Xerox Asset DB User Manual

Version 4.8.1 MARCH 2021
Asset DB Auditor User Manual
© 2021 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox® is a trademark of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. BRXXXXX
Other company trademarks are also acknowledged. Document Version: 1.0 (April 2021).
Auditor User Manual
- i - Asset DB v4.8.1
Table of Contents
1 GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Creating a New Project .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Importing an Existing Project ..................................................................................... 1
1.3 Opening an Existing Project ...................................................................................... 2
2 WORKSPACE OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 3
3 FONT SCALING ........................................................................................................................ 3
4 LANGUAGE SETTINGS ........................................................................................................... 4
5 PROJECT STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................... 4
5.1 Creating a project structure ....................................................................................... 4
5.2 Searching within the project structure ....................................................................... 5
5.3 Marking project tree elements as complete or incomplete ........................................ 7
5.4 Assigning Sites, Buildings and Floors ....................................................................... 7
5.5 Project Contacts......................................................................................................... 8
5.6 Required Format for Floor Plans ............................................................................... 9
5.7 Making Changes to Floor Plans in Asset DB .......................................................... 10
6 SCALING FLOOR PLANS ...................................................................................................... 11
7 MEASUREMENT TOOL .......................................................................................................... 13
8 DEPARTMENT MAPPING ...................................................................................................... 13
8.1 Drawing Department Zones ..................................................................................... 14
9 ASSET TABLE VIEW .............................................................................................................. 16
9.1 Filtering Columns ..................................................................................................... 16
9.2 Table Tools .............................................................................................................. 17
10 PLOTTING ASSETS ............................................................................................................... 18
10.1 Positioning Icons from Icon Tab .............................................................................. 18
10.2 Unplotting Assets ..................................................................................................... 19
10.3 Plotting Icons from the Asset Table View ................................................................ 19
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10.4 Adaptive Icons ......................................................................................................... 20
10.5 Types of Assets ....................................................................................................... 21
10.6 Make and Model Input ............................................................................................. 21
10.7 Meter Readings........................................................................................................ 23
10.8 Barcode Scanners ................................................................................................... 24
10.9 Digital Cameras ....................................................................................................... 24
10.10 Thumbnail Gallery .................................................................................................... 24
10.11 Copy and Paste ....................................................................................................... 25
10.12 General Navigation for Auditing ............................................................................... 26
11 VIEWING ASSET INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 26
11.1 Viewing the Web Page for a Device ........................................................................ 27
11.2 Search ...................................................................................................................... 27
11.3 Statistics ................................................................................................................... 28
11.4 Filter ......................................................................................................................... 28
12 FURTHER ASSET FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................. 29
12.1 Changing Device Type ............................................................................................ 29
12.2 Relocating Assets .................................................................................................... 29
12.3 Multiple Selection ..................................................................................................... 30
13 FLOOR NOTES ....................................................................................................................... 30
14 PREPARING PROJECT FOR EXPORT AND SHARING ...................................................... 31
14.1 Adjusting global settings in Asset DB ...................................................................... 31
15 ICON LABELS ......................................................................................................................... 32
15.1 Displaying labels ...................................................................................................... 32
15.2 Configuring labels .................................................................................................... 33
15.3 Customising Labels ................................................................................................. 34
15.4 Adding Borders to a Floor Plan ............................................................................... 36
15.5 Adjusting Floor plan Image Size .............................................................................. 36
15.6 Automated Label Placement ................................................................................... 37
16 FLOOR PLAN KEYS .............................................................................................................. 38
17 IMPORTING AND EXPORTING DATA .................................................................................. 39
