Volkswagen Touareg Hybrid Drive 2013 Owner's Manual

Hybrid drive
Applicable only in the United States
In this section you’ll find information about:
Warning and indicator lights Overview of special driving tips Hybrid functions and mode Energy flow display High-voltage battery Special considerations for hybrid vehicles Removing and installing engine compartment cover
All work on the high-voltage system is dangerous, requires specialized knowledge, and should be CARried out solely by authorized Volkswagen dealers and authorized Volkswagen Service Facilities that are qualified to do work on hybrid vehicles and have the training, know-how, tools, and equipment required to properly maintain, diagnose, and repair the hybrid electrical system in accordance with the
standards and guidelines established by Volkswagen ⇒  The high-voltage network is made up of the following high-voltage components: t h e high-voltage
battery, the power electronics (made up of the DC/DC converter and pulse inverter), the electric motor, high-voltage air conditioning compres sor, and the ora ng e -c olo re d high-voltage cables and connectors.
More information:
Instruments System settings (CAR ) Starting and stopping the engine Braking, stopping and parking Saving fuel and helping the environment Preparations for working in the engine co mpartment Changing a light bulb Jump-starting
The vehicle's high-voltage ele ctr ical system and high-voltage battery are dangerous and can cause burns, other serious personal injuries, electrocuti on, an d de ath.
Always assume that high-voltage battery and parts of the high-voltage system are fully charged and energized.
Never touch or let jewelry or other metal objects contact high-voltage cables or the high­voltage battery and battery poles, especi al ly if the cables, battery, and battery poles have been damaged in any way.
Never do any work yourself on the high-volta ge el ectrical system, the orange-colore d high-voltage wiring, or on th e hi g h - voltage battery.
Never open, service, repair, or disconnect any part of the hybrid electrical s ystem. Never damage the orange-colored high-voltag e c a bles. Ne ver remove them and n e ver
disconnect them from the high-voltage electrical system.
Never open or remove the orange-colored cover on the high-voltage batter y. Always have work on the hybrid electrical system and s ys t ems th at could b e i ndi rec tly
affected by it done by qualified, t r ained t echnicians who have the know-how , experience, documentation, and tools to do the work safely.
All work on the high-voltage ele ct rical system and the high-voltage battery must be done in compliance with Volkswagen standards and guidelines.
Vehicle keys must be safely stored a safe distance from vehicle so that the ignition cannot be switched on and energize the electrical system.
Gases vented or released from the high -voltage battery vapors are potentially poisonous and can burn.
Physical damage to the vehicle or the high-voltage batter y can resu lt in immedia te or delayed release of poisonous gases that can also cause a fire.
Always avoid contact with leaking fluids and gas e s es cap i ng fr o m the ba ttery, particularly one that has been damaged.
Always tell emergency responders that the vehi cle has a high-voltage bat te ry.
Driver distraction causes accidents and serious personal inj ury. Using the instrument cluster or accessing Infotainment System menus while driving can take your attention off the road and cause accidents.
To help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, never change settings in the instrument cluster display or use Infotainment System functions unless the vehicle is standing still.
When powered by the electric motor, th e vehicle makes much less noise, both when idling and driving, than when it is running on the interna l combustion engine. It is much harder or even impossible for the drivers of other vehicles and above all for cyclists, pedestrians, and children to hear the vehicle when it is running on electrical power.
Pedestrians and others can be struck and ser i ously injured because they cannot hear the vehicle and tell that it is getting close to them, for instance when you are parking, backing up, or driving in a low-speed zone where there is likely to be pedestrian traffic.
Always watch out for pedestrians, especially small children, cyclists, and others who may not hear the vehicle or realize th at it i s abou t to move or will cross their path of travel .
Always be especially CAReful in residential areas, school zones, and other places where the speed of motor vehicles is restricted and pedestrians may be at greater ri sk,
Make sure the ignition and the hybrid drive system have both been turned off before leaving the vehicle.
Never leave the vehicle when hybrid drive system indicator lights are still lit. The vehicle can move if the accelerator is depressed even though the combustion engine has been stopped. This can cause accidents and severe or lethal injuries.
Make sure the transmission is in Park (P) before you get out of the vehicle.
Never support the vehicle with cinder blocks, bricks, or other objects to inspect it. The vehicle could slip or move suddenly and cause an accident with serious personal injury.
Never let the hybrid battery get wet. Liquids and other fluids can cause short circuits, electrical shock, burns, and explosions.
