Scania DI09,DI16,DI13 Installation Manual

03:04 Issue 2.0 en-GB
© Scania CV AB 2017, Sweden
Installation manual
Instrumentation 2.1
Installation and configuration
Marine engines
DI09, DI13, DI16
© Scania CV AB 2017, Sweden
03:04 Issue 2.0 en-GB 2
Changes from the previous issue............................................................................3
System overview ......................................................................................................3
List of abbreviations............................................................................................ 3
Voltage designations ........................................................................................... 3
System overview ................................................................................................. 4
Positioning of the displays .................................................................................. 6
Connection ...............................................................................................................8
Electrical cables................................................................................................... 8
Junction box, connection..................................................................................... 9
Junction box, components................................................................................. 13
Main display (DCU), connections..................................................................... 14
Auxiliary display (RP), connections ................................................................. 23
Safety module (SDU), connection .................................................................... 25
Gateway – overview.......................................................................................... 25
Position of the monitors on the engine.............................................................. 26
Connecting emergency stop .............................................................................. 27
Engine shutdown override in systems with safety device unit (SDU).............. 28
Using the main display ..........................................................................................29
First start............................................................................................................ 29
Buttons on the displays ..................................................................................... 32
Functions and display modes ............................................................................ 32
Configuring the main display and upgrading software with USB memory stick 34
Configuring the main display with a USB memory stick ................................. 35
Upgrading the main display or auxiliary display software ............................... 36
Copying one configuration file in the main display.......................................... 36
Configuring the main display and connecting equipment, examples...............37
Connecting a computer to the main display...................................................... 37
Important system settings ................................................................................. 40
Examples of connection of sensors and micro switches................................... 41
Configuring the main display, detailed description........................................... 59
Homepage ......................................................................................................... 59
File management: dcu > File ............................................................................ 60
Configuring flexible connections: dcu > I/O Configuration > Flexible I/O..... 61
Configuring input signals: dcu > I/O Configuration > Config Inputs .............. 62
Configure output signals: dcu > I/O Configuration / Config Outputs.............. 76
Designing instrument pages: dcu > User Interface........................................... 80
Set the sequences for starting, stopping and for lubrication: dcu > Start/Stop/Pre-
lube ................................................................................................................... 84
Changing the engine designation: dcu > Engine Model................................... 86
Setting the maintenance interval: dcu > Service Interval ................................. 86
Network settings: dcu > Communication ......................................................... 88
Other functions: dcu > Miscellaneous .............................................................. 89
SDU .................................................................................................................. 93
Main display administration section................................................................. 94
Auxiliary display ................................................................................................... 99
First start ........................................................................................................... 99
Auxiliary display administration section........................................................ 100
© Scania CV AB 2017, Sweden
Changes from the previous issue
03:04 Issue 2.0 en-GB 3
Changes from the previous issue
The changes made in this document compared with the previous issue are marked with a black line in the left-hand margin. The changes are also described below.
• Information about Active throttle control
has been added to the Junction box, con-
nection section.
System overview
List of abbreviations
This manuals uses the abbreviations in the list below. DCU, RP and SDU occur in the display interfaces and in the configuration interface.
Abbreviation Description
DCU Main display
RP Auxiliary display
SDU Safety device unit
FMI Failure Mode Identifier
SPN Suspect Parameter Number
Voltage designations
The following voltage designations are used in this document. Unless otherwise specified, always +24 V.
Designation Description
15 voltage Starter key voltage (ignition voltage)
30 voltage Battery voltage
© Scania CV AB 2017, Sweden
System overview
03:04 Issue 2.0 en-GB 4
System overview
The images on this and the next page show the component parts of a control system which is prepared for classification, and not prepared for classification, respectively.
Main display (DCU)
The main display is the basic unit of the engine management system. Different sensor values are displayed on the main display touch screen, and different commands are also carried out there.
The main display is configured using a computer with a web browser via the built in web server of the main display. This is described in the Configuring the main display
and connecting equipment, examples and Configuring the main display, detailed de­scription sections.
