Soundcraft SM12 USER GUIDE

Soundcraft Electronics Ltd. 1994 All rights reserved Parts of the design of this product may be protected by worldwide patents.
Part No. ZM0075-01
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the vendor. Soundcraft Electronics Ltd. shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of information or any error contained in this manual.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, mechanical, optical, chemical, including photocopying and re co rd ing, fo r a ny purpose without the express written permission of Soundcraft Electronics Ltd.
It is recommended that all maintenance and servic e on the pro duc t should be carried out by Soundcraft Electronics Ltd. or its authorised agents. Soundcraft Electronics Ltd. cannot accept any liability whatsoever for any loss or dama ge caused by service, maintenance or repair by unauthorised personnel.
Soundcraft Electronics Ltd. Cranborne House Cranborne Industrial Estate Cranborne Road Potters Bar Herts. EN6 3JN England
Tel: 0707 665000 Fax: 0707 660482
Introduction 1
Introduction 2 Precautions and Safety Instructions 4
Installation 7
Connections 9
Module Block Diagrams 11
Input Module 17
Module Description, Operation and Specification 18
Output Module 23
Module Description, Operation and Specification 24
Master Module 27
Module Description, Operation and Specification 28
Appendices 35
Specification Notes 36 Performance Specifications 37 Configurations 38 Dimensions 39 Warranty 40 Glossary 41


Introduction 1
The SM12 is a 12 bus dedicated monitor console to complement the Vienna and Europa FOH desks.
The key features of the SM12 are:
12 mono sends
stereo send
PRE/POST fade switching on each pair of sends and the stereo send
4 programmable mute groups
4 band sweep EQ
100mm linear faders on all inputs and outputs
sophisticated solo system with autocancel, central global clear and
switchable input priority.
metering for all inputs and outputs
external inputs for all group and stereo mix buses, with level control and
listen facility
Frame Sizes
Power Supplies
balanced inserts on all outputs with bypass switching, and pre-insert solo
balanced inserts on all inputs
The SM12 is available in three frames sizes, 32, 40 and 48 c hannels. The consoles are configured, from left to right:
inputs 1 - 24
groups 1 - 12 (6 modules)
inputs 25 - 32 (32 channel)
inputs 25 - 40 (40 channel)
inputs 25 - 48 (48 channel)
All frame sizes use the PSM300 PSU. Connection to the console is via a 10-way SRC connector below inputs 21-24. The console rear panel also carries a ground binding post.
Two 4-pin XLR connectors for lamps are fitted to all frame sizes - one at either end of the console on the end trim. These are suitable for Littlite or simila r 12V lamps taking up to 330mA each.
2 Introduction
Each input module has its own 8-segment bargraph meter and peak level indicator adjacent to the fader. The groups are metered by 16-segment bargraphs which are next to the faders on the output modules.
The two 16-segment bargraphs on the Master module meter either the PFL/AFL signals or the Stereo Mix signal depending on the wedge defa ult inte rna l se tting.
Introduction 3
General Precautions
Handling and Transport
Power Supplies & cables
Avoid storing or using the mixing console in conditions of excessive heat or cold, or in positions where it is likely to be subject to vibration, dust or moisture. Do not use any liquids to clean the fascia of the unit: a soft dry brush is ideal. Use only water or ethyl alcohol to clean the trim and scribble strips. Other solve nts may cause damage to paint or plastic parts.
Avoid using the console close to strong sources of electromagnetic radiation (e.g. video monitors, highpower electric cabling): this ma y cause degradation of the audio quality due to induced voltages in connecting leads and chassis. For the same reason, always site the power supply away from the unit.
In all cases, refer servicing to qualified personnel.
The console is supplied in a wooden crate. If it is necessary to move it an y distance after installation it is recommended that this packing is used to protect it. Be sure to disconnect all cabling before moving. If the console is to be regularly mov ed we recommend that it is installed in a foamlined flightcase. At all times avoid applying excessive force to any knobs, switches or connectors.
The power supply unit incorporates automatic mains input voltage sensing and therefore no adjustment is needed to match local mains supplies.
Always use the power supply and cable supplied with the mixer: the use of alternative supplies may cause damage and voids the warranty; the extension of power cables may result in malfunction of the mixing console.
Always switch the power supply off before connecting or disconnecting the mixer power cable, removing of installing modules, and servicing. In the event of an electrical storm, or large mains voltage fluctuations, immediately switch off the PSU and unplug from the mains.
Always ensure that you use the correct PSU for your mixer. The SM12 uses the PSM300 power supply.
4 Introduction
Signal Levels
It is important to supply the correct input levels to the console, otherwise signal to noise ratio or distortion performance may be degraded, and in extreme cases, damage to the internal circuitry may result. Likewise, on all balanced inputs avoid sources with large commonmode DC, AC or RF voltages, as these will reduce the available signal range on the inputs. Note that 0dBu = 0.775V RMS.
The microphone inputs are designed for use with balanced low impedance (150 or 200 ohms) microphones.
DO NOT use unbalanced microphones or battery powered condenser microphones without isolating the +48V phantom power: degraded performance or damage to the microphone may result.
The sensitivity of the XLR inputs is variable from -2dBu to -70dBu and +10dBu to
-20dBu in two ranges (for +4dBu at the Mix outputs). T he maximum input le vel is +28dBu on the lower sensitivity range, and +18dBu on the higher range.
The Hi-Z inputs have a sensitivity variable between +10dBu and -20dBu. The maximum input level is +30dBu.
The main outputs of the console (stereo mix, groups, wedge and mix and group insert sends) are balanced at a nominal level of +4dBu, with a maximum output level of +26dBu.
The input insert sends are balanced at a nominal level of +4dBu, with a maximum output level of +26dBu.
All external inputs and mix and group insert returns have a nominal level of +4dBu, and a maximum input level of +26dBu except the AFL/PFL external inputs which are unbalanced at a nominal -2dBu, with a maximum input level of +20dBu.
Insert returns are balanced at a nominal level of + 4dBu, and a maximum input level of +26dBu.
Introduction 5
6 Introduction


