Xerox Versant 280 Press System Administrator Guide

Version 1.0 November 2020 702P08369
280 Press
System Administrator Guide
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Table of Contents
1 Administrator Overview ........................................................................................................... 9
Entering and Exiting the System Administrator Mode...................................... . . . . . .................. 10
Locating the Press Serial Number ........... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................................ 11
Locating the Press IP Address ... . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . ... 12
Customizing the User Interface (UI).................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . ... 13
Assigning a Feature..... . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ........... 13
Changing the Default Home Screen ................... . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . .............. 13
Assigning the Screen After Auto Clear ....... . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . ..................... 14
Customizing the Button Layout on the Home Screen........ . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . 14
Adding Stored Programming to the Home Screen ................... . . . . . . ................................... 15
Power Saver Mode ........ . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .............. 16
Low Power Mode. . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................. 16
Sleep Mode........................ . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . ... 16
Exiting Power Saver Mode .................................. . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . .............. 16
Administrator Tools Mode ............... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ................................... . 17
Essential Tools Procedures ..................................... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ........... 17
Clean Fuser Assembly Routine................. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ......................... 17
2 System Settings.......................................................................................................................21
System Settings Procedure ................................... . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . . .................. 22
Common Service Settings. . . ..................................... . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . .............. 23
System Clock and Timers ............................ . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . ..................... 24
Power Saver Settings... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ........... 25
Audio Tones .. . .................................. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................................ 26
Screen and Button Settings. . . .................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ....... 27
Paper Tray Settings .. . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . .............. 29
Image Quality Adjustment................... . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . ......................... 35
Reports .......................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . ....... 36
Maintenance . .................................. . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ................................ 37
Watermark............................ . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . . 54
Force Annotations. . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................. 55
Print Universal Unique ID.......... . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . 56
Notify Job Completion by E-mail ........................... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ........... 56
Plug-in Settings... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................. 57
Other Settings (Common Service Settings) ................ . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ....... 57
Copy Service Settings . . ...................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ..................... 64
Basic Copy Service Settings Procedure............ . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................. 64
Preset Buttons . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ......................... 64
Copy Defaults ..... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................. 66
Copy Control......................... . . . . . . . .................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . 67
Original Size Defaults..................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................. 69
Xerox®Versant®280 Press
System Administrator Guide
Table of Contents
Reduce and Enlarge Presets..................... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ...................... 70
Custom Colors.. . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . .................................... . . . . . ..................... 71
Connectivity & Network Setup. . . ...................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ....... 72
Basic Connectivity & Network Setup Procedure ........................... . . . . . ................................ 74
Ping Connection Test ....................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................................ 74
Selecting the Remote Authentication Server Settings .................. . . . . . ................................ 75
Selecting the Security Settings . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . 76
Selecting Other Settings Options for Connectivity & Network Setup .......... . . . . . .................. 76
Scan Service Settings ........ . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ........... 78
Screen Defaults....... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .............. 78
Scan Defaults........................ . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . 79
Scan to PC Defaults .............. . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . 80
Original Size Defaults..................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................. 81
Output Size Defaults........................ . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . .............................. 82
Reduce and Enlarge Presets..................... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ...................... 83
Preset Buttons . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ......................... 83
Other Settings (Scan Service Settings).................................. . . . . . ...................................... . 84
Email Service Settings ........................ . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ................................... . 86
Selecting Email Service Settings ............................ . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ........... 87
Address Book Settings. ...................................... . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . ..................... 88
Selecting Address Book Settings. . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................................... . . . 88
Folder Service Settings .................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ...................................... . 89
Selecting Folder Service Settings ........................ . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . .............. 89
Job Flow Service Settings ..... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ....... 90
Selecting Job Flow Service Settings ......... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ...................... 90
Stored File Settings . ...................................... . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . ......................... 91
Selecting Stored File Settings . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . . 92
3 Simple Image Quality Adjustment (SIQA) ........................................................................93
Auto Alignment Adjustment........ . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . 94
Printing the SIQA Targets ............................ . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ..................... 94
Scanning the Targets .. . . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ........... 95
Saving the Profile......................... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . ................................... 99
Using the Profile .. . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................ 100
Density Uniformity Adjustment............. . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . .............................. 101
Performing Density Uniformity Adjustment . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . ....................... 101
Image Transfer ........................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . 104
Performing Image Transfer .......... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . .................................. 104
Assigning the Image Transfer to Media........ . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . ................ 106
4 Setup & Adjustment ........................................................................................................... 109
Setup & Adjustment Procedure .............................. . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . ............ 110
Setup........ . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . .......................... 110
Calibration.. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . .............................. 126
Calibrating the Press for Copy and Scan Jobs............. . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . ... 126
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
Table of Contents
5 Using CentreWare®Internet Services.............................................................................. 127
Configuration of the Press.... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ..... 128 Connecting to CentreWare
Locating the Press Serial Number in CentreWare
The Properties Tab ............... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . ..... 130
Configuration Overview........................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ....................... 130
Description ............................ . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . 130
Configuring the Email Settings........................... . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . ............ 130
General Setup ........... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................ 132
Job Management .............. . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . . 132
Paper Tray Attributes - Priority ....................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................ 132
Power Saver Settings... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ......... 132
Internet Services Settings .. . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . . 133
Extensible Service Setup................. . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . .............................. 133
Billing Impression Mode................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .............................. 135
Cloning . . . ..................................... . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . .................................. 135
Alert / Email Notification ... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . . 136
SMart eSolutions Setup (Remote Services) ....................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . 137
Connectivity.... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . .......................... 139
