PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.
Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas
Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not
necessarily include testing of all parameters.
• High-Performance 32-Bit CPU ( TMS320C28x™)– Up to 16 PWM Outputs
– 16 x 16 and 32 x 32 MAC Operations– Up to 6 HRPWM Outputs With 150-ps MEP
– 16 x 16 Dual MAC
– Harvard Bus Architecture
– Atomic Operations
– Fast Interrupt Response and Processing
– Unified Memory Programming Model
– Code-Efficient (in C/C++ and Assembly)
• On-Chip Memory
– F2809: 128K x 16 Flash, 18K x 16 SARAM
F2808: 64K x 16 Flash, 18K x 16 SARAM– One Inter-Integrated-Circuit (I2C) Bus
F2806: 32K x 16 Flash, 10K x 16 SARAM
F2802: 32K x 16 Flash, 6K x 16 SARAM
F2801: 16K x 16 Flash, 6K x 16 SARAM
F2801x: 16K x 16 Flash, 6K x 16 SARAM
– 1K x 16 OTP ROM (Flash Devices Only)
– C2802: 32K x 16 ROM, 6K x 16 SARAM
C2801: 16K x 16 ROM, 6K x 16 SARAM
• Boot ROM (4K x 16)
– With Software Boot Modes (via SCI, SPI,
CAN, I2C, and Parallel I/O)
– Standard Math Tables
• Clock and System Control
– Dynamic PLL Ratio Changes Supported
– On-Chip Oscillator
– Watchdog Timer Module
• Any GPIO A Pin Can Be Connected to One of
the Three External Core Interrupts
• Peripheral Interrupt Expansion (PIE) Block That
Supports All 43 Peripheral Interrupts
(1) IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990 Standard Test Access Port and
Boundary Scan Architecture
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas
Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
2TMS320C28x, Code Composer Studio, DSP/BIOS, MicroStar BGA, C28x, TI, TMS320C2000 are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
3eZdsp is a trademark of Spectrum Digital.
4All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.
Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas
Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not
necessarily include testing of all parameters.
TMS320F28016, TMS320F28015
• Enhanced Control Peripherals
– Up to Four Capture Inputs
– Up to Two Quadrature Encoder Interfaces
– Up to Six 32-bit/Six 16-bit Timers
• Serial Port Peripherals
– Up to 4 SPI Modules
– Up to 2 SCI (UART) Modules
– Up to 2 CAN Modules
• 12-Bit ADC, 16 Channels
– 2 x 8 Channel Input Multiplexer
– Two Sample-and-Hold
– Single/Simultaneous Conversions
– Fast Conversion Rate:
• Up to 35 Individually Programmable,
Multiplexed GPIO Pins With Input Filtering
• Advanced Emulation Features
– Analysis and Breakpoint Functions
– Real-Time Debug via Hardware
• Development Support Includes
– ANSI C/C++ Compiler/Assembler/Linker
– Code Composer Studio™ IDE
– Digital Motor Control and Digital Power
Software Libraries
• Low-Power Modes and Power Savings
– IDLE, STANDBY, HALT Modes Supported
– Disable Individual Peripheral Clocks
• Package Options• Temperature Options
– Thin Quad Flatpack (PZ)– A: –40°C to 85°C (PZ, GGM, ZGM)
– MicroStar BGA™ (GGM, ZGM)– S: –40°C to 125°C (PZ, GGM, ZGM)
– Q: –40°C to 125°C (PZ)
1.2Getting Started
This section gives a brief overview of the steps to take when first developing for a C28x™ device. For
more detail on each of these steps, see the following:
•Getting Started With TMS320C28x Digital Signal Controllers (literature number SPRAAM0).
•C2000 Getting Started Website (
Step 1. Acquire the appropriate development tools
The quickest way to begin working with a C28x device is to acquire an eZdsp™ kit for initial
development, which, in one package, includes:
•On-board JTAG emulation via USB or parallel port
•Appropriate emulation driver
•Code Composer Studio™ IDE for eZdsp
Once you have become familiar with the device and begin developing on your own
hardware, purchase Code Composer Studio™ IDE separately for software development and
a JTAG emulation tool to get started on your project.
Step 2. Download starter software
To simplify programming for C28x devices, it is recommended that users download and use
the C/C++ Header Files and Example(s) to begin developing software for the C28x devices
and their various peripherals.
