• High-Efficiency 32-Bit CPU (TMS320C28x™)• Peripheral Interrupt Expansion (PIE) Block That
– 80 MHz (12.5-ns Cycle Time)
– 16 x 16 and 32 x 32 MAC Operations
– 16 x 16 Dual MAC
– Harvard Bus Architecture
– Atomic Operations
– Fast Interrupt Response and Processing
– Unified Memory Programming Model
– Code-Efficient (in C/C++ and Assembly)
• Floating-Point Unit
– Native Single-Precision Floating-Point
• Programmable Control Law Accelerator (CLA)
– 32-Bit Floating-Point Math Accelerator
– Executes Code Independently of the Main
• Viterbi, Complex Math, CRC Unit (VCU)
– Extends C28x™ Instruction Set to Support
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas
Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
3All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
ADVANCE INFORMATION concerns new products in the sampling
or preproduction phaseof development. Characteristic dataand other
specifications are subjectto change without notice.
Supports All Peripheral Interrupts
• Three 32-Bit CPU Timers
• Advanced Control Peripherals
• Up to 8 Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator
(ePWM) Modules
– 16 PWM Channels Total (8 HRPWM-Capable)
– Independent 16-Bit Timer in Each Module
• 3 Input Capture (eCAP) Modules
• 4 High-Resolution Input Capture (HRCAP)
• 2 Quadrature Encoder (eQEP) Modules
• 12-Bit ADC, Dual Sample-and-Hold
– Up to 3 MSPS
– Up to 16 Channels
The F2806x Piccolo™ family of microcontrollers provides the power of the C28x™ core and Control Law
Accelerator (CLA) coupled with highly integrated control peripherals in low pin-count devices. This family
is code-compatible with previous C28x-based code, as well as providing a high level of analog integration.
An internal voltage regulator allows for single-rail operation. Enhancements have been made to the
HRPWM module to allow for dual-edge control (frequency modulation). Analog comparators with internal
10-bit references have been added and can be routed directly to control the PWM outputs. The ADC
converts from 0 to 3.3-V fixed full scale range and supports ratio-metric V
ADC interface has been optimized for low overhead/latency.
This data sheet revision history highlights the technical changes made to the SPRS698 device-specific
data sheet to make it an SPRS698A revision.
Scope: Added 80-pin PN package and 100-pin PZ package.
Added "T" temperature range (–40°C to 105°C).
Added new sections.
Information/data on the TMS320F2806x devices is now Advance Information.
ADVANCE INFORMATION concerns new products in the sampling or preproduction phase of
development. Characteristic data and other specifications are subject to change without notice.
•Table 3-1, Hardware Features:
–6-Channel DMA: Added "0" to TYPE column
–High-resolution capture modules (HRCAP): Added "0" to TYPE column
–Multi-Channel Buffered Serial Port (McBSP): Added "1" to TYPE column
–Updated "Temperature options"
(1) A type change represents a major functional feature difference in a peripheral module. Within a peripheral type, there may be minor differences between devices that do not affect the
basic functionality of the module. These device-specific differences are listed in the TMS320x28xx, 28xxx DSP Peripheral Reference Guide (literature number SPRU566) and in the
peripheral reference guides.
(1) "Q" refers to Q100 qualification for automotive applications.
(2) See Section 4.3, Device and Development Support Tool Nomenclature, for descriptions of device stages. The "TMX" product status denotes an experimental device that is not necessarily
representative of the final device's electrical specifications.
In Figure 3-1 through Figure 3-7, the following apply:
•Memory blocks are not to scale.
•Peripheral Frame 0, Peripheral Frame 1, Peripheral Frame 2, and Peripheral Frame 3 memory maps
are restricted to data memory only. A user program cannot access these memory maps in program
•Protected means the order of Write-followed-by-Read operations is preserved rather than the pipeline
•Certain memory ranges are EALLOW protected against spurious writes after configuration.
•Locations 0x3D 7C80–0x3D 7CC0 contain the internal oscillator and ADC calibration routines. These
locations are not programmable by the user.
