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2Revision / Disclaimer
1Revision / Disclaimer
Document revision level
The document corresponds to the version/revision level effective at the time of system
delivery. Revisions to hardcopy documentation are not automatically distributed.
Please contact your local Siemens office to order current revision levels.
The installation and service of equipment described herein is to be performed by qualified
personnel who are employed by Siemens or one of its affiliates or who are otherwise
authorized by Siemens or one of its affiliates to provide such services.
Assemblers and other persons who are not employed by or otherwise directly affiliated
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MAMMOMAT Novation DRSPB7-250.815.02.03.02Siemens AG
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Medical Solutions
Requirements / Remarks / Introduction5
1Requirements / Remarks / Introduc tion
Text Emphasis0
All texts labeled with "WARNING" call attention to potential life or
health-threatening risks.
¹ Helpful Hint
All texts labeled with "CAUTION" contain information about risks
and measures to avoid danger.
¹ Helpful Hint
All texts labeled with "NOTICE" contain additional information
about the work step that follows and are intended to provide a better understanding of or a warning about unnecessary and avoidable problems.
¹ Helpful Hint
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6Requirements / Remarks / Introduction
Manufacturer’s notes0
The screen shots in this document are used for illustration and orientation purposes.
¹ For this reason, the actual screen may show some differ-
Installation of software not released or validated for the system is
strictly prohibited!
¹ Otherwise, the syngo software or one or more of its
applications may malfunction.
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Medical Solutions
Requirements / Remarks / Introduction7
Safety Information0
When performing the work steps and tests, observe the product-specific safety information contained in the documentation as
well as the general safety information.
¹ See the product-specific safety information.
A separate account is required for each user of the syngo-based
unit when the HIPAA security is enabled. The user accounts must
be set up in the same way as for a MedUser!
The user accounts and passwords should be discussed with the
customer or user.
¹ See "syngo Online Help” at Configuration: Local Host
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8Requirements / Remarks / Introduction
Documents and tools required0
Documents required0
Tab. 1Documents
Completed configuration table with all data for network configuration (Section “Collecting configuration data” in this document)
Operator manual ( -> Women’s Health ->
MAMMOMAT Novation DR -> Sales Support -> Instructions for Use)
Data sheet of released Hard Copy Cameras (HCC)
Siemens Remote Service (SRS) Planning Guide, TD00-000.891.01....Information on -> For Service -> Product Information -> Planning -> General -> Planning Guide Siemens Remote Service
Checklist for Remote Service: COIT-000-812.09...
Installation Instructions for Router, AX00-000.815.01...
A guide for the HIS/RIS interface engineering is available on the intranet under Planning - General (print no. TDIT-000.891.03.01.02).
Test Equipment, Tools and Measurement Devices0
All tools, test equipment and measurement devices, with the exception of the “standard
tools”, are listed below:
Mavo monitor97 02 432 Y0526
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Medical Solutions
Requirements / Remarks / Introduction9
AE TitleApplication Entity Title, must be unique in a DICOM network.
BUBusiness Unit (e.g. AX,CT,EM,MR,NM,...)
DHCPDynamic host configuration protocol. Reduces the complexity of config-
uring computers for TCP/IP networks. The following TCP/IP configuration can be dynamically assigned by a DHCP server: IP address,
subnet masks, gateway and additional parameters like domain name.
DNSThe Domain Name System is used to resolve the TCP/IP address from
a user-friendly host name.
HCCHard Copy Camera
HIS/RISHospital - / Radiology Information System
HubCentral point
IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission
IIDCImage Intensifier Distortion Correction
IPInternet Protocol
ISKAllen screws
PGPlanning Guide
SSWService Software
SPDISiemens Parallel Digital Interface
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
VDEVerband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (Union of German Electronics
WINSWindows Internet Name Service
DICOMDigital Imaging and Communication in Medicine
IPInternet Protocol
Q / RQuery / Retrieve
SCPService Class Provider
SCUService Class User
TCPTransfer Control Protocol
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10Requirements / Remarks / Introduction
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group (a graphics format)
RASRemote Access Service
PPPPoint to Point Protocol
UIUser Interface
USBUniversal Serial Bus
WH AWSAcquisition workstation for MAMMOMAT Novation DR
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Medical Solutions
Requirements / Remarks / Introduction11
AE Title (AET)DICOM Application Entity Title. Must be unique in a DICOM network
DongleDevice plugged into the parallel port of the computer that provides a
HubDistributor in a network using the star topology. A hub allows data
IP Address32-bit address assigned to hosts using TCP/IP. An IP address
Each manufacturer of a DICOM device must provide a statement that
provides an overview of the product's DICOM conformance.
