Texas instruments TI InterActive! Getting Started

Getting Started
TI InterActive!
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Abode, Acrobat, and Reader are trademarks of their respective owners.
TI InterActive! contains Formula One from Visual Components. Copyright 1994-1997. All rights reserved.
Exercise 5 data provided by Michael J. Shepston & Associates, www.scottsdalelaw.com
Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated.


Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an “as-is” basis.
In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the purchase price of this product. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party.

Table of Contents

Use the hands-on exercises in this book to familiarize yourself with the basic features of the TI InterActive! software.
Introduction........................................................................................... 4
Installing TI InterActive!...................................................................... 5
Exercise 1: Performing Calculations in a Document..................... 10
Exercise 2: Storing Values as Variables........................................... 18
Exercise 3: Creating a Function-Graphing Assignment ................27
Exercise 4: Creating a Report ........................................................... 33
Exercise 5: Analyzing Data from a Web Site................................... 40
Exercise 6: Reviewing Miscellaneous Functions ........................... 46
Essential Skills for Using TI InterActive! ........................................ 50
Where Do I Go from Here?................................................................58
Texas Instruments (TI) Support and Service Information ...........59
Texas Instruments (TI) End-User License Agreement.................. 60
Index..................................................................................................... 62
Getting Started with TI InterActive! 3


TI InterActive! is a document-creation program with the math features of a powerful TI graphing handheld. It lets you build documents that contain not only text and pictures but also dynamically connected graphing and calculation objects.

What makes a TI InterActive! document different?

What can I do with TI InterActive!?

The interactive math objects in a TI InterActive! document set it apart from the documents that you create with other Windows® applications. Your documents can use data from the Internet, TI data-collection tools, and supported TI graphing handhelds— TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage™ 200.
Internet data
Math calculations
Data-collection devices
Teachers can create:
Compelling classroom activities
— You can create
activities that encourage learning by discovery.
Captivating lessons
that cover necessary information while allowing exploration.
Homework that encourages learning
conventional assignments or “live” assignments in the form of TI InterActive! files that students can complete and return.
Students can create:
Informative reports
preformatted labs and other types of reports.
Attractive, clear homework papers
homework that shows the flow of your work with your results.
4 Getting Started with TI InterActive!
— You can design attractive lessons
— You can build printed,
— You or your teacher can create
— You can create

Installing TI InterActive!

TI InterActive! can be installed from a TI InterActive! CD-ROM or from a file downloaded from the Web. Check the system requirements below, and follow the steps for the installation method that applies to you.

System requirements

The PC that you use to run TI InterActive! must have:
Microsoft® Windows® 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows NT®, or Windows XP.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later.
Available RAM: 16 MB for Windows 98 (20 MB RAM recommended), 32 MB for Windows ME or Windows NT, 64 MB for Windows 2000, or 128 MB for Windows XP.
A hard disk with available storage space: 19 MB for TI InterActive! and 45–111 MB for Internet Explorer (depending on installation type).
A CD-ROM drive (if installing from a CD).
A video monitor with VGA or better resolution.
A mouse or mouse-compatible pointing device.
To use the Internet features of TI InterActive!, your PC must have a working Internet connection.
To read the electronic documentation, Acrobat Reader 3.02 or later is also required (16 MB disk space required).
To transfer programs and data between TI InterActive! and a supported graphing handheld, or to collect samples from a Calculator-Based Laboratory™ (CBL™), or Calculator-Based Laboratory 2™ (CBL 2™), or Calculator-Based Ranger™ (CBR™), your PC must have:
TI Connect™ (11 MB disk space required).
An available USB port or a serial communication port configured as Com 1, 2, 3, or 4. You also need the appropriate TI Connectivity Cable — USB for Mac/Windows, Serial for Windows (black), or Serial for Mac/Windows (gray).
Getting Started with TI InterActive! 5
For more information regarding TI products and support:
Visit the TI Education home page: education.ti.com
Or search the TI-Cares™ KnowledgeBase and submit e-mail inquiries: education.ti.com/support
Or call toll-free: (800) TI-CARES (800) 842-2737

Installing the software on your computer

: If you currently have Display set for Large Fonts, change to Small Fonts before rebooting.

Starting TI InterActive!

To install TI InterActive! on your computer:
1. Close all open programs. Open programs can slow the installation process.
2. Insert the TI InterActive! CD in your CD-ROM drive.
3. If the installer does not start automatically, click the Windows Start button, and then click Run. Type
and then press Enter on the computer keyboard. (Substitute the letter of your CD-ROM drive if it is not D.)
4. Follow the installation instructions that are displayed. When the installer has completed, it returns you to the Windows desktop. You might need to reboot the computer before using TI InterActive!.
After completing the installation, it’s a good idea to start TI InterActive! and test the connections that you plan to use.
There will be a new icon on your desktop. Double-click it. Depending on your machine and its configuration, it may take a few seconds for the application to open. TI InterActive! starts with the cursor at the top of a blank document.
Click the Windows Start button, point to Programs, TI InterActive!, and then click TI InterActive!.
6 Getting Started with TI InterActive!
: You can open a
saved TI InterActive! document from the Windows Explorer by double-clicking the document.