Never CARry large amounts of liquids or other fluids in the luggage compartment. Always make sure that any containers with liquids and other fluids are properly secured
and tightly closed to prevent leakage during normal driving as well as hard cornering, braking, and other vehicle maneuvers. Leaking liquids can get into the cover of the high ­voltage battery and the high-volt a ge cable connections. This can damage th e electr ic al system and the high-voltage batter y.
Never drive until the fuel tank is completely empty. There may not always be enough charge in
the high-voltage battery to get to the next gas station.
Warning and indicator lights
Please first read and note the introductory infor mation and heed the WARNINGS
Warning messages
When the ignition is switched on, several warning and indicator lights come on briefly for a function check. They go out after a few seconds.
Warning lights and text messages are shown in the instrum e nt cluster display. Acoustic warnings may also sound at the same time.
Lights up
Warnings in the instrument cluster display
Proper response
Fault in the hybrid system: stop the vehicle at a safe location!
Fault Hybrid system: Workshop! High-voltage battery is being
Hybrid vehicles: Extended electro-mode drive active.
E-MODE currently not available. Vehicle can still be driven.
Electric driving is currently not possible.
Request to start the engine.
Stop the vehicle in a safe place as soon as it is safe to do so.
See an authorized Volkswagen dealer or an authorized Volkswagen Service Facility.
While this message appears, do not stop the engine.
Never leave the vehicle parked in the ready position. Remove the remote control vehicle key out of the ignition or for vehicle with Keyless Access press the starter button When leaving the vehicle always take the remote control vehicle key with you .
Check to see if the requirements for extended electro-mode drive are met .
Never leave the vehicle parked in the ready position. Remove the remote control vehicle key out of the ignition or for vehicle with Keyless Access press the starter button.
Start the engine with the ignition switch or starter button.
Warning when leaving the vehicle
Switch off the ignition before leaving the vehicle unattended In certain situations , a me ssage appears in the instrument cluster display as you are leaving the vehicle. This message warns you that the vehicle's electric drive is still enabled and that the combustion engine might start automatically.
Always switch the engine off, remove the key, and take it with you when leaving the vehicle ⇒  The warning when leaving the vehicle appears if:
 The ignition is switched ON.  AND: Electrical drive is functional (READY active).  AND: The combustion engine is OFF.  AND: The driver safety belt is not fastened. OR: The driver door is open.
A parked vehicle that is not proper ly par ke d can r oll away and cause accidents or severe injuries. When leaving the vehicle, always move the selector le ver into Park (P) and engage the electronic parking brake.
Failure to heed warning lights and instrument cluster text messages can cause the vehicle to break down in traffic and result in a collision and serious personal injury.
Never ignore warning lights or tex t WARNINGS. Always stop the vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so.
Failure to heed warning lights or text WARNINGS can result in vehic l e damage.
Overview of special driving tips
Please first read and note the introductory information and heed the WARNINGS .
This short overview cannot replace the detailed description in this entir e chapte r, espe cially not the warnings or safety instructions.
Driving situations
Requirements and conditions Vehicle behavior
Electrical driving.
Constant driving and gliding without engine on (sail).
Full acceleration (Boost).
Braking energy regeneration (Recuperation).
- Selector lever in position (D).
- Foot brake released. – Accelerator is slightly depressed.
- Thinking ahead when driving, with CAReful acceleration.
- Reducing speed early or completely in ca s e of obstacles or speed limits.
- Selector lever in position (D). Kick-down mechanism of accelerator activated.
- Selector lever in position (S) or Tiptronic: accelerator is depressed to 80%.
- Early and even braking with short brake pedal travel.
If all operative requirements of the Hybrid system are fulfilled, the vehicle starts electrically The combustion engine is switched on only at higher speeds.
The kinetic energy of the vehicle is used optimally for its motion ahead. No energy is lost through excessive acceleration or braking.
By easing off the accelerator completely, the combustion engine is automatically switched off and disconnected. The vehicle glides without engine power.
The electric motor assists the combustion engine in acceleration. The maximum overall output is used briefly .
The vehicle is braked by the electric motor. Most of the kinetic energy is then won back and can be stored in the form of electrical energy in the high-voltage battery .
Driving in city traffic.
- Selection of a moderate speed.
– Avoid full acceleration.
Driving in fully electric mode at this level is possible only with a speed of up to approximately 50 km/h (31 mph) .
The fuel consumption is reduced with moderate acceleration due to higher efficiency of the combustion engine and driving in fully electric mode is possible.
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