Ethernet (Physical Connections) .............. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ....................... 140
Protocols............................ . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . . 140
Services ............. . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . ....................... 150
Services General Procedure ............................ . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................ 151
Updating the Press Software.......................... . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . . ................ 151
Accounting ................................. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . 154
Local Accounting . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................ 154
Setting Up and Configuring Local Accounting ......................... . . . . . . ................................. 154
Setting Up and Configuring Xerox Standard Accounting ............. . . . . . .............................. 155
Network Accounting (Job Based Accounting) ....................... . . . . . ..................................... 157
Security ... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . .................................. 161
Authentication and Security................. . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . .......................... 161
Local Authentication... . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ......... 161
Controlling Access for All Users....................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................ 162
Digital Certificates ....................... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . .................................. 163
Secure HTTP and SSL / TLS. . ...................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ..... 163
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) .. . ...................................... . . . . . .................................. . . . 164
802.1X Information ................................ . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . ....................... 165
IP Filtering............................ . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . 166
Audit Log.................... . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ......... 166
Job Information.................. . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . 167
Internet Services From a Computer ................................ . . . . . ..... 129
Internet Services ........................ . . . . . . . 129
6 Configure Environment Settings for Scan Services ....................................................... 169
E-mail .. . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . ..................................... 171
Email Overview ........... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . ......... 171
Email Requirements ......................... . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . .............................. 171
Enabling the Email Port and Setting up TCP/IP.................................. . . . . . . ....................... 174
Xerox®Versant®280 Press
System Administrator Guide
Table of Contents
Configuring the Email Environment............. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................... 175
Network Scanning (Job Template)........................ . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . ................ 178
Configuring the Network Scanning (Job Template) Environment Settings......... . . . . . . . . . ..... 178
Scan to PC ......... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . ....................... 180
Configuring the Scan to PC Environment Settings . . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ......... 180
Store to Folder .................. . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ......... 183
Configuring the Store to Folder Environment Settings ............. . . . . . .................................. 183
Store to USB ............................ . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . 185
Configuring the Store to USB Environment Settings ..................... . . . . . . . . .......................... 185
Store and Send Link (Send to Folder)............. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ....................... 186
Configuring the Store and Send Link Environment Settings . . . ...................................... . . . 186
Job Flow Scanning ............ . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ......... 187
Configuring the Job Flow Sheets Settings............................. . . . . . .................................... . 187
Store to Web Services for Devices (WSD) ................................ . . . . . ...................................... . . . 189
Configuring the Store to WSD Environment Settings ........ . . . . . .................................... . . . . . 189
7 Xerox Remote Print Services............................................................................................... 191
Direct Connect Overview .......... . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . . 192
Network Access...... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . ................... 193
Proxy Server Information .................................. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................... 194
Proxy Server Worksheet...... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . . 194
Update and Verify the Proxy Server at the Press ............................ . . . . . .................................. 195
Updating the Proxy Server at the Press............................... . . . . . . . .................................. . . . 195
Verifying the Xerox Server Connection at the Press.................. . . . . . .................................. 195
Update and Verify the Proxy Server through CentreWare Internet Services.................. . . . . . . . . . 196
Updating the Proxy Server through CentreWare Verifying the Xerox Server Connection through CentreWare
Internet Services .................. . . . . . . . . . ..... 196
Internet Services ..... . . . . . . . . . 196
8 Accounting............................................................................................................................ 197
Create and View User Accounts ...... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . ................................... 198
Creating, Viewing, or Editing a User Account. . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................... 199
Resetting an Individual User Account.................... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ......... 200
Reset User Accounts...... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . . ............ 201
Resetting All User Accounts (Accounting) ....... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . ............... 201
System Administrator's Meter (Copy Jobs) .. . . .................................... . . . . . .............................. 203
Viewing and Resetting the System Administrator's Meter (Copy Jobs)......................... . . . 203
Accounting Type ................................ . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . .................................. 204
Setting the Accounting Type and Enabling Accounting......... . . . . . .................................. . . . 204
Auto Reset of User Billing Information .. . . . ..................................... . . . . . .................................. 205
Automatically Resetting User Billing Information ............................... . . . . . ....................... 205
Accounting / Billing Device Settings ............................ . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ......... 206
Selecting Accounting and Billing Device Settings..................... . . . . . .................................. 206
Copy Activity Report ................ . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . . . 207
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
Table of Contents
Enabling and Disabling the Copy Activity Report ..................... . . . . . . . ................................ 207
9 Authentication and Security Settings.............................................................................. 209
System Administrator Settings ............... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . .............................. 210
Changing the Administrator Passcode.................................. . . . . . .................................... . 210
Authentication................................... . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . .................................. 211
Selecting the Authentication Features/Options.............. . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . . 213
Selecting the Access Control Options........... . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . ................... 213
Creating and Editing an Authorization Group..... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ......... 214
Selecting the User Details Setup Options. ...................... . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . 215
Allow User to Disable Active Settings ....................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ............ 216
Selecting the Option for Allow User to Disable Active Settings..... . . . . . . ............................. 216
Job Status Default ... . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . ................... 217
Selecting Job Status Default Options.................. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ............ 217
Overwrite Hard Disk .......... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ......... 218
Selecting the Overwrite Hard Disk Options .............................. . . . . . .................................. 218
10 Accounting and Authentication ..................................................................................... 221
Defining the Components of the Authentication Feature ................................ . . . . . ................ 222
Accounting Type Categories..................................... . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . ............ 224
Authentication and Accounting Relationship....................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . . 225
Services Controlled by Authentication ................................. . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . . 226
Overview............................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . 226
Services Restricted by User ID Authentication ......................... . . . . . .................................. 226
Services Restricted by Combining Smart Card and User ID Authentication............... . . . . . . . 228
Common Access Card (CAC)............... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . .................................. 231
Common Access Card (CAC) Authentication.................. . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . . 231
Disabling the Common Access Card (CAC) ....................... . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . 232
11 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................. 233
Printing Takes Too Long for First Print or First Copy Out ........................ . . . . . . . . . ....................... 234
SMB Troubleshooting................................. . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . .......................... 236 CentreWare
Scanner Troubleshooting................. . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ..................................... 239
Xerox Remote Print Services Troubleshooting . . . . .................................. . . . . . . .......................... 240
Internet Services Troubleshooting............................ . . . . . .................................. 238
Xerox®Versant®280 Press
System Administrator Guide
Table of Contents
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide

Administrator Overview

This chapter contains:
Entering and Exiting the System Administrator Mode........... . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . ... 10
Locating the Press Serial Number .......................... . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . ..................... 11
Locating the Press IP Address ..................... . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . ................................ 12
Customizing the User Interface (UI)....... . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . .................................... 13
Power Saver Mode............. . . . . . .................................... . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . .............. 16
Administrator Tools Mode ................................. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ......................... 17
Xerox®Versant®280 Press
System Administrator Guide
Administrator Overview

Entering and Exiting the System Administrator Mode

1. At the press user interface, press the Log In/Out button.
2. Enter the system administrator Login ID with the numeric keypad, then select Next.
The default login ID is admin.
3. Enter the system administrator password or Passcode with the numeric keypad, then select
Enter. The default administrator password is the press serial number.
Note: If the password prompt is enabled, the default administrator password is the press
serial number. It is recommended that, after the press is installed, to prevent unauthorized access to the administrator mode, you change the administrator password as soon as possible.
4. To access system functions, press the Machine Status button.
5. To change settings, touch the Tools tab.
6. Select the appropriate Mode, Group, and Feature.
7. To log out, press the Log In/Out button.
8. When the Logout screen appears, select Logout.
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
Administrator Overview

Locating the Press Serial Number

You can access the press serial number from the user interface or from the serial number plate on the inside frame of the press near Tray 1.
1. At the user interface, press the Machine Status button.
2. On the Machine Status screen, ensure that the Device Information tab appears.
The press serial number is displayed in the Device Serial Number area at the bottom of the screen.
3. If there is a loss of power and it is not possible to access the Machine Status screen, you can find
the press serial number on the inside frame of the press near Tray 1:
a. At the press, fully open Tray 1.
b. At the left of the tray, on the press frame, locate the plate with the serial number (SER#).
Xerox®Versant®280 Press
System Administrator Guide
Administrator Overview

Locating the Press IP Address

The IP Address of the press is located on the Configuration Report or on the press touch screen. This address, however, is used only to enable communication/network connectivity between the press and the print server.
To obtain the IP Address of the press:
1. At the press UI, press the Machine Status button.
2. Select the Device Information tab. The IP Address is shown.
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
Administrator Overview

