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Print No.: SPB7- Doc. Gen. Date:05.05
Replaces: SPB7-
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0 - 8Contents
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The configuration of the Mammomat installation is dependent on the customer’s choice.
Up to twelve various combinations are possible as shown below:
MAMMOMAT 1000 - Basic unit
1 - 1
Molybdenum anode X-ray tube
assembly with filter Mo 0.03
Fixed object-table arm
("Wing 2" no counterweight)
Dose Calculation System
Generator with integrated
control panel and radiation shield
Molybdenum anode X-ray tube
assembly with filter disc
Mo 0.03/Rh 0.025
Separate generator
Separate control console
Free-standing radiation shield
Fig. 1
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1 - 2Prerequisites
MAMMOMAT 3000 Nova1
MAMMOMAT 3000 Nova - Basic unit
Pivoting object-table arm
("Wing 1"+ "Wing 2")
Molybdenum/tungsten anode X-ray
tube assembly with filter disc
Mo 0.03/Rh 0.025/Rh 0.050
Dose Calculation System
Fixed object-table arm
("Wing 1" + counterweight)
Molybdenum anode X-ray tube
assembly with filter disc
Mo 0.03/Rh 0.025
Separate generator
Generator with integrated
control panel and radiation shield
Separate control console
Free-standing radiation shield
Fig. 2
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A P40 MoW tube will be delivered irrespective of whether the customer has chosen the molybdenum/tungsten anode X-ray tube or
the molybdenum anode X-ray tube. In the last case, the tungsten
anode is deselected by the software.
Prerequisites1 - 3
Unless otherwise stated, these instructions describe the stand with pivoted object-table
arm and generator with integrated radiation shield and control panel.
Depending on the installation configuration, some points may be omitted.
Meters and appliances, tools1
Meters and appliances required1
Calibrated instruments are required.
• Power Line Impedance Meter.
• Protective ground-wire tester.
• Oscilloscope, e.g TEKTRONIX 314.
• Digital multimeter (Fluke type 8060A, part no. 97 02 101 Y4290 or Fluke type 87, part no.
97 03 976 Y4290).
• Sensitometer.
• Densitometer e.g PDA 81.
• Service PC with connecting cable (PC-Generator), part no. 99 00 440 RE999.
• Normi 7 test body (provided by the customer) or SIB phantom Type 42 001 (PTW or
• Centering cross, part no. 96 60 051 RE 999.
• AEC calibration plexi:
- Three plates, "2" cm (part no. 65 61 232)
- One plate, "1" cm (part no. 65 61 224)
The existing ground conductor in the mains cable must under no
circumstances be disconnected when operating the oscilloscope.
Life-threatening electric shock hazard exist.
For those measurements, in which any resulting ground loop may
falsify the measuring result, use the differential amplifier (difference measurement).
Tools required1
• Standard installation tool kit.
• Torque wrench for bolting the stand/generator to the floor (optional).
• Electrical screwdriver with adjustable torque is recommended.
• Calculator
This symbol indicates exposure of X-ray radiation.
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1 - 4Prerequisites
Important notes on start-up1
The MAMMOMAT is adjusted, programmed and tested in the factory, leaving the adapta-
tion to the on-site mains voltage, adjustment of the AEC and the functional tests to be performed.
When the measurements to be made (kV, mAs, etc.) are within the tolerances stated in
these instructions, this confirms that the settings made in the factory have not changed
and the equipment is fully serviceable.
The measured values marked with in Chapter 10 "Checks with high voltage" shall be
entered in the "start-up" column in the test certificate provided.
The service PC is required only for programming according to:
• Chapter 10 "Checks with high voltage"
• Chapter 11 "Calibrating and adjusting the AEC"
• Chapter 12 "Dose Calculation System"
• Chapter 13 "Testing"
• Chapter 14 "Further programming"
• Chapter 20 "Final procedures"
Description of the service PC syntax is found in Chapter 22 "Appendix".
If the generator is switched off with the service PC connected,
wait approximately 5 s before switching it on again.
Checking and recording for the area of application of the X-ray
decree (§16 Germany)
In the area of application of the X-ray decree, an acceptance test certificate is supplied,
with most of the data filled in by the factory.
• the cut-off dose
• the resolution of the film/screen systems used
• the output values of the constancy test
must be determined by the owner of the equipment and recorded in the acceptance test
certificate. Furthermore, the front page of the acceptance test certificate must also be
completed with the operator´s data.
