Silvercrest SNS 45 A1 User Manual [ro]

Nail Studio Set SNS 45 A1
Nail Studio Set
Operating instructions
Set za nokte
Upute za upotrebu
ID-Nr.: SNS 45 A1-08/10-V4
IAN: 54334
Set manichiură
Instrucţiuni de utilizare
Σετ μανικιούρ
Οδηүίες χρήσης
Комплект за маникюр
Ръководство за експлоатация
SNS 45 A1
iu rtz
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Information about these
operating instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Limitation of Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Intended Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Warning Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Basic safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . 8
Risk of electrical shocks . . . . . . . . . 10
Risks from ultraviolet light
(UV-Light) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Risks from solvent-containing
substances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Appliance and Accessories . . . 12
Setting up and connecting
to the power supply . . . . . . .13
Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Items supplied and initial
inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Disposal of packaging . . . . . . . . . .14
Requirements for the installation
location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Electrical connection . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Handling and operation . . .16
Switching On and Off . . . . . . . . . .16
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Utilisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Selecting artifi cial nails . . . . . . . . . .17
Attaching artifi cial nails . . . . . . . . . 18
Matching a nail set . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Application of the UV-Gel . . . . . . .22
Hardening of the UV-Gel . . . . . . . .23
Topping up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Removal of artifi cial nails . . . . . . . .25
Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Cleaning the appliance . . . . . . . . .27
Cleaning accessories . . . . . . . . . . .27
Exchanging the UV Lamps . . . 28
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . .29
Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Malfunction causes and remedies . . . . 30
Storage/Disposal . . . . . . . . .31
Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Disposing of the appliance . . . . . . .31
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Notes on the EC Declaration
of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Importer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
SNS 45 A1
Information about these operating instructions
These operating instructions are a component of the Nail Studio SNS 45 A1 (here­after designated as the appliance) and they provide you with important informa­tion about the intended use, safety, connection and operation of the appliance.
These operating instructions must be constantly kept available close to the ap­pliance. They are to be read and applied by everyone assigned to operate the appliance and to eliminate faults in it.
Retain these operating instructions and pass them on, together with the appliance, to a possible future owner.
This documentation is copyright protected. Any copying or reproduction, including as extracts, as well as the reproduction of
images, also in an altered state, is only permitted with the written authorisation of the manufacturer.
Limitation of Liability
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for damage caused by failure to ob­serve these instructions, improper use, incompetent repairs, making unauthorised changes or for using unapproved replacement parts.
Intended Use
This appliance is intended only for the application and fi xating of artifi cial fi nger nails for manicure purposes in indoor areas and is only for domestic use. This appliance is not intended for any other use or for uses beyond those mentioned here.
Risks from unintended use!
Risks can be engendered by the appliance if it is used for unintended purposes and/or other types of use.
Use the appliance exclusively for intended purposes. Observe the procedures described in these operating instructions.
SNS 45 A1
Claims of any kind resulting from damage caused by improper use, incompetent repairs, unauthorized modifi cations or the use of non-approved spare parts will not be acknowledged.
The operator alone bears liability.
Warning Notices
In the existing operation instructions the following warnings are used:
A warning at this risk level indicates a threateningly dangerous situation.
If the dangerous situation is not av injuries.
Observe the directives in this warning notice to avoid the risk of deaths or serious physical injuries.
A warning at this risk level indicates a possibly dangerous situation.
If the dangerous situation is not avoided, this could lead to personal injury.
Follow the instructions in this warning to avoid personal injuries.
oided it could lead to death or serious physical
SNS 45 A1
A warning at this risk level signifi es possible pr
If the situation is not avoided it can lead to property damage.
The directives in this warning are there to avoid property damage.
A notice signifi es additional information that assists in the handling of the appliance.
operty damage.
This appliance complies with the statutory safety regulations. Incorrect usage can, however, lead to personal and property damage.
