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SPI-4.2 v8.5 Getting Started Guidewww.xilinx.com
UG154 March 24, 2008
Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document.
09/30/041.0Initial Xilinx release.
11/11/041.1Document updated to support SPI-4.2 core v7.1.
04/28/051.2Document updated to support SPI-4.2 core v7.2 and Xilinx ISE v7.1i.
08/31/052.0Updated ISE service pack information.
1/18/063.0Updated ISE to v8.1i, release date
7/13/064.0Added support for Virtex-5, ISE to v8.2i, advanced version number and release date.
9/21/064.1Updted for IP2i minor release. Removed Simulating the Dynamic Alignment Sink
core section from the example design chapter.
2/15/074.2Updated system requirements, ISE version, and applied new directory structure
template to Chapter 4.
8/08/074.3Updated for IP1 Jade Minor release. ISE version to 9.2i.
3/24/084.4Updated core to v8.5, updated supported tool versions, and release date.
This guide provides information about generating the Xilinx LogiCORE™ IP SPI-4.2 core,
customizing and simulating the core using the provided example design, and running the
design files through implementation using the Xilinx tools.
This guide contains the following chapters:
•Preface, “About this Guide” introduces the organization and purpose of the Getting
Started Guide, and the conventions used in this document.
•Chapter 1, “Introduction” describes the core and related information, including
recommended design experience, additional resources, technical support, and
submitting feedback to Xilinx.
•Chapter 2, “Licensing the Core” provides information about installing and licensing
the core.
•Chapter 3, “Quick Start Example Design” provides instructions to quickly generate
the core and run the example design through implementation and simulation using
the default settings.
•Chapter 4, “Detailed Example Design”describes the files and directories created by
the CORE Generator. It also contains detailed information about the demonstration
test bench and directions for customizing it for use in a user application.
•Appendix A, “VHDL Details” provides details about the VHDL demonstration test
bench and how to customize it.
•Appendix B, “Verilog Details” provides details about the Verilog demonstration test
bench and how to customize it.
•Appendix C, “Data and Status Monitor Warnings” describes the common
demonstration test bench warnings.
This document uses the following conventions. An example illustrates each convention.
SPI-4.2 v8.5 Getting Started Guidewww.xilinx.com11
UG154 March 24, 2008
The following typographical conventions are used in this document:
Courier font
Preface: About This Guide
ConventionMeaning or UseExample
Messages, prompts, and
program files that the system
speed grade: - 100
Courier bold
Italic font
Square brackets [ ]
Braces { }
Vertical bar |
Vertical ellipsis
Literal commands that you
enter in a syntactical statement
References to other manuals
Emphasis in text
An optional entry or
parameter. However, in bus
specifications, such as
bus[7:0], they are required.
A list of items from which you
must choose one or more
Separates items in a list of
Repetitive material that has
been omitted
See the Development System
Reference Guide for more
If a wire is drawn so that it
overlaps the pin of a symbol,
the two nets are not connected.
ngdbuild [
lowpwr ={on|off}
lowpwr ={on|off}
IOB #1: Name = QOUT’
IOB #2: Name = CLKIN’
Horizontal ellipsis . . .
Repetitive material that has
been omitted
allow block
loc1 loc2 ... locn;
Online Document
The following conventions are used in this document:
ConventionMeaning or UseExample
Cross-reference link to a
Blue text
Blue, underlined text
12www.xilinx.comSPI-4.2 v8.5 Getting Started Guide
location in the current
Hyperlink to a website (URL)
See the section “Additional
Resources” for details.
Refer to “Title Formats” in
Chapter 1 for details.
Go to w
latest speed files.
ww.xilinx.com for the
UG154 March 24, 2008
The LogiCORE IP SPI-4.2 (PL4) core is a fully verified design solution that supports Verilog
and VHDL. The example design in this guide is provided in both Verilog and VHDL.
This chapter introduces the SPI-4.2 core and provides related information, including
recommended design experience, additional resources, technical support, and how to
submit feedback to Xilinx.
System Requirements
Chapter 1
About the Core
• Windows XP® Professional 32-bit/64-bit
• Windows Vista® Business 32-bit/64-bit
•Red Hat® Enterprise Linux WS v4.0 32-bit/64-bit
•Red Hat® Enterprise Desktop v5.0 32-bit/64-bit
(with Workstation Option)
•SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) v10.1 32-bit/64-bit
•ISE™ 10.1 with applicable service pack
Check the release notes for the required service pack; I
from www.xilinx.com/xlnx/xil_sw_updates_home.jsp?update=sp
The SPI-4.2 core is a Xilinx CORE Generator™ IP core, included in the latest IP update on
the Xilinx IP Center. For detailed information about the core, see the SPI-4.2 product page
For information about system requirements, installation, and licensing options, see
Chapter 2, “Licensing the Core.”
SE Service Packs can be downloaded
Recommended Design Experience
Although the SPI-4.2 core is a fully verified solution, the challenge associated with
implementing a complete design varies, depending on desired configuration and
functionality. For best results, previous experience building high-performance, pipelined
FPGA designs using Xilinx implementation software and user constraints files (UCF) is
SPI-4.2 v8.5 Getting Started Guidewww.xilinx.com13
UG154 March 24, 2008
Contact your local Xilinx representative for a closer review and estimate of the effort
required to meet your specific design requirements.
