents
1 General 2 Controls
3 Receiver
3.3.1 Clarifier
3.4.1 RF Attenuation and Intercept Point Optimization (IPO)
3.4.2 Noise Blanking
3.4.3 Digital Signal Processor
Communications Mode Band
VFO (Variable Frequency Oscillator)
...................................................................................................... 4
.................................................................................. 5
Split Frequency Operation
Extracting the Signal from the Noise
.............................................................................................. 6
................................................................................... 7
.................................................... 7
.............................................................................................................. 7
................................................................................................. 7
............................................................................................................ 8 Notch............................................................................................................... 8 Digital Noise Reduction (DNR)
Band Pass Width Filter Shift
CW Reverse CW Spotting
3.4.5 Radio Frequency Gain Automatic Gain Control Radio Frequency Volume Control
........................................................................................................ 9
.................................................................................................................. 9
............................................................................................. 8
.................................................................................................... 9
.................................................................................................... 9
................................................................................... 9
....................................................................... 8
................................................................. 10
3.4.6 Audio Volume Control.......................................................................................... 10
3.4.7 Signal meter
4 Transmitter
4.1.1 Microphone Button
4.1.2 Voice Activated Transmitter Switching (VOX)
4.1.3 CW Break-In
4.1.4 Data
5 Channel Memories
5.6.1 Recall
5.6.2 Storage
5.6.3 Removal
5.6.4 Labeling
Automatic Antenna Tuner
Memory Content Tuning of the VFO Setup Memory Band VFO Setup Memory Home Memory Quick Memory Channels Memories
VFO Memory Scanning
................................................................................................................ 10
................................................................................................................... 11
...................................................................................................... 11
.............................................................. 11
............................................................................................................... 11
................................................................................................ 12
................................................................................................................... 12
.............................................................................................................. 12
.................................................................................... 13
................................................................................................ 14
................................................................................................................ 14
................................................................................................................ 14
......................................................................................................... 15
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YAESU HF/50 mHz Transceiver FT-450 User’s Manual
Programmable Memory scanning
6 System Controls
Display Brightness
Semi-automatic Keyer
Custom Switch
7 Adaptation (Menu)
Transceiver function operational parameters
Tranceiver Controls
Computer Aided Transceiver (CAT) Operation
Adaptation of CW communication
Adaptation to exclude bands and modes
Adaptation for microphone
Adaptation of repeater communication
Adaptation of Data communication
Adaptation of RTTY communication
7.10 Adaptation of VOX Operation
8 Procedural Uses
CW Setup
SSB Setup
Antenna Testing
CW Training
9 Acronym Glossary
Table 1 - Controls Table 2 – Communication Modes Table 3 – Transceiver Bands Table 5 – Base frequency step size for controls Table 6 – Band Width Filter Settings Table 7 – Memory Channel Number Table 8 – Contents of Each Memory Channel Table 9 – 20 Unique Assignable Button Functions Table 10 – 8 Assignable shortcuts of F followed by an existing buttons Table 11 – 22 Duplicate Button Functions Table 12 – Miscellaneous redundant or useless function Table 13 – Adaptable Parameters Table 14 – CTCSS tone frequencies (Hz)
Table of Tables
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YAESU HF/50 mHz Transceiver FT-450 User’s Manual
1 General
The Yaesu FT-450 HF/50 MHz Transceiver is designed for Amateur Radio use. It provides a general-purpose receiver covering 30 KHz through 56 MHz. The Transceiver range is broken into 10 Amateur Radio Bands and 1 general purpose band to cover the remaining high frequency spectrum. The variable frequency oscillator (VFO) setup for each band is remembered individually as you switch bands. The details of what makes up a VFO setup will be described when we get into the section on memory. The transceiver allows communication in using side band, continuous wave, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, and (when computer driven) a number of data modes.
2 Controls
The FT-450 front panel contains 24 push buttons, 3 analog rotary dials, 2 rotary digital dials, a lighted display, and three jacks. The small rotary digital dial (“DSP/SEL”) has 24 steps per revolution and also functions as a push button. The large rotary digital dial has 100 steps per revolution. A number of push buttons behave differently if held down for one second (adaptable).