Customizing the User Interface (UI)

The administrator may customize the following features:
Whether certain screens will display or not on the press UI
Specify when screens are displayed such as after the press is switched on or when it exits the
Power Saver mode
The brightness of the screens as shown on the press UI
The speed of the scroll buttons alongside the screen
The default language to be used
AAssssiiggnniinngg aa FFeeaattuurree
1. Log in as the administrator.
2. To access system functions, press the Machine Status button on the UI.
3. To change settings, select the Tools tab.
4. Select System SettingsCommon Service Settings.
5. Select Screen / Button Settings. From the list, select the feature you want to set or change.
6. Select Change Settings.
7. Select the desired setting for the feature.
8. Select Save.
The previous screen displays.
9. Select Close.
The main Tools screen displays.
10. Exit the administrator mode.
CChhaannggiinngg tthhee DDeeffaauulltt HHoommee SSccrreeeenn
Use this procedure to change the screen that will be displayed when the machine is switched on or when the Power Saver mode is deactivated.
1. Log in as the administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the UI.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. Select System SettingsCommon Service Settings.
5. Select Screen / Button Settings.
6. Select Screen Default from the displayed list.
7. Select Change Settings.
8. Select the desired setting for the default home screen.
The default setting is Services Home.
System Administrator Guide
Versant®280 Press
Administrator Overview
9. Select Save.
The previous screen displays.
10. Select Close.
The main Tools screen displays.
11. Exit the administrator mode.
AAssssiiggnniinngg tthhee SSccrreeeenn AAfftteerr AAuuttoo CClleeaarr
Use this procedure to assign which screen will be displayed after the Auto Clear button is pressed.
1. Log in as the administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the UI.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. Select System SettingsCommon Service Settings.
5. Select Screen / Button Settings.
6. Select Screen After Auto Clear from the displayed list.
7. Select Change Settings.
8. Select Last Selection Screen orServices Home. The default setting is Services Home.
9. Select Save.
The previous screen displays.
10. Select Close.
The main Tools screen displays.
11. Exit the administrator mode.
CCuussttoommiizziinngg tthhee BBuuttttoonn LLaayyoouutt oonn tthhee HHoommee SSccrreeeenn
1. Log in as the administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the UI.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. Select System SettingsCommon Service Settings.
5. Select Screen / Button Settings.
6. Select Services Home from the list.
7. Select Change Settings.
8. From the list, select the position where you want to assign a service. The layout of the buttons on this screen correspond with the layout of the buttons on the Home screen.
9. From the Main Feature Selection screen, select a service to display on the Home screen.
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
Administrator Overview
10. Select Save.
The previous screen displays.
11. Select Save again.
The Screen / Button Settings window displays.
12. Select Close.
The main Tools screen displays.
13. Exit the administrator mode.
AAddddiinngg SSttoorreedd PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg ttoo tthhee HHoommee SSccrreeeenn
1. Log in as the administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the UI.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. Select System SettingsCommon Service Settings.
5. Select Screen / Button Settings.
6. Select Services Home from the list.
7. Select Change Settings.
8. From the displayed list, select the position for the Stored Programming service.
9. From the Main Feature Selection screen, select the Stored Programming service.
10. Select Save.
The previous screen displays.
11. Select Save again.
The Screen / Button Settings window displays.
12. Select Close.
The main Tools screen displays.
13. Exit the administrator mode.
System Administrator Guide
Versant®280 Press
Administrator Overview

Power Saver Mode

The Power Saver feature allows the press to enter a reduced power consumption mode when all print jobs have completed and there are no jobs currently processing. There are two power saving modes: Low Power and Sleep.
Low Power: After remaining inactive for a preset time period, the press enters the Low Power
Sleep: After entering Low Power mode and remaining inactive for another preset time period, the
press enters the Sleep mode.
By default, the press automatically enters the Low Power mode after 1 minute of inactivity. After 1 minute of inactivity, the press enters Sleep mode. The system administrator can change the time intervals for both modes.
Refer to the following example:
Low Power Mode is set to 1 minute.
Sleep Mode is set to 10 minutes.
Sleep Mode activates after 10 minutes of total inactivity and not 10 minutes after the Low Power
Mode begins.
For information on changing the time intervals, refer to Setting / Changing the Power Saver Time
LLooww PPoowweerr MMooddee
In this mode, the power to the User Interface (UI) and fuser unit is lowered to save power. The display goes out and the Power Saver button on the UI lights. To use the press, press the Power Saver button. The Power Saver button is no longer lit, indicating that the Power Saver feature is canceled.
SSlleeeepp MMooddee
In this mode, the power is lowered more than in the Low Power mode. The display goes out and the Power Saver button on the UI lights. To use the press, press the Power Saver button. The Power Saver button is no longer lit, indicating that the Power Saver feature is canceled.
EExxiittiinngg PPoowweerr SSaavveerr MMooddee
Any of the following events cancels Power Saver mode:
Pressing the Power Saver button on the press UI
Receiving print data for an incoming job to be printed
Programming and performing a copy or scan job
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
Administrator Overview