After downloading the appropriate header file package for your device, refer to the following
resources for step-by-step instructions on how to run the peripheral examples and use the
header file structure for your own software
•The Quick Start Readme in the /doc directory to run your first application.
•Programming TMS320x28xx and 28xxx Peripherals in C/C++ Application Report
(literature number SPRAA85)
Step 3. Download flash programming software
Many C28x devices include on-chip flash memory and tools that allow you to program the
flash with your software IP.
•Flash Tools: C28x Flash Tools
•TMS320F281x™ Flash Programming Solutions (literature number SPRB169)
•Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSP
(literature number SPRA958)
Step 4. Move on to more advanced topics
For more application software and other advanced topics, visit the TI™ website at or
The TMS320F2809, TMS320F2808, TMS320F2806, TMS320F2802, TMS320F2801, TMS320F28015,
TMS320F28016, TMS320C2802, and TMS320C2801 devices, members of the TMS320C28x™ DSP
generation, are highly integrated, high-performance solutions for demanding control applications.
TMS320F2801, TMS320C2802, TMS320C2801, TMS320F28015, and TMS320F28016 are abbreviated as
F2809, F2808, F2806, F2802, F2801, C2802, C2801, F28015, and F28016, respectively. TMS320F28015
and TMS320F28016 are abbreviated as F2801x. Table 2-1 provides a summary of features for each
3.3-V on-chip flash (16-bit word)–128K64K32K32K16K––
On-chip ROM (16-bit word)––––––32K16K
Code security for on-chip flash/SARAM/OTP blocks–YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Boot ROM (4K x 16)–YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
One-time programmable (OTP) ROM
(1) A type change represents a major functional feature difference in a peripheral module. Within a peripheral type, there may be minor differences between devices that do not affect the
basic functionality of the module. These device-specific differences are listed in the TMS320x28xx, 28xxx DSP Peripheral Reference Guide (literature number SPRU566) and in the
peripheral reference guides.
(2) See Section 5.1, Device and Development Support Tool Nomenclature, for descriptions of device stages.
3.3-V on-chip flash (16-bit word)–32K16K16K16K
On-chip ROM (16-bit word)–––––
Code security for on-chip flash/SARAM/OTP blocks–YesYesYesYes
Boot ROM (4K x 16)–YesYesYesYes
One-time programmable (OTP) ROM
(1) A type change represents a major functional feature difference in a peripheral module. Within a peripheral type, there may be minor differences between devices that do not affect the
basic functionality of the module. These device-specific differences are listed in the TMS320x28xx, 28xxx DSP Peripheral Reference Guide (literature number SPRU566) and in the
peripheral reference guides.
(2) See Section 5.1, Device and Development Support Tool Nomenclature, for descriptions of device stages.
The TMS320F2809, TMS320F2808, TMS320F2806, TMS320F2802, TMS320F2801, TMS320C2802,
TMS320C2801, TMS320F28015, and TMS320F28016 100-pin PZ low-profile quad flatpack (LQFP) pin
assignments are shown in Figure 2-1, Figure 2-2, Figure 2-3, and Figure 2-4. The 100-ball GGM and ZGM
ball grid array (BGA) terminal assignments are shown in Figure 2-5. Table 2-3 describes the function(s) of
each pin.
Table 2-3 describes the signals on the 280x devices. All digital inputs are TTL-compatible. All outputs are
3.3 V with CMOS levels. Inputs are not 5-V tolerant.
Table 2-3. Signal Descriptions
TRST84A6high test pin and must be maintained low at all times during normal device operation. An external
TCK75A10JTAG test clock with internal pullup (I, ↑)
EMU080A8(I/O/Z, 8 mA drive ↑)
EMU181B7(I/O/Z, 8 mA drive ↑)
TEST197A3Test Pin. Reserved for TI. Must be left unconnected. (I/O)
TEST298B3Test Pin. Reserved for TI. Must be left unconnected. (I/O)
XCLKOUT66E8(XCLKOUTDIV) in the XCLK register. At reset, XCLKOUT = SYSCLKOUT/4. The XCLKOUT signal
XCLKIN90B5case, tie the X1 pin to GND. Alternately, when a crystal/resonator is used (or if an external 1.8-V
JTAG test reset with internal pulldown. TRST, when driven high, gives the scan system control of
the operations of the device. If this signal is not connected or driven low, the device operates in its
functional mode, and the test reset signals are ignored.