Additional Core Resources
For detailed information and updates about the SPI-4.2 core, see the following additional
documents located on the SPI-4.2 product page
•LogiCORE SPI-4.2 Data Sheet
•LogiCORE SPI-4.2 Release Notes
•LogiCORE SPI-4.2 User Guide
For updates to this document, see the LogiCORE SPI-4.2 Getting Started Guide, also located
on the Xilinx SPI-4.2 product page.
Technical Support
To obtain technical support specific to the SPI-4.2 core, visit http://support.xilinx.com/.
Questions are routed to a team of engineers with expertise using the SPI-4.2 core.
Xilinx will provide technical support for use of this product as described in the SPI-4.2 User Guide and the SPI-4.2 Getting Started Guide. Xilinx cannot guarantee timing, functionality,
or support of this product for designs outside the guidelines presented in this document.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Xilinx welcomes comments and suggestions about the SPI-4.2 core and the documentation
provided with the core.
For comments or suggestions about the SPI-4.2 core, please submit a WebCase from
•Product name
•Core version number
•Explanation of your comments
For comments or suggestions about this document, please submit a WebCase from
•Document title
•Document number
•Page number(s) to which your comments refer
•Explanation of your comments
. Be sure to include the following information:
. Be sure to include the following information:
14www.xilinx.comSPI-4.2 v8.5 Getting Started Guide
UG154 March 24, 2008
Licensing the Core
This chapter provides instructions for obtaining a license for the core so that you can use
the core in a design. The SPI-4.2 core is provided under the terms of the Xilinx LogiCORE
Site License Agreement. This license agreement conforms to the terms of the SignOnce IP
License standard defined by the Common License Consortium. Purchase of the core
entitles you to technical support and access to updates for a period of one year.
Before you Begin
Chapter 2
This chapter assumes that you have installed the core using either the CORE Generator
IP Update installer or by performing a manual installation after downloading the core
from the web. For information about installing the core, see the SPI-4.2 product page
Before installing the core, you must have a Xilinx.com account and the ISE 10.1 software
installed on your system.
To set up an account and install the ISE software:
1.Click Sign in to Access Account at the top of the Xilinx home page
2.Install the ISE 10.1 software with the applicable service pack.
License Options
The SPI-4.2 core provides three licensing options, described below.
Simulation-Only Evaluation
The Simulation-Only Evaluation license is provided with the Xilinx CORE Generator
system. This license lets you evaluate core functionality using a provided example design.
You can also use your own design and simulate the various interfaces on the core.
Functional simulation is supported by a dynamically generated gate-level netlist.
; then follow the
instructions to create a support account.
Full System Hardware Evaluation
The Full System Hardware Evaluation license is available at no cost and lets you fully
integrate the core into an FPGA design, place and route the design, evaluate timing, and
perform back-annotated gate-level simulation using the demonstration test bench
In addition, the license lets you generate a bitstream from the placed and routed design,
which can then be downloaded to a supported device and tested in hardware. The core can
SPI-4.2 v8.5 Getting Started Guidewww.xilinx.com15
UG154 March 24, 2008
Chapter 2: Licensing the Core
be tested in the target device for a limited time before timing out. The core can be
reactivated by reconfiguring the device after a time out.
You can obtain the Full System Evaluation License in one of the following ways,
depending on the core:
•By registering on the Xilinx IP Evaluation page and filling out a form to request an
automatically-generated evaluation license
•By contacting your local Xilinx FAE to request a Full System Hardware Evaluation
license key
Click Evaluate on the SPI-4.2 core product page for information about obtaining a Full
System Hardware Evaluation License.
The Full license is provided when you purchase the core. This option provides full access
to all core functionality both in simulation and in hardware, including:
•Gate-level functional simulation support
•Back annotated gate-level simulation support
•Full implementation support including place and route and bitstream generation
•Full functionality in the programmed device with no time-outs
Obtaining Your License
Obtaining a Simulation-Only or Full System Hardware Evaluation License
To obtain a Simulation-Only or Full System Hardware Evaluation license, do the
•Navigate to the SPI-4.2 product page
•Click Evaluate.
•Select one of the following:
−Simulation-Only Evaluation
−Full System Hardware Evaluation
For both types of licenses, follow the onscreen instructions to both download the CORE
Generator files (delivered as an IP update) and satisfy any additional requirements
associated with the license type.
Obtaining a Full License
To obtain a Full license, you must purchase the core. After purchase, you will receive a
letter containing a serial number. This serial number is used to register for access to the
lounge, a secured area of the SPI-4.2 product page.
•From the product page, click Register to request access to the lounge.
•Xilinx will review your access request. Requests for access are typically granted
within 48 hours. Contact Xilinx Customer Service if you need faster turnaround.
•After you receive confirmation of lounge access, click Access Lounge on the SPI-4.2
product page and log in.
16www.xilinx.comSPI-4.2 v8.5 Getting Started Guide
UG154 March 24, 2008
Installing Your License File
Follow the instructions in the lounge to fill out the license request form; then click Submit
to automatically generate the license. An email containing the license and installation
instructions will be sent to you immediately.
Installing Your License File
After selecting a license option, an email is sent to your login account that includes
instructions for installing your license file. In addition, information about advanced
licensing options and technical support is provided.
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Chapter 2: Licensing the Core
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