Top Flite® Model Manufacturing Co. guarantees this kit to be free from defects in both material and workmanship at the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover any component parts damaged by use or modification. In no case shall Top Flite’s liability exceed the original cost of the purchased kit. Further, Top Flite reserves the right to change or modify this warranty without notice.
In that Top Flite has no control over the final assembly or material used for final assembly, no liability shall be assumed nor accepted for any damage resulting from the use by the user of the final user-assembled product. By the act of using the user-assembled product, the user accepts all resulting liability.
If the buyer is not prepared to accept the liability associated with the use of this product, the buyer is advised to return this kit immediately in new and unused condition to the place of purchase.
To make a warranty claim send the defective part or item to Hobby Services at this address:
Include a letter stating your name, return shipping address, as much contact information as possible (daytime telephone number, fax number, e-mail address), a detailed description of the problem and a photocopy of the purchase receipt. Upon receipt of the package the problem will be evaluated as quickly as possible.
Hobby Services
3002 N. Apollo Dr. Suite 1 Champaign IL 61822 USA
Top Flite Models Champaign, IL
Ph: (217) 398-8970, Ext. 5
Fax: (217) 398-7721
Wing Area: 1276 in
Weight: 25.5 – 27.5 lb
Length: 70.5 in [1790 mm]
Radio: 7 minimum
Engine: 3.0 – 3.6 cu in [50 – 60 cc]
86 in [2185mm]
[82.3 dm2]
[11.56–12.47 kg]
46 – 50 oz /ft [140 –153 g/dm2]
two-stroke gasoline engine
Entire Contents © 2013 Hobbico, Inc. TOPA0712 Mnl
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Academy of Model Aeronautics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
International Miniature Aircraft Association . . . . 2
SCALE COMPETITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
DECISIONS YOU MUST MAKE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Radio Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Recommended Servos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
What Does the S.Bus System Do? . . . . . . . . . . 3
How Do You Install the S.Bus System? . . . . . . . 4
Engine Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Robart Retractable Landing Gear . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Robart Scale Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Optional Drop Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Pilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Required Hardware and Accessories . . . . . . . . 5
Optional Supplies and Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
IMPORTANT BUILDING NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
KIT INSPECTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Top Flite is very proud to bring you the Mitsubishi Zero. The Zero became one of the most important fi ghters
of World War II for the Japanese. This is a great fl ying
model that you will enjoy and will turn heads at the
fl ying fi eld. We have made a realistic airplane that has
no bad fl ight characteristics. We believe you will be very
pleased with the fi nal product.
For the latest technical updates or manual corrections
to the Giant Scale Zero ARF visit the Top Flite web site
at Open the “Airplanes” link, then
select the Giant Scale Zero ARF. If there is new technical
information or changes to this model a “tech notice” box
will appear in the upper left corner of the page.
If you are not already a member of the AMA, please
join! The AMA is the governing body of model aviation
and membership provides liability insurance coverage,
KIT CONTENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
PREPARATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Note About the Airframe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
ASSEMBLE THE WING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
AND LANDING GEAR DOORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
JOIN THE WING HALVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
ASSEMBLE THE FUSELAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Install the Stabilizer and Rudder . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Mount the Retractable Tail Gear. . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Install the Elevator and Rudder Servos . . . . . . 18
SERVOS AND IGNITION SWITCH. . . . . . . . . . . 19
Decision You Must Make . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
INSTALL THE COWL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
SYSTEM, AIR VALVE AND AIR TANK . . . . . . . . 28
APPLY THE DECALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
INSTALL THE PROP AND SPINNER . . . . . . . . . . 33
GET THE MODEL READY TO FLY . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
protects modelers’ rights and interests and is required
to fl y at most R/C sites.
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive Muncie, IN 47302-9252
Ph. (800) 435-9262 Or via the Internet at: Fax (765) 741-0057
IMPORTANT!!! Two of the most important things you can do to preserve the radio controlled aircraft hobby are to avoid fl ying near full-scale aircraft and avoid fl ying near or over groups of people.
The Top Flite Giant Scale Zero ARF is an excellent
sport-scale model and is eligible to fl y in IMAA events.