NOTE: Do not use pullup resistors on TRST; it has an internal pull-down device. TRST is an active
pulldown resistor is required on this pin. The value of this resistor should be based on drive strength
of the debugger pods applicable to the design. A 2.2-kΩ resistor generally offers adequate
protection. Since this is application-specific, it is recommended that each target board be validated
for proper operation of the debugger and the application. (I, ↓)
JTAG test-mode select (TMS) with internal pullup. This serial control input is clocked into the TAP
controller on the rising edge of TCK. (I, ↑)
JTAG test data input (TDI) with internal pullup. TDI is clocked into the selected register (instruction
or data) on a rising edge of TCK. (I, ↑)
JTAG scan out, test data output (TDO). The contents of the selected register (instruction or data)
are shifted out of TDO on the falling edge of TCK. (O/Z 8 mA drive)
Emulator pin 0. When TRST is driven high, this pin is used as an interrupt to or from the emulator
system and is defined as input/output through the JTAG scan. This pin is also used to put the
device into boundary-scan mode. With the EMU0 pin at a logic-high state and the EMU1 pin at a
logic-low state, a rising edge on the TRST pin would latch the device into boundary-scan mode.
NOTE: An external pullup resistor is recommended on this pin. The value of this resistor should be
based on the drive strength of the debugger pods applicable to the design. A 2.2-kΩ to 4.7-kΩ
resistor is generally adequate. Since this is application-specific, it is recommended that each target
board be validated for proper operation of the debugger and the application.
Emulator pin 1. When TRST is driven high, this pin is used as an interrupt to or from the emulator
system and is defined as input/output through the JTAG scan. This pin is also used to put the
device into boundary-scan mode. With the EMU0 pin at a logic-high state and the EMU1 pin at a
logic-low state, a rising edge on the TRST pin would latch the device into boundary-scan mode.
NOTE: An external pullup resistor is recommended on this pin. The value of this resistor should be
based on the drive strength of the debugger pods applicable to the design. A 2.2-kΩ to 4.7-kΩ
resistor is generally adequate. Since this is application-specific, it is recommended that each target
board be validated for proper operation of the debugger and the application.
3.3-V Flash Core Power Pin. This pin should be connected to 3.3 V at all times. On the ROM
parts (C280x), this pin should be connected to V
Output clock derived from SYSCLKOUT. XCLKOUT is either the same frequency, one-half the
frequency, or one-fourth the frequency of SYSCLKOUT. This is controlled by the bits 1, 0
can be turned off by setting XCLKOUTDIV to 3. Unlike other GPIO pins, the XCLKOUT pin is not
placed in high-impedance state during a reset. (O/Z, 8 mA drive).
External Oscillator Input. This pin is used to feed a clock from an external 3.3-V oscillator. In this
oscillator is fed into the X1 pin), tie the XCLKIN pin to GND. (I)
(1) I = Input, O = Output, Z = High impedance, OD = Open drain, ↑ = Pullup, ↓ = Pulldown
X188E6power supply. A 1.8-V external oscillator may be connected to the X1 pin. In this case, the XCLKIN
ADCINA716F3ADC Group A, Channel 7 input (I)
ADCINA617F4ADC Group A, Channel 6 input (I)
ADCINA518G4ADC Group A, Channel 5 input (I)
ADCINA419G1ADC Group A, Channel 4 input (I)
ADCINA320G2ADC Group A, Channel 3 input (I)
ADCINA221G3ADC Group A, Channel 2 input (I)
ADCINA122H1ADC Group A, Channel 1 input (I)
ADCINA023H2ADC Group A, Channel 0 input (I)
ADCINB734K5ADC Group B, Channel 7 input (I)
ADCINB633H4ADC Group B, Channel 6 input (I)
ADCINB532K4ADC Group B, Channel 5 input (I)
ADCINB431J4ADC Group B, Channel 4 input (I)
ADCINB330K3ADC Group B, Channel 3 input (I)
ADCINB229H3ADC Group B, Channel 2 input (I)
ADCINB128J3ADC Group B, Channel 1 input (I)
ADCINB027K2ADC Group B, Channel 0 input (I)
ADCLO24J1Low Reference (connect to analog ground) (I)
ADCRESEXT38F5ADC External Current Bias Resistor. Connect a 22-kΩ resistor to analog ground.