Auxiliary display (RP)
The auxiliary display is an option and has the same user interface as the main display. The auxiliary display reads the configuration from the main display. This makes it easy to retrofit.
Control panel
The engine can be started and stopped through the control panel. It can also be used to activate and adjust engine speed settings 1 or 2. The engine installation can be car­ried out with or without a control panel.
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System overview
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Network switch
A network switch is only required if more than one auxiliary display is connected to the engine management system. If the system only contains one auxiliary display, it is connected directly to the main display via a crossover network cable.
Safety module (SDU)
The safety device unit has monitoring and shutdown functions and is a requirement for classified engine management systems. It should be easily accessible so that alarms can be acknowledged in an easy way.
Junction box
The junction box is used to connect all the parts of the engine management system to the engine. The junction box also contains fuses. It should be easily accessible.
The gateway, which is an option, reads specific messages about position and speed via NMEA 2000, so that the instrumentation can calculate fuel consumption per nau­tical mile. The gateway cannot process messages other than these.
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System overview
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Positioning of the displays
Do not position the displays so that they are exposed to direct sunlight. This impairs the readability of the displays. The user should have full access to the displays. It must also be easy to access the connections on the rear of the displays.
The displays must not be fitted on vibrating equipment. They may only be positioned next to the engine bed if either the engine or the display housing has vibration damp­ing.
Main display
Scania recommends positioning the main display in the engine compartment for the following reasons:
• To ensure that operation and monitoring are close to the engine.
• To minimise the lengths of the electrical cables between the sensors and main dis­play.
• To reduce the risk of electrical interference caused by long electrical cables.
On a type approved installation, the main display must be located in the engine com­partment.
Auxiliary display
The auxiliary display is normally positioned outside the engine compartment, but can also be positioned in the engine compartment.
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System overview
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1. Make a rectangular hole where the display is to be fitted (1). The hole should be
153 mm wide and 121 mm high. There must be at least 85 mm free space (A) be­hind the display.
2. Position the display (2) in the hole.
3. Fit the mounting frame (3) with the accompanying screws.
The accompanying screws can be used if the thickness of the surface the display is installed on (B) does not exceed 5 mm. Use the longer M3 screws for thicker surfac­es.
If screws other than the accompanying screws are used, the length must be adjusted so that the screws go no further than 12 mm in the display screw holes. If the screws go in further, this may damage the electronics.
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Electrical cables
To protect against electromagnetic interference, Scania recommends that all electri­cal cables within the system are twisted in pairs with 35-40 turns/m. This only applies to external signal cables connected to the system.
If a shielded electrical cable is used, the shielding should be connected to ground, not to 0 V. Connect pin 3 in harness-to-harness connector C1 of the main display to ground. See Main display (DCU), connections
. Only connect the shielding to one
end of the electrical cable.
To provide good separation of the electromagnetic interference that can occur, some of the electrical cables can be routed separately from the others, e.g. the signal cable from a magnetic pulse sensor. The electrical cables for the auxiliary display electric power supply must have a cross-sectional area of at least 1.5 mm
and be connected to a fuse of their own, powered directly from the battery. The main display receives its electric power supply from the junction box.
Separate ground and 0 V. In marine installations, ground and 0 V must not be con­nected. The hull is ground and the battery negative terminal is 0 V.
24 V and 0 V are filtered in the main display in order to reduce electromagnetic in­terference. If ground and 0 V are connected together, the filters in the main display will not function.
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Junction box, connection
Minimum connection
The minimum connection required for the system to function is for the pins on har­ness-to-harness connector C4066 to be connected.
Connecting the throttle control
Please refer to 03:01 Electrical system for information on how to connect the throttle control to the engine control unit. If the throttle control is connected to the engine control unit, secondary throttle control cannot be used.
If the throttle control is to be controlled via the main display, the following must be connected:
Passive throttle control
Connect pins 1 and 2 in harness-to-harness connector C4068, according to C4068
Active throttle control
If active throttle control is to be connected, the throttle control must be grounded. Bridge C4066 pin 2 and C4068 pin 3, and connect C4068 pin 3 to the electrical ground point of the throttle control.