Safety instructions
WARNING - RISK OF INJURY! UV appliances may not be used by:
People who suff er from skin cancer or are predisposed to it, People, who are taking light-sensitivity enhancing drugs, People under 18 years of age, People with a tendency towards freckles, People with a naturally red hair colour, People with unusual skin discolourations, People with more than 16 moles (with a minimum diameter of 2 mm) on
their body, People with atypical moles (atypical moles are asymmetrical moles with
a diameter of more than 5 mm and diff erent pigmentation plus irregular border ar
People who are suff ering from sunburn, People who do not tan in the sun without skin burns, People who quickly suff er from skin burns in direct sunlight, People who have frequently suff ered from a severe sunburn during their
childhood, People who suff
susceptible to skin cancer, People with a fi rst-degree relative who is suff ering or has already suff ered
from a melanoma (skin cancer), People who, due to a light sensitivit
treatment, People who absolutely cannot tan at all, or who cannot tan without getting
sunburned, when they are exposed to the sun, People who are easily sunburned when they are exposed to the sun, during pregnancy.
eas; if in doubt, consult your doctor),
er from skin cancer or are suff ering from this disease or are
y ailment, are in physicianly or medical
SNS 45 A1
The irradiation should not exceed the minimal erythema dose (MED). If ery- thema (skin redness) occurs several hours after irradiation there should be no further applications made. In this case, the next irradiation should not take place before one week after the date of the skin redness.
If unexpected side eff ects such as itching occur within 48 hours after the fi rst application of the UV appliance, you should consult a doctor before receiving
ther UV irr
fur Recommended irradiation timetable, stating the time-period and intervals. The appliance may not be used if the timer is not working properly. Use only lamps of the specifi ed type. The use of a UV lamp from another manu-
facturer or of a diff erent type will lead to the revocation of the warranty. UV r
damage, which may be irreversible. These biological eff ects depend on the quality and quantit individual person.
The skin can suff er from sunburn after excessive exposure to radiation. Too frequent UV radiation from the sun or UV appliances can lead to premature skin aging and cause an increased risk of skin cancer increasingly cumulative UV exposures. UV radiation at a young age increases the subsequent risk of skin cancer.
UV radiation can lead to injuries to the eyes and skin, such as premature skin aging and even skin cancer. Read these operating instructions carefully. Some medications or cosmetics increase the sensitivit
The unprotected eye can suff er superfi cial infl ammation and, in some cases, excessive exposure may cause damage to the retina. Frequently repeated exposur
In the event of individually identifi ed sensitivity or allergic reactions to UV radia- tion, you should fi
Certain ailments or the side eff ects of certain drugs may be exacerbated by UV irradiation. If in doubt, consult your doctor.
There should be a period of at least 48 hour
adiation fr
om the sun or from UV appliances can cause both skin and eye
y of the radiation and on the skin and eye sensitivity of the
es can lead to cataracts.
rst seek medical advice before beginning the irradiation.
. This risk increases with
y to UV radiation.
s between the fi rst two exposures.
SNS 45 A1
Avoid sunbathing and use of the appliance on the same day. This could lead to skin irritation.
Pay heed to the instructions on the irradiation time, time intervals for the ir- radiation and the distance to be from the lamp. If you do not, it could lead to skin irritation.
Consult your doctor if per come about or sores develop.
Protect sensitiv irradiation.
Do not carry out mor irritation.
ve cosmetics and sun care products before using the appliance. If you
do not, it could lead to skin irritation.
If in any doubt, consult your doctor about the possible applications before using the appliance.
e skin areas, such as scars, tattoos and the genitals, from
Basic safety instructions
The power cable on this appliance cannot be replaced. In the event of it being damaged the whole appliance must be disposed of.
A repair to the appliance during the warranty period may only be carried out by a customer service fi rm authorised by the manufacturer, otherwise no additional warr
anty claims can be considered for subsequent damages.
sistent tumours or ulcers form, or changes in moles
e than 5 treatments per day. This could lead to skin
Protect the appliance from moisture and the penetration of liquids. NEVER immerse the appliance in water or place the appliance in the close vicinity of w onto the appliance.
