TX Platform
For TX Compact Utility Loaders
Model No. 22475 —Serial No. 270000001 and Up
Model No. 22476 —Serial No. 270000001 and Up
Form No. 3356-522 Rev A
Installation Instructions
General Operation
• Do not modify the platfor m or use it on
non–appro v ed mac hines .
• Ensure that the platfor m is properly attac hed
to the mac hine and is in g ood w orking order
prior to use .
• Allo w only the mac hine operator on the
platfor m.
• Do not allo w use of the platfor m b y untrained
operators .
• Use appropriate personal protecti v e apparatus
for eyes , feet, hands , and head.
• Look behind and do wn before bac king up to
be sure of a clear path. Use extra care when
operating in rev erse .
• Dismount and latc h the platfor m in the
transpor t position when loading and unloading
the mac hine .
• Do not place y our feet under the platfor m.
• Slo w do wn before tur ning . Shar p tur ns on any
ter rain ma y cause loss of control.
• Do not ste p off of the platfor m with the load
the unit in areas where there is sufficient
clearance for the operator to safely maneuv er
the platfor m.
• Ensure that the area is clear of other people
before operating the traction unit with the
platfor m. Stop the traction unit if any one
enters the area.
• Do not ex ceed the rated operating capacity , as
the traction unit with the platfor m ma y become
unstable whic h ma y result in loss of control.
• Stop the engine before perfor ming any ser vice ,
re pairs , maintenance , or adjustments .
• K ee p n uts and bolts tight. K ee p equipment
clean and in g ood condition.
• Nev er tamper with safety devices . Chec k safety
systems for proper operation before eac h use .
• Stop and inspect the equipment if y ou strik e
an object. Mak e any necessar y re pairs before
restar ting .
• Use only g en uine re placement par ts to ensure
that original standards are maintained.
• K ee p y our hands , feet, hair , and loose clothing
a w a y from any mo ving par ts .
• Do not tr y to stabilize the traction unit b y
putting y our foot on the g round.
• Do not operate platfor m on rough and unev en
ter rain.
• Ensure that y ou operate the platfor m in areas
where there are no obstacles in close pro ximity
to the operator . F ailure to maintain adequate
distance from trees , w alls , and other bar riers
ma y result in injur y as the platfor m bac ks up
or tur ns during operation if the operator is not
attenti v e to the sur roundings . Only operate
© 2006—The Toro® Company
8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Register at www.Toro.com. Original Instructions (EN)
Printed in the USA.
All Rights Reserved

Safety and Instructional Decals
Safety decals and instr uctions are easily visible to the operator and are located near any
area of potential dang er . R e place any decal that is damag ed or lost.
1. Crushing hazard of hand—keep your hands a safe distance
1. Read the Operator’s Manual.
2. Platform locked in storage position. 4. Lower the platform from the unlocked
3. Lift the platform up to unlock.
position to use.
1. Grease
5. Warning—read the Operator’s Manual.
6. Tipping hazard—do not step off the
platform with a raised load.
Loose Parts
Use the chart below to verify that all parts have been shipped.
No parts required
Platform assembly
Bolt (1/2 x 1-1/2 inches)
Flange-head nut (1/2 inch)
Bolt (1/2 x 1-1/4 inches)
Decal 112-2744
Flange-head bolts (5/16 x 3/4 inch)
Prepare the traction unit.
Install the platform.
Install the counter weight (TX 500
series traction units only).
Install the decal.
Install the handle.

Preparing the Traction Unit
No Parts Required
1. Stop the engine , lo w er the loader ar ms , set the
parking brak e , and remo v e the k ey .
2. W ash all dir t and debris from the traction unit.
3. If y ou are installing this kit on a TX 400 series
traction unit, remo v e the counterw eights and
their fasteners from the rear of the traction
unit and store them in a safe location ( Figure 1 )
Installing the Platform
Parts needed for this step:
Platform assembly
Bolt (1/2 x 1-1/2 inches)
Flange-head nut (1/2 inch)
1. Chec k and tighten the bottom 2 bolts securing
the lo w er rear panel to the frame ( Figure 2 ).
Figure 1
Left counterweight not shown
1. Counterweight
2. Fasteners
1. Bolts
2. Rear panel ( do not remove )
2. One at a time , remo v e and discard the 4 bolts
and n uts securing sides of the lo w er rear panel
to the frame , re placing eac h with a new bolt
(1/2 x 1-1/2 inc hes) installed from the front to
hold the space as pressure is released on the
rear panel ( Figure 3 ).
Important: Do not r emo v e the r ear
panel ( Figur e 2 ).
Figure 2

Figure 3
Left side not shown
1. Bolt (2 on each side) 2. Flange-head nut (2 on each side) 3. Bolt (1/2 x 1-1/2 inches)
Note: Figure 3 sho ws a TX 500 series
traction unit. If y ou ha v e a TX 400 series
traction unit it will look slightly different, but it
is configured similarly .
3. Grab the platfor m handle and pull up on it to
extend the platfor m ( Figure 4 ).
Figure 4
1. Platform assembly 3. Mounting bracket
2. Handle 4. Loosen these bolts
4. By hand, loosen, but do not remo v e , the 4
bolts and n uts securing the platfor m assembly
to the mounting brac k ets ( Figure 4 ).
5. Install the mounting brac k ets onto the 4 bolts
(1/2 x 1-1/2 inc hes) y ou inser ted earlier and
secure then with 4 flang e-head n uts (1/2 inc h)
( Figure 5 ).