Table 3-2. Addresses of Flash Sectors in F28069/28068/28067/28066
0x3D 8000 – 0x3D BFFFSector H (16K x 16)
0x3D C000 – 0x3D FFFFSector G (16K x 16)
0x3E 0000 – 0x3E 3FFFSector F (16K x 16)
0x3E 4000 – 0x3E 7FFFSector E (16K x 16)
0x3E 8000 – 0x3E BFFFSector D (16K x 16)
0x3E C000 – 0x3E FFFFSector C (16K x 16)
0x3F 0000 – 0x3F 3FFFSector B (16K x 16)
0x3F 4000 – 0x3F 7F7FSector A (16K x 16)
0x3F 7F80 – 0x3F 7FF5
0x3F 7FF6 – 0x3F 7FF7
0x3F 7FF8 – 0x3F 7FFF
Table 3-3. Addresses of Flash Sectors in F28065/28064/28063/28062
Program to 0x0000 when using the
Code Security Module
Boot-to-Flash Entry Point
(program branch instruction here)
Security Password (128-Bit)
(Do not program to all zeros)
0x3E 8000 – 0x3E 9FFFSector H (8K x 16)
0x3E A000 – 0x3E BFFFSector G (8K x 16)
0x3E C000 – 0x3E DFFFSector F (8K x 16)
0x3E E000 – 0x3E FFFFSector E (8K x 16)
0x3F 0000 – 0x3F 1FFFSector D (8K x 16)
0x3F 2000 – 0x3F 3FFFSector C (8K x 16)
0x3F 4000 – 0x3F 5FFFSector B (8K x 16)
0x3F 6000 – 0x3F 7F7FSector A (8K x 16)
0x3F 7F80 – 0x3F 7FF5
0x3F 7FF6 – 0x3F 7FF7
0x3F 7FF8 – 0x3F 7FFF
Program to 0x0000 when using the
Code Security Module
Boot-to-Flash Entry Point
(program branch instruction here)
Security Password (128-Bit)
(Do not program to all zeros)
•When the code-security passwords are programmed, all addresses between 0x3F 7F80
and 0x3F 7FF5 cannot be used as program code or data. These locations must be
programmed to 0x0000.
•If the code security feature is not used, addresses 0x3F 7F80 through 0x3F 7FEF may
be used for code or data. Addresses 0x3F 7FF0 – 0x3F 7FF5 are reserved for data and
should not contain program code.
Table 3-4 shows how to handle these memory locations.
Table 3-4. Impact of Using the Code Security Module
0x3F 7F80 – 0x3F 7FEFApplication code and data
0x3F 7FF0 – 0x3F 7FF5Reserved for data only
Fill with 0x0000
Peripheral Frame 1 and Peripheral Frame 2 are grouped together to enable these blocks to be write/read
peripheral block protected. The protected mode makes sure that all accesses to these blocks happen as
written. Because of the pipeline, a write immediately followed by a read to different memory locations, will
appear in reverse order on the memory bus of the CPU. This can cause problems in certain peripheral
applications where the user expected the write to occur first (as written). The CPU supports a block
protection mode where a region of memory can be protected so that operations occur as written (the
penalty is extra cycles are added to align the operations). This mode is programmable and by default, it
protects the selected zones.
The wait-states for the various spaces in the memory map area are listed in Table 3-5.
Table 3-5. Wait-States
M0 and M1 SARAMs0-waitFixed
Peripheral Frame 00-wait
Peripheral Frame 10-wait (writes)Cycles can be extended by peripheral generated ready.
2-wait (reads)Back-to-back write operations to Peripheral Frame 1 registers will incur
Peripheral Frame 20-wait (writes)Fixed. Cycles cannot be extended by the peripheral.
2-wait (reads)
Peripheral Frame 30-wait (writes)Assumes no conflict between CPU and CLA/DMA cycles. The wait
2-wait (reads)
L0 SARAM0-wait data and programAssumes no CPU conflicts
L1 SARAM0-wait data and programAssumes no CPU conflicts
L2 SARAM0-wait data and programAssumes no CPU conflicts
L3 SARAM0-wait data and programAssumes no CPU conflicts
OTPProgrammableProgrammed via the Flash registers.
1-wait minimum1-wait is minimum number of wait states allowed.
FLASHProgrammableProgrammed via the Flash registers.
0-wait Paged min
1-wait Random min
Random ≥ Paged
FLASH Password16-wait fixedWait states of password locations are fixed.
a 1-cycle stall (1-cycle delay).
states can be extended by peripherals generated ready.