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Connection of power supply to the engine management system and instrumentation
2.1 (battery).
Connect the junction box directly to the battery and not to the starter motor. Use twisted pair electrical cables and do not make the electrical cable longer than neces­sary. The cable cross-sectional area must be at least 2.5 mm².
If the system has a safety device unit (SDU), 2 separate groups of batteries must be used. If the system does not have a safety device unit, pins 1-4 must be connected to the same group of batteries.
Connection to engine harness-to-harness connector C4001.
Pin Description I/O
1 30 voltage, 24 V -
2 Ground (battery negative terminal) -
3 30 voltage, 24 V -
4 Ground (extra battery negative terminal) -
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Diagnostic socket for connecting e.g. SDP3 and CAN communication. Use harness­to-harness connector 1 508 055 and hand crimping tool 99 494.
Any equipment connected to the harness-to-harness connector must comply with the CAN specification. 15 voltage must only be used for SDP3 and CAN communica­tion.
Pin Description I/O
1 15 voltage: 24 V after fuse F4005 and relay in the junction box. Con-
trolled by the system being active.
2Ground -
3CAN High -
4CAN Low -
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Connecting the incoming throttle actuation signal. The update frequency is 100 Hz, with a median filter on 3 readings.
Connection to main display via C1 and C2. See Main display (DCU), connections.
Connection to main display via C1.
Connection to main display via C1 and C3.
Connection to safety device unit (SDU) via C4060 (classified systems only).
Connection to safety device unit (SDU) via C4061 (classified systems only).
Pin Description I/O
1 24 V (0.2 A), voltage supply to passive throttle control O
2 Input for signal from passive throttle control, 4-20 mA I
3 Not used -
4 Not used -
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Junction box, components
There are two 20 A miniature circuit breakers in the junction box, one for each bat­tery connection. Depending on the cable length, it may be necessary to fit extra fuses for the electrical cable. The junction box also has a number of blade fuses, diodes and relays as described below.
Designation Description
1 F4010 20 A miniature circuit breaker for incoming voltage from bat-
tery group, main supply
2 F4011 20 A miniature circuit breaker for incoming voltage from bat-
tery group, redundant supply
3 R4005 Relay for 15 voltage
4 F4013 2 x 2 A blade fuses for auxiliary socket
5 D4017 Diode to separate the battery groups, ground
6 D4018 Diode to request shutdown/activation of 15 voltage
7 R4004 Relay for engine shutdown (15 voltage)
8 R4003 Relay for engine shutdown (30 voltage)
9 R4002 Relay for detecting loss of redundant battery group
10 R4001 Relay for detecting loss of main battery group
11 D4016 Diode to separate the battery groups (30 voltage)
12 F4012 2 x 20 A blade fuses for engine control unit, 2 x 5 A blade
fuses for internal supply to panels
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03:04 Issue 2.0 en-GB 14
Main display (DCU), connections
The main display has 4 harness-to-harness connectors with 12 pins each: C1, C2, C3 and C4. Some of the pins are occupied by equipment and system functions. Others can optionally be connected and configured.
The only connection needed for the system to work is for the main display harness­to-harness connectors C1, C2 and C3 to be connected to junction box harness-to-har­ness connectors C4052, C4053 and C4056.
On the following pages, the functions of all pins on main display harness-to-harness connectors C1, C2, C3 and C4 are listed. The section below lists the pins according to function. The Pin list in numerical order
section briefly lists the pins in numerical
Pin list according to function
Power supply
The system is designed for a voltage of 24 V.
Alarm at low voltage
There is a 30 second delay before the alarm or warning is activated.
Information about voltage level can be found in Menu > Help > Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting DCU > Supply. The supply voltage shown there applies to the main display, not to the battery.
C1 Description I/O
11 24 V main power supply. I/O
12 0 V main power supply. I
3 Ground connection. I
Warning: < 21 V Alarm: < 18 V
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J1939 CAN interface
The CAN connection of the main display to the engine control unit is via harness-to­harness connector C1. The connection is terminated. CAN connection of other equip­ment occurs via harness-to-harness connector C2.