Administrator Tools Mode

The following summary describes the various options that you can set while logged in as administrator. You can set these options from the Machine StatusTools tab on the press User Interface (UI).
When you press the Tools tab while in the Administrator mode, the following features are available for selection:
Cleaning the Fuser Assembly - If needed, run this image quality procedure to clean and remove
dry ink/toner debris that may appear on the back side of prints.
DFA Finisher Profile - If the press includes a third-party, DFA inline finishing devices, this feature
is enabled to create a profile of the finisher and add, edit, and delete attributes.
Simple Image Quality Adjustment (SIQA) Tools - This is a set of procedures used to correct and
adjust alignment, density uniformity, and image quality transfer on prints. For detailed information and procedures, refer to the SIQA chapter.
Tools - Select the Tools tab on the UI to access other areas where you can set system functions
and security settings, including the following:
System Settings: For details, refer to System Settings.
Setup & Adjustment: For details, refer to Setup & Calibration.
Accounting: For details, refer to Accounting.
Authentication/Security Settings: For details, refer to Authentication/Security Settings.
Note: Use the scroll buttons on the screens to view the entire list of options.
EEsssseennttiiaall TToooollss PPrroocceedduurreess
The following is a list of some of the essential Tools procedures:
Cleaning the Fuser Assembly
Calibrating the Press for Copy and Scan Jobs
For HFSI counters, refer to Resetting a High Frequency Service Item (HFSI) Counter
For correcting / adjusting the paper curl, refer to Adjust Paper Curl
For Auto Alignment, Density Uniformity, and Image Transfer, refer to the Simple Image Quality
Adjustment (SIQA) section of this guide
For Finisher AdjustmentAdjust Fold Position, refer to Adjust Fold Position
For Finisher AdjustmentDFA Finisher Profiles, refer to Using DFA Finisher Profiles
CClleeaann FFuusseerr AAsssseemmbbllyy RRoouuttiinnee
When you have an image quality issue caused by contaminants in the fuser, run the Clean Fuser Assembly routine from the Tools menu. For example, use this feature when you see dry ink/toner
debris on the back side of prints.
The press automatically runs this routine periodically. However, if you see image quality problems with dry ink/toner on the back of prints, you can initiate this procedure manually.
System Administrator Guide
Versant®280 Press
Administrator Overview
Note: If you still notice contaminants on the back of the prints after running this procedure,
contact Xerox Service. Dry ink/toner debris can originate from either of two areas in the press:
the Transfer Roll or the Fuser Assembly Roll.
CClleeaann FFuusseerr AAsssseemmbbllyy MMeetthhooddss
The Clean Fuser Assembly feature provides two methods for running the routine:
Clean with Paper: This method runs blank sheets through the press to remove any residual dry
ink/toner from the fuser.
Note: Any press operator can use the Clean with Paper method. This cleaning
method does not require administrator login.
Clean with Felt: This method uses felt that is equipped inside the press to remove any dry ink/
toner from the fuser. Simply apply the felt against the pressure roll. Any residual dry ink/toner is removed. This method does not use paper.
Note: You must log in as an administrator to use the Clean with Felt method.
CClleeaanniinngg tthhee FFuusseerr AAsssseemmbbllyy wwiitthh PPaappeerr
1. Log in as Administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the press User Interface.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. Select Clean Fuser Assembly.
5. From the window that displays, select Clean with Paper.
6. For Paper Supply, select the paper tray to use.
Note: Although you can use any type and size of paper, the smooth surface of coated
paper has more contact area to the pressure roll.
7. From Number of Sheets, select the number of blank sheets to run (1 — 5).
Note: For best results, run fewer sheets for more times. It is more effective to run one or
two sheets for multiple times than to run five sheets for one time only. This is especially important when running larger sheets, in the short-edge-feed (SEF) direction, such as 11 x 17 in. or A4 paper.
8. Select Save.
9. Press the Start button.
Note: When running five sheets of paper, the process takes approximately one minute.
The system begins the cleaning process. When the cleaning process finishes, a Completed Successfully message displays.
CClleeaanniinngg tthhee FFuusseerr AAsssseemmbbllyy wwiitthh FFeelltt
1. Log in as Administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the User Interface.
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. Select Clean Fuser Assembly.
5. From the window that displays, select Clean with Felt.
Note: The Paper Supply and Number of Sheets selections are not available.
6. Press the Start button.
The system begins the cleaning process and displays a
Completed Successfully
message when finished.
7. Select OK.
Administrator Overview
Versant®280 Press
System Administrator Guide
Administrator Overview
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide

System Settings

This chapter contains:
System Settings Procedure ....... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ....... 22
Common Service Settings............. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . ... 23
Copy Service Settings ................................. . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ................................ 64
Connectivity & Network Setup............. . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . ..................................... . 72
Scan Service Settings ...................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . 78
Email Service Settings .. . . ................................... . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . ......................... 86
Address Book Settings........... . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ........... 88
Folder Service Settings ................................... . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . .......................... 89
Job Flow Service Settings ....................... . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . ................................... . 90
Stored File Settings ................................ . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . ................................... . 91
Xerox®Versant®280 Press
System Administrator Guide
System Settings

System Settings Procedure

1. Log in as the Administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the UI control panel.
3. Select the Tools tab on the UI.
4. Select System Settings.
5. Select a Mode, Group, and Feature.
6. Set or change the feature options, as desired.
7. Select Save.
8. Exit the System Administration Mode.
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
System Settings

Common Service Settings

Use the Common Service Settings to select the default settings that affect the press itself. Common Service Settings include the following features:
System Clock / Timers
Use this feature to set the press clock time and the time intervals for various timers.
Power Saver Settings
You can change the time intervals for both the Low Power and Sleep modes to reflect a value of 1­30 minutes for each mode.
Audio Tones
Use this feature to select whether or not to sound an alarm for various press functions. For example, an alarm can be set to sound when a job ends or there is a fault.
Screen / Button Settings
Use this feature to set specific screens and buttons that will be displayed when the power is turned on or when the press exits power saver.
Paper Tray Settings
Use this feature to set items relating to the paper and trays.
Image Quality Adjustment
Use this feature to set the image quality processing method that is used when the press is scanning an original.
Use this feature to set the options which affect printable reports. For example, by selecting a specific option, the press will automatically print out a report after processing a specified number of jobs.
Use this feature to further customize the press settings, such as creating an alignment adjustment for a specific stock, to initialize the press hard disk or to delete data.
Use this feature to configure default settings for commonly used watermarks.
Forced Annotation
Use this feature to create and save annotation templates that can be used with copy, scan, and print jobs.
Print Universal Unique ID
Use this feature to select whether or not Universal Unique IDs are printed each job. Universal Unique IDs can be used with certain applications as a search key to retrieve print log information.
Notify Job Completion by E-mail
Use this feature to set whether or not a user receives an e-mail notification with the copy, scan, or
System Administrator Guide
Versant®280 Press
System Settings
print job results that were performed by the press.
Plug-in Settings
Use this feature to select and set any plug-in options, as applicable.
Other Settings
Use this feature to assign a variety of settings for commonly used features, such as default paper sizes.
SSyysstteemm CClloocckk aanndd TTiimmeerrss
Use the System Clock / Timers feature to set the press clock time and time intervals for various options:
Sets the date of the press clock. The date set here prints on lists and reports. Select from three different options when setting the date:
Sets the time of the press clock. The time set here prints on lists and reports. Select a 12-hour or a 24-hour representation.
Auto Clear
Sets the time period which determines when the press returns to its default screen; in other words, if a given time period elapses with no operation, the press automatically returns to the initial (default) screen. When this option is set for On, select a time period between 10-900 seconds, in one second intervals.
Note: Even if Off is selected, any currently scanned and pending jobs continue processing
after one minute of inactivity on the press.
Auto Job Release
If an error occurs during a copy or scan job, this sets the time that elapses until the current job is automatically cleared, thereby enabling the completion of the next job. When set for On, select a time period between 4-99 minutes in one-minute increments. Select Off if you do not want to use this feature.
Auto Print
Set the time from the end of print job until the execution of next print job. When set for On, select a time period between 1-240 seconds, in one second intervals. If Off is selected, printing can start immediately, once the press is ready.
Printer Lockout Duration
When set for On, select the time from the start to the end of printer lockout. Set the values from 0­23 hours and to 59 minutes. If you select Off no printer lockout occurs.
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
System Settings
Time Zone
Sets the time difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Daylight Savings Time
With this feature enabled, the press automatically adjusts the current time when the summer time starts and ends. Options include:
Adjust off: Select this feature if you do not want to use the Daylight Savings feature.
Adjust by Month, Day & Time: Select this feature to specify the start of the daylight savings
feature, by month, day and time.
Adjust by Month, Week, Day of Week & Time: Select this feature to specify the start of the
daylight savings feature, by month, week, day of the week and time.
SSeettttiinngg tthhee SSyysstteemm CClloocckk // TTiimmeerrss
1. Log in as the administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the UI.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. Select System SettingsCommon Service Settings.
5. Select System Clock / Timers.
6. Select the item to be set or changed.
7. Select Change Settings.
8. Select the desired setting for the option.
9. Select Save.
10. Select another item to set or change and repeat the previous steps, as needed.
11. Select Close.
The main Tools screen displays.
12. Exit the administrator mode.
PPoowweerr SSaavveerr SSeettttiinnggss
SSeettttiinngg aanndd CChhaannggiinngg tthhee PPoowweerr SSaavveerr TTiimmee IInntteerrvvaallss
Note: You can change the time intervals for the Low Power mode and the Sleep mode to reflect
a value of 1-30 minutes for each mode. In System Settings, you can also change or set other
options, such as deactivating the feature or saving power after printing completes.
1. Log in as the administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the UI.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. Select System SettingsCommon Service Settings.