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Prerequisites1 - 5
Checking and recording for the DHHS area of application1
In the area of application of the DHHS regulations, maintenance measurements must be
made according to the "DHHS Maintenance Instructions" SPB7-230.662.03.04.02 and the
"DHHS Supplements to the instructions for use" SPB7-230.661.02.03.02.
• Required labels.
• Radiation ON indicators.
• Manual termination of exposure.
• Checking the maximum adjustable mAs.
• Filters in beam limiting device (BLD).
• Reproducibility.
• kVp-accuracy.
• mAs-accuracy.
• Automatic exposure control (AEC).
• Coincidence of radiation field/image receptor.
• Alignment of light field/X-ray field.
• Illuminance of light localizer (light field).
• Shut-down of motor-driven compression movement.
The result must be recorded in "DHHS Measurement certificates"
Some of the values to be determined can be taken from the acceptance test certificate.
The radiation-field limitation is set at the factory and recorded in the acceptance test certif-
If the measurements to be made concerning the radiation-field limitation are within the tol-
erances stated in these instructions, this confirms that the settings made at the factory
have not changed.
Note on delivery state1
The MAMMOMAT has been tested and adjusted at the factory, and should therefore be
ready for operation after completion of the installation.
The equipment is set to 400 V, 2-phase, on delivery.
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1 - 6Prerequisites
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Protective measures2
Protective measures2
It is very important that any intervention in the equipment will start with disconnecting it
from the power supply with the main circuit-breaker. Before removing or inserting any of
the printed circuit board, switch of the equipment. To prevent accidental triggering of high
voltage and radiation, set the switch S2 (SS) on p.c. board D702 to "OFF" (lower position,
no triggering of the SS relay).
2 - 1
If the system is only switched off at the control panel or with
S2/D711, line voltage will still be present at the generator line connection, line filter Z1, Z2, transformer T1, transformer T10 and p.c.
board D711 (see wiring diagram).
Life-threatening electric shock hazard exists.
Disconnect mains cable and comply with the information on this
After shut-down of the system, there may still be 380 V DC
present on the intermediate circuit.
Life-threatening electric shock hazard exists.
The voltage level will be indicated by LED V24 on PC board D710.
The voltage will drop to less than 30 V within about 3 minutes, the
LED goes out at about 30 V.
The p.c. boards contain electrostatic highly sensitive components.
If not regarded, the components could be damaged.
Use ESD-equipment, ground prior to making contact and place
the components on a conductive surface.
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The edges of the metal curtain of the stand are very sharp.
They may cause severe injury.
Apply the protective strips as mentioned in section "Protective
strips for the metal curtain" on page 3 - 5 after removing the covers from the stand. Remove the protective strips only when the
covers are to be mounted or when vertical adjustment of the
swivel-arm system is necessary.
2 - 2Protective measures
Delay times between two exposures2
Delay times listed below must be followed in order to prevent the tube from overheating.
Exposure mAs valueDelay time between two exposures (seconds)
max 100min 15
max 200min 30
max 300min 45
max 400min 60
max 500min 75
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Preparatory work3
Scope of delivery3
The MAMMOMAT is normally packed in one crate and one cardboard box (the number of
packages is dependent on the customer’s choice, however):
Crate (length 2140 mm, width 800 mm, height 1375 mm)
The crate contains:
• Compression plate
• Stand with X-ray tube assembly and base plate
• Object table 18 cm x 24 cm (Bucky)
• External diaphragm
• Cover panels
• Installation material
• Optional: Stanchions for the lead-glass pane (radiation shield)
3 - 1
• Cable ducts
• Technical documents
Cardboard box (lenght 1210 mm, width 820 mm, height 700 mm)
The cardboard box contains:
• Generator with high-voltage generator and base plate.
• Optional: Lead-glass pane
• Optional: Separate control console
Further accessories are packed in a separate cardboard box.
As a general rule, the directional marks on the crates should be observed during transport, storage and unpacking.
The stand crate is bolted together, while the cardboard box is secured with plastic straps.
The unpacking must be carfully performed.
There’s a risk for foot injuries when handling heavy parts.
Wear safety footwear.
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3 - 2Preparatory work
Unpacking the stand3
Fig. 1 Unpacking the stand
1.Open the stand crate by removing the top (1) and then the side wall (2).
2.Take out all enclosed packages (accessories, installation material, cover panels
etc.) from the crate.
3.Remove the wooden supports.
4.Remove the remaining walls (3).
5.Upend the stand (4), with pallet (5) (two persons are required).
6.Loosen the four bolts (6) and remove the pallet (5).
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Preparatory work3 - 3
Removing the transport safeguards3
Removing the swivel-arm system transport safeguard3
Fig. 2 Swivel-arm system transport safeguard
1.Loosen the transport safeguard nuts (1/Fig. 2) and remove the tube head screws
(2/Fig. 2).