Table 3-6 describes the signals. With the exception of the JTAG pins, the GPIO function is the default at
reset, unless otherwise mentioned. The peripheral signals that are listed under them are alternate
functions. Some peripheral functions may not be available in all devices. See Table 3-1 for details. Inputs
are not 5-V tolerant. All GPIO pins are I/O/Z and have an internal pullup, which can be selectively
enabled/disabled on a per-pin basis. This feature only applies to the GPIO pins. The pullups on the PWM
pins are not enabled at reset. The pullups on other GPIO pins are enabled upon reset. The AIO pins do
not have an internal pullup.
NOTE: When the on-chip VREG is used, the GPIO19, GPIO34, GPIO35, GPIO36, GPIO37, and GPIO38
pins could glitch during power up. If this is unacceptable in an application, 1.8 V could be supplied
externally. There is no power-sequencing requirement when using an external 1.8-V supply. However, if
the 3.3-V transistors in the level-shifting output buffers of the I/O pins are powered prior to the 1.9-V
transistors, it is possible for the output buffers to turn on, causing a glitch to occur on the pin during power
up. To avoid this behavior, power the VDDpins prior to or simultaneously with the V
the VDDpins have reached 0.7 V before the V
Table 3-6. Terminal Functions
TRST1210Inormal device operation. An external pull-down resistor is required on this pin. The
TCKSee GPIO38ISee GPIO38. JTAG test clock with internal pullup. (↑)
TDOSee GPIO37O/Zregister (instruction or data) are shifted out of TDO on the falling edge of TCK.
TEST24536I/OTest Pin. Reserved for TI. Must be left unconnected.
(1) I = Input, O = Output, Z = High Impedance, OD = Open Drain, ↑ = Pullup, ↓ = Pulldown
46373.3-V Flash Core Power Pin. This pin should be connected to 3.3 V at all times.
JTAG test reset with internal pulldown. TRST, when driven high, gives the scan system
control of the operations of the device. If this signal is not connected or driven low, the
device operates in its functional mode, and the test reset signals are ignored.
NOTE: TRST is an active-high test pin and must be maintained low at all times during
value of this resistor should be based on drive strength of the debugger pods
applicable to the design. A 2.2-kΩ resistor generally offers adequate protection. Since
this is application-specific, it is recommended that each target board be validated for
proper operation of the debugger and the application. (↓)
See GPIO36. JTAG test-mode select (TMS) with internal pullup. This serial control
input is clocked into the TAP controller on the rising edge of TCK. (↑)
See GPIO35. JTAG test data input (TDI) with internal pullup. TDI is clocked into the
selected register (instruction or data) on a rising edge of TCK. (↑)
See GPIO37. JTAG scan out, test data output (TDO). The contents of the selected
(8-mA drive)
ADCINA716–IADC Group A, Channel 7 input
ADCINA61714IADC Group A, Channel 6 input
COMP3AIComparator Input 3A
AIO6I/ODigital AIO 6
ADCINA51815IADC Group A, Channel 5 input
ADCINA41916IADC Group A, Channel 4 input
COMP2AIComparator Input 2A
AIO4I/ODigital AIO 4
ADCINA320–IADC Group A, Channel 3 input
ADCINA22117IADC Group A, Channel 2 input
COMP1AIComparator Input 1A
AIO2I/ODigital AIO 2
ADCINA12218IADC Group A, Channel 1 input
See GPIO19 and
See GPIO18. Output clock derived from SYSCLKOUT. XCLKOUT is either the same
frequency, one-half the frequency, or one-fourth the frequency of SYSCLKOUT. This is
controlled by bits 1:0 (XCLKOUTDIV) in the XCLK register. At reset, XCLKOUT =
SYSCLKOUT/4. The XCLKOUT signal can be turned off by setting XCLKOUTDIV to 3.
The mux control for GPIO18 must also be set to XCLKOUT for this signal to propogate
to the pin.
See GPIO19 and GPIO38. External oscillator input. Pin source for the clock is
controlled by the XCLKINSEL bit in the XCLK register, GPIO38 is the default selection.