Since there are literally hundreds of settings possible on the FT-450, a button, knob, or dial may be used to control more than one function. The less often changed values are set by a sequence of buttons and/or dials. For example, if you press the “F” button (2nd from right mid height button), the letter F will illuminate on the display. The upper right six buttons have two names on each. If the F is illuminated, the button performs the function of the upper name and the F is extinguished. Otherwise those buttons perform the function of the lower name.
Definitions: f-press = press a button preceded by the “F” button t-press = press a button and hold for 1 second (adaptable 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 seconds)
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YAESU HF/50 mHz Transceiver FT-450 User’s Manual
CONTROL ACT STATE FUNCTION ON/OFF T-PRESS - Toggle system ON/OFF DSP PRESS - Step DSP contour, notch, digital noise reduc, width, OFF
PRESS - Step through combinations of ATT and IPO off and on ATT/IPO T-PRESS CW Voice tone to compare with CW tone to spot the frequency
NB PRESS - Toggles noise blanker
PRESS - Step automatic gain control through auto, fast, slow AGC T-PRESS - Turn off automatic gain control
- Steps forward through enabled bands BAND PRESS menu Steps forward through bands to enable/disable
- Steps backward through enabled bands BAND PRESS
menu Steps backward through bands to enable/disable PRESS - Toggle enable/disable of automatic antenna tuner TUNE T-PRESS - Start tuning to antenna process
PRESS - Step through power, ALC, standing wave ratio meter METER/DIM T-PRESS - Start brightness adjustment via DSP/SQL(end with press)
PRESS - Steps forward through enabled modes
-menu Steps backward through modes to enable/disable T-PRESS CW Toggles between USB and LSB reception
A=B PRESS - Copy the current VFO settings into the secondary VFO A/B PRESS - Swap the current and secondary VFO settings KEYER PRESS - Toggle CW keyer on/off (manual vs space assisted keying) CLAR PRESS - Allow offset of receive frequency with “MAIN” dial FAST PRESS - Toggle increase in frequency steps for both dials LOCK PRESS - Lock frequency (see details) to avoid accidental change SHIFT PRESS - Shift the intermediate frequency (IF) pass band DSP/SEL
MAIN DIAL TURN - Fine setting of frequency (end memory mode)
- Enter the “F” (function) state PRESS
Generates the next group of 5 practice CW characters
- Enter or leave the “menu” state (see section 6 adaptation)
power off Reset adaptation to factory default when turn power on
- Steps forward through enabled modes PRESS
-menu Steps forward through modes to enable/disable
CW Toggles between USB and LSB reception
power off Display software version (194) when turn power on
Small kHz steps in frequency (see Table 5) ­100 KHx steps in frequency (may be adapted to set CW side tone, CW speed, 1 mHz steps, mic gain, or rf power) single channel steps MEMORY
single groups steps DSP Step values for selected filter (shown by “>”) MENU Step through list of adaptable items MENU
Step through allowed values fore individual items blink
- Toggle between small and large steps in frequency MEMORY Toggle between groups and individual memory numbers DSP Toggle type of filter on/off, sense, magnitude (see writeup) MENU select menu item (blink menu display) for setting
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YAESU HF/50 mHz Transceiver FT-450 User’s Manual
not squelch Analog setting of radio frequency gain SQL/RF GAIN TURN squelch Analog setting of squelch level
AF GAIN TURN - Analog setting of audio frequency gain
F Announce the frequency and mode in voice to operator, VOICE/C.S PRESS
- Customer adapted function ( see Tables 9, 10, 11, 12)
T-PRESS power off Clear memory channels when power turned on
This document was derived from the information in the Yaesu HF/50 MHz Transceiver FT-450 Operation Manual.