TI InterActive! toolbar

Performs calculations and defines variables and functions.
Specifies the mode settings for each object.
Graphs functions and plots statistical data.
Generates a table of values for defined functions.
Enters and/or edits lists of data.
Enters and/or edits matrices.
Performs typical spreadsheet operations.
Performs statistics regression calculations on lists of data.
The buttons on the TI InterActive! toolbar give you quick access to the program’s main features.
Performs statistical tests and intervals.
Inserts a slider that lets you change variable values.
Transfers data to/from a connected TI device.
Captures the screen of a connected TI device.
Collects data from a CBL™, CBL 2™, or CBR™.
Browses the Web and extracts data directly from Web pages.
Sends e-mail attachments of your current document.
Getting Started with TI InterActive! 7

Testing your Internet connection

If you want to use the Internet features of TI InterActive!, your PC must have a working Internet connection. Perform this test to confirm that your connection is working.
1. On the toolbar, click the Web Browser button
. The built-in Web browser opens and displays the TI InterActive! home page.
2. Click the browser’s Close button . The Internet test is complete.

What to do if the test fails

If you have problems completing this test, verify that you are connected to an Internet Service Provider. If you are on a local area network (LAN), check to ensure that you can access other areas of your network or server. If you are using a dial-up connection, check to ensure that your modem is working properly.

Testing your e-mail connection

Many Web sites contain a button or block of text that you can click to send an e-mail message to support personnel. Perform this test to make sure your e-mail program is registered as your e-mail client.
1. Click the Windows Start button, and then click Run.
2. In the text box, type address.
8 Getting Started with TI InterActive!
followed by your own e-mail
3. Click OK. Your e-mail software should start up and open a blank message with your address shown as the recipient.
4. Type some text in the body of the message, and send it. When you receive the message, the e-mail test is complete.

What to do if the test fails

Exiting TI InterActive!

: You can also exit
by pressing Alt+F4 or clicking the Close
If you have problems completing this test, verify that you have an e-mail client installed. If you do not, contact your Internet Service Provider for assistance.
From the menu, click File 8 Exit. When you exit TI InterActive!, you are prompted to save any unsaved changes that you have made. Click the No button if you do not want to save the changes.
Getting Started with TI InterActive! 9

Exercise 1: Performing Calculations in a Document

You perform many calculations in TI InterActive! documents by inserting a Math Box object. Data that you store and functions that you define in a Math Box can be used by subsequent objects, such as graphs, tables, and other Math Boxes.
This exercise shows you how to:
Enter and format ordinary text.
Access and use the Math Palette.
Use a Math Box object to perform simple calculations in a document.
Enter math and other special functions symbols.
Save a TI InterActive! document.
10 Getting Started with TI InterActive!

Entering and formatting text

Evaluating a math expression

Entering text in a TI InterActive! document is similar to entering text in most text editors and word processors. For this exercise, you enter a page title and then change the font and point size.
1. Type
on the first line of your document.
2. Highlight the typed text and select a different font type and size from the font dialog box (Format 8 Font).
3. Place the cursor at the end of the line and press the Enter key on the computer keyboard to start a new line.
Suppose you want to evaluate an expression such as
28 • 43
display both the expression and its result within the document.
1. Click the Math Box button
on the TI InterActive! toolbar. An empty Math Box is inserted, accompanied by the TI Math Palette.
The Math Box looks like this while you are editing.
Math Palette
Getting Started with TI InterActive! 11
: Make sure you insert a Math Box for the expression. TI InterActive! cannot evaluate expressions that you type as ordinary text.
: You can also close
the Math Box by selecting
Math Palette, or by clicking anywhere in the document.
on the

Setting the form of results

2. Type
into the Math Box. Press the Enter key on
the computer keyboard or click
on the Math Palette to evaluate the expression. TI InterActive! evaluates the expression, displays the result, and creates another Math Box.
Expression is evaluated when you press the
Enter key on the computer keyboard, click
on the Math Palette, or click outside
of the Math Box.
Empty math box for next calculation
3. Press the Esc key on the computer keyboard to close the unused Math Box.
You might expect to see a decimal result instead of preceding example. A close decimal equivalent is
in the
..., but
that’s only an approximation. By default, TI InterActive! retains the more precise form:
You can, however, change the form of any Math Box result by setting the Computation Mode of the box.
1. Click anywhere in the existing Math Box to select it. A solid border appears around the Math Box to show that it is selected.
: You can also right­click on the Math Box and select Mode from the drop-down menu.
12 Getting Started with TI InterActive!
2. Click the Mode Settings button toolbar.
on the TI InterActive!
Note the three options available under Computation Mode:
: In Automatic mode,
you can force a decimal result by using a decimal in the entry.
where possible, but uses
when your entry contains a decimal point. Also, certain functions may display
results even if your entry
does not contain a decimal point.
Any result that is not a whole number is
displayed in a fractional or symbolic form (
, etc.). This mode reduces rounding errors
that could be introduced by intermediate results in chained calculations.
All numeric results, where possible, are
displayed in decimal form.
3. Click the
option to select it, and click OK. The
result in the Math Box becomes a decimal approximation.
4. Click the Mode Settings button Computation Mode back to
again, and change the
, the original setting,
and click OK.
The decimal point in the entry forces the Automatic result to a decimal.
This chart compares the Computation Mode settings.
8à4 2 2 2.
2. 6.28319
4 3
Getting Started with TI InterActive! 13
4 3

