The TASCAM DA-88 is a digital audio multitrack recorder
designed for wz in a variety of professional applications. It
records 8 channels of digital audio data on a readily available
standard Hi8 video cassette tape. which is comparable in
handiness and compacmw to conventional analog audio
cass.sne tapes. Other feamres of the DA-88 include the
following :
0 Newly developed TASCAM-exclusive high performance/
high wear resis+x. rotary 4-head mechanism with
TASCAM original nack layout.
0 Synchronization of up to 16 DA-88s for a setup of 128
tracks simply by connecting them in series, without
having to “sa any synchronizer-controller.
o Synchronization with video or other audio recorders
(analog or digital) under SMF’lWEBU time code conWo1
when the optional SY-88 Sync Board is installed.
o Analog inputs and outputs handled by both RCA jacks
(unbalanced) and 25-pin D-sub conn~cmrs (balanced), and
digital inputs and outputs by a 25-pin serial I/O port.
o CD quality sound ensured by 16.bit linear quamizadon
and 48/44.1 kHz sampling rate.
o Auto punch-in/out with rehearsal capability
o 2-point au~olocavx
o Variable speed playback (up to 6.0% in 0.1 % steps)
Backup Feature
The following are retained in a backup memory each time
the pcw.z is mmed off (battery life is about 50,000 hours) :
0 MEMO 1 and 2 points
0 Pitch change
o Offset time
0 Track delay time
o Crossfade time
o F’unch-in and owpoints
0 Preroll time.
0 DIGITAL IN on/off
0 Monitor selecdon (ALL INPUT, AUTO INPUT and
o CHASE on/off
0 CLOCK selecdon
Important Safety Precautions.. ................................. 2
Safety Instructions.. ............................................... .3
Introduction.. .................................................... <. .. .4
Precautions and Recommendations ........................ .5
Specifications.. ...................................................... 6
Optional Accessories.. ........................................... .C
Features and Controls.. ...................................... I-12
Front Panel.. ........................................................ 8
Rear Panel.. ........................................................ .l 1
Note for U.K. Customers.. ...................................... .12
Hookup.. .............................................................. .13
Formatting a Tape.. ........................................... 13.14
Audio Record and Playback.. ............................. 15-21
Initial Recording.. ................................................ .14
Punch-in (Insert) Recording ................................... .16
Bouncing Tracks (Ping-pang). ................................ .20
Entering a Track Delay Time.. ............................... .21
Variable Speed Playback.. ..................................... .21
Autolocation Controls.. .................................... .22-23
Seuing Locating Points.. ...................................... .22
Repeat Play.. ...................................................... .22
Multiple-DA-68 System ..................................... .23-25
Synchronization.. ................................................ .23
Entering an Offset.. .............................................. .24
Digital Dubbing.. ................................................ .25
Error Messages.. .................................................. .26
0 Using this manual
1~~ Before acmallv usim? the DA-88, please read this
manual thoroughly at least once, so you will know
where to r&urn when yo” need a”swers. Even though
~nswz that misunderstandings won’t slow you down.
Use of capital letters : In general, w w all appw case
type to designate a particular switch, control or connec@x’
label, as in : Hold RECORD and press PLAY.