The IMAA (International Miniature Aircraft Association)
is an organization that promotes non-competitive fl ying
Check the Control Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Set the Control Throws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Balance the Model (C.G.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Balance the Model Laterally. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
PREFLIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Identify Your Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Charge the Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Balance Propellers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Ground Check and Range Check . . . . . . . . . . 35
ENGINE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
AMA SAFETY CODE EXCERPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Radio Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
CHECK LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
FLYING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Fuel Mixture Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Takeoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Landing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
of giant-scale models. If you plan to attend an IMAA event, obtain a copy of the IMAA Safety Code by contacting the IMAA at the address or telephone number below, or by logging on to their web site at: www.fl y-
205 S. Hilldale Road Salina, KS 67401
(913) 823-5569
Though the Top Flite Zero is an ARF and may not have
the same level of detail as an “all-out” scratch-built competition model, it is a scale model nonetheless and is therefore eligible to compete in the Fun Scale class in AMA competition (we receive many favorable reports of Top Flite ARFs in scale competition!). In Fun Scale, the “builder of the model” rule does not apply. To
receive the fi ve points for scale documentation, the only proof required that a full size aircraft of this type in this paint/markings scheme did exist is a single sheet such as a kit box cover from a plastic model, a photo, or a profi le painting, etc. If the photo is in black and white other written documentation of color must be provided. Contact the AMA for a rule book with full details.
If you would like photos of the full-size Zero for scale documentation, or if you would like to study the photos to add more scale details, photo packs are available from:
Bob’s Aircraft Documentation
3114 Yukon Ave Ph: (714) 979-8058 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Fax: (714) 979-7279
1. Your Zero should not be considered a toy, but rather a sophisticated, working model that functions very much like a full-size airplane. Because of its performance capabilities, the Zero, if not assembled and operated correctly, could possibly cause injury to yourself or spectators and damage to property.
2. You must assemble the model according to the instructions. Do not alter or modify the model, as doing so may result in an unsafe or unfl yable model. In a few cases the instructions may differ slightly from the photos. In those instances the written instructions should be considered as correct.
3. You must take time to build straight, true and strong.
4. You must use an R/C radio system that is in good condition, a correctly sized engine, and other components as specifi ed in this instruction manual. All components must be correctly installed so that the model operates correctly on the ground and in the air. You must check the operation of the model and all components before every fl ight.
5. If you are not an experienced pilot or have not fl own this type of model before, we recommend that you get the assistance of an experienced pilot in your R/C club for your fi rst fl ights. If you’re not a member of a club, your
local hobby shop has information about clubs in your
area whose membership includes experienced pilots.
6. While this kit has been fl ight tested to exceed normal use, if the plane will be used for extremely high stress fl ying, such as racing, or if an engine larger than one
in the recommended range is used, the modeler is
responsible for taking steps to reinforce the high stress
points and/or substituting hardware more suitable for
the increased stress.
7. WARNING: The cowl and other parts included in
this kit are made of fi berglass, the fi bers of which may cause eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation. Never blow
into a part to remove fi berglass dust, as the dust will blow back into your eyes. Always wear safety goggles, a
particle mask and rubber gloves when grinding, drilling and sanding fi berglass parts. Vacuum the parts and the work area thoroughly after working with fi berglass parts.
We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you with a top quality, thoroughly tested kit and instructions, but ultimately the quality and fl yability of your fi nished model depends on how you build it; therefore, we cannot in any way guarantee the performance of your completed model, and no representations are expressed or implied as to the performance or safety of your completed model.
REMEMBER: Take your time and follow the
instructions to end up with a well-built model that
is straight and true.
This is a partial list of items required to fi nish the ZERO that may require planning or decision making before starting to build. Order numbers are provided in parentheses.
The Zero can be fl own with a minimum of a seven
channel radio. For our installation we used a twelve channel radio. One channel each was used for the throttle, choke, ignition switch, air valve, right elevator, left elevator, rudder, right aileron, left aileron, right fl ap, left fl ap and the optional drop tank.
All control surfaces require the use of a high quality servo of at least 85 oz-in of torque. A servo of 40 oz-in of torque can be used for the throttle, ignition switch, choke and air control valve.
Control Surfaces
Futaba 9402 (FUTM0102)
Throttle, Choke and Air Valve
Futaba 3003 (FUTM0031)
2 – 20" [ 508 mm] Heavy Duty Servo Extensions
(FUTM4147) for the ailerons. If you install the optional drop tank you will need one additional 20" [ 508 mm] extension.