Do not place any objects on the appliance. Do not operate the appliance close to open fl ames (e.g. candles). Avoid direct solar radiation. Always pull the plug itself out of the mains power socket, do not pull it with
the power cable. In the case of a malfunction occurring or a thunderstorm, disconnect the
plug fr
ater and DO NOT place objects fi lled with liquids (e..g. vases)
om the mains power socket.
SNS 45 A1
Before use check the appliance for visible external damage. Do not put into operation an appliance that is damaged or has been dropped.
This appliance is not intended for use by individuals with r physiological or intellectual abilities or defi ciences in experience and/or knowledge unless the safety or receive from this person instruction in how the appliance is to be used.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
er look directly into the UV lamps. It could cause injury to the eyes!
Nev Always keep the appliance and all accessories out of the reach of children. Pay heed to the instructions given on the containers of all substances used. Repairs should only be carried out by authorised specialist companies or by
the Customer Service Department. Incorrect repairs can result in signifi cant
ks for the user. In addition, warranty claims become void.
ris Defective components may only be replaced with original replacement parts.
Only by using these replacement parts can it be guaranteed that they comply with the safety requirements.
y are supervised by a person responsible for their
estricted physical,
SNS 45 A1
Risk of electrical shocks
Potentially fatal risk of electrical shocks! Upon cont
potentially fatal risk!
Pay heed to the following safety information to avoid a potentially fatal risk from electrical power:
The power cable on this appliance cannot be replaced. In the event of it being damaged the appliance must be disposed of.
Do not instal the appliance in the bathroom. Connect the appliance e Do not touch the appliance and the plug with wet hands. NEVER place the appliance in water. Do NOT open the housing of the appliance (except when changing the UV
lamps). If live connections are touched and/or the electrical or mechanical construction is altered, ther
act with live wires or live components there is a
xclusively to a correctly fused mains power socket.
e will be an increased risk of electric shock.
Risks from ultraviolet light (UV-Light)
WARNING Risk of injury from ultraviolet light (UV-Light)!
Looking directly into the UV light from the UV lamps in this appliance can cause eye injuries and diminish the power of your vision!
NEVER look directly into the ultraviolet light from the UV lamps. If the UV lamps are not in use, switch them off . Non-users, and especially children, may not be present during the opera-
tion of the appliance.
SNS 45 A1
Risks from solvent-containing substances
WARNING Risks of damage to health from solvent-containing
substances and vapours!
The inhalation of solvent-containing substances and vapours can damage your health!
Do not breathe in the vapours from solvent-containing substances (e.g. acetone).
Ensure ther substances.
Pay heed to the instructions on the containers of the solvent-containing substances.
Risks of health damage from chemical substances!
The improper handling of chemical substances can lead to serious health damage!
If swallowed, IMMEDIATELY seek medical attention! In cases of allergic reactions, consult a doctor immediately! In the event of contact with the eyes or mucous membranes, contact a doctor
e is adequate ventilation when interacting with solvent-containing
SNS 45 A1
Appliance and Accessories
See in addition the illustrations on the fold-out side.
1 UV appliance with 4 built-in UV lamps
On/Off switch
2 3 Operating indicator "POWER"/Standby 4 Operating indicator "180 seconds" 5 Time preselect button "180 seconds" 6 Operating indicator "120 seconds" 7 Time preselect button "120 seconds" 8 Operating indicator "90 seconds" 9 Time preselect button "90 seconds" 0 Start button q Nail clippers (for clipping the nail-tips) w Cuticle pusher (to push back the cuticle) e Brush (for applying the UV Gel) r Sanding block (for smoothing of unevenness) t Polishing fi le fi ne (for polishing the nails "shine") z Polishing fi le medium (for polishing the nails "condition") u Polishing fi le coarse (for polishing the nails "clean") i Sand sheet fi le (for fi ling nails) o Nail Tips (artifi cial fi nger nails) p Finishing solution (for fi nal treatment and for cleaning brushes) a Nail Glue (to glue the nail tips on "GLUE") s UV Gel (for topping up nails) d Nail Oil (for care of the nails and cuticles "NAIL CARE")
SNS 45 A1
Setting up and connecting to the power supply
Safety instructions
WARNING During the commissioning of the appliance personal injury and
property damage could occur!