ADCREFIN35J5External reference input (I)
Internal/External Oscillator Input. To use the internal oscillator, a quartz crystal or a ceramic
resonator may be connected across X1 and X2. The X1 pin is referenced to the 1.8-V core digital
pin must be connected to ground. If a 3.3-V external oscillator is used with the XCLKIN pin, X1 must
be tied to GND. (I)
Internal Oscillator Output. A quartz crystal or a ceramic resonator may be connected across X1 and
X2. If X2 is not used it must be left unconnected. (O)
Device Reset (in) and Watchdog Reset (out).
Device reset. XRS causes the device to terminate execution. The PC will point to the address
contained at the location 0x3FFFC0. When XRS is brought to a high level, execution begins at the
location pointed to by the PC. This pin is driven low by the DSP when a watchdog reset occurs.
During watchdog reset, the XRS pin is driven low for the watchdog reset duration of 512 OSCCLK
cycles. (I/OD, ↑)
The output buffer of this pin is an open-drain with an internal pullup. It is recommended that this pin
be driven by an open-drain device.
Internal Reference Positive Output. Requires a low ESR (under 1.5 Ω) ceramic bypass capacitor of
2.2 μF to analog ground. (O)
NOTE: Use the ADC Clock rate to derive the ESR specification from the capacitor data sheet that is
used in the system.
Internal Reference Medium Output. Requires a low ESR (under 1.5 Ω) ceramic bypass capacitor of
2.2 μF to analog ground. (O)
NOTE: Use the ADC Clock rate to derive the ESR specification from the capacitor data sheet that is
used in the system.
GPIO0General-purpose input/output 0 (I/O/Z)
EPWM1AEnhanced PWM1 Output A and HRPWM channel (O)
-GPIO1General-purpose input/output 1 (I/O/Z)
EPWM1BEnhanced PWM1 Output B (O)
SPISIMODSPI-D slave in, master out (I/O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
-GPIO2General-purpose input/output 2 (I/O/Z)
EPWM2AEnhanced PWM2 Output A and HRPWM channel (O)
(1) Some peripheral functions may not be available in TMS320F2801x devices. See Table 2-2 for details.
(2) All GPIO pins are I/O/Z, 4-mA drive typical (unless otherwise indicated), and have an internal pullup, which can be selectively
enabled/disabled on a per-pin basis. This feature only applies to the GPIO pins. The GPIO function (shown in Italics) is the default at
reset. The peripheral signals that are listed under them are alternate functions.
(3) The pullups on GPIO0-GPIO11 pins are not enabled at reset.
15F2ADC Analog Power Pin (3.3 V)
14F1ADC Analog Ground Pin
26J2ADC Analog I/O Power Pin (3.3 V)
25K1ADC Analog I/O Ground Pin
12E4ADC Analog Power Pin (1.8 V)
13E5ADC Analog Ground Pin
40J6ADC Analog Power Pin (1.8 V)
39K6ADC Analog Ground Pin
EPWM5AEnhanced PWM5 output A and HRPWM channel (O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
CANTXBEnhanced CAN-B transmit (O) (not available on 2801, 2802, F2806)
ADCSOCAOADC start-of-conversion A (O)
GPIO9General-purpose input/output 9 (I/O/Z)
EPWM5BEnhanced PWM5 output B (O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
SCITXDBSCI-B transmit data (O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
ECAP3Enhanced capture input/output 3 (I/O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
GPIO10General-purpose input/output 10 (I/O/Z)
EPWM6AEnhanced PWM6 output A and HRPWM channel (O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
CANRXBEnhanced CAN-B receive (I) (not available on 2801, 2802, F2806)
ADCSOCBOADC start-of-conversion B (O)
GPIO11General-purpose input/output 11 (I/O/Z)
EPWM6BEnhanced PWM6 output B (O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