unique ID for license handling
A security or copy-protection device for commercial microcomputer
programs consisting of a serialized EPROM and a number of drivers
in a USB connector shell. The device must be connected to an I/O
port of the computer while the program is running. Programs that use
a dongle query the port at startup and at programmed intervals. The
programs terminate if the port does not respond to the dongle's programmed validation code.
transfer between computers
belongs to one of four classes (A, B, C, D) and is written as 4 octets
separated by periods (dotted decimal format). Each address consists
of a network number, an optional sub-network number, and a host
number. The network and the subnet numbers are used for routing,
while the host number is used to address an individual host within the
network or the sub-network. A subnet mask is used to extract network
and sub-network information from the IP address.
The IP is part of the socket address
PortPart of the socket address. Different DICOM services on the same
host PC may use different port numbers.
Subnet maskThe subnet mask is used to extract network and sub-network informa-
tion from the IP address.
RouterA device that connects different networks. Different means either a
different architecture or a different type of protocol. In a TCP/IP environment, a router is used to connect computers that are located in different IP address ranges.
Service KeyNecessary to enter the service UI. The key has to be generated prior
to the initial software installation.
Socket Address The socket address is formed from the IP and the port number.
WINSWINS provides a distributed database for registration and querying
dynamic Net-BIOS names to IP addresses.
Vendor IDUnique identification number provided by a dongle.
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12Requirements / Remarks / Introduction
CompressionRunning a data set through an algorithm to reduce the space required
to store it or the bandwidth required to transmit the data set.
Remote Access
A service that allows remote clients running Microsoft Windows or
Windows NT to dial into a network.
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Medical Solutions
Requirements / Remarks / Introduction13
Important Remarks Regarding Startup0
General Remarks0
When the MAMMOMAT Novation DR is being configured, it must be completely cabled
but not connected to the network.
Start-up procedure for the entire system.
Problems may occur when the system has been operating for too
long without a reboot.
¹ The system should be switched off completely once a
week; no power to the stand!
•Switch on the room's main power switch.
•Wait 5 minutes.
•Press the ON button on the control console to activate the MAMMOMAT Novation DR.
The internal monitoring system automatically performs a functional check of the MAMMOMAT Novation DR. As a result, the dr is displayed on the film density display on the
control panel, when the detector wing is selected, to indicate that the communication
with the MAMMOMAT Novation DR system is functioning.
•Switch the PC and the screen on at the acquisition workstation.
•Allow the MAMMOMAT Novation DR to warm up for at least 60 minutes to obtain opti-
mum image quality.
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14Collecting configuration data
2Collecting configuration data
Data list0
To assure an effective start-up, it is FIRST necessary to summarize the configuration data
in the following table. With an existing customer network, the data should be obtained
from the site administrator and entered in the table.
•Enter the configuration data in the list below.
¹ *) = data are essential for configuration of the WH AWS.
General Information0
ParametersData to enterRemarks
Service Key *)The vendor ID of the supplied
dongle is required.
Serial no. *)The stand serial number is
located on the top right side,
when facing the MAMMOMAT,
above the D801.
Site identification no.ID number under which the
installation is listed in the “Uptime
Support Center”
Service center telephoneUSC telephone number
Telephone number for SIEMENS Remote Server
Who is the administrator
responsible for the customer's network?
Phone Number:
Who is responsible for the
physical network?
Phone Number:
Has the questionnaire been
completed and returned to
❒ Yes
❒ No
the Logistics department?
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Medical Solutions
Collecting configuration data15
ParametersData to enterRemarks
Computer name *)Local host name, no more
than 10 characters, no
special characters.
IP address *)
Subnet *)
IP Gateway(s) address *)IP address standard gate-
WINS server IP address(es):
Primary WINS
Secondary WINS
DNS Server IP address:
DNS Domain Name
1st DNS Server
2nd DNS Server
Local DICOM AE titles: *)
- Study transfer [SCU + SCP]
- Print [SCU]
- Modality Work List [SCU]
Host address and subnet
mask. Only one IP
address is allowed.
way, only one IP address
is allowed.
IP addresses of the primary and secondary
WINS server, if WINS is
DNS domain name and
TCP/IP addresses of
DNS server, if DNS is
The AET names must be
unique in the network.
Usually the AE titles are
the host name (upper
case is recommended)
- Modality Performed Procedure Step [SCU]
DICOM Services:
- Media Storage [SCU/SCP]
- Query/Retrieve [SCU/SCP]
- Digital Mammography Image
Storage [SCU/SCP]
- Storage Commitment [SCU]
DICOM Services which
can be configured.
