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Planning Guide
© Siemens AG 2004
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Doc. Gen. Date: 05.04

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Chapter Page Revision
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Document revision level
The document corresponds to the version/revision level effective at the time of system delivery. Revisions to hardcopy documentation are not automatically distributed.
Please contact your local Siemens office to order current revision levels.
The installation and service of equipment described herein is to be performed by qualified personnel
who are employed by Siemens or one of its affiliates or who are otherwise authorized by Siemens or
one of its affiliates to provide such services.
Assemblers and other persons who are not employed by or otherwise directly affiliated with or authoof its affiliates before attempting installation or service procedures.
MAMMOMAT Balance SPB7-115.891.01 Page 2 of 20 Siemens AG
Planning Guide Rev.01 05.04 Medical Solutions

GENERAL NOTES..................................................................................................................................... 5
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION...........................................................................................................................6
ROOM PLANNING.................................................................................................................................... 7
INSTALLATION AREA.................................................................................................................................7
DIMENSIONS OF THE MAMMOMAT BALANCE...........................................................................................8
DIMENSIONS OF THE MOU NTING PLATE OF THE STAND.................................................................................9
DIMENSIONS FOR THE RADIATION PROTECTION SHIELD (OPTIONAL)............................................................10
PRECAUTION FOR INSTALLATION.............................................................................................................. 11
MAMMOMAT BALANCE: DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT................................................................................11
RANGE OF THE SWIVEL ARM SYSTEM ........................................................................................................ 12
DIMENSIONS OF THE WALL HOLDER FOR ACCESSORIES............................................................................... 13
PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATION..................................................................................................14
RECOMMENDATION FOR ON-SITE ELECTRO INSTALLATION........................................................................ 14
DOOR SAFETY SWITCH, IF PRESENT........................................................................................................... 16
EXTERNAL LAMP, IF PRESENT................................................................................................................... 17
TECHNICAL DATA.................................................................................................................................18
ELECTRICAL DATA .................................................................................................................................. 18
ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS.................................................................................................................18
PACKING AND TRANSPORT ROUTES.......................................................................................................... 18
PAINT COLORS........................................................................................................................................ 18
TRANSPORTATION CARRI ER..............................................................................................................19
CHANGES TO PREVIOUS VERSION.....................................................................................................20
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Planning Guide Rev.01 05.04 Medical Solutions

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Planning Guide Rev.01 05.04 Medical Solutions

General Notes
General notes
- With distribution of this revision level, all preceding planning guides, Speed - Infos (PG’s) and drafts
lose their validity.
- All layouts issued by the Planning Departments must bear a note referring to the installation and
delivery conditions of Siemens Medical Engineering Group. The installation and delivery conditions
must be submitted with the layouts.
- Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are indicated in "mm".
- The symbol indicates a change (see revision status).
- Orientation points
Points specific to system components to which reference is made when positioning system
components to each other or in the room.
The isocenter of a radiographic system is always illustrated as the orientation point.
- Fixpoints
Clearly marked points on system components, installation ceiling, walls or floor on which cable
outlets are located.
Ill ustration in the drawings: circle with letter/number-combination.
The cable lengths establish the maximum fixpoint distances and thus the maximum distances
between the individual system components.
- Room height
The room height is the distance measured from the top surface of the floor to the bottom surface of
the ceiling structural elements (Unistrut rails) (bottom surface of drop ceiling).
- The provisions of the relevant fire protection regulations must be observed for the premises.
- The system has been developed according to EN 60601 - 1.
- Minimum dimensions (e. g. room heights, safety distances) indicated in the planning guides are
marked "min."
- Basic resistance to electromagnetic sources of interference.
Result of lightning discharges.
The protection targets of the different lightning protection areas up to the unit connection are also
specified in the IEC 1024, DIN 48810, VDE 0675 and in the DEMVT recommendations.
MAMMOMAT Balance SPB7-115.891.01 Page 5 of 20 Siemens AG
Planning Guide Rev.01 05.04 Medical Solutions

System Configuration
MAMMOMAT Balance with option radiation protection shield
General Notes
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Planning Guide Rev.01 05.04 Medical Solutions