Weinmann prisma20C, prisma25S-C, prisma20A, prisma25ST, prismaCR Instructions For Use Manual

prisma20C prisma25S-C prisma20A prisma25ST prismaCR prismaLAB prisma25S prismaAQUA prisma30ST prisma30ST-C
Sleep therapy devices
Instructions for use for devices of type WM 100 TD and type WM 100 TH
Table of contents
Table of contents
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Intended use ................................................................................. 5
1.2 Function ........................................................................................ 6
1.3 User qualifications ......................................................................... 7
1.4 Indications .................................................................................... 7
1.5 Contraindications .......................................................................... 9
1.6 Side effects ................................................................................. 10
2 Safety 11
2.1 Safety information ....................................................................... 11
2.2 General information .................................................................... 14
2.3 Warnings in this document .......................................................... 15
3 Product description 16
3.1 Therapy device overview .............................................................. 16
3.2 Display ........................................................................................ 17
3.3 Components ............................................................................... 23
3.4 Accessories ................................................................................. 24
3.5 Labels and symbols ..................................................................... 25
4 Preparation 30
4.1 Setting up the therapy device ...................................................... 30
4.2 Connecting components .............................................................. 30
4.3 Connecting optional accessories .................................................. 34
5 Operation 43
5.1 Navigating the menu ................................................................... 43
5.2 Switching on the therapy device .................................................. 43
5.3 Switching off the therapy device .................................................. 46
5.4 Starting the therapy .................................................................... 46
5.5 Ending the therapy ...................................................................... 48
5.6 Performing a mask test ................................................................ 49
5.7 Switching softSTART on/off ......................................................... 50
5.8 Setting the respiratory air humidifier ............................................ 51
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5.9 Setting the alarm ......................................................................... 54
5.10 Viewing therapy data and device information ............................... 56
5.11 Using the SD card ........................................................................ 58
6 Settings in the menu 62
6.1 Setting comfort parameters ......................................................... 62
6.2 Setting accessories parameters .................................................... 63
6.3 Setting time parameters .............................................................. 64
6.4 Setting device parameters ............................................................ 65
7 Hygienic preparation 66
7.1 General information .................................................................... 66
7.2 Cleaning intervals ........................................................................ 66
7.3 Hygienic preparation of the therapy device ................................... 67
7.4 Hygienic preparation of the respiration hose ................................ 69
7.5 Hygienic preparation of the respiratory air humidifier ................... 70
8 Function check 76
8.1 Intervals ...................................................................................... 76
8.2 Checking the therapy device ........................................................ 76
8.3 Checking the respiratory air humidifier ......................................... 77
9 Alarms and error messages 78
9.1 Alarms ........................................................................................ 78
9.2 Faults in the therapy device ......................................................... 80
9.3 Faults in the respiratory air humidifier .......................................... 81
9.4 Display messages ........................................................................ 81
10 Maintenance 83 11 Storage and disposal 84
11.1 Storage ....................................................................................... 84
11.2 Disposal ...................................................................................... 84
12 Appendix 85
12.1 Technical data ............................................................................. 85
12.2 Pressure volume curve ................................................................. 93
12.3 Pneumatic system diagram .......................................................... 93
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12.4 Separation distances ................................................................... 94
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Table of contents
12.5 Scope of supply ........................................................................... 94
12.6 Warranty ..................................................................................... 99
12.7 Declaration of conformity ............................................................ 99
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1 Introduction
1.1 Intended use
1.1.1 WM 100 TD therapy devices
The WM 100 TD devices are pressure-controlled, non-invasive, non-life-sustaining therapy devices for the treatment of sleep­related respiratory disorders (SRRDs) or intermittent treatment of respiratory insufficiency by means of a mask.
The devices can be used on persons weighing above 30 kg. The CPAP mode can be used on persons above the age of 3 years. The device may only be used on the instruction of a physician.
The WM 100 TD devices are used in clinical facilities and in domestic situations. In domestic situations, the devices are also taken on trips.
1 Introduction
1.1.2 WM 100 TH respiratory air humidifiers
The integrable respiratory air humidifiers WM 100 TH are used to enrich the air flow created by the therapy device WM 100 TD with moisture. The respiratory air humidifier WM 100 TH warms and humidifies the respiratory air and thus prevents drying out of the mucosae in the respiratory tract.