Observe the following safety information to avoid these risks:
Packaging material should not be used as a play thing. There is a risk of suff ocation.
To av
oid damage to people and property, pay heed to the requirements
for the installation site and the electrical connection of the appliance.
Items supplied and initial inspection
The appliance is supplied with the following components as standard:
UV appliance with 4 UV lamps and mains power cable Polishing fi les, one each of coarse, medium and fi ne Sand sheet fi le Sanding block Nail Tips Cuticle pusher Brush Nail clippers 2 Pots of UV Gel ("UV Gel") Finishing solution ("Finishing") 2 Bottles of Nail Glue ("Glue") Nail Oil ("Nail Care") Storage bag Operating Instructions
SNS 45 A1
Check the contents to ensure everything has been provided, and for signs of visible damage.
If the contents are incomplete, or hav packaging or transportation, contact the Service Hotline (see chapter
e been damaged due to defective
Remove all parts of the appliance and these operating instructions from the box.
Remove all packing material.
Disposal of packaging
The packaging protects the appliance against transport damage. The packaging materials are selected from the point of view of their environmental friendliness and disposal technology and are therefore recyclable.
The recirculation of packaging into the material circuit saves on raw material and reduces generated waste. Dispose of packaging material that is no longer needed according to the regionally established regulations.
If possible preserve the appliance's original packaging during the warranty period so that, in the event of a warranty claim, you can package the appliance properly for its r
Requirements for the installation location
For the safe and trouble-free operation of the appliance the following requirements must be met at the installation location:
Place the appliance on a dry, fl at and fi rm surface. Do not place the appliance in a damp environment and not in an area at risk
from spraywater. Do not place the appliance adjacent to a radiator or a r The mains power socket must be easily accessible, so that the plug can be
easily removed in an emergency.
aiation heater.
SNS 45 A1
Electrical connection
Potentially fatal risk of electrical shocks! Upon cont
potentially fatal risk!
Pay heed to the following safety information to avoid risks from electrical power:
Do not operate the appliance if the plug or the power cable are damaged. Connect the appliance exclusively to a correctly fused mains power socket. Do not touch the appliance and the plug with wet hands. Avoid water contact with the appliance. DO NOT open the housing of this appliance. If live connections are
touched and/or the electrical or mechanical construction is altered, ther will be an increased risk of electric shock.
Before you connect the appliance, compare the connection data (voltage and frequency) on the typeplate of the appliance with that for the intended power source. his data must match, in or
Ensure that the power cable of the appliance is not damaged and that it is not laid over hot surfaces and/or sharp edges.
Ensure that the po Do not let the power cable hang over edges (trip wire eff ect). Insert the plug into the mains power socket.
act with live wires or live components there is a
der to avoid any damage to the appliance.
wer cable is not over-taut or kinked.
SNS 45 A1
Handling and operation
In this chapter you receive important information for the handling and operation of the appliance.
See also the chapter Appliance and Accessories.
Switching On and Off
Switch the UV appliance 1 on by pressing the On/Off switch 2 to the position "I". The operating indicator 3 lights up and the appliance is ready for use.
Switch the UV appliance 1 off by pressing the On/Off switch 2 to the posi- tion "0". The oper
Three diff erent treatment times can be set on the appliance:
90 seconds (Button 9) 120 seconds (Button 7) 180 seconds (Button 5)
ating indicator 3 extinguishes.
Switch the UV lamps on b Select the desired tr
button 9, 7 or 5.
