Silvercrest STGR 1600 A1 Operating instructions

Electric Grill STGR 1600 A1
Electric Grill
ID-Nr.: STGR1600A1-09/10-V1
IAN: 61121
Elektrisk grill
STGR 1600 A1
u i
Content Page
Intended use 2 Technical data 2 Safety information 2 Items supplied 3 Operating Elements 3 Assembly of the stand 3 Taking it into use 4 Handling the grill 4 Thermostat adjustments 4 Some tips 5 Cleaning and care 5 Disposal 5 Warranty and Service 5 Importer 6
Read the operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Pass the manual on to whomsoever might acquire the appliance at a later date.
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Intended use
• Do not expose the appliance to rain and never use it in a humid or wet environment. Ensure that the power cable never becomes wet or moist during operation.
This appliance is intended for grilling foodstuffs in indoor areas or in covered outdoor areas. It may not come into contact with moisture, such as rain. Only the original attachments and accessories, as described herein, may be used. All other usages or modifications are regarded as being contrary to the operating instructions and carry with them a real risk of serious accidents. The manufacturer declines to accept responsibility for damage(s) arising out of usage contrary to the instructions specified below. The appliance is not intended for commercial use.
Technical data
Mains voltage: 220 - 240 V ~50Hz Nominal power: 1600 W
Safety information
To avoid potentially fatal electric shocks:
• Arrange for defective power plugs and/or cables to be replaced at once by qualified technicians or our Customer Service Department.
• Before taking the appliance into use and after cleaning it, check to ensure that the plug contacts on the grill plate are dry.
• Protect the power cable against contact with heated appliance parts. NEVER use the appliance adjacent to open flames, a hot plate or a heated oven.
To avoid the risks of fire or injuries:
• Never leave the appliance unsupervised during use.
• Do not place the appliance under cupboards or close to curtains and other easily inflammable materials and also keep such combustible mate­rials away from the appliance.
• This appliance is not intended for use by indivi­duals (including children) with restricted physical, physiological or intellectual abilities or deficiences in experience and/or knowledge unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or receive from this person instruction in how the appliance is to be used.
• Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance..
Risk of burns! After use, allow the appliance to cool down completely before cleaning it.
Risk of burns! Use only the heat-insulated handles. The upper surfaces of the appliance become very hot during use.
• Ensure that the appliance stands with a safe and secure positioning.
• If possible, place the appliance in the immediate vicinity of an electrical power socket. Ensure that the power plug is quickly reachable in case of danger, and also that there is no danger of tripping over the cable.
• To protect the non-stick coating, do not use metallic tools such as knives, forks etc. Should the non-stick coating become damaged, discontinue use of the appliance.
• Do not use an external timing switch or a separate remote control system to operate the appliance.
• Do not use charcoal or similar fuels to operate the appliance!
• NEVER operate the appliance without water in the catchment pan.
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Tips for safety:
• In cases of danger, immediately remove the elec­trical plug from the socket.
• Never use the appliance for purposes other than those for which it was designed.
• Avoid heat accumulation. Do not lay aluminium foil or other grilling utensils on the grill bars. An accumulation of heat could destroy plastic parts as well as the non-stick coating.
• Use the Table grill exclusively with the supplied thermostat.
• Take the grill plate into use ONLY when it is lying on the catchment pan.
• Detach the power plug and cable from the appliance when it is not in use, when you detach parts or before cleaning the appliance.
Items supplied
Electric Grill Splatter protection shield Thermostat Stand: Storage plate, top plate, 4 legs, 4 leg pads, 8 screws, 8 nuts
Assembly of the stand
1. Insert the leg pads on the ends of the legs where there is not a pre-drilled hole.
2. Assemble the legs onto the storage plate . Insert screws through the pre-bored holes and secure them with nuts from the inner side of the storage plate .
3. Place the top plate  on the legs  so that the legs lie against the pre-bored holes of the top plate  from inside. The pre-bored holes in the top plate  as well as those in the legs  must lie opposite each other.
4. Insert screws through the holes and secure them with the nuts.
Operating Elements
Grill bars
Splatter protection shield
Connection for power cable with thermostat
Catchment pan
Heat-insulated handles
Heating element
Indicator lamp
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Taking it into use
Before taking the table grill into use for the first time clean it as described in the chapter “Cleaning and care”. Usage / grilling may only take place with the catch­ment pan The voltage of the power source must tally with the details given on the rating plate of the appliance.
intended for the purpose.
Handling the grill
A good and even heat distribution is assured by the integrated heating element Cleaning is made easier by the non-stick coating, which prevents the adhesion of grillables.
• Place the assembled stand on a level surface. Bear in mind that there needs to be a mains power socket in the close vicinity.