SCIRXDBSCI-B receive data (I) (not available on 2801, 2802)
ECAP4Enhanced CAP Input/Output 4 (I/O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
GPIO12General-purpose input/output 12 (I/O/Z)
TZ1Trip Zone input 1 (I)
CANTXBEnhanced CAN-B transmit (O) (not available on 2801, 2802, F2806)
SPISIMOBSPI-B Slave in, Master out (I/O)
GPIO13General-purpose input/output 13 (I/O/Z)
TZ2Trip zone input 2 (I)
CANRXBEnhanced CAN-B receive (I) (not available on 2801, 2802, F2806)
SPISOMIBSPI-B slave out, master in (I/O)
GPIO14General-purpose input/output 14 (I/O/Z)
TZ3Trip zone input 3 (I)
SCITXDBSCI-B transmit (O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
GPIO17General-purpose input/output 17 (I/O/Z)
SPISOMIASPI-A slave out, master in (I/O)
CANRXBEnhanced CAN-B receive (I) (not available on 2801, 2802, F2806)
TZ6Trip zone input 6 (I)
GPIO18General-purpose input/output 18 (I/O/Z)
SPICLKASPI-A clock input/output (I/O)
SCITXDB54H8SCI-B transmit (O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
-GPIO19General-purpose input/output 19 (I/O/Z)
SPISTEASPI-A slave transmit enable input/output (I/O)
SCIRXDB57G10SCI-B receive (I) (not available on 2801, 2802)
-GPIO20General-purpose input/output 20 (I/O/Z)
EQEP1AEnhanced QEP1 input A (I)
SPISIMOCSPI-C slave in, master out (I/O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
CANTXBEnhanced CAN-B transmit (O) (not available on 2801, 2802, F2806)
GPIO21General-purpose input/output 21 (I/O/Z)
EQEP1BEnhanced QEP1 input A (I)
SPISOMICSPI-C master in, slave out (I/O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
CANRXBEnhanced CAN-B receive (I) (not available on 2801, 2802, F2806)
GPIO22General-purpose input/output 22 (I/O/Z)
EQEP1SEnhanced QEP1 strobe (I/O)
SPICLKCSPI-C clock (I/O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
SCITXDBSCI-B transmit (O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
GPIO23General-purpose input/output 23 (I/O/Z)
EQEP1IEnhanced QEP1 index (I/O)
SPISTECSPI-C slave transmit enable (I/O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
SCIRXDBSCI-B receive (I) (not available on 2801, 2802)
GPIO24General-purpose input/output 24 (I/O/Z)
ECAP1Enhanced capture 1 (I/O)
EQEP2AEnhanced QEP2 input A (I) (not available on 2801, 2802)
SPISIMOBSPI-B slave in, master out (I/O)
GPIO25General-purpose input/output 25 (I/O/Z)
ECAP2Enhanced capture 2 (I/O)
EQEP2BEnhanced QEP2 input B (I) (not available on 2801, 2802)
SPISOMIBSPI-B master in, slave out (I/O)
GPIO26General-purpose input/output 26 (I/O/Z)
ECAP3Enhanced capture 3 (I/O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
EQEP2IEnhanced QEP2 index (I/O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
GPIO27General-purpose input/output 27 (I/O/Z)
ECAP4Enhanced capture 4 (I/O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
EQEP2SEnhanced QEP2 strobe (I/O) (not available on 2801, 2802)
SPISTEBSPI-B slave transmit enable (I/O)
GPIO28General-purpose input/output 28. This pin has an 8-mA (typical) output buffer. (I/O/Z)
SCIRXDASCI receive data (I)
-TZ5Trip zone input 5 (I)
GPIO29General-purpose input/output 29. This pin has an 8-mA (typical) output buffer. (I/O/Z)
SCITXDASCI transmit data (O)
-TZ6Trip zone 6 input (I)
(1) The pullups on GPIO12-GPIO34 are enabled upon reset.
64K x 16 (F2808)
32K x 16 (F2806)
32K x 16 (F2802)
16K x 16 (F2801)
16K x 16 (F2801x)
1K x 16
Protected by the code-security module.
32-bit CPU TIMER 0
32-bit CPU TIMER 1
32-bit CPU TIMER 2
3Functional Overview
TMS320F2809, TMS320F2808, TMS320F2806
TMS320F2802, TMS320F2801, TMS320C2802
TMS320C2801, TMS320F28016, TMS320F28015
A.43 of the possible 96 interrupts are used on the devices.