5. Select Power Saver Settings.

System Administrator Guide
Versant®280 Press
System Settings
6. Select Power Saver Timers.
7. Select Change Settings.
8. Specify the time interval for Low Power mode and for Sleep mode:
a. From Last Operation to Low Power Mode: The default time is 1 minute. Specify the amount
of time between the last operation and when entering low-power mode. Select from 1 through 30 minutes, in 1-minute increments.
The time From Last Operation to Low Power mode must not exceed the time From Last Operation to Sleep Mode.
b. From Last Operation to Sleep Mode: The default time is 1 minute. Specify the amount of
time between the last operation and when entering into the Sleep mode. Select from 1 through 30 minutes, in 1-minute increments.
Ensure that the Sleep mode interval is set with a longer amount of time than Low Power mode.
9. Select Save.
10. Select Close.
The main Tools screen displays.
11. Exit the administrator mode.
AAuuddiioo TToonneess
Use the Audio Tones feature to select whether or not to sound an alarm for various press functions; for example an alarm can be set to sound when a job ends or when there is a fault.
Note: All options include volume selections of Loud, Normal, and Soft. To disable the sound for
any option, selectOff.
Options include:
Control Panel Select Tone
Select the volume level that sounds when a button on the UI is selected correctly.
Control Panel Alert Tone
Select the volume level that sounds when a non-functioning (or grayed-out) button is selected or when an error occurs.
Base Tone
For a button that toggles (the setting changes each time it is pressed), select the volume level that sounds when the button is in its initial (first) position. This is the sound made when you release the
Interrupt button.
Machine Ready Tone
Set the volume level that sounds when the press is ready to copy or print or after the press powers on.
Job Complete Tone 1
Select the volume level that sounds when the press successfully completes the specific cycle, such as a copy job. The default setting is Copy.
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
System Settings
Job Complete Tone 2
Select the volume level that sounds when the press successfully completes the specific cycle, such as a copy job. The default setting is Print Report.
Fault Tone
Select the volume level that sounds when there is an error termination.
Auto Clear Alert Tone
Select the volume level that sounds when the automatic clear feature is enabled.
Alert Tone
Select the volume level that sounds when a fault, such as a paper jam, occurs and the fault is left unattended.
Out of Paper Warning Tone
Select the volume level that sounds when there is no paper in the paper tray and the job is left unattended.
Low Toner Alert Tone
Select the volume level that sounds when it is time to replace the drum toner cartridge.
Stored Programming
Select the volume level that sounds when the Stored Programming feature is enabled.
SSeettttiinngg tthhee AAuuddiioo TToonneess
1. Log in as the administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the UI.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. Select System SettingsCommon Service Settings.
5. Select Audio Tones.
6. Select the item to be set or changed.
7. Select Change Settings.
8. Select the desired setting for the option.
9. Select Save.
10. Select another item to set or change and repeat the previous steps as needed.
11. Select Close.
The main Tools screen displays.
12. Exit the administrator mode.
SSccrreeeenn aanndd BBuuttttoonn SSeettttiinnggss
Use the Screen / Button Settings feature to set specific screens and buttons that are displayed when the power is turned on, when exiting Power Saver, and more. Options include:
System Administrator Guide
Versant®280 Press
System Settings
Screen Default
Assign a default screen that displays when the press powers on; selections include Services, Copy, Job Status, or Machine Status.
Service Screen Default
Assign a default to the service screen; selections include Services Home, Copy, or Stored Programming.
Service Screen After Auto Clear
Assign a default service screen that displays after Auto Clear occurs; select Services Home or Last Selection Screen.
Auto Display of Login Screen
When the Authentication feature is used, select whether or not to automatically display the login screen after turning the press on or after canceling the Power Saver mode.
All Services
Set the layout of service buttons that appear on the Services Home screen when pressing the
Services Home button on the control panel.
Services Home Screen Default
Select whether or not the Services Home screen displays a functional description of a button when it is selected.
Job Type on Job Status screen
Select the job types that to display on the Completed Jobs tab of the Job Status screen when the Job Status button on the control panel is pressed.
Custom Buttons 1-3
Assign features to the three custom buttons on the control panel. For example, one button may be assigned to the Copy feature and the other two buttons assigned to Stored Programming and Language.
Default Language
Set the default language for the press; this language appears on the UI.
Customize Keyboard Button
Use this option to enter and save frequently used information and to create a customized button on the UI keyboard screen. Frequently used information may be a domain name, an IP address, or other related data; for example: Only one UI keyboard button may be customized.
AAssssiiggnniinngg SSccrreeeenn aanndd BBuuttttoonn SSeettttiinnggss
1. Log in as the administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the UI.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. Select System SettingsCommon Service Settings.
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
System Settings
5. Select Screen / Button Settings.
6. Select the item to be set or changed.
7. Select Change Settings.
8. Select the desired setting for the option.
9. Select Save.
10. Select another item to set or change and repeat the previous steps as needed.
11. Select Close.
The main Tools screen displays.
12. Exit the administrator mode.
PPaappeerr TTrraayy SSeettttiinnggss