The WM 100 TH prismaAQUA respiratory air humidifier described in these instructions for use can be used with WM 100 TD therapy devices.
The WM 100 TH devices are used in clinical facilities and in domestic situations. In domestic situations, the devices are also taken on trips.
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1 Introduction
1.2 Function
1.2.1 WM 100 TD therapy devices
The fan in the therapy device sucks ambient air in through a filter, compresses it, and routes it to the device outlet.
From here, the air flows through the hose system and the mask to the patient. The exhalation system in front of the mask or optionally integrated in the mask prevents CO air from collecting in the hose system. The therapy device determines and analyzes the pressure and breathing flow signal. This allows respiratory events to be recognized.
The device can function with one pressure level (CPAP) or with two or three pressure levels (BiLevel or inspiratory pressure, expiratory pressure, and end-expiratory pressure). Depending on the version employed, the pressure levels can be set automatically by the device within preset limits, or they can be set manually. Depending on the mode, the pressure can be continually applied at one level, or triggered by the patient, or applied with time controls. Pressure signals, breathing flow signals, and respiratory events can be saved and/or emitted as an analog output on a PSG system.
-enriched exhaled
The therapy data are saved in the device and on an SD card for the therapy control.
The device is operated via an On/Off button and a touchscreen.
The device can be remotely controlled using the prismaTS therapy software.
In the case of a power failure, the settings are retained and the therapy is continued once the power supply is restored.
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1 Introduction
1.2.2 WM 100 TH respiratory air humidifiers
The heatable respiratory air humidifier functions on the so-called pass-over principle. The air coming from the therapy device is routed across the surface of a preheated water reservoir. This increases the relative humidity and the temperature of the air flow. The humidifier level can be set individually using the buttons on the therapy device.
The power of the element and consequently the temperature of the water in the humidifier chamber is controlled electronically via the therapy device. The transparent window of the humidifier chamber makes it possible to check the water level at any time.
1.3 User qualifications
The person operating the device is referred to in these instructions for use as the "user". In contrast, a "patient" is the person receiving the therapy. Always perform all the operating steps in accordance with these instructions for use.
1.4 Indications
CPAP therapy device for the treatment of patients with obstructive sleep apnea with a constant pressure requirement.
APAP therapy device for the treatment of patients with obstructive sleep apnea with a variable pressure requirement. The therapy pressure adjusts automatically to suit the patient's pressure requirement.
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1 Introduction
Therapy device for the treatment of patients with periodic breathing or Cheyne-Stokes respiration (e.g., in cases of heart failure) as well as with central, mixed, or complex sleep apnea. The therapy device adjusts the ventilation automatically and continually to the changing requirements of the patient.
BiLevel therapy device for the treatment of patients with obstructive, mixed, or complex sleep apnea and
a high and/or fluctuating pressure requirement,
a poor CPAP compliance.
The device has different pressure levels during inspiration and expiration.
BiLevel therapy device for the treatment of patients with obstructive, mixed, or complex sleep apnea and
a high pressure requirement,
a poor CPAP compliance.
The device has different pressure levels during inspiration and expiration.
BiLevel therapy device for the treatment of patients with obstructive, mixed, or complex sleep apnea and
a high and/or fluctuating pressure requirement,
a poor CPAP compliance,
central apneas,
sleep-related or position-dependent hypoventilation (e.g.,
respiratory insufficiency,
coprevalent respiratory insufficiency (e.g., COPD/overlap).
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1 Introduction
The device has different pressure levels during inspiration and expiration and a backup frequency for the treatment of central events.
prisma30ST, prisma30ST-C
BiLevel therapy device for the treatment of patients with obstructive, mixed, or complex sleep apnea and/or
chronically reduced respiratory drive (e.g., sleep-related or position-dependent hypoventilation or chronically stable OHS),
respiratory insufficiency, e.g., COPD.
Indications for the use of the respiratory air humidifier in combination with the therapy device are dry upper airways and if the respiratory air is felt to be too cold. prismaAQUA may only be used in accordance with the recommendations of a physician.
1.5 Contraindications
The following contraindications are known – the physician in charge is responsible for deciding whether to use the therapy device in each individual case.