Entering an expression from the TI Math Palette

: If you type
the Math Box, you have to also type the opening parenthesis (.
The TI Math Palette resembles a calculator keyboard. If you prefer to use the mouse instead of the keyboard, you can click the buttons on the palette.
1. Click to the right and below the Math Box that you have already entered, and press Enter. This places the cursor at the end of the document.
2. Click the Math Box button
. An empty Math Box is
inserted beneath the previous one.
3. On the Math Palette, click
X ª µ ¶ d
. The entry looks
like this:
4. Click
. TI InterActive! displays the result and presents a
new empty Math Box, ready to receive an entry.
5. Press the Esc key on the computer keyboard to close the unused Math Box, or click anywhere in the document.
14 Getting Started with TI InterActive!

Keystroke and Math Palette equivalents

: Click the
Math Palette for a list of all TI InterActive! functions and symbols.
on the
For this operation: Type this: Or click this:
(subtract or negate)
p e
: Click the a
drop-down menu to find the This character is also available from the X key.

Appearance of items in a Math Box

(imaginary number)
Let variable x = value y
Store value y to variable x
Using the TI Math Palette, you can change the appearance properties of the entry and the result independently. You can even hide the entry or its result.
Some of the properties you can control include:
The font, size, and color used for the entry or result.
Whether the result is displayed on the next line or the same line as the entry.
Whether the entry or result is displayed in text format,
such as
, or in math format, such as
x 4y
Whether the entry or result is shown or hidden. You cannot hide both.
Getting Started with TI InterActive! 15

Changing the appearance of a Math Box

: Once you evaluate
the expression, the Input and Output settings return to the default settings.
In this example, you can change the appearance of items in a Math Box. Suppose you want to hide the expression or the result.
1. Click the down arrow
next to the default option in the
Input box. Click Hide Input.
2. To hide the result, click the down arrow default option in the Output box. Click Hide Output.
16 Getting Started with TI InterActive!
next to the
3. Click (or on the Math Palette menu, click Edit 4 Properties)
to modify properties such as scaling factors, font type, size, and color.

Saving a TI InterActive! document

TI InterActive! uses a .tii extension to identify its documents.
1. On the TI InterActive! toolbar, click the Save button
. Because you have not yet saved this document, TI InterActive! displays the Save As dialog box.
2. If necessary, navigate to the folder where you want to store the document.
3. In the File name box, type a name (such as
first report
) for
the document.
4. Click Save.
You can also export a document to other formats. Choose Export from the File menu. The options are Html Web Page, Word Compatible, Rich Text Format, and Plain Text.
Getting Started with TI InterActive! 17

Exercise 2: Storing Values as Variables

You can store a value as a named variable and then use the name to refer to that value in subsequent Math Boxes and graphs. When TI InterActive! evaluates an expression containing the name, it substitutes the value stored under that name.
This exercise shows you how to:
Define a variable and assign a value to it.
Display a variable’s value in a document.
Remove a variable.
Perform symbolic calculations.
Reposition TI InterActive! objects in a document.
Reset all variables.
18 Getting Started with TI InterActive!

Storing a value in a variable

: If you have
changed a document and then attempt to create a new document, TI InterActive! gives you the option to save the first document before proceeding.
This example creates a variable named
of the expression 5+8
in that variable.
and stores the result
1. On the TI InterActive! toolbar, click the New button
start a new, blank document.
2. Click the Math Box button
3. Type the variable name
to insert a new Math Box.
and then type := (both
characters are required from the keyboard), or click the Math Palette.
num :=
4. Type the expression
will be stored in
num := 5+8^3
. The result—not the expression—
This means: Let the variable “num” equal the result of 5+8
5. Press Enter on the computer keyboard. TI InterActive!
creates the variable
and stores the result there.

Checking a variables value

You can check the value of a variable by entering its name as the entry in a subsequent Math Box.
1. Click the Math Box button
to insert a new Math Box, if
2. Type the variable name
keyboard. The value currently stored in
and press Enter on the computer
is displayed as
the result.
Getting Started with TI InterActive! 19
+ 44 hidden pages