6 –16" [ 406 mm] Heavy Duty Servo Extensions
(FUTM4145) two for the fl aps, one each for the throttle, choke, ignition switch and the air valve.
3 – 8" [203 mm] Pro Series Heavy Duty Servo
Extensions (FUTM4140)
Depending on your choice of receiver and the number
of channels you will be using you may have to use “Y” harnesses on the aileron, fl aps and elevator.
Up to three “Y” harnesses may be required.
3200 mAh 4.8 volt NiCd receiver battery or
equivalent (FUTM1285).
2 - Heavy duty switch harness (FUTM4385).
2 - Earnst Charge Receptacle (ERNM3001).
A cutting edge alternative to standard
servo installation!
The innovative Futaba S.Bus system lets you unleash your fl ight system’s full potential and cut down on
cable clutter at the same time. It uses digital serial data communication technology to transmit control signals between your receiver and servos. A single
S.Bus cable can carry signals to as many channels
as your transmitter can handle. You no longer have to worry about plugging in the wrong servo to the wrong channel, because each servo knows what channel it is dedicated to in advance.
SBD-1 S.Bus Decoder Cables allow the use of existing
analog and digital servos, too. By providing today’s pilots with tomorrow’s technology, the Futaba S.Bus system is nothing short of revolutionary.
Installation is actually simplifi ed as compared to your normal system installation. Using the S.Bus system you plug a battery into the SBC-1 channel changing tool, using it to program which channel you want the servo to operate on.
Once programmed the servo will operate as required regardless of which lead it is plugged into. Do this for all of the servos that you
want to operate on the S.Bus system. Install the servos in the airplane and plug them into the S.Bus lead, piggybacking them one onto another. Once completed you plug one lead into the receiver for all of the servos and all of the servos will function as programmed. One lead operates up to
16 servos!
S.Bus leads are available in a number of different lengths to accommodate installation into any size airplane regardless of its complexity.
There are many choices
for the S. Bus receivers; some are tiny 3 port receivers with others being up to 8 channels.
The 8 channel inputs can
be used as you would normally set up a model, allowing you to split the model and have some of it set up as S.Bus while other servos are not using the S. Bus system. Something else to note is that some of the S. Bus servos and receivers are HV or High Voltage, meaning that you could run a straight 2S LiPo for your receiver battery.
Many servo choices are available for use in a wide variety and sizes of aircraft from micros to the largest models.
Servo Servo ServoServo
Your system is not limited to programming only through
the SBC-1 channel changing tool and your transmitter.
Utilizing the USB interface, the CIU-2, you can do all of
the programming using your PC. Programming with this interface gives more fl exibility and programming options than can be achieved with any other radio system. To utilize standard non S.Bus servos you simply use the
S.Bus decoder instead of the S.Bus lead.
This is just the beginning of what this system can do.
Would you like to operate the servos in the wing with
a separate battery from the fuselage? With S.Bus you can do that! Run multiple servos – using only a single channel on your transmitter!!
Visit for more information, diagrams
and helpful videos showing the complete operation of the S.Bus system.
The recommended engine size range for the Zero is a
50 - 60cc (3.0 - 3.6 cu in] two-stroke gasoline engine.
We used the DLE 55 engine for our model. Other
engines can also be used but you may need to make modifi cations for mounting those engines.
Robart makes a very realistic, high quality, scale pneumatic landing gear for the ZERO. This landing gear rotates just the same as that of the full scale airplane, providing a very realistic operation. This is a tremendous addition to the airplane. You will need the following.
Top Flite Giant Zero Pneumatic Mains
157VR Large Air Control Kit (ROBQ2305)
169 Pressure Tubing 10' Red/Purple
160WC Fork Pneumatic Tail Wheel
Robart also makes an electric version of this landing gear. Though our instructions show the installation of the pneumatic version, the electric version is a drop-in replacement for the pneumatics and can be installed in this airplane following the instructions with the electric retracts.
ZERO-E Top Flite Giant Zero Electric Mains
160WC-E Fork Pneumatic Tail Wheel
Robart makes a realistic, high quality, scale wheel for the ZERO (ROBQ1385). This is a tremendous addition
to the airplane. If you choose to use them you can order them from your dealer.
