Rover 1998 Owner Manual

SECTION 1 Introduction .......................................................... 1
SECTION 2 Controls & instruments ........................................ 7
SECTION 3 Driving & operating ............................................. 83
SECTION 4 Owner maintenance ............................................. 127
SECTION 5 General data ......................................................... 169
SECTION 6 Parts & accessories............................................... 181
SECTION 7 Off-road driving.................................................... 185
Index ..................................................................... 197
As part ofLand Rover environmental policy,this publication is printedon paper madefrom elemental chlorine free pulp.
Publication No. LRL 0124ENX- 2nd Edition
1998 RoverGroup Limited
This handbook coversall currentversions of the 4.0 and 4.6 litre V8i petrolengine and2.5 litre diesel engineRange Rover models and, together with the Service Portfoliobook, provides all theinformation thatyou willneed to derive maximum pleasure fromowning and driving your new vehicle.
For convenience, thehandbook isdivided into sections, each dealingwith aparticular aspect of driving or caring forthe vehicle.Sections are listed on the contentspage andyou will find it worthwhile to takea littletime to read each one, and to get to know your Range Rover as soon as youpossibly can. Remember, the more you understandbefore you drive, the greater thesatisfaction when you are seated behind thesteering wheel.
The specification of each vehicle will vary according to territorial requirements and also from model to model within the vehicle range. Some of the information published in this handbook, therefore, may not apply to your particular vehicle. If you are in any doubt, then contact your Dealer.
Section Contents Page
Service Portfolio 3..........................................
Engine compartment labels 4.........................
Vehicle identification number 5.......................
Anti-theft precautions 5..................................
Breakdown safety code 6................................
Land Rover operates a policy of constant product improvement and, therefore, reserves the right to change specifications without notice at any time. Whilst every effort is made to ensure complete accuracy of the information in this handbook, no liabilities for inaccuracies or the consequences thereof, including loss or damage to property, or injury to persons, can be accepted by the manufacturer or the dealer, except in respect of personal injury caused by the negligence of the manufacturer or the dealer.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other means without prior written permission from Rover Group Limited.
The Service Portfoliobook includedin your literature pack containsimportant vehicle identification information anddetails of your entitlement under the terms ofthe LandRover warranty, as wellas usefulconsumer advice.
Most important of all, however,is thesection on maintenance. This outlines theservicing requirements for yourRange Roverand also incorporates the servicerecord slips, which the Dealer shouldsign andstamp tocertify that routine serviceshave been carried out at the recommended intervals.
Safety warnings are included in this handbook. These indicate either a procedure which must be followed precisely, or information that should be considered with great care in order to avoid the possibility of personal injury or serious damage to the vehicle.
Warning labels attached to your vehicle bearing this symbol
mean: DO NOT touch or adjust components until you have read the relevant instructions in the handbook.
Warning labels showing this
symbol indicate that the ignition
system utilises very high voltages. DO NOT touch any ignition components while the starter switch is turned on!
Your vehicle has a higher ground clearance and, hence, a higher centre of gravity than ordinary passenger cars. This will result in different handling characteristics. Inexperienced drivers should take additional care, particularly in off-road driving situations and when performing abrupt manoeuvres on unstable surfaces.
Various labels arefixed to your vehicle to draw yourattention tospecific safety information.The following are of particular importance:
On vehicles withan airbagSRS, rememberto take careful noteof warninginformation labels that may be attached to the sunvisor orother parts of the vehicle.
If you need to communicate with aLand Rover dealer, youmay beasked to quote the Vehicle Identification Number(VIN).
The VIN (and recommended maximumvehicle weights) is stampedon alabel fixedto the top panel above the left handheadlight (viewed from the driver’sseat). Thisshould also match the VIN recorded inthe Service Portfolio book.
In addition, as a deterrentto carthieves and to assist the police,the VINis alsostamped on a plate which is visible throughthe leftside of the windscreen.
A. Vehicle IdentificationNumber (VIN) B. Gross vehicleweight (whererequired) C. Gross train weight (whererequired) D. Maximum frontaxle load (whererequired) E. Maximum rear axleload (whererequired)
While it may be difficultto deterthe ’professional’car thief,the majority of thefts are carried outby unskilledopportunists. Therefore, take vehiclesecurity very seriously and ALWAYS adopt this simple’four point’ drill whenever youleave your vehicle - even for just a few minutes:
1. Fully close allthe windows(and the
2. Remove your valuablebelongings (or hide
them out of sight).