This pin feeds a clock from an external 3.3-V oscillator. In this case, the X1 pin, if
available, must be tied to GND and the on-chip crystal oscillator must be disabled via
bit 14 in the CLKCTL register. If a crystal/resonator is used, the XCLKIN path must be
NOTE: Designs that use the GPIO38/XCLKIN/TCK pin to supply an external clock for
normal device operation may need to incorporate some hooks to disable this path
during debug using the JTAG connector. This is to prevent contention with the TCK
signal, which is active during JTAG debug sessions. The zero-pin internal oscillators
may be used during this time to clock the device.
On-chip crystal-oscillator input. To use this oscillator, a quartz crystal or a ceramic
resonator must be connected across X1 and X2. In this case, the XCLKIN path must
be disabled by bit 13 in the CLKCTL register. If this pin is not used, it must be tied to
On-chip crystal-oscillator output. A quartz crystal or a ceramic resonator must be
connected across X1 and X2. If X2 is not used, it must be left unconnected.
Device Reset (in) and Watchdog Reset (out). Piccolo devices have a built-in
power-on-reset (POR) and brown-out-reset (BOR) circuitry. As such, no external
circuitry is needed to generate a reset pulse. During a power-on or brown-out condition,
this pin is driven low by the device. See Section 5.3, Electrical Characteristics, for
thresholds of the POR/BOR block. This pin is also driven low by the MCU when a
watchdog reset occurs. During watchdog reset, the XRS pin is driven low for the
watchdog reset duration of 512 OSCCLK cycles. If need be, an external circuitry may
also drive this pin to assert a device reset. In this case, it is recommended that this pin
be driven by an open-drain device. An R-C circuit must be connected to this pin for
noise immunity reasons. Regardless of the source, a device reset causes the device to
terminate execution. The program counter points to the address contained at the
location 0x3FFFC0. When reset is deactivated, execution begins at the location
designated by the program counter. The output buffer of this pin is an open-drain with
an internal pullup.
ADC Group A, Channel 0 input.
their use is mutually exclusive to one another.
and ADCINA0 share the same pin on the 80-pin PN/PFP device and
their use is mutually exclusive to one another.
and ADCINA0 share the same pin on the 80-pin PN/PFP device and
is always connected to V
Analog Ground Pin.
is always connected to V
CPU and Logic Digital Power Pins – no supply source needed when using internal
VREG. Tie with 1.2 µF (minimum) ceramic capacitor (10% tolerance) to ground when
using internal VREG. Higher value capacitors may be used, but could impact
supply-rail ramp-up time.
Digital I/O and Flash Power Pin – Single Supply source when VREG is enabled.
VREGENZ9071IInternal VREG Enable/Disable – pull low to enable VREG, pull high to disable VREG.
GPIO08769I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 0
EPWM1AOEnhanced PWM1 Output A and HRPWM channel
GPIO18668I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 1
EPWM1BOEnhanced PWM1 Output B
COMP1OUTODirect output of Comparator 1
GPIO28467I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 2
EPWM2AOEnhanced PWM2 Output A and HRPWM channel
GPIO38366I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 3
EPWM2BOEnhanced PWM2 Output B
SPISOMIAI/OSPI-A slave out, master in
COMP2OUTODirect output of Comparator 2
GPIO497I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 4
EPWM3AOEnhanced PWM3 output A and HRPWM channel
GPIO5108I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 5
EPWM3BOEnhanced PWM3 output B
SPISIMOAI/OSPI-A slave in, master out
ECAP1I/OEnhanced Capture input/output 1
GPIO65846I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 6
EPWM4AOEnhanced PWM4 output A and HRPWM channel
EPWMSYNCIIExternal ePWM sync pulse input
EPWMSYNCOOExternal ePWM sync pulse output
GPIO75745I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 7
EPWM4BOEnhanced PWM4 output B
SCIRXDAISCI-A receive data
ECAP2I/OEnhanced Capture input/output 2
GPIO85443I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 8
EPWM5AOEnhanced PWM5 output A and HRPWM channel
ADCSOCAOOADC start-of-conversion A
(1) The GPIO function (shown in bold italics) is the default at reset. The peripheral signals that are listed under them are alternate functions.
For JTAG pins that have the GPIO functionality multiplexed, the input path to the GPIO block is always valid. The output path from the
GPIO block and the path to the JTAG block from a pin is enabled/disabled based on the condition of the TRST signal. See the
TMS320x2806x Piccolo System Control and Interrupts Reference Guide (literature number SPRUH15).