T-PRESS power on Reset adapt, clear memory channels when turn power on
T-PRESS - Activate quick SPLIT operation
F Memory write VFO setup to selected channel (1 out of 508) PRESS
- Copy memorized VFO setup into current VFO
F Copy preferred (quick) VFO setup into current VFO
- Copy quick VFO setup into current VFO F MW Copy current VFO setup into home channel menu ­blink
F Activate or deactivate voice activated transmission VOX/STO PRESS
- Copy current VFO setup into (preferred (quick) memory F Toggle setting frequency step with DSP/SEL knob PRESS
- Toggle operation using secondary VFO settings to transmit
F Toggle program memory scan between two frequencies PMS/SCAN PRESS
- Toggle upward scanning of frequencies or memory channel
In most cases, the menu item restored to factory default
Table 1 - Controls
2.1 Power
To toggle the FT-450 transceiver ON or OFF, t-press the ON/OFF button. Some portion of the display will show when the unit is on. Needless to say, the 12 volts must already be supplied to the unit.
The power switch is also used to reset memory and/or adaptation in the FT-450. Warning: Do not perform any of the first three following steps unless you are prepared to lose information:
1) Turning the power on while holding the “F■” button will restore adaptation to the factory default settings.
2) Turning the power on while holding the “VM/V/M” button will clear all memory channels except QMB.
3) Turning the power on while holding the “HOME/RCL” button will both restore adaptation to the factory default settings and clear all memory channels except QMB.
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YAESU HF/50 mHz Transceiver FT-450 User’s Manual
4) Turning the power on while holding the “MODE” button will display the current software version. You must then turn the power off and then on to resume normal operation.
3 Receiver
The transceiver provides both a multi-band sensitive receiver and transmitter. Most of the controls have to do with the operation of the receiver section. However, Mode, Band, and VFO apply to the transmitter section as well.
3.1 Communications Mode
The FT-450 transceiver is designed to communicate using Lower Side Band (LSB), Upper Side Band (USB), Continuous Wave (CW, i.e. Morse code), Data (DATA), Amplitude Modulation (AM), or Frequency Modulation (FM). Pressing either the “MODE” or “MODE” will step through the available modes in the forward or reverse direction respectively. These buttons are found to the right of the “DSP/SEL” knob. Any unwanted modes may be turned off in adaptation using the MENU functions described later.
Most user’s will not need all of the communication modes shown in Table 2. When you get to the section on adaptation, you will find that you can configure the system to skip any modes that are not needed.
MODE DESCRIPTION USB Upper side band LSB Lower side band CW Continuous Wave AM Amplitude Modulation FM Frequency Modulation DATA Radio teletype, Packet
Table 2 – Communication Modes
3.2 Band
Step through the bands using ”BAND” and “BAND” buttons on either side of the “MAIN” dial. Only those bands enabled (via the menu command) will be selected. The available bands are shown in Table 1 above. Any unwanted bands may be turned off in adaptation using the MENU functions described later.
GEN 30 KHz ~ 33 MHz none (stores non-ham fqys )
1.8 MHz 30 KHz ~ 33 MHz 1.8 MHz ~ 2.0 MHz
3.5 MHz 30 KHz ~ 33 MHz 3.5 MHz ~ 4.0 MHz
7.0 MHz 30 KHz ~ 33 MHz 7.0 MHz ~ 7.3 MHz 10 MHz 30 KHz ~ 33 MHz 10.1 MHz ~ 10.15 MHz 14 MHz 30 KHz ~ 33 MHz 14 MHz ~ 14.35 MHz
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YAESU HF/50 mHz Transceiver FT-450 User’s Manual
BAND RANGE AMATEUR RADIO BAND 18 MHz 30 KHz ~ 33 MHz 18.068 MHz ~ 18.168 MHz 21 MHz 30 KHz ~ 33 MHz 21 MHz ~21.45 MHz 24 MHz 30 KHz ~ 33 MHz 24.89 MHz ~ 24.99 MHz 28 MHz 30 KHz ~ 33 MHz 28 MHz ~ 29.7 MHz 50 MHz 33 MHz ~ 56 MHz 50 MHz ~ 54 MHz
Table 3 – Transceiver Bands
3.3 VFO (Variable Frequency Oscillator)
The display shows the current frequency in 10 Hz increments (left field is MHz, mid field is KHz). The desired frequency is selected by rotating the “DSP/SEL” knob (24 steps per revolution). Tabke 5 shows the incremental step size. Factory defaults are highlighted.