3. Remove the starterkey.
4. Superlock the vehicleusing theremote
Thieves are attractedby ’vulnerable’vehicles. Even if you have followedthe ’fourpoint’ drill, there is stillmuch youcan doto makeyour vehicle a lessinviting target.
Park where your vehicle canbe easily seen
by householders and passers-by.
At night, park in well lit areasand avoid
deserted or dimly-litside streets.
At home, if you have a garage,use it- and
NEVER leave the keys inthe vehicle.
Do not keep important documents(or
spare keys) inthe vehicle- these are a real bonus for the thief.
Remember the breakdown
safety code
If a breakdown occurs whiletravelling:-
Wherever possible, consistentwith
road safety and traffic conditions, the vehicle shouldbe movedoff the main thoroughfare, preferablyinto a lay-by. If a breakdown occurson a motorway, pull wellover tothe inside of the hard shoulder.
Switch on hazard lights.
If possible, position a warning
triangle or a flashing amberlight at an appropriate distancefrom the vehicle to warn other trafficof the breakdown. (Note the legal requirements of somecountries).
Consider evacuating passengers
through nearside doorsonto the verge as a precaution shouldyour Range Rover be struck byanother vehicle.
Controls & instruments
In this section of the handbook youwill find descriptions of the controls andinstruments on your vehicle.
For your own safety, itis mostimportant to read this sectionfully andto gaina thorough understanding of all the controlsbefore driving.
Section Contents Page
Controls 9.......................................................
Locks & alarm 10...........................................
Tailgate 21......................................................
Message centre 22.........................................
Seats 33.........................................................
Seat belts 41...................................................
Airbag SRS 45................................................
Steering column 49........................................
Door mirrors 50..............................................
Instruments 52...............................................
Warning lights 54...........................................
Lights & indicators 58....................................
Wipers & washers 60.....................................
Switches 63....................................................
Electric windows 65........................................
Electric sunroof 68.........................................
Heating & ventilating 71.................................
Interior equipment 77.....................................
1. Passenger airbag SRS(if fitted)
2. High/low gear rangeswitch (manual
3. Cruise control masterswitch (iffitted)
4. Hazard warning switch
5. Air suspension switches
6. Rear fog guard light switch
7. Front fog light switch (iffitted)
8. Lighting switch
9. Remote radio/cassette/CD playerswitches
(if fitted)
14.Automaticgearbox mode switch(if fitted)
15.Exteriormirror operating switches
16.Windowand sunroof operating switches
18.Automaticgear selector ormanual gear
19.Steeringcolumn adjustment lever
20.Cruisecontrol switches (iffitted)
21.Driver’sairbagSRS (iffitted)
Locks & alarm
Your vehicle isfitted witha sophisticated electronic anti-theft alarmand engine immobilisation system. Inorder toensure maximum security, youare advisedto gain a full understanding of the systemby thoroughly reading thissection ofthe handbook.
You have been supplied withtwo handset/keys (numbered 1and 2).While both are identical inoperation, theytransmit two different sets of information (see’Lazy seats’). Replacement handsets areonly available from a Land Rover dealer. Upto twofurther handsets (3 and 4) can also beobtained.
There are four methods forsecuring your vehicle:
1. ’Superlocking’using thehandset ­(recommended high securitymethod).
2. ’Superlocking’using thekey.
3. Locking using the handset.
4. Locking using the key.
(except when the vehicle isto belocked with passengers or animalsinside).
Emergency keys
In addition to the two handsets, you have also been suppliedwith twoseparate keys. These keysperform thesame functions as the key partof thehandset and are intended for emergencyuse only. DO NOT keep the keysinside the vehicle.
The handset
The radio remote handset hasthree buttons. By pressing the appropriate button,the handset can be used eitheras aconventional key, or as a remotehandset toeither lock or ’superlock’the vehicle.
Locks & alarm
1. Press to releasethe key,which can then be used as a conventionalkey tooperate the starter switch,glovebox anddoor locks.
