Xerox Asset DB Analyst User Manual

Version 4.8.1 MARCH 2021
Asset DB Analyst
User Manual
© 2021 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox® is a trademark of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. BRXXXXX
Other company trademarks are also acknowledged. Document Version: 1.0 (April 2021).
Analyst User Manual
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Table of Contents
1 DATA PREPARATION .......................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Meter Reading Errors ................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Field Validation Errors .................................................................................................. 4
2 VOLUME GENERATION ....................................................................................................... 6
Volume Generation Assumptions ................................................................................................ 6
1.1. Creating Volume Generation Assumptions .................................................................. 6
1.2. Editing and deleting Volume Assumptions ................................................................... 9
1.3. Assigning Volume Generation Assumptions ................................................................ 9
1.4. Generating Volumes ................................................................................................... 10
3 CALCULATING COSTS: THE TCO TOOL ........................................................................ 12
3.1 Creating a New TCO Analysis ................................................................................... 13
3.2 Assign a TCO Category Status to each printing asset .............................................. 13
3.3 Fetch Pricing and Yield Data ...................................................................................... 15
3.4 Adding in Customer Cost Data ................................................................................... 18
3.5 Removing Consumables ............................................................................................ 19
3.6 Local Consumables .................................................................................................... 20
3.6.1. Using previously created local consumables ........................................................ 22
3.6.2. Managing Consumables ........................................................................................ 22
3.7 View Devices for Consumables ................................................................................. 23
3.8 Setting up contracts .................................................................................................... 23
3.8.1. Setting up a Lease or Rental contract ................................................................... 25
3.8.2. Setting up a Cost per Click Contract ..................................................................... 26
3.8.3. Setting up a Tri-Colour Cost per Click Contract .................................................... 26
3.8.4. Other Support Cost contracts ................................................................................ 27
3.8.5. Exporting and importing contract data .................................................................. 28
3.9 Creating Assumption Sets .......................................................................................... 28
3.10 Assign Contracts and Assumption Sets ..................................................................... 30
3.11 Calculate the costs ..................................................................................................... 32
3.12 Import and Export TCO Analyses .............................................................................. 32
3.13 Move TCO data to the Current State in Asset DB ..................................................... 33
3.14 Confirm TCO costs ..................................................................................................... 34
4 CALCULATING CO2: THE GREEN CALCULATOR .......................................................... 35
4.1 Starting a Green Calculation Analysis ....................................................................... 35
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4.2 Treat As ...................................................................................................................... 36
4.3 Assumptions ............................................................................................................... 37
4.4 Calculate ..................................................................................................................... 39
4.5 Import and Export Green Analyses ............................................................................ 40
5 USER DATA ........................................................................................................................ 41
5.1 Import User Data ........................................................................................................ 41
5.2 Mapping and Viewing ................................................................................................. 42
6 ANALYST FEATURES ........................................................................................................ 44
6.1 Statistics ..................................................................................................................... 44
6.2 Highlight/Filter Assets Tool......................................................................................... 45
6.3 Showing Distances around Icons ............................................................................... 48
7 THE PRINT ASSESSMENT SUMMARY REPORT ............................................................ 49
8 PORTFOLIO ........................................................................................................................ 50
8.1 Exporting Portfolio ...................................................................................................... 50
8.2 Import Portfolio ........................................................................................................... 51
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1 Data Preparation
The Data Preparation tab presents you with an alternative view on your asset data and helps you to prepare your data ready for the Volume Generation step described in Section 2, where you can calculate average monthly volumes for your fleet. Here you can:
View your project assets in tabular format. ▪ Verify and edit meter reading data. ▪ Set and assign assumptions for volume generation. ▪ Calculate and view monthly volumes for each asset.
All print/scan assets that exist in your project (including those that are out of scope) will appear in the data preparation tab. There is a search bar at the bottom of the window which works in the same way as the one in the current state asset table and which you can use to quickly find an asset using several different criteria.
Double click on an asset in the table and you will be taken to the current state where the asset will be highlighted on the floor plan. If you click on the button on the left-hand side of the
device row, the row will expand to show you the meter readings (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Show meter readings
1.1 Meter Reading Errors
Once you have gathered all your audit data and you come to the data cleanse part of your project, you can use the Data Preparation tab to review your meter readings. The indications in the Meter Status column show whether volumes can be calculated correctly or not for each device. A warning symbol indicates meter-reading errors (see Figure 2). Hovering over the
warning symbol will show the explanation of the error. Expand the row using the button on the left of the row and any problematic meter readings will be shown in red. A warning symbol will appear when:
Sub-meters don’t add up to the total meter for the same date (e.g. the sum of Total Mono
and Total Colour is larger than Life Total).
A reading for a later date is smaller than the reading for an earlier date. ▪ Readings are present for a field, which is not visible in the Meter Readings tab. This can
occur when meter readings are imported for devices which do not have all their capabilities correctly ticked (e.g. Importing A3 Colour readings for a device which does not have ‘A3 Capable’ and Colour Capable ticked).