We have created a scale drop tank mount and drop tank (TOPA1956) that adds an additional level of scale realism and fun to fl ying the Zero. The only thing required
besides the Drop Tank kit is a servo.
Best Pilots specifically designed a Japanese pilot for the Top Flite Zero.
This pilot is available both
painted and unpainted through their web site; www.
This is the list of hardware and accessories required
to fi nish the ZERO. Order numbers are provided in
R/C foam rubber (1/4" [6mm] - HCAQ1000, or
1/2" [13mm] - HCAQ1050)
3' [900mm] gasoline fuel tubing (GPMQ4135)
1 oz. [30g] Thin Pro CA (GPMR6002)
1 oz. [30g] Medium Pro CA+ (GPMR6008)
Pro 30-minute epoxy (GPMR6047)
Pro 6-minute epoxy (GPMR6045)
Silver solder w/fl ux (STAR2000)
Hobbico Soldering Iron 60 Watt (HCAR0776)
#1 Hobby knife (HCAR0105)
#11 blades (5-pack, HCAR0211)
R/C-56 canopy glue (JOZR5007)
Duratrax Shoe Goo (DTXC2460) or some
other form of silicone glue.
Masking tape (TOPR8018)
Threadlocker thread locking cement
Denatured alcohol (for epoxy clean up)
Rotary tool such as Dremel
Rotary tool reinforced cut-off wheel
Drill bits: 1/16" [1.6mm], 1/8" [3.2mm], 5/64"
[2mm], 3/32" [2.4mm], 3/16" [4.8mm].
Two packages of 3' x 1/8" I.D. Tygon fuel tubing
Fuel barbs (DUBQ0672)
Here is a list of optional tools mentioned in the manual
that will help you build the ZERO.
21st Century sealing iron (COVR2700)
21st Century iron cover (COVR2702)
2 oz. [57g] spray CA activator (GPMR6035)
4 oz. [113g] aerosol CA activator (GPMR634)
Epoxy brushes (6, GPMR8060)
Mixing sticks (50, GPMR8055)
Mixing cups (GPMR8056)
Panel Line Pen (TOPQ2510)
There are three types of screws used in this kit:
Sheet Metal Screws are designated by a number and a length. For example #6 3/4" [19mm].
This is a number six
screw that is 3/4"
[19mm] long.
Machine Screws are designated by a number, threads per inch, and a length. For example
4-40 3/4" [19mm].
This is a number four
screw that is 3/4"
[19mm] long with forty
threads per inch.
Socket Head Cap Screws (SHCS) are designated by a number, threads per inch, and a length. For example 4-40 3/4" [19mm].
This is a 4-40 SHCS
that is 3/4" [19mm]
long with forty
threads per inch.
When you see the term test fi t in the instructions,
it means that you should fi rst position the part on the assembly without using any glue, then slightly modify or custom fi t the part as necessary for the best fi t.
Whenever the term glue is written you should rely
upon your experience to decide what type of glue to use. When a specifi c type of adhesive works best for that step, the instructions will make a recommendation.
Whenever just epoxy is specifi ed you may use
either 30-minute (or 45-minute) epoxy or 6-minute
epoxy. When 30-minute epoxy is specifi ed it is highly recommended that you use only 30-minute (or 45-minute) epoxy, because you will need the working time and/or the additional strength.
Photos and sketches are placed before the step
they refer to. Frequently you can study photos in following steps to get another view of the same parts.
The Giant Scale Zero is factory-covered with Top
Flite MonoKote fi lm. Should repairs ever be required, MonoKote can be patched with additional MonoKote purchased separately. MonoKote is packaged in six­foot rolls, but some hobby shops also sell it by the foot. If only a small piece of MonoKote is needed for a minor patch, perhaps a fellow modeler would give you some. MonoKote is applied with a model airplane covering iron, but in an emergency a regular iron could be used. A roll of MonoKote includes full instructions for application. Following are the colors used on this model and order numbers for six foot rolls.
Flat Olive Drab (TOPQ0510) Flat Black (TOPQ0508) Flat Dove Gray (TOPQ0511)
The stabilizer and wing incidences and engine
thrust angles have been factory-built into this model. However, some technically-minded modelers may wish to check these measurements anyway. To view this information visit the web site at and click on “Technical Data.” Due to manufacturing tolerances which will have little or no effect on the way
your model will fl y, please expect slight deviations between your model and the published values.