Hardcopy Camera0
You will find a list of the released HCC’s on the Intranet under
Since the image objects are quite large (approximately 26 MB), we recommend using a
100 Base-T network or a segmented LAN between the product and the hardcopy camera.
Each camera requires the following information:
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16Collecting configuration data
ParametersData to enterRemarks
Location of the hardcopy
Camera manufacturer *)
Hardcopy type *)
Hardcopy software version in
compliance with camera
Gateway type n.a.
Gateway software version in
compliance with release?
HC-DeviceThis is the name as it will
Host (Node) name *)
IP address *)
Port *)
DICOM AE title *)
Film sizes used by the customer *)
Medium type *)❒ Blue Film
❒ Yes
❒ No
❒ Yes
❒ No
If not, what are the discrepancies?
If not, what are the discrepancies?
appear in the product user
❒ Clear Film
❒ Paper
Film Destination *)❒ Magazine
❒ Processor
Are the hardcopy camera(s) released for use with this specific
❒ Yes
❒ No
If non-Siemens archives are used, you can find additional information in the interoperability database. “URL:”
MAMMOMAT Novation DRSPB7-250.815.02.03.02Siemens AG
For more information about installation of “Siemens Remote Services” Refer to the docu-
ment SP00-000.816.02....
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20Collecting configuration data
ParametersData to enterRemarks
Host name
IP address of
Access server
If not yet done:
“lux09505” for RDIAG Fürth
“SRSACC1” for RDIAG Newark
“sgpt806x” for RDIAG Singapore for RDIAG Europe by LAN for RDIAG America by
LAN RDIAG Asia_Pacific
•Completes the “SRS final configuration checklist” and sends it to the destination speci-
fied (written in the checklist) to set up the router in the Remote Server.
¹ The new client is then entered in the Remote Server database.
¹ To verify the connection, the system must be available in the SRS database.
Image Import/Export Server0
For File & Image transfer:
ParametersData to enterRemarks
Host name
IP address
Name of drive and
Details about the data to be entered are included in the syngo software input windows.
¹ Please enter valid data.
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Medical Solutions
System installation requirements0
The requirements for installation of the WH AWS are described in the corresponding document:
“Planning Guide“ Pub. No.: SPB7-250.891.02.xx.xx
General remarks0
•When the system is being configured, it must be completely cabled but not connected
to the network.
Special network information0
The cables for the network are not supplied in the product delivery. There is a standard IP
address, entered by the factory, which may conflict with addresses in your network.
The MAMMOMAT Novation DR uses defined, hard-coded IP addresses for ARRAY
( and BRICK ( communication.
•Check the IP address provided by the hospital administrator for the WH AWS, to make
sure there is no conflict. The IP addresses from the range, subnet mask, cannot be used from the customer's network.
Screen saver0
Do not activate any of the screen savers (OpenGL).
¹ The system will hang.
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Start up the WH AWS0
The dongle (labeled FLEXID=X-xxxxxxxx) supplied in the shipment must be connected to
the USB port.
•The WH AWS is switched off.
•Install the dongle at the USB port.
Service license0
A service key is required to configure the syngo-based product. The service key (paper
printout) for installation is shipped with the system and is located in the technical documentation binder.
¹ This key is only valid for 3 months.
¹ To generate a new service key valid for 12 months, contact your “Uptime Sup-
port Center.”
•The paper printout of the service key must be removed from the technical documenta-
tion binder before the system is turned over to the customer, to prevent the customer
from gaining access to the service software.
Start WH AWS0
Start-up of the entire system.
1. Switch on the main power in the WH AWS room.
2. Wait 5 minutes.
3. Press the ON button on the control console to activate the MAMMOMAT Novation DR.
¹ The internal monitoring system automatically performs a functional check of the
MAMMOMAT Novation DR. As a result, "dr" is displayed on the film density display on the control panel when the detector wing is selected, to indicate that the
communication with the MAMMOMAT Novation DR system is functioning.
Problems may occur when the system has been operating for too
long without a reboot.
¹ The system should be switched off completely once a
week; no power to the stand!
4. Switch the PC and the screen on at the acquisition workstation.
5. Proceed with the section "Configuration" in this documentation.
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Medical Solutions
User Settings0
This section describes how to set up the keyboard and application language.
Only the languages English, German, Spanish and French are supported.
Country-specific keyboard layout (required for non-US keyboards)0
•Select Options > Configuration from the user software interface.
¹ The following window is displayed.
Fig. 1:Configuration panel 1
•Scroll down the window.
Fig. 2:Configuration panel 2
•Double-click Regional and Language Options.
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Fig. 3:Languages
•Select Language tab.
•Click on Details.
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