Key Features
Combination DVD Player and Hi-Fi VCR
Progressive Output (480p)
Component/S-Video Output
Coaxial/Optical Digital Output
Fast/Slow Playback with Sound
19 Micron Heads for Optimized EP Recording
4-Head Hi-Fi Stereo
Flash Rewind: Rewind a T-120 Tape in around 60 seconds
Quickset™ Timer Dial- Just press and turn a dial for easy timer recording
VCR Plus+® Timer Recording
Auto Head Cleaner
DVD/VCR Progressive Scan Combo Player
DVD/VCR Progressive Scan Combo Player
Multiple Language Display: On Screen
Inputs and Outputs
RF Connection Input(s): For VCR RF Connection Output(s): For DVD and VCR Composite Video Input(s): 1 Back and 1 Front Composite Video Output(s): For DVD and VHS S-Video Output(s): For DVD only Component Video (Y/Pb/Pr) Output(s): For DVD only RCA Audio Input(s): 1 Set Back & 1 Set Front RCA Audio Output(s): 1 Set Stereo
Video Heads: 4 Micron Heads, Auto Head Cleaner
7 lbs, 15 oz (3.6 Kg)
Dimensions (WHD)
16-13/14 x 3-5/14 x 11-4/7" (430 x 85 x 294mm)
1. DVD -R/RW , DVD R/ RW, C D-R/R W, JP EG, a nd MP 3 pla yback ma y not be co mpati ble w ith a ll di scs, dep endin g on rec ordin g con ditio ns.
2. Wor ks wi th mo st ma jor b rands of TV s but no t all .
©20 05 So ny El ectro nics Inc . Son yand Qui ckset ar e tra demar ks of So ny. D olby and Pr o Log ic ar e tra demar ks of Do lby L abora torie s. dts is a tra demak er of Di gital The ater Sys tems, L. P. VCR Pl us is a r egist ered tra demar k of Gem star- TV Gu ide I ntern ation al. Al l oth er tr adema rks a re pr opert y of the ir re spect ive o wners . Fea tures an d spe cific ation s are su bject to ch ange wit hout not ice. Non -metr ic we ights an d mea sures ar e app roxim ate.
Sony Electronics Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 •
Last Updated 2005-07-25