Before starting to build, take an inventory of this kit to make sure it is complete, and inspect the parts to make sure they are of acceptable quality. If any parts are missing or are not of acceptable quality, or if you need assistance with assembly, contact Product Support.
When reporting defective or missing parts, use the part
names exactly as they are written in the Kit Contents list.
Top Flite Product Support
3002 N Apollo Drive, Suite 1 Champaign, IL 61822
Ph: (217) 398-8970, ext. 5 Fax: (217) 398-7721
E-mail: productsupport@top-fl
Replacement parts for the Top Flite Giant Scale Zero ARF are available using the order numbers in the
Replacement Parts List that follows. The fastest, most economical service can be provided by your hobby dealer or mail-order company.
To locate a hobby dealer, visit the Top Flite web
site at Select “Where to Buy” in the menu across the top of the page and follow the instructions provided to locate a U.S., Canadian or International dealer.
Parts may also be ordered directly from Hobby Services
by calling (217) 398-0007, or via facsimile at (217) 398-
7721, but full retail prices and shipping and handling
charges will apply. Illinois and Nevada residents will also be charged sales tax. If ordering via fax, include a Visa® or MasterCard® number and expiration date for payment.
Mail parts orders Hobby Services and payments by 3002 N Apollo Drive, Suite 1 personal check to: Champaign IL 61822
Be certain to specify the order number exactly as listed in the Replacement Parts List. Payment by credit card or personal check only; no C.O.D.
If additional assistance is required for any reason contact Product Support:
by e-mail at or by telephone at
productsupport@top-fl (217) 398-8970
TOPA1940 Fuse Kit TOPA1941 Wing Kit TOPA1942 Stab Set TOPA1943 Rudder Set TOPA1944 Canopy TOPA1945 Cockpit Set TOPA1946 Cowl Set TOPA1947 Dummy
TOPA1950 Antenna
TOPA1951 Landing Gear
Doors TOPA1952 Door Brackets TOPA1953 2-Blade
Spinner TOPA1954 3-Blade
Spinner TOPA1955 Decal Set TOPA1956 Drop Tank Set
—————————————— CONTENTS —-—————————————
As part of the design and manufacturing of this model we recognized that this very short coupled airframe was
going to need nose weight for the airplane to balance properly. There is not a lot of room on the fi rewall to mount weight so we have pre-installed the required nose
weight into the airframe. If you use the recommended
engine this airplane should be very close to the proper balance point.
1. Cowl
2. Fuselage
3. Spinner
4. Pushrod Tubes
5. Dummy Engine
6. Cockpit Interior
7. Canopy
8. Antenna
9. Stabilizer Tubes
10. Rudder
11. Stabilizers and Elevators
12. Fuel Tank
13. Cowl Mounting Rings
1. If you have not done so already, remove the major parts of the kit from the box and inspect for damage.
If any parts are damaged or missing, contact Product Support at the address or telephone number listed in
the “Kit Inspection” section on page 6.
2. Use a covering iron with a covering sock on high heat to tighten the covering if necessary. Do this for all of the components of the model. Apply pressure over sheeted areas to thoroughly bond the covering to the wood.
14. Right Wing
15. Left Wing
16. Landing Gear Doors
17. Door Brackets
18. Wing Joiner
19. Wheels
Note: Throughout this instruction manual you will be instructed to use screws to secure different parts. In all cases, whenever a screw is threaded into wood sheeting or wood blocks we recommend that you install the screw and then remove it. Apply a drop of thin CA glue into the hole to harden the threads. After the glue has hardened, re-install the screw. Following this step will insure that you have a solid thread for your screws.
Begin with your right wing panel fi rst so your assembly matches the photos in the manual.
1. Install a 24" [610mm ] servo extension to your
❏ ❏
aileron servo. Secure it with heat shrink tubing, tape or other method for securing them together.
2. Install a 12" [305mm] servo extension to your
❏ ❏
fl ap servo. Secure it with heat shrink tubing, tape or other method for securing them together.
4. Glue the blocks to the servo cover. Once the
❏ ❏
glue has cured, drill a 1/16" [1.6mm] hole through the cover and into the servo mounting blocks Secure the
block to the cover with a #2 x 3/8" [#2 x 9.5mm] wood
screw. Do this for both of the servo covers.