17.1 Exporting Data ......................................................................................................... 39
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17.2 Importing Data ......................................................................................................... 40
17.2.1 Import External Data ................................................................................................ 40
17.2.2 Using External Data before Mapping ...................................................................... 46
17.2.3 Date format when importing External Data ............................................................. 47
17.2.4 Import Asset DB Data .............................................................................................. 49
17.3 CSV Data Format .................................................................................................... 50
17.4 External Data Lookup .............................................................................................. 51
18 EXPORTING FLOOR PLANS ................................................................................................. 54
19 ICON CUSTOMISATION ......................................................................................................... 54
19.1 Icon Customisations ................................................................................................ 55
19.1.1 Icons ......................................................................................................................... 56
19.1.2 Icon Properties ......................................................................................................... 57
19.1.3 Colour Rules ............................................................................................................ 58
19.1.4 Fields ........................................................................................................................ 59
19.1.5 Validations ............................................................................................................... 61
19.1.6 Visibility .................................................................................................................... 62
19.2 Field Customisations ............................................................................................... 63
20 IMPORTING AND EXPORTING BACKUPS .......................................................................... 66
21 ORGANISING PROJECTS ..................................................................................................... 66
22 ASSET DB CLOUD ................................................................................................................. 68
22.1 How to connect to Asset DB Cloud ......................................................................... 68
22.2 Synchronising Projects ............................................................................................ 69
22.3 Project Notifications ................................................................................................. 72
23 DEACTIVATING YOUR ASSET DB LICENCE ...................................................................... 72
Auditor User Manual
- 1 - Asset DB v4.8.1
1 Getting Started
There are three ways to begin using Asset DB when first opened.
1.1 Creating a New Project
To create a new project from scratch select File > New > Project1.
1.2 Importing an Existing Project
If an Asset DB project file or a project xml file has been supplied and is saved elsewhere on your PC, go to File > Import > Project2 and navigate to the supplied file. Asset DB project files have the extension .atd and xml project files have the extension .zip.
Figure 1. Import > Project
Note: Import Project should only be used for loading new or backup project files rather than each
time the application is used. For day to day use of an existing project, use Open Project instead.
Create New project functionality is not available with all licence types
Import of .atd files is not available with all licence types
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1.3 Opening an Existing Project
Go to File > Open or click the Open Project button at the top left to open a pop-up containing the list of available projects. Select the desired project from the list and click OK to open.
Figure 2. Open Project
You can sort the Name and “Last Used columns by clicking in the header. You can also search for a project using the search bar in the top right.
If you have a TCO Analysis, Green Calculation, or Solution linked to a project, you can simultaneously select it along with the project and open both together at the same time if your licence level permits this. Please refer to the Analyst or Architect Manual for further assistance.
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2 Workspace Overview
Figure 3. Workspace overview
3 Font Scaling
To optimise the Asset DB interface for different screen resolutions go to Options >Font Scaling and select the amount you want your font to increase. Once selected, a pop-up window will appear advising you that the changes will only take effect once Asset DB is restarted.
Figure 4. Font Scaling
Zoom Control
Statistics Console
Organisation Console
Asset Table
Tabbed Tool Console
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4 Language Settings
Go to Options >General Options and select the Language tab in the pop-up. You will then be able change your Asset DB language here. Changes will only take effect once Asset DB is restarted.
Figure 5. Language Selection
5 Project Structure
5.1 Creating a project structure
The console to the top right of the floor workspace is used to build the logical structure of your organisation as shown in Figure 3. An organisation is represented as a tree of objects comprised in hierarchical order of project, site, building, and floor. To add a new object, simply select the parent object in the tree then click the appropriate button found in the toolbar above the tree. For example, to add a new building to a site, click the site to which you wish to add a building, then click the Add Building button in the toolbar, see Figure 6.
The tool bar at the top of the Organisation Console has several functions. Other than adding sites, buildings, floors you can also attach floor plans, move objects up and down, sort objects in ascending or descending order and mark sites, buildings and floors as complete.
Figure 6. Project organisation tree actions
Delete Object
object up/
Mark Object as Complete
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Within the Project Tree, you will see the hierarchical organisation of floors within a building, buildings within a site and sites within a project. If you choose to insert a secondary object within a parent object, this object will appear directly below the selected object and not directly at the bottom of the list. This will be the case whether inserting a site, building or floor (see Figure 7).