Acute cardiac decompensation
Severe arrhythmia
Severe hypotension, particularly in combination with intravascular volume depletion
Severe epistaxis
High risk of a barotrauma
Decompensated pulmonary conditions
Pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum
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Cranial trauma
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1 Introduction
Status following brain surgery or surgical intervention on the pituitary gland or the middle/inner ear
Acute sinus infection (sinusitis), middle ear infection (otitis media) or perforated eardrum
Do not use the respiratory air humidifier on patients who have undergone an airway bypass procedure.
1.6 Side effects
The following undesirable side effects may occur when using the therapy device for short or long periods of time:
Pressure marks from the respiratory mask and the forehead cushion on the face
Flush of the facial skin
Nasal congestion
Dry nose
Morning xerostomia (dry mouth)
Sensation of pressure in the sinuses
Irritated conjunctiva
Gastrointestinal air insufflation ("bloating")
These side effects are general side effects associated with therapy using a sleep therapy device and are not specially linked to the use of WM 100 TD devices.
No side effects are known for the use of the respiratory air humidifier.
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2 Safety
2.1 Safety information
2.1.1 Safe use of the therapy device, components,
2 Safety
Please read these instructions carefully. They form part of the devices described, and must be available at all times.
Use the unit for the designated purpose only (see "Intended use").
For your own safety and that of your patients, and in accordance with the requirements of Directive 93/42/EEC, please observe the following safety instructions.
and accessories
Warning Risk of injury due to device or component malfunction!
A damaged device or damaged components may result in injury to the patient, user or bystanders. Only operate the device and components if they are externally
Only operate the device and components if the function check
has been successfully completed.
Only operate the device if the display is functional.
Risk of injury if the device is operated outside the prescribed ambient conditions!
Use of the device outside the prescribed ambient conditions can result in failure to comply with tolerances, device failures, and injury to the patient. Only operate the device within the prescribed ambient
conditions (see chapter "Technical data").
Risk of injury if disposable items are reused!
Disposable items are only intended to be used once. Reused disposable items may be contaminated and/or not function correctly and thus cause patient injury. Do not reuse disposable items.
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2 Safety
Risk of infection when reusing therapy device!
When the therapy device is used by multiple patients, infections may be passed on to the next patient.
Use a bacteria filter. When the device is used without a bacteria filter: Have the device hygienically prepared by the manufacturer, Weinmann, or an authorized dealer.
Treatment prevented due to increased resistance when bacteria filters are used!
Misting or moistening can increase the resistance of the bacteria filters, thereby modifying the output of the therapy pressure. Check bacteria filters for increased resistance and blockages
regularly and remove them.
2.1.2 Power supply
Caution Risk of injury due to inaccessible power plug!
An obstructed power plug cannot be pulled out in an emergency and can thus result in injury. Keep the power plug and power supply accessible at all times.
Risk of injury and material damage as a result of insufficient power supply!
Operation of the device outside the specified power supply range can injure the user and damage the device. Only operate the device with the supplied power supply unit at
voltages from 100 V to 240 V.
Use the DC adapter for operation at voltages from 12 V or 24 V.
2.1.3 Transport
Notice Water in the device can cause material damages!
If the device is tilted severely, the residual water from the respiratory air humidifier can enter the device and damage it. Do not transport or tilt the device when the respiratory air
Dirt in the device can cause material damage!
Dirt entering the device during transport can damage the device.
Only transport the device with the cover in position.Transport the device in the corresponding transport bag.
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humidifier is filled.
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2 Safety
2.1.4 Therapy
Warning The use of oxygen in combination with flammable substances
poses a fire hazard!
Oxygen in combination with flammable substances can result in spontaneous explosions. In cases of insufficient ventilation, oxygen in the surrounding area (e.g., clothes, hair, bedclothes) can become enriched and cause fires and thus injuries to the patient, user, and others in the immediate vicinity.
Do not smoke.Do not use naked flames.Ensure sufficient ventilation.Use an oxygen safety valve.Keep the device and screwed unions free from oil and grease.Always replace splashguards immediately after use.
Risk of injury from burning oxygen!
Supplying oxygen without special safety equipment can cause fires and injure people.
Always use an oxygen safety valve.Observe the instructions for use for the oxygen safety valve and
the oxygen supply unit.
Set up oxygen sources more than 1 m from the device.
Caution Prevented therapy and material damage due to dirt in the
device or respiratory air humidifier!
Dirt entering the device can impair the success of the therapy and damage the device.
Use the gray air filter.If necessary, use the white pollen filter (optional accessory).