The other end of the string is taped to the root wing of
the rib. Pull the leads through the wing.
7. Install the servo covers to the wing, securing
❏ ❏
them to the wing with four #2 x 3/8" [9.5mm] screws and four #2 fl at washers.
3. Remove the tape holding the servo covers to
❏ ❏
the bottom of the wing. Locate two 5/16" x 1/2" x 3/4" [8mm x 13mm x 19 mm] hardwood blocks. The markings on the back of the cover are correct for Futaba servos. Place your particular brand of servo on the cover making sure they fi t between the locations for the blocks. Adjust the positioning of the blocks for your brand of servo.
5. Center the servos and install the servo arm onto
❏ ❏
your servos. The servos require a 3/4" [19mm] servo arm (typically the longest servo arm with your servo). Place your servo onto the mounting blocks. Drill a 1/16" [1.6mm] hole through the servo mounting tabs into the mounting blocks. Secure the servos to the mounting
blocks with the screws that came with your servos.
6. Inside the aileron and fl ap servo compartment
❏ ❏
you will fi nd a string. Tie the string to the servo leads.
8. Tape the servo leads to the top of the wing to
❏ ❏
prevent the leads from falling back into the wing.
9. Located in both the aileron and the fl ap is
❏ ❏
a plywood mounting plate. If you look at the control
surface at a slight angle you will be able to see the plate through the covering.
10. The fl ap and aileron will each require a black
❏ ❏
nylon control horn. The fl a p control horn needs to be modifi ed. Cut a control horn as shown. A high speed rotary tool works well for this.
11. Place an unmodifi ed black nylon control horn
❏ ❏
onto the plywood mounting plate in the aileron in line with the servo arm. Drill a 3/32" [2.4mm] hole through each of the holes in the control horn. Drill only through the plywood plate. Do not drill through the top of the control surface. Mount the horn with four #4 x 1/2" screws.
12. Install the modifi ed control horn to the fl ap.
❏ ❏
However, the fl ap horn is rotated 180 degrees from the
direction the aileron horn was installed. Install the horn
using the same method used for the aileron.
13. Each aileron and fl ap pushrod is made from
❏ ❏
a 5-3/4" [146 mm] 4- 40 pushrod wire threaded on one end, a threaded metal clevis, a 4-40 nut, a metal solder clevis and two silicone clevis keepers.
14. Screw the 4-40 nut and the threaded metal
❏ ❏
clevis onto the pushrod wire. Attach the clevis to the second hole down on the aileron control horn. Attach the metal solder clevis into the outer hole of the aileron servo arm. Center the aileron servo arm and the aileron.
Mark on the pushrod wire where to cut the wire. Remove all of the pushrod wire components. Solder the metal solder clevis to the pushrod. If you are not familiar with soldering follow the “Hot Tip” that follows.
1. Roughen the end of the pushrod with coarse sandpaper where it is to be soldered. Use denatured alcohol or other solvent to thoroughly clean the pushrod.
2. Apply a few drops of soldering fl ux to the end of the pushrod, then use a soldering iron or a torch to heat it. “Tin” the heated area with silver solder by applying the solder to the end. The heat of the pushrod should melt the solder – not the fl ame of the torch or soldering iron – thus allowing the solder to fl ow. The end of the wire should be coated with solder all the way around.
3. Place the clevis on the end of the pushrod. Add another drop of fl ux, then heat and add solder. The same as before, the heat of the parts being soldered should melt the solder, thus allowing it to fl ow. Allow the joint to cool naturally without disturbing. Avoid excess blobs, but make certain the joint is thoroughly soldered. The solder should be shiny, not rough. If necessary, reheat the joint and allow to cool.
4. Immediately after the solder has solidifi ed, but while it is still hot, use a cloth to quickly wipe off the fl ux before it hardens. Important: After the joint cools, coat the joint with oil to prevent rust. Note: Do not use the acid fl ux that comes with silver solder for electrical soldering.
This is what a properly soldered clevis looks like – shiny solder with good flow, no blobs and flux removed.
15. Once the solder has cooled slide a silicone
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clevis keeper over each clevis. Install the pushrod wire assembly to the aileron servo arm and aileron control horn.