2. Lock button (padlock symbol)
press once to lock.
press twice to ’superlock’.
press and hold to ’lazylock’ (see’Lazy
locking’ ).
3. Unlock button
press once to unlock.
press and hold to operatethe ’lazyseat’
facility (see ’Lazyseats’).
Once the securitysystem isarmed, the central locking system locksall the doors and the tailgate, the perimetricalarm (protecting the doors, bonnet and tailgate) isarmed, andthe engine is immobilised.
If ’handset superlocking’is activated,the
volumetric alarm isalso armed (a sensor inside the passengercompartment monitors the interiorspace andactivates the alarm if an intrusioninto the passenger compartment isdetected).
The volumetric sensorwill entera self-check mode each time you turn the starterswitch off. It will remain activefor 60seconds, or until:
1. The driver’s dooris openedand closed.
2. The vehicle islocked withthe handsetor
NOTE: Ifthe sensorfails its self-checkfive
times consecutively, onlythe ’perimetric’ elements of the security systemwill be active (doors, bonnet and tailgate). Anyattempt to ’superlock’with thehandset willresult in ’ALARM FAULT’ being displayed onthe message centre anda mislockoccurring (see ’Mislock’).Seek qualifiedassistanceto rectify the fault.
Switching off the alarm sounder
If the alarm is triggered,it canbe turnedoff in three ways:
Press the lock button once.
Press the unlock button once.
Turn the key in the driver’s doorto the
’unlock’ position (towardsthe frontof the vehicle).
Locks & alarm
Anti-theft alarm indicator light
After locking the vehicle, theRED indicator light (arrowed in illustration) flashes rapidly for ten seconds to confirm that thesecurity system has been successfully armed. After ten seconds, the indicatorlight adjuststo a slower frequency, and then continues toflash asan anti-theft deterrent untilsuch timeas the security system isdisarmed.
If, while operating the handset(or key),the alarm sounds, this indicates thatone of the doors, the bonnet or the tailgate isnot properly closed (themessage centre display will confirm whichaperture isnot secure).
Although the handset can be successfully operated from a significant distancefrom the vehicle, when lockingit iswise to be close enough to visually confirm thatthe door locking buttons have dropped intoplace and that the indicator light confirmsa successful lock.
NOTE: Occasionalatmosphericconditions
can significantly reducethe effective rangeof handset operation. If this occurs,operate the handset closer to the vehicle.In extreme cases, it may be necessaryto touch the handset against the radio aerial’fired’ onto one of the rear sidewindows.
If the vehicle is ’superlocked’(with either the handset, or the key), thedoors CANNOTbe unlocked or opened from insidethe vehicle.
For this reason DO NOTsuperlock the vehicle with passengers inside.
’Superlocking’ using the handset:
Press and releasethe ’lock’button (1) on the handset twice (within1 seconds you will hear ’superlocking’engage.
If any door, the bonnet or tailgateis leftopen, a mislock willoccur (see’Mislock’).
If a window or sunroof is open, superlocking will engage immediately,however volumetric protection will not be activated.
To unlock:
Press and releasethe ’unlock’button (2) on the handset once.
If the handset is inoperative,the vehiclecan be unlocked by using the emergency key access code (see’Emergency key access’).
/2seconds). After 15
Locks & alarm
’Superlocking’ using the key:
Wherever possible thehandset MUST be used to ’superlock’ thevehicle. However, if the handset is inoperative,the keycan be used as follows:
Turn the key in the driver’s doortowards the rear of the vehicle (andrelease) twice within
NOTE: ’Superlocking’the vehicle usingthe
key will provideperimetric protection only ­volumetric protection (protectionof the interior space insidethe vehicle)WILL NOT BE ACTIVE! If any door, the bonnet, or the tailgate is leftopen, amislock will occur (see ’Mislock’).
To unlock:
Wherever possible usethe handsetto unlock the vehicle - press andrelease the ’unlock’ button.
If necessary, thekey canbe usedto unlock a ’superlocked’vehicle, but before the engine can be started, it willbe necessaryto release the engine immobilisationfunction byentering the emergency keyaccess code (see ’Emergency key access’).