2.Push the red transport safeguard (3/Fig. 2) inwards, away from the tube head.
Removal of the swivel-arm system transport safeguard is done
after the equipment has been powered up, see further section
"Attaching the swivel-arm covers" on page 7 - 1.
Transport safeguard for the lifting carriage3
Fig. 3 Transport safeguard for the lifting carriage
1.Loosen the two screws (1/Fig. 3) and remove the red transport safeguard (2/Fig.
3). Reinsert screws (1/Fig. 3), they might be needed for service purposes.
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3 - 4Preparatory work
The lifting carriage transport safeguard shall be kept for service
purposes (Fig. 5).
2.Cut and remove the cable tie securing the balancing spring during transport.
Transport safeguard for the rotary motion3
Fig. 4 Transport safeguard for the rotary motion
1.Remove the transport safeguard screw (1/Fig. 4) with spacer to enable rotary
The screw and the spacer should be kept for the mounting of the lifting carriage
transport safeguard.
2.Mount the red lifting carriage transport safeguard with screw and spacer
(1/Fig. 4) on the left hand side of the stand, see Fig. 5. Insert the screw through the
slot from the inside of the stand, see Fig. 6
Fig. 5 Transport safeguard mounted on the standFig. 6 Screw and spacer inserted from the inside of the
3.Tighten the screw. Make sure that the transport safeguard is parallell to the
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Preparatory work3 - 5
Ball bearings3
The lifting carriage is equipped with twelve ball bearings (Fig. 7). Check that all twelve ball
bearings are in place and that they show no sign of damage.
Fig. 7 Ball bearings
Protective strips for the metal curtain3
Fig. 8 Protective strips for the metal curtain
The edges of the metal curtain are very sharp and are therefore provided with protective
strips (1) on delivery. These strips must always be applied onto the edges of the metal
curtain during service and maintenance work.
Remove the protective strips before performing vertical adjustment of the swivel arm.
If not removed, the protective strips could be damaged.
Make sure the protective strips are removed before adjustments.
Holders (2) for storing the protective strips when not in use, are provided on both sides of
the curtain, see Fig. 8.
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3 - 6Preparatory work
Unpacking the generator and mounting the radiation shield
Fig. 9 Unpacking the generator
1.Open the cardboard box by cutting the plastic straps.
2.Lift out the lead-glass and put it away in a safe place.
3.Remove the protective cover from the generator.
4.Upend the generator (1/Fig. 9) and lift it off the pallet (2/Fig. 9) (two persons are
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Preparatory work3 - 7
5.Insert sheet-metal strip (5/Fig. 10) (additional radiation protection) into both
6.Fit the lead-glass (4/Fig. 10) into both vibration absorbing strips (6/Fig. 10) and fix
it softly by screws (1/Fig. 10).
The screws must be mounted before the lead-glass is inserted in
the stanchions.
7.Fit the lead-glass (2/Fig. 10) into the groove of one of the stanchions (3 /Fig. 10)
and keep it in position while mounting the other stanchion (3 /Fig. 10).
8.Mount the stanchions and lead-glass unit with 6 screws onto the generator
(3, 4 /Fig. 9) (two persons are required).
9.Cover the holes with plastic caps (7/Fig. 10).
Fig. 10
Fig. 10 Mounting the radiation shield
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3 - 8Preparatory work
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Installing the generator and the stand4
Arranging the components4
Position the stand and the generator in accordance with installation plan and Fig. 1 below.
4 - 1
Fig. 1 Installation, top view
Cable duct (1) and generator (3) with radiation shield (2) can be installed optionally to the
left or to the right of the the stand. The cables can also be laid underfloor. Maximum cable
length between stand and generator is approximately 3.5 m.
Radiation shield (2) at right angles to the swivel-arm system and centered to the focus
mark (4) on the tube-head cover according to Fig. 1.
Recommended minimum distance to wall and generator base plate respectively is
700 mm (shorter distances may be used at the customer´s desire, if in compliance with
local regulations).
For the installation of the cable duct, a minimum distance of 180 mm between wall and
stands is required.
Notes on installations with separate generator and separate control console
- The separate generator can be installed in any suitable place. The maximum distance
of 3.5 m (maximum cable length) to the stand must be maintained, however. If
separately installed, the generator must be bolted to the floor alternatively be attached
to the wall by means of wall brackets, see further Chapter 21 "Bolting the stand/
generator to the floor".
