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Maintenance Protocol
Department: Room:
Contact person: Telephone:
Cust. Specific n°: Customer n°
The Maintenance Instruction s
SPB7- 115.831.01…
are required for this protocol
Doc. Gen. Date: 05.04
© Siemens AG 2004
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or_ design, _are_ reserved.

Maintenance Protocol Cust. N°:….………….
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Maintenance Protocol Rev.01 05.04 Medical Solutions

Maintenance Protocol Cust. N°:….………….
Information regarding the maintenance protocol
Region: Country:
Contact person: Telephone:
CSE in charge: Telephone:
Information regarding the maintenance protocol
The maintenance protocol serves as a quality record of the maintenance performed
Maintenance must be performed in the prescribed intervals.
The maintenance results must be entered in the maintenance protocol.
The page numbers in the check list at the end of the protocol refer to the corresponding
pages in the associated maintenance instructions (refer to the cover sheet).
The maintenance protocol must be completely filled out by the CSE in charge.
In other words,
• All fields must be completed. If a field does not apply to the system or if there is no
information to be entered, enter ’n.a. ’ in the field.
• The customer number must be entered in the header of every page (Cust.- No.) so that
every page is assigned to a customer.
• In case of complaints, enter the product identification (IVK = WE) for the component as
well as the type of complaint in the ’Open items’ table provided. Record the open items in
the table with the date and signature. Correction of these open points should also be
documented in this table along with the date and signature. If there are no open points,
draw a line through the entire table and enter the date/initials.
• Enter the values measured during the maintenance in the space / table provided.
• After completing the maintenance, fill out page 3 of the protocol and sign it.
Processing and archiving the maintenance protocol:
The maintenance protocol is considered a record and must be archived. It must be filed
after completion of maintenance in the corresponding Register of the Maintenance binder.
If necessary, a copy should be distributed to the customer.
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Maintenance Protocol Rev.01 05.04 Medical Solutions