Risk of injury if the patient connection opening becomes hot when uses a hose heating system!
In combination with the device, the hose heating system generates a somewhat higher temperature at the patient connection opening. Observe the instructions for use for the hose heating system.
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2 Safety
2.2 General information
Use of third-party products may lead to functional failures and restricted fitness of purpose. Biocompatibility may also be compromised. Please note that in these cases, any claim under warranty and liability will be void if neither the accessories nor original replacement parts recommended in the instructions are used.
Repairs, servicing, and maintenance should only be carried out by the manufacturer or by a technician expressly authorized by the manufacturer.
Only connect up the devices and modules permitted in accordance with these instructions for use. The devices must satisfy their respective product standard. Position non-medical devices outside of the patient's immediate vicinity.
The operator is responsible for ensuring the compatibility of the therapy device and all the connected components and accessories prior to the application with the patient. Only have modifications to the unit carried out by the manufacturer, Weinmann, or by a technician expressly authorized by Weinmann.
Please observe the section on hygienic preparation in order to avoid infection or bacterial contamination (see chapter "Hygienic preparation").
Also observe the respective instructions for use for the therapy device, the components, and the accessories.
Always carry out a function check before using the unit (see chapter "Function check").
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2.3 Warnings in this document
Warnings are used to flag up safety-relevant information.
You will find a warning preceding any action that entails a hazard for persons or equipment.
Warnings consist of
the warning symbol (pictogram),
a signal word designating the hazard level,
information about the hazard
instructions for avoiding the hazard.
The warnings appear in three hazard levels depending on the degree of danger:
Designates an extremely dangerous situation. Failure to observe this warning will lead to serious, irreversible injury, or death.
2 Safety
Designates an extremely dangerous situation. Failure to observe this warning may lead to serious, irreversible, or fatal injury.
Designates a dangerous situation. Failure to observe this warning may lead to minor or moderately serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation. Failure to observe this warning may lead to damage to equipment.
Designates useful information relating to a particular action.
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3 Product description
3 Product description
3.1 Therapy device overview
3-1 Therapy device
No. Designation Description
1 Cover
Unlocking button therapy
Covers the humidifier connection when no respiratory air humidifier is connected.
Makes it possible to remove the cover in order to connect the humid­ifier prismaAQUA.
Allows operation of the therapy device and the respiratory air humid-
3 Display
ifier. Displays settings and current values.
4 System interface Connects the therapy device with modules. 5 Handle Allows lifting and transporting of the therapy device.
Filter compartment in suc-
tion area
Houses the air filter and, where applicable, the pollen filter. The re­spiratory air is sucked in here and the dust particles filtered out.
7 Voltage input Connects the therapy device to the power supply unit. 8 Mounting holes Accept a module and secure it to the therapy device.
9 SD card slot
For inserting an SD card. The symbol in the display indicates the com­munication between the SD card and the therapy device.
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No. Designation Description
Used for point-to-point connection with a PC on which prismaTS is
10 Micro USB port
11 On/off button
installed. Allows settings to be changed on the therapy device and data to be exported.
Switches the therapy device on and off. Switches the therapy device to standby mode. Starts and stops the therapy.
3 Product description
13 Device output
Hose heating system con­nection
3.2 Display
Electrical power supply connection for a heatable hose.
Connection for the respiration hose, through which the patient is supplied with respiratory air.
The information shown on the display depends on the current status of the therapy device:
Standby mode (no therapy in progress)
The therapy device operating hours since therapy began are shown for the first 30 seconds. Then the device switches to the start screen automatically.
The start screen shows the clock and the wake-up time if the alarm clock is set. (see "3.2Display", page 17). Settings can be performed on the therapy device
(see "6Settings in the menu", page 62).
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Therapy mode (therapy in progress)
There is a therapy in progress (see "3.2.2Display in Therapy
mode", page 19).
You can perform the mask test and start the softSTART sleep aid (see "5 Operation", page 43).
Energy-saving mode
The therapy device is supplied with a very low level of power; nothing is shown on the display. You can return to the Standby mode by pressing the on/off button .
WM 100 TD EN 17
3 Product description
3.2.1 Display in Standby mode (Start screen)
3-2 Start screen in Standby mode
No. Designation Description
1 Info menu button Provides access to the info menu.
2 Alarm with wake-up time
Alarm is set. Displays the set wake-up time.