• Fill the catchment pan with water (ca. 1.3 ltrs). You can thus prevent the burning-on of fats falling from the grillables and make the subsequent cleaning of the appliance easier.
• Install the splatter protection shield side (the later rear side) of the grill bars should you be grilling greasy grillables. Additio­nally, it serves well as a windbreak. Insert the three tenons of the splatter protection shield into the holes provided on one side of the grill bars
. To do this, the splatter protection shield
must be lightly flexed.
• Place the grill bars such that they are firmly seated.
• Place the grill on the stand. The 4 mounting pegs on the top plate of the stand must encroach into the depressions on the underside of the grill. The grill must sit firmly on the stand.
under the grill q.
up to the max. marking
on one
on the catchment pan r,
You can also use the grill without the stand: Place the grill on an absolutely level and even sur­face. The surface must be insensitive to heat. Otherwise, it could cause damage to the surface.
• Check to ensure that the grill bars placed onto the catchment pan
• Insert the power cable with thermostat the appliance such that the control lamp facing upwards. Then insert the plug into a mains power socket.
• Adjust the thermostat setting. The grill starts to warm up and the indi­cator lamp
• As soon as the indicator lamp grill has reached the adjusted temperature and is ready for use.
to the desired temperature
are correctly
(see Fig. q).
goes out the
Subject to the ambient temperature, it can happen that the control lamp thermostat setting “M”.
• After a warm-up phase of approx. 15 minutes the grill is ready for use.
Risk of injuries
When the grill has warmed up, take hold of it ONLY with the heat-insulated handles
does not go out with the
Thermostat adjustments
Level 0 Grill switched off Level 0 - 1 Grill switched on; low temperature Level 1 - 3 Grill switched on; medium tem-
perature (e.g. vegetables)
Level 3 - M (Max) switched on; high temperature
(e.g. meats)
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Some tips
• Tender meat is best suited for grilling.
• Pieces of meat marinated overnight, from for example the shoulder or neck, will be more tender.
• Avoid cutting grillables on the grilling area.
• Always use grilling tongs and not forks for turning the grillables. This will ensure it stays succulent on the inside and does not dry out.
• Due to its longer grilling time, avoid selecting thick-cut grillables.
• When cooking beefburgers/meatballs on the grill, ensure that they are not thicker than 2 cm. We recommend that you grill the beefburgers/meatballs for about 24 minutes at level 3: Turn the beefburgers/meatballs every 6 minutes so that each side is cooked twice.
The times given may vary, depending on the com­position of the grillables and personal taste!
Cleaning and care
Before starting to clean it, remove the plug from the power source and the thermostat Risk of electrical shock! Allow the appliance to cool down completely befo­re cleaning it! Risk of Burns!
Take steps to ensure that neither the power cable nor the plug come into contact with water or other fluids. Wipe the themostat cloth. Dry everything well, especially the plug contacts, before the next usage. If you do not, there is the risk of receiving an electric shock!
from the appliance.
with a lightly moistened
• Remove coarse soiling with a moistened cloth.
• To protect the non-stick coating, do not use metallic tools such as knives, forks etc. Should the non -stick coating become damaged, dis­continue use of the appliance.
• Only the grill bars are suitable for cleaning in a dishwasher. Clean the spatter protection shield ter, then dry it off well afterwards. Clean the stand with a moist cloth.
• The plug contacts on the grill bars scrupulously dried after cleaning.
• The inside of the appliance must be completely dry before it is taken back into use.
and the catchment pan
in hot soapy wa-
must be
Do not dispose of the appliance in your normal domestic waste. This appliance is subject to the European Guidelines 2002/96/EC.
Dispose of the appliance through an approved disposal centre or at your community waste facility. Observe the currently applicable regulations. In case of doubt, please contact your waste disposal centre.
Dispose of all packaging materials in an environmentally friendly manner.
Warranty and Service
The warranty for this appliance is for 3 years from the date of purchase. The appliance has been ma­nufactured with care and meticulously examined be­fore delivery. Please retain your receipt as proof of purchase. In the event of a warranty claim, please make contact by telephone with our Service Depart­ment. Only in this way can a post-free despatch for your goods be assured.
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The warranty covers only claims for material and maufacturing defects, but not for transport damage, for wearing parts or for damage to fragile compo­nents, e.g. buttons or batteries. This product is for private use only and is not intended for commercial use. The warranty is void in the case of abusive and improper handling, use of force and internal tampe­ring not carried out by our authorized service branch. Your statutory rights are not restricted in any way by this warranty. The warranty period will not be extended by repairs made under warranty. This applies also to replaced and repaired parts. Any damage and defects extant on purchase must be reported immediately after un­packing the appliance, at the latest, two days after the purchase date. Repairs made after the expira­tion of the warranty period are subject to payment.