C1 Description I/O
7 CAN 1 high. I
8 CAN 1 low. I
9 CAN 1 shielding. I
C2 Description I/O
10 CAN 2 high. Can also be configured as flexible I/O #20. Can only be
configured as a digital signal in.
11 CAN 2 low. Can also be configured as flexible I/O #21. Can only be
configured as a digital signal in.
12 CAN 2 shielding. Can also be configured as flexible I/O #5 or 0 V ref-
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Relay for all faults
Every new event is counted as a fault in the alarm list, except diagnostics messages with a white ranking. The relay can be used to switch on an external lamp or emit an acoustic signal, for example.
Relay #1
The relay can be configured so that it is activated for any of the built in functions. See the Relay Functions
Relay #2
The relay can be configured so that it is activated for any of the built in functions. See the Relay Functions
C2 Description I/O
1 NC (1 A) Closed when the display is switched of or in the event of an
active fault.
2C (1 A) -
3 NO (1 A). Closed when there are no active faults. -
C2 Description I/O
4NC (1 A) -
5C (1 A) -
6NO (1 A) -
C2 Description I/O
7NC (1 A) -
8C (1 A) -
9NO (1 A) -
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Input for magnetic pulse sensor
An auxiliary rotational speed sensor is connected here. Only connect electrical cable shielding on the sensor side, or use an electrical cable twisted in pairs with 35-40 turns/m. An example of the connection is in the Connecting a magnetic pulse sensor section.
Modbus RTU, RS-485
The main display has a built-in Modbus
interface, on both RS-485 and Ethernet. The latter can also be designated Modbus TCP. Information on configuration is in the
Modbus RTU
C4 Description I/O
1A I
2 B. Can also be configured as flexible I/O #18 or as 0 V reference. I
C4 Description I/O
3 Shielding I
4Low I
5High I
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Inputs for PT100 temperature sensor
There are 2 inputs for temperature sensors in the main display. The inputs are adapted for PT100 sensors with 2, 3 or 4 electrical cables. Connect the electrical cables as fol­lows:
2 wire PT100: Bridge A and B. Connect one wire to AB and the other to C.
3 wire PT100: Connect A to A, B to B and C to C.
4 wire PT100: Connect in the same way as 3 filament PT100, but note that the fourth wire, D, should not be connected. It should hang loose or, if necessary, be cut off.
In the Connecting a PT100 temperature sensor
section there is an example of the con-
nection and configuration of a PT100 sensor.
If the signal is outside the following limit values, a warning is displayed on the dis­play:
The updating frequency is 2 Hz.
Below 90 ohms
short circuit
Above 390 ohms
C4 Description I/O
6 PT100 #1 A I
7 PT100 #1 B I
8 PT100 #1 C I
9 PT100 #2 A I
10 PT100 #2 B I
11 PT100 #2 C I
© Scania CV AB 2017, Sweden
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Flexible connections
The main display has 19 flexible connections. If CAN 2 is not used, there are two fur­ther flexible connections, #20–21, for digital signal in.
The flexible connections can be configured to be used for voltage supply or as inputs and outputs for optional functions or events. If the system has a control panel, flexi­ble connections #7 to #11 are reserved for the control panel.
Examples of the configuration of the flexible connections and connection of sensors and micro switches are given in the Examples of connection of sensors and micro
switches section.
Pin Description I/O
C1-1 Flexible I/O #1. I/O
C1-2 Flexible I/O #2. Can also be configured as 0 V reference. I/O
C1-4 Flexible I/O #3. I/O
C1-10 Flexible I/O #4. I/O
C2-12 Flexibel I/O #5. Can also be configured as CAN 2 shielding or 0 V
C3-1 Flexible I/O #6. Can also be configured for 0-5 V voltage supply to
C3-2 Flexible I/O #7. Reserved in systems with control panel (engine
speed setting 1).
C3-3 Flexible I/O #8. Reserved in systems with control panel (engine
speed setting 2).
C3-4 Flexible I/O #9. Reserved in systems with control panel (engine
speed setting off).