- The separate control console can be installed in a suitable place (wall-mounted or
mounted on a table, for example in an adjacent room with radiation-proof window), or
be mounted onto the free-standing radiation shield (option). The connection cable to
the generator measures 10 m.
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4 - 2Installing the generator and the stand
Free-standing radiation shield (option)4
For the installation of the free-standing radiation shield, please refer to separate instructions enclosed with the radiation shield.
Removing the generator cover4
1.Pry loose the plastic strip (1) and remove the sixteen screws (2), eight on each
Pay special attention to the contact washers (there are four contact washers on either side).
They are needed again when reassembling the front cover to
establish protective ground connection and to fulfil EMC (Electro
Magnetic Compatibility) requirements.
2.Remove the front cover (3) from the generator.
Fig. 2 Removing the generator cover
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Installing the generator and the stand4 - 3
Installing the cable ducts4
1.Position the cable ducts (1) to the stand and the generator respectively.
2.Leave sufficient space, approx 10 mm between the cable ducts (1) and the base
plate of the stand (3) to allow for the mounting of the cable outlet cover (4).
3.Check that the cable duct (1) is slightly overlapped by the cable outlet cover (4).
Fig. 3 Installing the cable ducts (top view)
10 mm
1.Mark the outlines of the cable ducts (1) on the floor.
2.Cut the bottom of the cable ducts (6) and the cable duct cover (5) to proper length.
Fig. 3 shows a right-angled installation of the cable ducts.
If the generator is to be installed at an other angle to the stand,
you just have to cut the cable ducts correspondingly.
3.Fasten the bottom plate of the cable ducts (6) to the floor according to marking,
using double-sided adhesive tape.
4.At the generator, cover the cable entry not used with the enclosed cover plate (7).
Installations with separate control console 4
For the connection cable separate control console – generator, additional cable ducts are
required, unless the cables are to be laid underfloor.
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4 - 4Installing the generator and the stand
Laying the cable harness4
Remove the transport safeguards which consist of cable ties
(four around the cable harness and one at the end of each
shielded cable).
1.Separate the cable harness.
2.Lay the stand cable harness in the cable duct, as shown in Fig. 4, all the way to the
3.Fit the cable duct covers (6) onto the cable ducts.
Fig. 4 Laying the cable harness
The cable harness consists of four shielded cables, see Fig. 4.
Pos in Fig. 4Description
1High voltage cable H1
2AEC signal cables X10 and X11
Unit control cable X1
Power supply cable X14
3Anode rotation cable X9
Filament cable X8
4Mains supply cables L1, L2
Protective ground
5Decompression-button cable (only with separate control console)
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Installing the generator and the stand4 - 5
Installations with separate control console4
Lay the connecting cable from the control console in additional cable ducts, alternatively
underfloor, to the free cable entry of the generator, see further section on page 5 - 8.
The separate control console can be wall-mounted – horizontally or vertically as shown in
Fig. 5 below – or be mounted on a table, either in the examination room or in an adjacent
room with radiation-proof window. It is important that the control console be placed so that
the operator has good view of the patient from the control console.
Ensure that the control console is attached to the wall with adequate safety margins. Dowels and screws are not supplied. Please obtain these locally and ensure that they are suitable for the material used in the wall. The separate control console has a weight of 4 kg.
There are two cable outlets on the separate control console; one at the back and one on
the underside. On delivery, the cable is led through the outlet at the back of the control
console. For wall-mounted control console, the cable shall be led through the outlet on the
If the control console is to be mounted on a table, the minimum/maximum length of the
screws penetrating into the control console must be observed, see Fig. 7 below.
The control console can also be mounted on the free-standing radiation shield (option) as
shown in Fig. 6 below, see separate instructions enclosed with the radiation shield.
Horizontal mounting
Fig. 5 Wall-mounted control console
∅ 6.5 mm
Plastic cap
Wall-mounted cable duct
is recommended
∅ 6.5 mm
Vertical mounting
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4 - 6Installing the generator and the stand
min. 10 mm –
max. 30 mm
Tabl e t op
Fig. 6 Control console on free-standing radiation shield
Welded nut
Fig. 7 Control console mounted on table
Aligning the stand4
1.Align the stand vertically by means of the levelling screws (1/Fig. 8).
For adjustment of the levelling screws, use a ratchet spanner 1/2" with extension
(without socket).
2.Cover the levelling screws with the cover discs supplied.
It is important that all six screws bear against the floor.
This is to ensure optimum stability of the stand.
Fig. 8 Levelling screws
If bolting to the floor is required, please refer to Chapter 21 "Bolting the stand/generator to the floor" on page 21 - 1.
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