3 Menu button Provides access to the settings menus. 4 Dimmer button Makes the display dark. 5 Time Displays the current time.
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3.2.2 Display in Therapy mode
3 Product description
3-3 Start screen in Therapy mode
No. Designation Description
1 Time Displays the current time. 2 SD card symbol The SD card is inserted in the therapy device.
3 Info button
4 Alarm with wake-up time
Provides access to the info screen with detailed information on the therapy currently in progress.
Alarm is set. Displays the set wake-up time.
Switches the softSTART function on or off. Displays the time remaining.
5 softSTART button
If the softSTART is switched off, the set softSTART period is displayed. If there is no softSTART button, the physician or authorized dealer has disabled this function.
6 Respiration status symbol Displays the current respiration status.
Mask status symbol with leak indicator
Displays how well the respiratory mask is positioned.
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3 Product description
No. Designation Description
Displays that the respiratory air humidifier is connected and
Humidifier button for respiratory air humidifier prismaAQUA
switched on. Shows the set humidifier level of the respiratory air humidifier.
Function buttons for the respiratory air humidifier
Allow increasing/decreasing of humidifier level.
3.2.3 Symbols on the display
Symbol Designation Description
Device status symbols (shown on the top line of the display)
Bacteria filter is connected and activated. If this symbol is displayed even though you are not
Filter symbols
Maintenance symbol
using a bacteria filter, contact your authorized dealer. Air filter replacement required. (Symbol only appears if
the authorized dealer has activated the reminder to change the air filter).
Maintenance required (symbol only appears when maintenance function is active).
USB symbol USB connection
CONNECT symbol prismaCONNECT module is connected
(Green symbol)
prisma2CLOUD module is connected
prisma2CLOUD symbol
(Gray symbol)
No connection to prisma2CLOUD module established.
(Green symbol)
prismaPSG module is connected
PSG symbol
No connection to prismaPSG module established
(Gray symbol)
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Symbol Designation Description
3 Product description
(Green symbol)
Network symbol
(Gray symbol)
SD card symbol
Symbols on the rest of the display
Respiratory air humidifier symbol
Network connection available.
No network connection available.
SD card in SD card slot. Symbol flashes: Data is being saved to the SD card or read off the SD card.
Respiratory air humidifier is connected and switched off.
Respiratory air humidifier is connected and switched on. The set humidifier level is displayed.
Respiratory air humidifier is connected and empty of water.
Alarm symbol
Alarm is set. If no alarm symbol is shown: the alarm is switched off.
Displays the respiration status:
Arrow pointing upward: inhalation
Arrow pointing downward: exhalation
Respiration status symbol
Green arrow, spontaneous respiration
Orange arrow, assisted breathing
Mask position is good, no leaks. Mask status symbol with leak indicator symbol
Mask is not well positioned, considerable leaks, the
efficacy of the therapy is not guaranteed.
Hose diameter symbol Specifies the diameter of the hose in mm.
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3 Product description
Symbol Designation Description
Specifies the menu level that you are currently in:
Menu level symbol
The more green dots, the deeper you are in the menu structure.
Alarm window
Alarm symbol Low-priority alarm triggered.
Alarm pause symbol Alarm paused for 2 minutes.
(Black symbol)
Mute symbol
(Orange symbol)
Indicates that the acoustic signal for an alarm can be muted.
Acoustic signal for alarm is muted.
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3.3 Components
3 Product description
3-4 Components
No. Designation Description
1 Respiratory mask Supplies the respiratory air to the patient.
Power supply unit with connection cable
Supplies power to the device. Connects the power supply unit to the therapy device.
3 Power supply cable Connects the power supply unit to the power socket. 4 SD card Records therapy data.
Respiration hose with 19-22 mm diameter
6 Exhalation system
Connects the therapy device to the respiratory mask.
If the mask does not feature an integrated expiratory system, the exhaled air escapes here during the therapy.
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3 Product description
3.4 Accessories
3-5 Accessories
No. Designation Description
Respiration hose with 15 mm
Connects the therapy device to the respiratory mask.
Filters the suctioned respiratory air and prevents the ingress of fine
2 Pollen filter (white filter)
dust particles, pollen and fungal spores. Recommended for patients with allergies.
3 Heatable hose Avoids condensation in the respiration hose. 4 Inverter Enables operation of the device via a DC power socket (12 V / 24 V).