16. Use the same procedure for the fl ap servo
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except you will not center the servo. Instead, make sure the fl ap is fully closed to the bottom of the wing. Then position the servo arm so that it is rotated toward the wing trailing edge. Now you can proceed with making the pushrod wire assembly.
This airplane was designed to use the Robart Landing
Gear. These instructions show the installation of the
pneumatic landing gear. Robart also produces an
electric version of this landing gear. Part numbers for
both versions are listed on page 5 of the manual. We have chosen to show the pneumatic installation as it has a few additional steps to complete the installation. Both the pneumatic and the electric versions of this
landing gear will work in this airplane.
3. Inside of the wheel well there is a string. Tie
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the string to the end of the two airlines.
17. Repeat steps 1-16 for the left wing.
Did You Know?Did You Know?
The Mitsubishi Zero was a long-range fi ghter aircraft,
manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and operated by the Imperial Japanese Navy from 1940 to
1945. The A6M was usually referred to by its pilots as the “Zero-sen”, zero being the last digit of the Imperial year 2600 (1940) when it entered service with the Imperial Navy. The offi cial Allied reporting name was
“Zeke”, although the use of the name “Zero” was later
commonly adopted by the Allies as well.
1. Determine which of the landing gear mounts in
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the right wing. Install your gear into the right wing fi rst so your assembly matches the photos in the manual.
2. Cut the Robart pink and purple airline (not
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included in the kit) in half, making two pink and two purple 30" [762mm] lengths. Install one of the pink and purple lines onto the fi ttings as shown.
4. Install the gear into the wheel well. It will be a
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tight fi t and may require you to sand the edge of the opening a bit to fi t the landing gear. When installing the gear into the opening you will fi nd that moving the landing gear strut to different positions while inserting it will make it install into the opening easier.
5. Pull the air lines through the hole in the top of
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the wing. Tape the lines to the wing so they do not fall back into the wing.
6. Secure the landing gear to the wing with six
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6-32 x ¾" [19mm] socket head cap screws and #6 lock washers. Be sure to apply a drop of thread locker to each of the bolts before installing them in the wing.
8. Install them into the landing gear strut as shown.
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Mark the axle with a fi ne point felt tip pen where it meets with the strut. Remove the axle and cut off the excess with a high speed motor tool or hack saw. Once cut to
length reinstall the wheel and secure the axle with the set screw. Be sure to apply a drop of thread locker to the set screw.
7. Locate one of the 5" [127mm] wheels and
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wheel spacers from the kit contents and the axle and the 8-32 set screw that comes with the landing gear.
9. Locate the upper and lower landing gear doors
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and three landing gear door brackets. Six brackets are
included in the kit. You will need one of each of the three sizes for mounting the doors.
10. Install one of each of the brackets to the three
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mounting locations on the landing gear as shown. The shortest bracket is mounted closest to the wing followed by the middle length bracket and the longest bracket.
Secure the brackets with 2-56 x ¼" machine screws as
shown. Note: each bracket is secured with two screws
with the exception of the bracket closest to the wheel which requires three screws. When installing the screws, just snug the screws. Do not tighten them. Additionally, because these screws are small and easy to lose, we have included a few extra screws in the kit.
12. Place the wheel cover door in place onto the
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bracket. When positioning the wheel cover it should overlap the main landing gear cover slightly. When you are satisfi ed, tack glue the wheel cover to the bracket.
14. Lay the landing gear door into the wheel
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well. Drill a #50 or 5/64" [ 2 mm] hole through each of
the mounting holes in the gear doors, into the bracket.
Remove the doors.
11. Rotate the landing gear into the wheel well
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and place the landing gear cover in place. Position the main landing gear cover in place onto the aluminum brackets. The mounting holes in the door should be aligned with the center of the bracket. When you are able to determine the door is positioned properly, remove the door and then temporarily glue the door to the bracket with a small drop of thin CA on each bracket.
13. When properly positioned on the brackets, the
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gear doors should look as shown here.
15. Tap each hole with a 2-56 tap. You will fi nd this
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is most easily done if you remove the brackets from the landing gear and hold the bracket in a vise.
16. Re-install the brackets. Attach the doors to the
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landing gear with 2/56 x ¼: [6.4mm] fl at head machine screws. Apply a drop of thread locker to each of the screws before installing them. (Because these screws are small and easy to lose, we have included a few extra screws in the kit.)
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