The UV lamps switch off automatically after the lapse of the preset time.
Press the time preselect button 9, 7 or 5 and the Start button again as described above for any further treatments.
eatment time and then press the appropriate time preselect
essing the Start button 0.
y pr
0 once
SNS 45 A1
Risk of property damage from glue and UV gel.
Nail glue a and UV Gel s can only be remo surfaces, clothing and carpets.
Cover these work areas with paper or with a hand towel prior to use.
Place the UV appliance 1 on a covered and stable surface. NEVER place the nail glue a
UV appliance 1. NEVER subject the nail glue a and the UV Gel s to direct sunlight.
Selecting artifi cial nails
For the fi rst applications it may be helpful to be assisted by an experienced person.
Before the application, r Clean and dry your hands before the application. We recommend that the
hands are washed about 15 - 20 minutes before the application, so that there will be no residual moisture on the nails.
Select a nail tip o whose curv natural curve of your nail.
ved with diffi culty from furniture
and the UV Gel s in the close vicinity of the
emove all jewelry on the hands.
ature corresponds as closely as possible to the
SNS 45 A1
Select a nail tip o which closes exactly at the edge of your natural nail and whereby the sides are parallel to your natural nail.
If necessary, using the nail clippers q trim off the end of the nail tip o so that the end point (arrow) is covering about a third of your natural nail.
 Free edge  Nail bed  Nail plate  Cuticle
If you use a too small nail tip o, it can break off more easily. Therefore, select a lar
Repeat the above described process until you have trimmed all the nails to the desired length and fi led them into shape.
ger nail tip o and then fi le the sides into the desired form.
Attaching artifi cial nails
Take note that nails absorb moisture from contact with water. The nails, however, must be completely dry before the application.
Before the application, r because, to make possible the optimal adhesion of the nail tips o the nail surfaces must be completely fr
Push the cuticle  back with the cuticle pusher w and then remo parent skin from the nail plate of your fi nger.
Now treat the nail surface with the sanding block r until the fi ngernail is no longer shin
Remove the sanding dust with a paper towel. Rub the nails with the fi nishing solution p so that the last r
and gr
ease are removed.
efrain from using any hand creams or the like,
ee from greases.
ve the trans-
emnants of dust
SNS 45 A1
Under no circumstance should you now touch the nail surfaces with your fi ngers, if you do, they will become greasy again and this will prevent a good bonding!
Apply a small drop of nail glue a distribute it with the aid of the nail glue bottle a the nail tip o down so that the nail glue a cannot run onto the upper part of the nail tip o.
Before the fi rst use you must puncture the bottle of nail glue a with a pointed object, such as a needle. If, at a later date, the bottle of nail glue a has become blocked, it can again be opened for use with a needle.
w place the nail tip o at an angle on the natural nail, so that the predeter-
No mined edge of the nail tip o lies on the edge of the natural nail.
Now tilt the nail tip o with gentle pressur tential air bubbles are squeezed out .
to the lower part of the nail tip o and
on the lower surface. Hold
e onto the natural nail, so that po-
SNS 45 A1
Wipe excess nail glue a off with a cotton swab or a paper towel.
Hold the nail tip o fi rmly for 10-12 seconds and, at the same time, press it down with suffi cient pressure onto the natural nail. Ensure that no air bubbles are formed and that the tip is glued on perfectly straight.
There may no longer be a gap under the nail, so that dirt cannot penetrate. Ensure that no air bubbles or white spots form under the nail tip o. In this
case, take the nail tip
When you have glued all of the artifi cial nails o on, trim them to the desired length with the nail clipper squeeze. If you press too slowly, it may happen that the nail tips o splitter.
File them into shape with the sand sheet fi le i.