GPIO94939I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 9
EPWM5BOEnhanced PWM5 output B
ECAP3I/OEnhanced Capture input/output 3
GPIO107460I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 10
EPWM6AOEnhanced PWM6 output A and HRPWM channel
ADCSOCBOOADC start-of-conversion B
GPIO117359I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 11
EPWM6BOEnhanced PWM6 output B
ECAP1I/OEnhanced Capture input/output 1
GPIO124435I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 12
TZ1ITrip Zone input 1
SCITXDAOSCI-A transmit data
SPISIMOBI/OSPI-B slave in, master out
GPIO139575I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 13
TZ2ITrip Zone input 2
SPISOMIBI/OSPI-B slave out, master in
GPIO149676I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 14
TZ3ITrip zone input 3
ECAP1I/OEnhanced Capture input/output 1
EQEP2AIEnhanced QEP2 input A.
SPISIMOBI/OSPI-B slave in, master out
GPIO253931I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 25
ECAP2I/OEnhanced Capture input/output 2
SPISOMIBI/OSPI-B slave out, master in
SCI-B transmit data.
NOTE: SCI-B is only available in the PZ and PZP packages.
one-half the frequency, or one-fourth the frequency of SYSCLKOUT. This is controlled
by bits 1:0 (XCLKOUTDIV) in the XCLK register. At reset, XCLKOUT =
SYSCLKOUT/4. The XCLKOUT signal can be turned off by setting XCLKOUTDIV to 3.
The mux control for GPIO18 must also be set to XCLKOUT for this signal to propogate
to the pin.
mux function of this pin. Care must be taken not to enable this path for clocking if it is
being used for the other peripheral functions.
SCI-B receive data.
NOTE: SCI-B is only available in the PZ and PZP packages.
SCI-B transmit data.
NOTE: SCI-B is only available in the PZ and PZP packages.
SCI-B receive data.
NOTE: SCI-B is only available in the PZ and PZP packages.
NOTE: eQEP2 is only available in the PZ and PZP packages.
Enhanced QEP2 input B.
NOTE: eQEP2 is only available in the PZ and PZP packages.
GPIO285040I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 28
SCIRXDAISCI-A receive data
SDAAI/ODI2C data open-drain bidirectional port
TZ2ITrip zone input 2
GPIO294334I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 29
SCITXDAOSCI-A transmit data
SCLAI/ODI2C clock open-drain bidirectional port
TZ3ITrip zone input 3
GPIO304133I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 30
EPWM7AOEnhanced PWM7 Output A and HRPWM channel
EPWM8AOEnhanced PWM8 Output A and HRPWM channel
GPIO329979I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 32
SDAAI/ODI2C data open-drain bidirectional port
EPWMSYNCIIEnhanced PWM external sync pulse input
ADCSOCAOOADC start-of-conversion A
GPIO3310080I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 33
SCLAI/ODI2C clock open-drain bidirectional port
EPWMSYNCOOEnhanced PWM external synch pulse output
ADCSOCBOOADC start-of-conversion B
GPIO346855I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 34
COMP2OUTODirect output of Comparator 2
COMP3OUTODirect output of Comparator 3
GPIO357157I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 35
TDIIJTAG test data input (TDI) with internal pullup. TDI is clocked into the selected register
GPIO367258I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 36
TMSIJTAG test-mode select (TMS) with internal pullup. This serial control input is clocked
GPIO377056I/O/ZGeneral-purpose input/output 37
TDOO/ZJTAG scan out, test data output (TDO). The contents of the selected register
Enhanced QEP2 index.
NOTE: eQEP2 is only available in the PZ and PZP packages.
Enhanced QEP2 strobe.
NOTE: eQEP2 is only available in the PZ and PZP packages.
Enhanced QEP2 index.
NOTE: eQEP2 is only available in the PZ and PZP packages.
Enhanced QEP2 strobe.
NOTE: eQEP2 is only available in the PZ and PZP packages.
(instruction or data) on a rising edge of TCK.
into the TAP controller on the rising edge of TCK.
(instruction or data) are shifted out of TDO on the falling edge of TCK (8 mA drive).