Tel.: 0871 5000 700
(£ 0.10 / minute)
Kompernass Service Ireland
Tel.: 1850 930 412 (0,082 EUR/Min.)
Standard call rates apply. Mobile operators may vary.
Kompernass Service Cyprus
Tel.: 800 9 44 01 e-mail:
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Sisällysluettelo Sivu
Määräystenmukainen käyttö 8 Tekniset tiedot 8 Turvaohjeet 8 Toimitettavat osat 9 Käyttöosat 9 Jalustan asentaminen 9 Käyttöönotto 10 Grillin käsittely 10 Termostaattiasetukset 10 Muutamia vinkkejä 10 Puhdistus ja hoito 11 Hävittäminen 11 Takuu ja huolto 11 Maahantuoja 12
Säilytä käsikirja myöhempää käyttöä varten. Jos myyt laitteen, anna käsikirja uudelle omistajalle!
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Määräystenmukainen käyttö
Laite on tarkoitettu grillattavien tuotteiden grillaukseen sisätiloissa tai katetussa ulkotilassa. Se ei saa joutua kosketuksiin kosteuden, kuten sateen, kanssa. Lait­teessa saa käyttää ainoastaan alkuperäisiä varaosia kuvatulla tavalla. Laitteen muu käyttö tai muuttaminen on määräysten vastaista ja aiheuttaa huomattavia tapaturmavaaroja. Valmistaja ei ota mitään vastuuta määräystenvas­taisesta käytöstä aiheutuneista vahingoista. Ei tar­koitettu ammattikäyttöön.
Tekniset tiedot
Verkkojännite: 220 - 240 V ~50Hz Nimellisteho: 1600 W
Hengenvaarallisen sähköiskun välttämiseksi:
• Anna vaurioitunut verkkopistoke tai virtajohto heti valtuutetun ammattihenkilöstön tai huoltopal­velun vaihdettavaksi vaarojen välttämiseksi.
• Tarkista ennen käyttöönottoa ja jokaisen laitteen puhdistuksen jälkeen, että grillilevyn pistoliitännät ovat kuivia.
• Suojaa verkkojohtoa kosketuksilta kuumien lait­teenosien kanssa. Älä koskaan käytä laitetta avotu­len, lämpölevyn tai lämmitetyn uunin lähellä.
• Älä altista laitetta sateelle, äläkä myöskään kos­kaan käytä sitä kosteassa tai märässä ympäris­tössä. Varmista, ettei sähköjohto koskaan kastu tai kostu käytön aikana.
Näin vältät tulipalon vaaran ja loukkaantumiset:
• Laitetta ei saa koskaan jättää ilman silmälläpitoa käytön aikana.
• Älä aseta laitetta kaappien alapuolelle tai verhojen tai sen kaltaisten syttyvien materiaalien lähelle ja pidä vastaavasti palavat materiaalit loitolla.
• Tätä laitetta ei ole tarkoitettu sellaisten henkilöiden (mukaan lukien lapset) käyttöön, joiden rajoitetut, fyysiset, aistilliset tai henkiset kyvyt tai kokemuksen ja/tai tiedon puute estävät käytön, lukuun otta­matta tilanteita, joissa heitä valvoo turvallisuudesta vastaava henkilö tai joissa he ovat saaneet tältä ohjeita laitteen käytöstä.
• Lapsia on valvottava ja on varmistettava, etteivät he leiki laitteella.
Palovammojen vaara! Anna laitteen jäähtyä kunnolla käytön jälkeen ennen sen puhdistamista.
Palovammojen vaara! Käytä ainoastaan läm- pöeristettyjä kahvoja. Laitteen pinnat kuumenevat huomattavasti käytön aikana.
• Huolehti siitä, että laite seisoo tukevasti.
• Sijoita laite mahdollisuuksien mukaan pistorasian läheisyyteen. Huolehdi siitä, että vaaratilanteen sattuessa verkkopistoke on nopeasti saavutetta­vissa ja että sähköjohtoon ei voi kompastua.
• Suojaa tarttumatonta pinnoitetta - älä käytä metallisia työkaluja, kuten veitsiä, haarukoita jne. Jos tarttumaton pinnoite on vaurioitunut, älä jatka laitteen käyttöä.
• Älä käytä laitetta ulkoisen ajastimen tai erillisen kaukovaikutusjärjestelmän avulla.
• Älä käytä hiiliä tai vastaavia polttoaineita laitteen käyttöön!
• Älä koskaan käytä laitetta ilman keruualtaassa olevaa vettä.
Näin toimit turvallisesti:
• Vedä vaaran uhatessa pistoke heti pistorasiasta.
• Älä koskaan käytä laitetta tarkoituksenvastaisesti.
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