There are no meter readings at all for the device. To rectify these errors, you will either need to edit the meter readings (this can be done on
this tab) or edit the capabilities of the asset in the Details Panel on the Current State tab.
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Figure 2. Meter reading status
1.2 Field Validation Errors
The indications in the Validation column show whether there are any validation errors present for an asset. Hovering over the warning symbol will give an explanation as to which fields have validation errors and the reason why they are invalid. You are then able to use the filter option
next to the header in the Validation column, in order to only show rows that contain a
particular error.
Where there are many validation errors occurring for the same reason (e.g. Manufacture Date missing) you can fix the problem directly in the Data Preparation tab without having to go back into the current state. In order to do so, right-click on the Validation column header and select Show Invalid Columns from the pop-up (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Validation column options
New columns for the fields that contain validation errors will now be displayed to the right of the Validation column. To change the values for a single asset simply right-click in the tab and select Set field value. To change assets in bulk, mark all assets that need amending, right-click in one of the cells that you want to change the value of and again select Set field value (see Figure 4).
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Figure 4. Editing invalid fields in bulk
To change the visible columns in this table, right-click in any column header bar and choose ‘More…’ from the options. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to choose which columns you want to display (see Figure 5).
Figure 5. Selecting which columns to display
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2 Volume Generation
Volume Generation is a tool that calculates average monthly volumes based on various criteria.
Asset DB will generate average monthly volumes from individual meter readings. To calculate this, each device will either need two meter readings, or an installation date and one meter reading, or a manufacture date and one meter reading.
Before generating volumes, you should ensure that you have reviewed your data in the Data Preparation tab. You may also want to define Assumption Sets. These allow you to set parameters to fill in any gaps in the data - for example, where functionality-specific meter readings are not available.
Volume Generation Assumptions
Volume Generation Assumptions allow you to specify criteria for generating volumes in your project. The assumptions allow Asset DB to produce a detailed calculation even when the data you have is more general.
1.1. Creating Volume Generation Assumptions
To set up your assumptions, click the Add, remove or edit Assumption Sets used for volume generation button above the Data Preparation tab (see Figure 6).
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Figure 6. Create or edit volume generation assumptions
Figure 7. Manage Volume Generation Assumption Sets window
There is a default assumption set within Asset DB, which will be applied automatically to all devices unless you create your own assumptions and apply those.
To create a new assumption set, click the Create new button at the top of the pop-up. Once you have edited the default values as necessary, click Update to save your changes.
The fields you can edit are:
Name – so you can tell the assumptions apart when you assign them to assets. ▪ Manufacture date adjustment – the number of days to add to the manufacture date to
simulate a realistic installation date. This will be used only in the event a specific installation date is not available.
Colour percentage of total – the proportion of the total or Life meter reading that will
be treated as colour. This will be used only if specific colour meter readings are not available. The default value is 75%, however if you click on ‘Calculate from Project’ you will get the value for the actual calculated colour percentage for all devices that have complete data, i.e. full mono and colour volumes or meter readings
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Colour percentage of mono + level 1 – the proportion of mono + level 1 meter reading
that will be treated as colour. This will be used only if separate mono and level 1 colour meter readings are not available.
Large paper percentage of total – the proportion of the total or Life meter reading that
will be treated as large format. This will be used only if a specific large meter reading is not available.
Duplex percentage the proportion of the total or Life meter reading that will be treated
as duplex. This will be used only if a specific duplex reading is not available.
Colour split
This applies to tri-colour meter devices and allows you to manage the split of colour volume between each of the three levels when all you have is an overall colour value. The sum of the three percentages in this section should equal 100 as they refer to the percentage of the total colour volume that should be attributed to each level, not the percentage of the total volume to be attributed. If there is a single colour meter reading for a tri-colour meter device, the percentages here will be applied to the volume calculated from that. If there is only a Life Total for a tri-colour meter device, the percentages will be applied to the volume calculated from the Colour percentage of total split applied further up in the assumption.
In an ideal world, you would always gather specific readings for each of the available meter reading types on a device. For an A3 colour device, that would mean having Standard Mono, Large Mono, Standard Colour, Large Colour and Life Total readings. Sometimes, however, it is only possible to obtain a total or Life reading, and calculating a volume from there without assumptions would mean that you wouldn’t have a colour/mono or standard/large split, which could greatly affect your TCO.
All the values entered into the assumption set will only be applied where there are gaps in your project data; they will not be used in circumstances where the real installation date or where
functionality-specific readings are present.
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1.2. Editing and deleting Volume Assumptions
To edit an assumption you have created previously, click to select the assumption in the list on the left hand side of the pop-up and type your values into the fields on the right. Click Update to save your changes.
To delete an assumption, click to select it from the list, then click the Delete button above the list.
You can create as many assumptions as you require for a particular project.
