DVM 890L
LCD Standard Digital Multimeter
LCD Standaard Digitale Multimeter
Multimètre Digital LCD Standard

DVM 890L
LCD Standard Digital Multimeter
1. Introduction
This instrument is a compact, rugged, battery-operated hand-held 3 1/2 digit digital multimeter for
measuring DC and AC voltages, DC and AC current and resistance. It also offers the possibility of
executing continuity tests and of testing diodes and transistors. You can also measure capacitance
and temperatures.
The Dual-Slope A/D Converter uses C-MOS technology for auto-zeroing, polarity selection and
overrange indication. Full overload protection is provided. It is an ideal instrument for use in the
field, for laboratories and workshops, for hobby and home applications.
1.1 Features
* Push-button ON/OFF power switch
* 30 different positions on the user-friendly rotary switch for FUNCTION and RANGE
* High sensitivity : 100µV
* Automatic overrange indication with the "1" displayed
* Automatic polarity indication on DC ranges
* All ranges fully protected
* Resistance measurements 0.1Ω to 200MΩ
* Capacitance measurements 1pF to 20µF
* Diode testing with 1mA fixed current
* Transistor hFE test with Ib = -100µA
* Temperature measurement with or without K type thermocouple
1.2 A word about safety
This multimeter is designed to ensure the safest operation possible. However, safe operation
depends on you, the operator. Make sure you follow these simple safety rules :
• Never apply a voltage to the multimeter that exceeds the specified limits. Never apply more than
1000V DC or 700V rms AC between an input jack and ground.
• Use extreme caution when working with voltages above 60V DC or 30V AC rms.
• Always discharge the filter capacitors in the power supply circuit under test before attaching any
test leads.
• Never connect to a voltage source when selecting DCA, ACA, resistance measurement or the
continuity check function.
• Always turn off the power and disconnect the test leads before replacing the batteries or fuse.
• Never operate the multimeter unless the battery cover is in place and fully closed.
When carrying out measurements on TVs or switching power circuits, always remember that
there may be high amplitude voltage pulses at test points which may damage the meter.
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2. Front Panel description
1) Display
2) Power On/Off button
3) Transistor test socket
4) RANGE and FUNCTION switch
5) Capacity input sockets
6) Input connection temperature probe
7) mA-input connector
8) V/Ω-input connector
9) 20A MAX input connector
10) COM-input connector
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2.1 Function and range selector
Various functions and 32 ranges are provided. A rotary switch is used to select functions as well as
2.2 Power switch
A push-button is used to turn the meter on or off.
To extend battery life, an Auto Power-Off function is provided. The meter will be turned off
automatically within approx. 15 minutes. To turn the meter on again, push the power switch to
release the Auto Power-Off function and then push it again.
2.3 Input jacks
This meter has four input jacks that are protected against overload to the limits listed below. During
use, connect the black test lead to the COM jack and connect the red test lead in accordance with the
selected function.
V & V∼
mA & mA∼
20A & 20A∼
mA 200mA dc or rms ac
A 10A dc or rms ac continuous
250V dc or rms ac
1000V dc, 700V ac (sine)
250V dc or rms ac
250V dc or rms ac
250V dc or rms ac
20A for 15 seconds maximum
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