Installation 7
The SM12 is designed for reliability and high performa nce, and is built to the highest standards. Whilst great care has been take n to e nsu re tha t insta llation s a r e ma de a s troublefree as possible, care taken at this stage, followed by correct setting up will be rewarded by a long life and reliable operation.
Wiring Considerations
Power Supply
A For optimum performance it is essential for the earthing system to be clean and noise free, as all signals are referenced to this earth. A central point should be decided on for the main earth point, and all earths should be ’star-fed’ from this point. It is recommended that an individual earth wire be run from each electrical outlet, back to the system star point to p rovide a safety earth reference for each piece of equipment.
B Install separate mains outlets for the audio equipment, and feed these independently from any other equipment.
C Avoid locating mains distribution boxes near audio equipment, especially tap e recorders, which are very sensitive to electromagnetic fields.
D Where possible ensure that all audio cable screens and signal earths are connected to ground only at their source.
Always ensure that you use the correct PSU for your mixer. The SM12 uses the PSM300 power supply.
The power supply incorporates automatic mains input voltage sensing and therefore does not require adjustment for different local mains supplies.
Before switching on your SM12 console, check that the fuse is of the correct rating and type. This is clearly marked on the case of the power supply. Do not replace the fuse with any other type, as this could become a safety hazard and will void the warranty.
8 Installation
Wiring conventions
/4" ‘A’ Gauge Stereo Jack Plug used as balanced input:
Hi-Z inputs, insert returns, external inputs
The SM12 uses two different types of audio connector: 3-pin XLR and jacks. These are used in several configurations, as shown below.
" 3-pole
/4" ‘A’ Gauge Stereo Jack Plug used as ground compensated output:
AFL/PFL outputs
/4" ‘A’ Gauge Stereo Jack Plug used as balanced output:
Insert sends, oscillator
/4" ‘A’ Gauge Stereo Jack Plug used as stereo output: Headphones
Installation 9
10 Installation

Module Block Diagrams

Module Block Diagrams 11
+ 31 hidden pages