B.Not available in F2802, F2801, C2802, and C2801.
C. Not available in F2806, F2802, F2801, C2802, and C2801.
D. The 1K x 16 OTP has been replaced with 1K x 16 ROM for C280x devices.
A.Memory blocks are not to scale.
B.Peripheral Frame 0, Peripheral Frame 1, and Peripheral Frame 2 memory maps are restricted to data memory only.
C. Protected means the order of Write followed by Read operations is preserved rather than the pipeline order.
D. Certain memory ranges are EALLOW protected against spurious writes after configuration.
User program cannot access these memory maps in program space.
Figure 3-2. F2809 Memory Map
Submit Documentation Feedback
TMS320C2801 TMS320F28016 TMS320F28015
0x00 0000
Block Start
Data Space
Prog Space
M0 SARAM (1K y 16)
M1 SARAM (1K y 16)
0x00 0400
Peripheral Frame 0
0x00 0800
0x00 0D00
Peripheral Frame 1
0x00 6000
Peripheral Frame 2
0x00 7000
L0 SARAM (0-wait)
(4K y 16, Secure Zone, Dual-Mapped)
0x00 8000
L1 SARAM (0-wait)
(4K y 16, Secure Zone, Dual-Mapped)
0x00 9000
H0 SARAM (0-wait)
(8K y 16, Dual-Mapped)
0x00 A000
0x00 C000
(1K y 16, Secure Zone)
0x3D 7800
0x3D 7C00
(64K y 16, Secure Zone)
0x3E 8000
0x3F 7FF8
128-bit Password
L0 SARAM (0-wait)
(4K y 16, Secure Zone, Dual-Mapped)
0x3F 8000
L1 SARAM (0-wait)
(4K y 16, Secure Zone, Dual-Mapped)
0x3F 9000
H0 SARAM (0-wait)
(8K y 16, Dual-Mapped)
0x3F A000
0x3F F000
Boot ROM (4K y 16)
Vectors (32 y 32)
(enabled if VMAP = 1, ENPIE = 0)
0x3F FFC0
Low 64K [0000 − FFFF]
(24x/240x equivalent data space)
High 64K [3F0000 − 3FFFFF]
(24x/240x equivalent program space)
PIE Vector − RAM
(256 x 16)
(Enabled if ENPIE = 1)
0x00 0E00
0x3F C000
M0 Vector − RAM (32 x 32)
(Enabled if VMAP = 0)
0x00 0040
TMS320F2809, TMS320F2808, TMS320F2806
TMS320F2802, TMS320F2801, TMS320C2802
TMS320C2801, TMS320F28016, TMS320F28015
B.Peripheral Frame 0, Peripheral Frame 1, and Peripheral Frame 2 memory maps are restricted to data memory only.
C. Protected means the order of Write followed by Read operations is preserved rather than the pipeline order.
D. Certain memory ranges are EALLOW protected against spurious writes after configuration.
A.Memory blocks are not to scale.
B.Peripheral Frame 0, Peripheral Frame 1, and Peripheral Frame 2 memory maps are restricted to data memory only.
User program cannot access these memory maps in program space.
C. Protected means the order of Write followed by Read operations is preserved rather than the pipeline order.
D. Certain memory ranges are EALLOW protected against spurious writes after configuration.
A.The 1K x 16 OTP has been replaced with 1K x 16 ROM in C2802.
B.Memory blocks are not to scale.
C. Peripheral Frame 0, Peripheral Frame 1, and Peripheral Frame 2 memory maps are restricted to data memory only.
D. Protected means the order of Write followed by Read operations is preserved rather than the pipeline order.
E.Certain memory ranges are EALLOW protected against spurious writes after configuration.
F.Some locations in ROM are reserved for TI. See Table 3-5 for more information.
A.The 1K x 16 OTP has been replaced with 1K x 16 ROM in C2801.
B.Memory blocks are not to scale.
C. Peripheral Frame 0, Peripheral Frame 1, and Peripheral Frame 2 memory maps are restricted to data memory only.
D. Protected means the order of Write followed by Read operations is preserved rather than the pipeline order.
E.Certain memory ranges are EALLOW protected against spurious writes after configuration.
F.Some locations in ROM are reserved for TI. See Table 3-5 for more information.