File very carefully, because the nail tips o are held only with a nail glue a.
ou are not used to long nails, cut them back a little in order to avoid
If y knocks and the falling off of the nail tips o.
o off immediately and lay it back on again.
s q. Press the nail clippers q together in one
SNS 45 A1
Matching a nail set
Carefully fi le the transitions from the artifi cial nails o to the natural nails with the Sand sheet fi le i until they conform to the contour of the natural nail. File only the nail tips o! Do not damage your natural nail.
Carefullly fi le the sides of the nail with the Sand sheet fi le i until it is str and does not e
Repeat this step for each individual nail.
Remove the sanding dust with a paper towel.
xhibit a "wing".
SNS 45 A1
Application of the UV-Gel
Using the brush e, take a small amount of UV Gel s and then wipe the excess on one side of the brush e off on the edge the UV Gel pot.
Apply a thin coating of UV-Gel s onto the complete nail. Apply a little more UV Gel
s to the lower part of the nail, as hereby is how the off set between the natural and the artifi cial nail is created. Furthermore, the transition from natural to artifi cial nails is especially sensitive to pressure and knocks, thus more UV Gel s must be applied here.
When you are doing the application do not press too heavily on the brush e, since the brush e could otherwise cause str
Model the fi rst layer of the UV Gel s very carefully, as this determines the
e shape of the nail. Model the best possible natural nail shape.
Maintain a distance of about 1 mm from the cuticle during the application.
Should any UV Gel s inadvertantly come onto the cuticle or the nail bed,
emove it before the hardening, for example, with a cotton wool swab.
Repeat the above process for all nails.
Ensure that the nail is covered evenly with UV Gel s.
SNS 45 A1
Hardening of the UV-Gel
See also the chapter Handling and operation.
Switch the UV appliance 1 on with the On/Off Press the Start button 0; the UV Lamps will be switched on. Now select the desir
preselect button 9, 7 or 5. For the fi setting of 180 seconds.
Hold your hand with the nails upward for the duration of the set treatment time in the opening of the UV appliance 1.
eat the thumbnail separately because, when you hold your hand in the UV
unit, the UV light only shines on the side of it. Repeat the application of the UV Gel s
1 as described above once more.
After the expiry of the preselected treatment time the UV lamps are switched off automatically.
The Start button 0 and a time preselect button (9, vated again for each new treatment.
ed treatment time and then press the appropriate time
rst hardening we recommend the time
switch 2.
and the hardening in the UV appli-
7 or 5) must be acti-
SNS 45 A1
Examine each nail, after the application and hardening of all coatings, for unevenness, small scratches or ridges.
If you discover unevenness, apply a further thin layer of UV Gel s and harden the nail with the setting of 120 seconds or 90 seconds (depending on the amount of applied UV Gel
Even after the last hardening of the Gel layer, the nails may feel a feel sticky ("sweat-layer" or polymerization layer).
Moisten a cottonwool ball or paper towel with fi nishing solution p and wipe
er the nail.
it ov
Afterwards, delustre each nail with the sanding block r. Finally, using the polishing fi les u, z and t, polish each individual nail until
the nail surface is shin
SNS 45 A1
Topping up
Because the natural nail grows, over time the attachment of the artifi cial nail o can raise itself. For this reason the gap between the cuticle and the nail attachment must be topped up fr
A topping up is required about every 2 - 3 weeks.
Using the sand sheet fi le i, fi le around the attachments of the hardened gel.
Use the sanding block r When done, reapply UV Gel s and harden it again.
In this regard, see the previous chapters Application of the UV-Gel and Hardening of t
Removal of artifi cial nails
Risk of damaging the natural nail surface!
A forcible br surfaces!
Do not break the nail tips o off of the natural nails. R
eaking-off of the nail tips o can cause damage to the natural nail
emove the nail tips o only in accordance with the following description.