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Pin Description I/O
C3-5 Flexible I/O #10. Reserved in systems with control panel (15 volt-
C3-6 Flexible I/O #11. Reserved in systems with control panel (engine
C3-7 Flexible I/O #12. Can also be configured as 0 V reference. I/O
C3-8 Flexible I/O #13. Can also be configured for 0-5 V voltage supply
to sensor.
C3-9 Flexible I/O #14. I/O
C3-10 Flexible I/O #15. I/O
C3-11 Flexible I/O #16. I/O
C3-12 Flexible I/O #17. I/O
C4-2 Flexibel I/O #18. Can also be configured as input for magnetic
pulse sensor B or 0 V reference.
C4-12 Flexible I/O #19. I/O
C2-10 Flexible I/O #20. Digital signal in only. Can also be configured for
CAN 2 high.
C2-11 Flexible I/O #21. Digital signal in only. Can also be configured for
CAN 2 low.
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Pin list in numerical order
C1 Description I/O C1-C4 viewed from the elec-
trical cable input side.
C2 Description I/O
1 Flexible I/O #1. I/O 1 Relay for all faults, NC (1 A). Closed when the display is
switched of or in the event of an active fault.
2 Flexible I/O #2 or 0 V reference. I/O 2 Relay for all faults, C (1 A). -
3 Ground connection. I 3 Relay for all faults, NO (1 A). Closed when there are no
active faults.
4 Flexible I/O #3. I/O 4 Relay #1, NC (1 A). -
5 RIO link low. Not used. I 5 Relay #1, C (1 A). -
6 RIO link high. Not used. I 6 Relay #1, NO (1 A). -
7 CAN 1 high. The connection is terminated. I 7 Relay #2, NC (1 A). -
8 CAN 1 low. The connection is terminated. I 8 Relay #2, C (1 A). -
9 CAN 1 shielding. The connection is terminated. I 9 Relay #2, NO (1 A). -
10 Flexible I/O #4. I/O 10 CAN 2 high or flexible I/O #20. Digital signal in only. I
11 24 V main power supply. I/O 11 CAN 2 low or flexible I/O #21. Digital signal in only. I
12 0 V main power supply. I 12 CAN 2 shielding, 0 V reference or flexible I/O #5. I
2 3 4 5
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C3 Description I/O C1-C4 viewed from the elec-
trical cable input side.
C4 Description
1 Flexible I/O #6 or 0–5 V voltage supply for sensor. I/O 1 Magnetic pulse sensor A. I
2 Flexible I/O #7. Reserved in systems with control panel. I/O 2 Magnetic pulse sensor B, flexible I/O #18 or 0 V refer-
3 Flexible I/O #8. Reserved in systems with control panel. I/O 3 Modbus RTU shielding. I
4 Flexible I/O #9. Reserved in systems with control panel. I/O 4 Modbus RTU low. I
5 Flexible I/O #10. Reserved in systems with control panel. I/O 5 Modbus RTU high. I
6 Flexible I/O #11. Reserved in systems with control panel. I/O 6 PT100 #1 A. I
7 Flexible I/O #12 or 0 V reference. I/O 7 PT100 #1 B. I
8 Flexible I/O #13. I/O 8 PT100 #1 C. I
9 Flexible I/O #14. I/O 9 PT100 #2 A. I
10 Flexible I/O #15. I/O 10 PT100 #2 B. I
11 Flexible I/O #16. I/O 11 PT100 #2 C. I
12 Flexible I/O #17. I/O 12 Flexible I/O #19. I/O
2 3 4 5 6
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03:04 Issue 2.0 en-GB 23
Auxiliary display (RP), connections
Power supply
The auxiliary display must have a separate electric power supply. The system is de­signed for a voltage of 24 V.
Connect the display directly to the battery and not to the starter motor. Use twisted pair electrical cables and do not make the electrical cables longer than necessary. The cable cross-sectional area must be at least 1.5 mm².
Scania recommends connecting the auxiliary display to the same fuse group as the main display. Avoid connecting other electrical consumers to the same electrical ca­ble, as it can interfere with the equipment.
Alarm at low voltage
There is a 30 second delay before an alarm or warning is activated.