1.3. Assigning Volume Generation Assumptions
Once volume generation assumptions have been defined, they should be assigned to devices in the Data Preparation tab. Volumes for devices to which a user-created assumption has not been assigned will be calculated using the Default assumptions.
To assign user-created assumptions to devices, you can select the relevant devices and right­click on any one of them. Using menu option ‘Assign Assumption Set’, you can select the assumption set to be used for the selected devices. By default, all other devices will use the ‘Default’ Assumption Set.
Figure 8. Assigning Assumption Sets to multiple devices
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Alternatively, you can assign Assumption Sets to individual devices by clicking in the Assumption Set column for the device in the Data Preparation table and selecting the assumption set to be used.
Figure 9. Assigning Assumption Sets to devices individually
1.4. Generating Volumes
Once Assumption Sets have been created and assigned to devices, volumes can be generated for all devices in a project or for a sub-set of the devices. To generate volumes for all assets,
click on the ‘Generate Volumes’ button in the Asset DB toolbar and click ‘All Asset’, or use keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl-G’.
To generate volumes for a sub-set of devices in your project, you should select the devices from the Data Preparation table for which you wish to generate monthly volumes and then click the ‘Generate Volumes’ button in the Asset DB toolbar and choose ‘Selected assets…’.
To overwrite any previously generated volumes, make sure to tick the ‘Overwrite’ box. This is un- ticked by default but any changes made to the tick status are remembered for the project in the local version.
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Figure 10. Generating volumes for selected assets
You will then be presented with a breakdown of the results of the volume generation calculation, showing the following:
Eligible assets updated the number of devices for which new monthly volume values
were calculated and applied.
Eligible assets not requiring update – the number of devices for which the newly
calculated monthly values are the same as the values already present.
Eligible assets not calculated – the number of devices for which no new monthly
volume values could be calculated because not enough meter reading data was available. This may be because no meter reading data at all is available for the asset or because only one meter reading is available and there is no installation or manufacture date available.
Assets with volume generation errors – the meter reading data present is incorrect.
Very often, this is because two meter readings are available but the meter reading value for the later date is lower than a meter reading previously recorded.
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Figure 11. Volume generation summary
3 Calculating costs: The TCO Tool
For the TCO analysis, cost and yield data relating to printers and MFDs is held on a server hosted by Xerox, which allows easier and faster updates of the database. In order to access this data, an Internet connection will be required. If you choose to manually enter all pricing, consumable and other data, then you will be able to perform a TCO analysis without needing an Internet connection.
To access Xerox’s database, firstly check whether your organisation uses a Proxy Server or direct connection to access the Internet. If using a proxy server, you will need to know the proxy settings so that you can enter them on the Server tab under Options > General Options, Asset DB Cloud.
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Figure 12. Configuration for use of proxy server
3.1 Creating a New TCO Analysis
Setting up a TCO Analysis in Asset DB is similar to the core project. You select File > New > TCO Analysis. This will then bring up a pop-up requesting you name your new TCO Analysis. Click OK and the new TCO Analysis will be created. An existing TCO Analysis can be opened by navigating to File > Open, and selecting the relevant one from the list of TCO Analyses linked to the project you have opened. Once a TCO analysis is created or opened, a new workspace area is created (see Figure 13), showing a list of all the printers and MFDs in the scope of the Asset DB project, including the ones that have not been plotted but for which you have data in the table view. There is a 10 Step process to completing a TCO Analysis.
Figure 13. TCO Tab View
3.2 Assign a TCO Category Status to each printing asset
The first step is to decide how you want to perform the cost calculation on each print enabled device in the project. To assign a cost category, you can either left-click in the relevant cell in the Cost Category column to bring up options or you can click and drag to select multiple devices
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from the list, right-click one of the selected assets and use the ‘Cost Category’ option to select a category.
Figure 14. Assign a cost category to devices individually
Figure 15. Assign a cost category to multiple devices
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The available Cost Categories are:
Under Contract : Device is subject to an agreement with a lease provider or
Purchased : Device has no other on-going cost associated with it. ▪ Both : Applies where a printer has been purchased but there is also a
contract associated with it.
Top tip: Sort data alphabetically by clicking different column headers. You can then select
multiple devices at one time and apply the same Cost Category status allocation to the group. You can also filter the TCO categories by clicking the filter symbol to the right of the column header and clicking the tick boxes.
Once a Category Status has been selected this will be shown in the Cost Category’ column. Hovering over the red warning triangle in the Status column will display what information is still required before the TCO calculation can be performed.
3.3 Fetch Pricing and Yield Data
The next step is to fetch pricing and consumable information on all devices so that all the relevant data is available for an accurate TCO calculation. This step can be performed by clicking
the Fetch Data button . Once this has been done, you will see how many assets data was found for.
Note: if you use a proxy server to access the Internet you will need to enter your proxy server details via the main menu at Options > General Options… Asset DB Cloud.
Once the data has been collected, it will be displayed on the screen as per Figure 16 below.
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