Use the Paper Tray Settings feature to set items relating to the paper and trays, including the following components:

Custom Paper Settings
Use this feature to assign and set specific paper attributes to a custom paper. For more information, refer to Custom Paper Settings.
Paper Tray Attributes
Use this feature to configure settings for specific paper characteristics for the paper that is loaded in each tray; options include:
Paper Size
Paper Type (such as plain, uncoated, or uncoated stock)
Paper Weight
Paper Color
Alignment Adjustment: Use this feature to make adjustments to the image based on the alignment output of a document. Adjustments can be modified such as: registration, perpendicularity, skew, and magnification.
Adjust Paper Curl: Use this feature when the output contains too much paper curl.
Auto Air Assist Values: Use this feature to switch on/off fans in a paper tray in order to eliminate misfeeds, multifeeds, paper jams, or other possible tray feeding problems.
Adjust Fold Position: Use this feature to adjust the fold position for various paper types, as well as set adjustment values to various default types. This option is available only if the press is equipped with the optional Standard Finisher, Booklet Maker Finisher, or Standard Finisher Plus.
Custom Paper Color Settings
Use this feature to assign a custom name for the color paper loaded in the press. A maximum of twelve characters can be entered for each custom color paper name.
Paper Tray Attributes on Setup Screen
The selection made on this screen determines whether or not the Paper Tray Attributes option is displayed on the Tools tab.
System Administrator Guide
Versant®280 Press
System Settings
Paper Tray Attributes During Loading
This features determines whether or not the Paper Tray Attributes option is displayed on the User Interface when a paper tray is opened and closed.
Paper Tray Priority
Use this feature to set the paper tray priority sequence for automatic tray selection. Automatic tray selection occurs when a tray containing the appropriate paper is automatically selected by the press for copying or printing.
Tray 5 (Bypass) Paper Size
Use this feature to assign specific paper sizes to Tray 5 (Bypass). This will facilitate easier copying when using Tray 5 (Bypass). A maximum of twenty paper sizes can be assigned to the Tray 5 (Bypass) size selections.
Auto Tray Switching Control
Use this feature to choose the auto tray switching method and how to copy mixed size documents.
SSeelleeccttiinngg oorr CChhaannggiinngg tthhee PPaappeerr TTrraayy SSeettttiinnggss
1. Log in as the administrator.
2. Press the Machine Status button on the UI.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. Select System SettingsCommon Service Settings.
5. Select Paper Tray Settings.
6. Select the item to be set or changed.
7. Select Change Settings.
8. Select the desired setting for the option.
9. Select Save.
10. Select another item to set or change and repeat the previous steps as needed.
11. Select Close.
The main Tools screen displays.
12. Exit the administrator mode.
CCuussttoomm PPaappeerr SSeettttiinnggss
Use this feature to assign and set specific paper attributes to a custom paper. You can create a maximum of 40 custom paper settings. Custom paper settings include the following options.
Assign a name to the new custom paper setting. When creating a name, use alphanumeric characters and symbols. Each name can have a maximum of 60 characters.
Xerox®Versant®280 Press System Administrator Guide
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