Information about voltage level can be found in Menu > Help > Troubleshooting > General in the auxiliary display. The supply voltage shown there applies to the aux­iliary display, not to the battery.
C1 Description I/O
3 Ground connection I
11 24 V main power supply I/O
12 0 V main power supply I
Warning: < 21 V Alarm: < 18 V
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Relay for all faults
Every new event is counted as a fault in the alarm list, except diagnostics messages with a white ranking.
Connection of control panel
C2 Description I/O
1 NC (1 A) Closed when the display is switched of or in the event of an
active fault.
2C (1 A) -
3 NO (1 A). Closed when there are no active faults. -
C3 Description I/O
2 Engine speed setting 1. I
3 Engine speed setting 2. I
4 Deactivation of the engine speed setting. I
5 15 voltage. I
6 Engine start. I
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Safety module (SDU), connection
The illustration shows the safety device unit connections.
Gateway – overview
1 Connection to the ship NMEA 2000 network.
2 NMEA Instance rotary control. Set the instance which the gateway trans-
mits to other units. Used if 2 or more gateways are connected to the same NMEA 2000 network. In such a case, make sure that each gateway has a unique instance, e.g. "0" and "1".
3 Blue Tx LED, indicates that data is being received from NMEA 2000 every
2.5 seconds.
4 Green Rx LED, indicates that data is being sent to J1939.
5 J1939 Source rotary control. Set the instance for the NMEA 2000-GPS
which the information should be loaded from. If the gateway does not re­ceive any signals from a GPS with the selected instance within 30 seconds, all valid GPS data is transferred automatically.
6 Connection to harness-to-harness connector C4067 junction box.
See C4067
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Position of the monitors on the engine
See 02:01 Engine for information on where to connect external monitoring sensors.
DI13 DI16
T4003: Oil pressure monitor.
T4004: Coolant temperature monitor.
T4005: Engine speed monitor.
T4006: Coolant pressure monitor.
T4007: Fuel pressure monitor.
386 380
386 381
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03:04 Issue 2.0 en-GB 27
Connecting emergency stop
It is possible to connect an emergency stop which disconnects the voltage to the en­gine control unit. The connection is made in different ways, depending on whether the system has a safety device unit (SDU) or not.
System with safety device unit (SDU)
Connect a switch with a 10 kohms resistor to harness-to-harness connector C4064 in cable harness connected to the safety device unit.
The resistor must be connected even when there is no emergency stop. Otherwise, a fault code is generated.
System without safety device unit (SDU)
Connect a regular open switch to pin 3 in harness-to-harness connector C4059 in the junction box. The switch must be connected to 24 V from the same group of batteries as the junction box.
Use connector 2 131 199 and the following tools:
• Hand crimping tool 99 494
• Hand crimping tool 99 491
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Engine shutdown override in systems with safety device unit (SDU)
It is possible to override engine shutdown requested by the safety device unit in sys­tems prepared for classification. Proceed as follows:
1. Remove the existing 10 kohms resistor between junction blocks 50 and 51 in the
safety device unit.
2. Connect a switch with a 10 kohms resistor between junction blocks 50 and 51.
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Using the main display
03:04 Issue 2.0 en-GB 29
Using the main display
First start
When you start the main display for the first time or have performed a factory reset, a power-on wizard is displayed. All settings made in the wizard can also be made at a later stage. The first power-on wizard contains the following steps:
1.Select Installation Language
Select the language that should be used during the installation. There are 3 pages of language options.
In this installation manual, all buttons and options are in English.
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Using the main display
03:04 Issue 2.0 en-GB 30
2.Select IP number
Enter an IP address. The IP address in the factory settings is
The last 2 numbers in the main display's IP address are displayed as the engine num­ber in the auxiliary display. Examples:
• is displayed in the auxiliary display as Engine #1.
• is displayed in the auxiliary display as Engine #4.
The main display IP address can be changed at a later stage. This is done via Short- cuts > Menu > Settings > Administration > Network Configuration in the main dis­play.
The last numeral in the IP address must always be unique to the network.
+ 76 hidden pages