NEVER ’superlock’ the vehicle if passengers are to be left inside - ’superlocking’ prevents door locks from being operated from INSIDE as well as outside the vehicle!
NOTE: Ifthe handset’lock’ button or the door
key are operatedonce, thecentral locking will be activated, but the alarmwill onlybe in ’perimetric’mode andthe doorsand locks CAN be opened from the inside. ALWAYS, where possible securethe vehicleby ’superlocking’.
’Sill’ locking
To operate the central lockingfrom insidethe vehicle, push down either frontdoor sill button.
The security system will NOT be armed.
NOTE: ’Sill’locking (also knownas slam
locking) is NOTpossible fromoutside the vehicle.
If unattended passengersare tobe leftin the vehicle, DONOT superlock. Unattended passengers shouldlock the vehicle from insideby pressingdown the driver’s door sillbutton.
If animals are to be left inthe vehicle, volumetric protection MUSTNOT be activated - anymovement insidethe vehicle could triggerthe alarm.
DO NOT leavechildren unattendedin the vehicle!
Locks & alarm
Engine immobilisation isan importantaspect of the Range Rover’s securitysystem, and includes a featureknown as’passive immobilisation’.This isdesigned to safeguard the vehicle from theft shouldthe driverforget to lock the doors. The engine isautomatically immobilised whenever anyof thefollowing conditions occur.
1. When the vehicleis lockedusing the handset or key.
2. Thirty seconds afterthe starterswitch has been turned off AND the driver’s door opened.
3. Ten minutes after the starterswitch has been turned off (even ifthe keyremains in the starter switchand thedriver’s door has not opened).
It is virtuallyimpossible to leave the car unattended or attended without the engine being immobilisedautomatically. For this reason it isimportant thatall drivers are fullyaware of the following:
The engine is re-mobilised bypressing the ’unlock’ button on the handset or inserting the keyin thestarter switch.
If the handset is lost or damagedand fails to operate, the engine mustbe re-mobilisedby enteringthe emergency key access codebefore thevehicle can be driven (see ’Emergencykey access’).
Locks & alarm
If the handset is lost or failsto operate,the engine can be re-mobilised byusing the key to enter a unique four digitemergency key access code. Thecode isrecorded on the Security Information cardand isentered as follows:
1. Using the key, turn the driver’s door lockto theLOCK position 4 times and return the key to the centre position
(as shown) after each turnof the key. It is now possible touse thekey to enter the separatenumerical values of the four digits that make up the emergency keyaccess code.
When entering a code:
ENSURE each keymovement is
carried out with care andprecision and turned through the full extent of its travel.
After turning the key to either the
lock or unlock positions, makesure it is FULLY returned tothe centre (vertical)position.
If you forget your placein the
sequence of key operations and, therefore, do not complete acode, open and then shut the door and start entering the code again(this will not count as a failed attempt).
2. Enter the FIRST digit of the code. If the first digit is4,
turn the key to the UNLOCK position 4 times. Ensure the key is FULLY returned tothe
centre position aftereach turnof thekey.
3. Enter the SECOND digit of the code. If the second digit is
3, turn the key to the LOCK position 3 times. Remember;
the key must be FULLY returned to the centre positionafter eachturn of the key.
4. Enter the THIRD digit of
the code. If the third digit is
2, turn the key to the UNLOCK
position twice, ensuringthat
the key is FULLY returnedto the centre position after eachturn ofthe key.
5. Enter the FOURTH digit of
the code. If the fourth digit is
1, turn the key to the LOCK
position once. Ensure the key
is FULLY returned to the centre position afterthe keyhas been turned.
6. FINALLY, turn the key to
the UNLOCK position once
more to disarm the alarmand
re-mobilisethe engine.If the
code has been entered successfully,the anti-theftalarm indicator light will extinguish,the doorswill unlock and the engine can be started.
Locks & alarm
NOTE: Duringthe accessprocedure,the
anti-theft indicator lightwill continueto flash (indicating that thealarm isstill partially armed).
NOTE: Ifthe handsetis inoperable, the
emergency key accesscode must be entered EVERY time you need to start theengine.
If an incorrect code has been entered:
If the code has been entered incorrectly,the anti-theft alarm indicatorlight will continue to flash. In this case, returnto ’1’and re-enter the code.