Figure 7. Inserting secondary objects
To sort objects in the list, use the green arrows to move objects up or down. To sort within a parent object you can use the blue triangle icons to sort child objects alphabetically, e.g. to sort floors within buildings or buildings within sites, etc.
5.2 Searching within the project structure
Searching for objects within the Organisation Console is possible through the search bar located at the bottom of the console (see Figure 8). By default, the search will run on the object name but
you can choose to include other data fields in the search by clicking the search button to the left of the search field, selecting the level for which you would like to include more data fields and then ticking the fields you would like to be included in the following pop-up (see Figure 9).
Note: the search acts as a filter and will hide objects from view. In order to show all sites,
buildings and floors again you must clear the search bar using the grey cross icon to the right of the search field (see Figure 8).
Floor 2 appears
below selected floor
Add Floor
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Figure 8. Search
Figure 9. Select Site fields to include in search
Once a new object has been added to the tree, its details may be changed in the console at the top left hand side of the screen.
Figure 10. Floor Details
Clear search
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At floor level, digital images of floor plans may be attached by selecting the paperclip icon (see Figure 6). Should the floor or other level be added in the wrong place in the organisational tree, it may be repositioned up or down within that level using the arrow buttons or deleted entirely using the Delete button (also in Figure 6).
5.3 Marking project tree elements as complete or incomplete
In the project tree, it is possible to select sites, buildings, and floors and then to mark them as complete.
This might be a good idea when different parts of the project have been assigned to different people (see section 22 for more details), in order to have an overview as to how much work has been done so far.
To mark an element as complete, simply select it in the project tree and then click on the green
tick in the Project Tree console (see Figure 8). The element will then show a green tick next to it. Once synchronised with the Asset DB Cloud (see section 22), these changes can then be downloaded by other users. If an element has erroneously been marked as complete, the green tick can be removed by selecting the element in the project tree and then clicking on the red cross
5.4 Assigning Sites, Buildings and Floors
Once you have connected to the Asset DB Cloud and synchronised your project (See section 21), you have the possibility of assigning a name to each site, building, and floor. This facilitates collaboration between several people on a same project by making it clear who should be working on which element.
To do this you need to double click on a site, building or floor in the project tree and a second line will become visible in which you can enter a person’s name. (See Figure 11)
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Figure 11. Assigning a Floor
Once a name is entered, hit ENTER and it is saved. If anyone else is working on the project simultaneously and is also connected to the Asset DB Cloud, they will see these updates instantly.
Please note that when you duplicate a project with assignments in the Project Tree, then these assignments will be lost as they are stored on the server and not in the project itself.
5.5 Project Contacts
Contacts are project specific and are synchronised to the Asset DB Cloud when the project is. Project contacts can be added in several ways:
The first is to use the button. This will open up a dialogue box in which a list of contacts can be added. To create a new contact, click the button, fill in the required fields then click
Add. To edit a contact, select them in the list, make the necessary changes then click Update.
The second way of adding contacts is to do it directly from the Contact field. Clicking on the magnifying glass will bring up the list of existing contacts with at the top of it, the option to add new contacts. This will open the dialogue box shown in Figure 12.
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Figure 12. Add Contact
Fill in the contact details then click Create. Once a list of contacts has been set up, they can be assigned to buildings or assets. The latter
requires the default icon customisations to be modified to include Contact fields (see section
18). To assign an existing contact, start typing the contact name, email or phone number in the
Contact field and then pick from the drop-down list.
5.6 Required Format for Floor Plans
Asset DB requires that scanned floor plans are size A3 with a resolution of 300dpi and 8bit colour depth or less. The floor plan must not be any larger than 2400 x 1700 pixels. These settings are optimal for speed of navigation and essential to the successful addition of floor plans. Floor plan images larger than the maximum size cannot be added.
