The black and white television repair manual

Antenna ANT.
Pre-I.F.amplifier PRE-I.F.AMP.
Surface acoustic wave filter SAWF
Picture I.F. amplifier P-IF.AMP
Video frequency detector V.F.D.
Pre-video frequency amplifier P-VF.AMP
Automatic noise amplifier ANC
Horizontal linearity control HLC
Vertical linearity control VLC
Intermediate frequency amplifier IF . AMP
Video frequency amplifier VF.AMP
Sound signal filter SSF
FM detector FMDET
Electronics volumn control EVC
Audio amplifier AA
Vertical oscillator V.OSC
Sawtooth wave generation SAW.G
Vertical output V.OUT.
Synchronizing separation SYN.SEP
Horizontal AFC H.AFC
Horizontal oscillation H.OSC

Horizontal driving H.DRIV.
Horizontal output H OUT
High voltage H.V
Medial voltage MV
Rectifier and filter R.&F.
Cathode and filter CRT
Speaker SP.