Press the “DSP/SEL” knob to blink the left 3 digits of the frequency display and the “DSP/SEL” knob now moves in 100 kHz increments changing only those digits. Pressing the “DSP/SEL” knob again (or pressing any button or moving the “MAIN” dial) stops the blinking and the “DSP/SEL” knob action returns to the smaller increment size.
The “MAIN” (large unlabeled) dial (100 steps per revolution) allows fine-tuning of the frequency. The “MAIN” dial is, by default, disabled in AM or FM modes, but may be enabled by adaptation.
CW, LSB, USB, DATA 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 kHz 1, 10, 20 Hz AM 2.5, 5.0, 9.0, 10, 12.5, 25 kHz 100, 200 Hz * FM 5.0, 6.25,10, 12,.5, 15, 20, 25, 50 kHz 100, 200 Hz *
Table 5 – Base frequency step size for controls
*Note: By default, “MAIN” dial is inoperative for AM and FM modes unless enabled by adaptation.
To change the frequency step size of the “DSP/SEL” knob, f-press the “STEP/SPLIT” (just above “F”). The current step size will show on the bottom right of the display. Change the step size value by rotating the “DSP/SEL” knob. When the correct value is displayed, press the “STEP/SPLIT” button to exit that state.
Press the “FAST” button (to the left bottom of “MAIN” dial) to increase the speed of frequency selection. The word FAST will be highlighted on the display, the “DSP/SEL” increments will be doubled and the “MAIN” dial increments will be increased by a factor of 10. Pressing “FAST” again to extinguish the FAST highlight and returns both knobs to their set increments.
The current frequency may be locked to avoid inadvertently changing it. To toggle the lock function, press the “LOCK” button to the right of the “MAIN” dial. When locked, the word LOCK will appear
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YAESU HF/50 mHz Transceiver FT-450 User’s Manual
above the right end of the frequency display. The frequency lock may be released by pressing “LOCK” again.
In addition to the display, the FT-450 is able to announce the current frequency through the speaker or headset. To hear the frequency, f-press the “VOICE” button (2nd upper button from the right).
Note: Small changes in the receive frequency (under 10 kHz) my also be achieved by use of the clarifier. See section 4.1.1 of transmission for details.
3.3.1 Clarifier
The receive frequency can be set up to +/-9.99 kHz different from the transmit frequency. This is toggled on and off by pressing the “CLAR” button located near the bottom middle of the front panel. When activated, the word CLAR shows on the right side of the display with the offset shown below it (replacing the M-TUNE, VFO-A, or VFO-B on the display). The offset value may be changed with the “MAIN” dial. Note that the offset control may be re-assigned to the “DSP/SEL” knob in adaptation using the MENU functions as described later.
The system will remember the offset value, even when CLAR is turned off. To zero the offset, t-press the “CLAR” button while the clarifier is turned on. The offset will also be set to zero if the “MAIN” dial is inadvertently turned when the CLAR is turned off.
3.3.2 Split Frequency Operation
The FT-450 Transceiver is capable of operating on two frequencies; one for transmission and another for reception. Moreover, there is no restriction that the two VFOs operate on the same band or even in the same mode.
To toggle split frequency operation, press the “STEP/SPLIT” button. The work SPLIT is highlighted in the display. The current receive VFO setup appears on the display. If you want to keep it, press either the “A = B” or “A / B” button to either put that setup in the transmit VFO or swap setups with the current transmit VFO. Then enter the transmit frequency and any other parameters associated with it and press the “A / B“ button to swap it with the receive VFO setup.
You are now ready to communicate. Whenever the Transceiver is transmitting, the frequency display will show the transmit frequency. Otherwise it will show the receive frequency.
There is also a quick split feature in the system. If you t-press the “STEP/SPLIT” button, the system will automatically copy the receive VFO into the transmit VFO and add 5 kHz to the transmit frequency. You may now communicate as before.
Note: see section 5 for a better understanding of the contents of a VFO setup and section 5.5 a more complete description of the “A = B” or “A / B” button action.
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