Supported file formats are:
PNG (preferred format for computer generated images) ▪ JPEG (preferred format for scanned images) ▪ TIFF ▪ GIF
The optimal format is a computer generated PNG of less than 2MB per floor. If your floor plan is above the recommended size, Asset DB will automatically scale this image to the maximum recommended size. It is essential that the floor plan match the sizing criteria laid out above for it to be successfully added to your project.
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Adding a floor plan to a floor that already has assets plotted (see section 9) may cause assets to be misaligned with the new floor plan or be un-plotted if they fall outside the boundaries of the new floor plan. If this occurs, you will be warned via the pop-up in Figure 13.
Figure 13. Attach Floor Plan warning
5.7 Making Changes to Floor Plans in Asset DB
After selecting a floor plan to import, there will be a pop up with options for adjusting your floor plan.
Figure 14. Attach Floor Plan dialogue
Here you have the option to decrease the image size, convert your floor plan to grayscale or rotate it. These changes should be made before you plot any icons on the floor, as the icons will not rotate or scale with the floor plan.
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6 Scaling Floor Plans
To be able to measure distances, the floor plan must be drawn to scale and you must set the scale using the Scale Floor tool. To scale the floor plan you will need to know the length in feet or metres of a particular section on the floor plan. Typically this would be the length of a wall or partition or the width of a doorway.
To set the scale of the floor plan use either Project > Scale Floor > Scale Floor Plan (Ctrl+Shift-S) or use the Scale Floor Planbutton at the bottom of the Statistics tab.
Figure 15. Select the Scale tool
Figure 16. Enter a scale for the line drawn
Top tip: Standard doorways are typically 0.9 metres or 3 feet in width.
Once selected, your cursor will appear as crosshairs. Click to place the start point of the object you are using to scale the floor. At this point your cursor will create a double ended arrow. Find your end point, and click again to complete the arrow. Once your scale line is drawn use the pop-up dialogue to define the length of that line in feet or metres.
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To verify that you have set your scale correctly, use the Measure Tool as described in section 7.
The measurement will remain on the floor. You can toggle the green measurement arrow on and off by using Project > Scale Floor > Show Measurement (Ctrl+Shift-M). This will show or hide the arrow and measurement that was entered as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17. Show scaled floor measurement
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7 Measurement Tool
The measurement tool allows you to measure distances from one point to another point on a scaled floor plan and also a circular radius around the measurement. This is dependent on setting a scale for the floor (described in section 6).
Figure 18. Measurement tool
Select Measure from the Tools menu and simply click and drag away from a point on the floor plan to display the distance measurement. A click of the mouse or a tap on the tablet pen will make it disappear. To deselect the measurement tool, click on the Cursor icon.
8 Department Mapping
The first step you should perform before placing any of your assets onto the floor plan is to define your department names and draw your departments on the plan. By defining your departments first, the department drop down in the asset detail window (explained in section 7.1) will populate automatically, speeding up the input process.
The Departments tab (see Figure 19) enables you to define your departments. Click the Add button, name your department and choose a colour for that department. If you decide to change a colour for the department click the Edit button to amend. Repeat this process until you have defined all departments. You can add more departments later on in the process as needed.
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Top Tip: Choose bold colours for each department to give you more control over how brightly
they appear on your floor plan.
Figure 19. Departments Tab
Figure 20. Adding Multiple Departments
8.1 Drawing Department Zones
On the Department tab, select a department from the list you created earlier and click the “Draw button. Your cursor will appear as crosshairs. You can now draw a rectangular department on the floor by clicking in one corner and dragging away to the opposite corner of the department.
The four corners will show as black nodes, each of which can be moved to suit the shape of the department you are mapping.
New nodes can also be added as required by clicking on one of the edges of the department and dragging away as shown in Figure 21.
Multiple departments can be added at the same time if required by clicking the Add Multiple Departments tick box in the Add Department pop-up. This allows you to add a list of departments with each one inserted on a new line (see Figure 20). Asset DB will then assign a random colour to each entry. If the colour is not suitable then it can be edited afterwards by selecting the department from the list and clicking Edit.
