Scania DI09,DI13,DI16 Installation Manual

02:02 Issue 4.0 en-GB
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Installation manual
Intake system and ventilation
Marine engines
DI09, DI13, DI16
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
02:02 Issue 4.0 en-GB 2
Changes from the previous issue............................................................................3
Intake air ..................................................................................................................4
Intake air taken from outside engine room.......................................................... 5
Intake air taken from engine room ...................................................................... 8
Air cleaner..............................................................................................................10
Air cleaners with precleaner.............................................................................. 11
Air cleaners without precleaner......................................................................... 11
Turbo-mounted filter ......................................................................................... 12
Clean air ............................................................................................................ 12
Air pressure............................................................................................................13
Crankcase ventilation............................................................................................14
Important data.......................................................................................................15
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Changes from the previous issue
02:02 Issue 4.0 en-GB 3
Changes from the previous issue
The changes made in this document compared with the previous issue are marked with a line in the left-hand margin. The changes are also described below.
• Information about the safety cartridge for the air cleaner with precleaner has been removed, as a safety cartridge is no longer included. See Air cleaner
• Clearances for Air cleaners with precleaner
and Air cleaners without precleaner
have been corrected.
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Intake air
02:02 Issue 4.0 en-GB 4
Intake air
If the intake line is located close to exhaust pipes or other hot parts, radiation protec­tion should be used to limit unnecessary heating of the intake air.
The intake air temperature upstream of the turbocharger must be below 30°C.
Measure the temperature when the installation is complete. Refer to 02:08 Measur- ing instructions for installation inspection.
If the intake air temperature upstream of the turbocharger continuously exceeds 30°C, then engine power may drop. If the engine is enclosed in some manner, make sure that there is an adequate flow of intake air.
The dependence of the engine power on intake air temperature is shown in the chart on the right. 100% engine power is shown under actual test conditions at the factory.
The engine air consumption in kg/min at full power and at different engine speeds is indicated in the tables showing the air consumption and radiated heat for the relevant engine type in 02:06 Technical data.
10 20 302540 50
Engine power dependence on intake air temperature. 100 % at 25°C, 1,000 mbar, en­gine power setting not corrected. A = Engine power. B = Intake air temperature.
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Intake air
02:02 Issue 4.0 en-GB 5
Intake air taken from outside engine room
In engine systems where the engine intake air comes from outside the engine room and is led via a fresh air line to the engine, the vacuum for the intake system should be measured.
The air intake should be located so that the intake air is as clean as possible and so that neither the engine exhaust gases nor heated air from the engine room can mix with the intake air. The air intake should be designed to exclude water, snow and con­tamination.
The intake air must not contain chemical pollutants, such as CFCs.
The maximum permissible vacuum in the intake system is 30 mbar. This value in­cludes the vacuum in the new air filter, connected coarse filter and in the fresh air line.
Measure the vacuum when the installation is complete. Refer to 02:08 Measuring in-
structions for installation inspection.
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