Respiratory air humidifier prismaAQUA
5 Top of humidifier Seals the respiratory air humidifier. 6 Humidifier insert Prevents water from escaping. 7 Base of humidifier Holds the water for humidifying the respiratory air. 8 Lower recess For opening the respiratory air humidifier. 9 Input Connects the therapy device to the respiratory air humidifier.
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3 Product description
No. Designation Description
10 Output Connects the respiratory air humidifier to the device output. 11 Element Heats the water in the respiratory air humidifier. 12 Upper recess For lifting and transporting the respiratory air humidifier.
3.5 Labels and symbols
3.5.1 Labels on the therapy device
3-6 Labels on the therapy device
No. Symbol Description Type plate on the right side of the therapy device
SN Serial number of the therapy device
Year of manufacture
Labels and symbols on the therapy device
2 , 8 Consult instructions for use
3 Device inlet: inlet for room air at ambient temperature
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3 Product description
No. Symbol Description
4 Follow the instructions for use.
5 Slot for SD card
6 USB port
7 On/off: Indicates the on/off button
Device output: Outlet for room air at 4 hPa to 30 hPa (depending on type of device)
Type plate on the underside of the therapy device
TYPE: WM 100 TD Type designation of the therapy device
37 V DC
Degree of protection against solid foreign bodies. The device is protected against dripping water.
Degree of protection against electric shock: Protection class II device
Do not dispose of device in household waste.
Suitable for use in airplanes. Complies with RTCA/DO-160G chapter 21, Category M.
26 EN WM 100 TD
Type BF applied part
CE mark (confirms that the product complies with the applicable European directives)
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3 Product description
3.5.2 Labels on the respiratory air humidifier
3-7 Labels on the respiratory air humidifier
No. Symbol Description
1 Fill with water.
2 Respiratory air humidifier is heated. Do not touch the element.
Labels and symbols on the underside
Do not dispose of device in household waste.
CE mark (confirms that the product complies with the applicable European directives).
32 V DC 32 V direct current
Type BF applied part
>PC< Material designation: Polycarbonate
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IP protection class: Degree of protection against solid foreign bodies. The device is protected against dripping water.
WM 100 TD EN 27
3 Product description
No. Symbol Description
Date of manufacture (month/year)
Type: WM100TH Type designation: Device of type WM 100 TH
Consult instructions for use.
SN Serial Number
3.5.3 Labels on the type plate of the power supply unit
Symbol Description
Input: 100-240 V,
50-400 Hz, 1.5 A
Output: 37 V
2.43 A
Input voltage: 100-240 V, 50-400 Hz, 1.5 A
Output voltage 37 V DC 2.43 A
GOST-R certification (confirms that the product complies with the applicable Russian directives)
China RoHS label (confirms that the product does not emit toxic substances for the number of years indicated)
PSE mark (confirms that the product complies with the applicable Japanese directives)
Only intended for indoor use.
Degree of protection against electric shock: Protection class II device
Do not dispose of device in household waste.
CE mark (confirms that the product complies with the applicable European directives)
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Symbol Description
3 Product description
IP protection class: Degree of protection against solid foreign bodies. The device is protected against dripping water.
3.5.4 Labels on the therapy device packaging
Symbol Description
Permissible storage temperature: -25°C to +70°C
Permissible storage humidity: 15% to 93% relative humidity
3.5.5 Labels on the respiration hose packaging
Symbol Description
For use on one patient only!
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4 Preparation
4 Preparation
4.1 Setting up the therapy device
Material damage due to overheating!
Temperatures which are too high can cause the therapy device to overheat and damage the device. The therapy device and power supply unit must not be covered
with textiles (e.g., bedclothes).
Do not operate the therapy device close to heating systems.Do not expose the therapy device to direct sunlight.Do not operate the therapy device in the transport bag.
1. Place the therapy device on a flat surface (e.g., a bedside table).
2. Leave the suction area of the therapy device uncovered.
3. Keep the power plug and power socket accessible at all times.
4. Pull the protective foil off the device.
Result The therapy device is set up properly.
4.2 Connecting components
4.2.1 Connecting up the power supply
Risk of injury due to electric shock when connecting an incorrect power supply unit to the line power!
The power supply unit contains a safety device to prevent electric shock. The use of a non-original power supply unit may result in injury to the user and the patient.
Only operate the device on line power using the power supply unit recommended by Weinmann.
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