First trim the nails all the way back with the nail clippers q.
le the nail tips o off with the sand sheet fi le i
Then fi Afterwards, polish your natural nails with the various polishing fi les u, z
and t. Finally
, apply a little nail oil d to care for your natural nails.
om time to time.
until the nail is no longer shiny
he UV-Gel
SNS 45 A1
Regularly fi le the attachments and nail edges. Polish the nails once a week. Every night apply nail oil d to the nails and also rub it in and ar
cuticles. Use a hand cr When applying nail varnish, use both a lower layer and an upper layer. Do not use an acetone-based nail polish remover for removing nail polish,
because this would loosen and damage the artifi cial nails. W
ear rubber glo
Wear a pair of rubber gloves for all work/activities that may damage the nails.
eam regularly.
ves when using detergents or bleaching agents.
ound the
SNS 45 A1
Safety instructions
Potentially fatal risk of electrical shocks!
Disconnect the plug from the mains po the appliance.
Damage to the appliance!
To av
oid irreparable damage, ensure that no moisture can penetrate inside
the UV appliance 1 when you are cleaning it.
Cleaning the appliance
Clean the surfaces of the UV appliance 1 only with a soft and dry cloth.
Cleaning accessories
Clean the brush e immediately after each use.
ays close all bottles and tubs after use.
Hold the brush e in the fi nishing solution p and then wipe it off on a paper
to Afterwards, swirl the brush e in the nail oil d, so as to keep its bristles
wer socket before you start cleaning
SNS 45 A1
Remove the nail oil d before each new utilisation of the brush e
To remove the nail oil d dip the brush e in the fi wipe it on a paper towel.
nishing solution p and then
Exchanging the UV Lamps
Potentially fatal risk of electrical shocks!
Disconnect the plug from the mains po exchange of the UV lamps!
The UV lamps may ONLY be replaced with lamps of the same type. The specifi cations for the precise lamp type are given in the chapter "Technical Data".
w the two screws on the sides of the appliance with a cross-head
Unscre screwdriver.
wer socket before you start with the
Pull the front appliance cover with the ultraviolet lamps carefully from the appliance, thereby paying heed to the cable connection on the side.
Carefully pull the defective UV lamp out of its socket.
SNS 45 A1
Insert the new UV lamp into the socket. Slide the appliance cover with the UV lamps back onto the appliance, thereby
ensuring that the cable connection on the side does not get snagged or trapped.
e-attach the appliance cover with the two side screws.
In this chapter you will receive important information for malfunction localization and remedies. Observe the instructions in order to avoid risks and damage.
Safety instructions
WARNING Observe the following safety information to avoid risks and property damage:
Repairs to electronic appliances may only be carried out by specialists who have been trained by the manufacturer. Considerable risk to the consumer and damage to the appliance can occur as a result of incompetent r
SNS 45 A1
Malfunction causes and remedies
The following table will help with localizing and remedying minor malfunctions:
Defect Possible cause Solution
Appliance does not switch on.
UV Gel s does not harden suffi ciently.
After hardening, a "sweat layer" re­mains on the nails.
The artifi cial nails are soft/loosened.
The artifi cial fi ngernails show unevenness.
A UV lamp does not glow.
The plug is not connected.
Mains power socket does not supply any voltage.
The selected treatment time too short.
One or more UV lamps are defective.
Too much UV-Gel s applied.
The nails were not directly under the UV lamps.
Occurence of a "sweat­layer" caused by polyme­rization.
Loosening of the artifi cial nails by products with a high acetone concentra­tion.
Pressure on the brush e too high when applying the UV Gel s.
UV Gel s unevenly applied.
UV lamp defect. Replace the defective UV lamp.
Insert the plug into the mains power socket.
Check the fuses.
Select a longer treatment time.
In this case, contact Customer Services.
Apply less UV Gel s.
Hold the hand correctly in the UV appliance 1.
Remove the "sweat layer" with the fi nishing solution p.
Apply no products with a high acetone concentration.
Do not press too hard on the brush e when you are applying the UV Gel s.
Apply a further and thinner layer of UV Gel s and then harden it.
If you cannot solve the problem with the aforementioned solutions, please contact Customer Services.
SNS 45 A1
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