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Figure 21. Drawing departments
Alternatively, a department can be drawn by clicking on the floor plan to place points marking the corners of the department zone. To complete, hover over the first point until you see a yellow border around it and then click on the first point again. Once your department zone is drawn you can select it by clicking anywhere within it. Just like a rectangular department, this type of department map can also be amended by moving existing nodes or creating new ones.
The cost per square foot/metre for a department zone can be entered in the details console to the left of the workspace. Please note that a cost may be entered at any level in the organisation tree but costs defined lower in the tree will override costs defined at higher levels.
Figure 22. Enter cost details for the department zone
Once a department is drawn, the name of that department will appear in a box within the department zone. You can drag this box around the department zone to find a suitable place for
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it, but it will not move outside the area you have drawn. You can change the colour and size of this label by going to Options > Display Options (Alt-Enter) and choosing the Departments tab.
A department zone can be deleted by selecting the zone on the floor plan and using the Delete icon in the tool bar or pressing the Delete key. Deleting a department zone from the floor plan will not delete any assets within the zone. If you decide to place a new department over the assets, those assets will be automatically assigned to the newly created department zone.
9 Asset Table View
Figure 23. Table View
The table view allows you to view and filter your assets based on a variety of criteria. You can expand or collapse the table by dragging the top bar up or down.
To change the visible columns, right click in any column header bar and choose from the options on the menu. When you click More a list of available columns to add to the table will display, allowing you to decide which columns you are viewing.
9.1 Filtering Columns
Columns in the table can be filtered by clicking on the right side of the column header as shown in Figure 24. To show only one make of devices, you remove the tick marks from the others. To take off the filter, click All” or right click on the heading bar and select Clear All Filters.
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Figure 24. Filter View
9.2 Table Tools
Figure 25. Table Tools
On the right side of the table, there are 4 buttons for you to use in conjunction with the table. They perform the following functions.
Plot Asset - Described in section 10.3, this button allows you to plot an asset on your table that is not yet positioned on a floor plan
Change the Asset Type- Asset DB will assign a type of device to a model when it is imported into the table (Section 17.2.2). To change it, or to set it in the first place if a
device is not recognised, select and choose the correct icon.
Relocate - Allows you to relocate a device to a new floor. More information on relocation can be found in section 12.2.
Tool Button - Allows you to change settings on the table. The option to show assets without a floor is found here.
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10 Plotting Assets
10.1 Positioning Icons from Icon Tab
Figure 26. Icon Tab
The Icons tab to the bottom left of the workspace can be used to select assets to be placed onto the floor plan. To see what each icon represents, hover over it to display a description. After clicking on the appropriate icon, it will “stick” to the cursor until placed on the floor plan by clicking again in the desired location.
The icons can be resized using the slider shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27. Icon Size Slider
You can add more icons to your toolset if necessary. Instructions on how to add icons is found in section 19. If an icon is selected unintentionally, you can click the Cursor button at the top of
the screen to cancel selection.
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Once an asset has been placed on the floor plan, details may be entered in the Asset Details console to the top left of the workspace. When data entry is complete, click the Update button to save the details.
If you are unhappy with the location of an asset, it can be moved by dragging it with the pen or left mouse button.
Note: All actions such as placing and moving assets on the floor plan are instantly saved. The
application may be terminated at any time and no data will be lost.
10.2 Unplotting Assets
Once plotted on a floor plan; an asset can be removed by right clicking and selecting Unplot Asset See Figure 28. The asset will be removed from the floor plan but will not be unassigned from the floor. The asset will remain in the Asset Table below the Floor Plan window but removed the icon will be removed from floor plan.
Figure 28. Unplotting an asset
10.3 Plotting Icons from the Asset Table View
After importing external data (Section 17.2.1) you may have some devices that are not plotted. To see all devices that have not been plotted, first click and make sure the box is ticked in front
of Include assets without a floor. Then, click on the right hand side of the Plotted column header, tick the box in front of False and untick True to show only unplotted assets. If False is not an option, all of your devices have been plotted.
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