After three failedentry attempts,the security system invokes adelay periodof thirty minutes during which the systemwill not accept any furtherattempts toenter acode.
NEVER leave the Security Information
card in the vehicle.
Memorise the emergency key access
code or keep the Security Information card on your person in case of emergencies (a damaged handset for example).
Locks & alarm
A mislock will occur if:
A door, bonnet or tailgate are leftopen.
The key is left in the starterswitch.
An incomplete ’lazylock’ isattempted. The
message centre willindicate the cause of a mislock e.g. ’SUNROOFBLOCKED’.
If a mislock occurs, awarning ’bleep’will sound in which case you should unlockthe vehicle, rectify thecause of the mislock and then re-lock the vehicle.
’Lazy locking’ enablesyou touse the handset or key to close the windows andsunroof at the same time as yousecure thevehicle.
To operate lazy locking:
1. Ensure the doors, bonnet and tailgate are properly closed.
2. With the handset - pressand holdthe ’lock’ button (presstwice andhold onthe second press if ’superlocking’). With the key - turn and holdthe keyin the ’lock’ position.
The doors and tailgate willlock andthe windows, followed by the sunroofwill close.
NOTE: Ifa windowor thesunroof detectsan
obstruction, a mislockoccurs andthe locking sequence will stop.Remove theobstruction before trying to ’lazy lock’again.
The lazy seat facility isavailableonly on vehicles fitted witha driver’sseat memory. The facility enablesthe handsetsto be used to recall the pre-setelectric seat/mirror positions when you UNLOCK the door. The two handsets are separatelyidentified by different labels and by grey andblack batterycovers ­key 1 correspondsto driver’sseat memory 1, and key 2 to seat memory 2(see ’Seats’).
NOTE: Ifadditional handset/keyshavebeen
obtained (key 3 and key4), theyare not linked to the memory seat system.
Press and hold the ’unlock’button onthe handset for 1 on the handset flashes rapidly),and then release. The driver’sseat and both mirrors will move to the positions programmedinto the relevant seat memory.
/2seconds (the indicatorlight
NOTE: ’Lazyseats’ will only operate if
volumetric protection wasactivated when the vehicle was locked(ie. by ’superlocking’using the handset). It will not function if the alarmsystem has already been triggeredsince it was last set, and will be cancelled ifa dooris opened, or if the vehicle isrelocked.
Locks & alarm
Auto relock ensuresthat, ifthe vehicleis unlocked accidentally, thevehicle will relock itself automatically aftera 60 second delay.
Once the ’unlock’button onthe handsethas been pressed, the alarm systemwill monitor the vehicle for 60 seconds.If anyof the following occur duringthis period,the vehicle will remain unlocked:
A door or the tailgate is opened.
Interior movement isdetected.
The key is inserted intothe starterswitch,
or the switch is turnedto position’I’.
However, if none of the above hasoccurred within 60 seconds, then the vehicle will automaticallyreturn toits previous’locked’ state.
CHILD-PROOF LOCKS (reardoors only) Move the lever downwards (arrowedin illustration)to engage.
With the child-proof locks engaged,the rear doors cannot be opened from inside the vehicle, thereby avoidingthe risk of a door being opened accidentallywhile the vehicle is moving.
Opening the doors
When opening a door from outside the vehicle, it isrecommended thatthe moving part of the handle is held bythe fingersand that the door catch is operated bypushing with the thumb against the fixed partof the handle.
Locks & alarm
This switch is a safetydevice that automaticallyunlocks thedoors in the event of an accident or sudden impact (providedthe starter switch isturned on).In addition,the inertia switch inhibitspower tothe electric fuel pump, turns off the heating and air conditioning fans, and turns onthe hazard warning lights, whichcontinue flashinguntil either the starterswitch isturned off or the inertia switch isreset.
The switch is located behindthe verticalpanel in the right hand footwell. Remove thecover by using a coin to rotate theturnbuckle anti-clockwiseand thenprise the cover off.
When the switch is tripped,the message centre will alternatelydisplay; ’REFER HANDBOOK’ and ’INERTIASWITCH’.
To reset the switch, pressthe rubbertop (arrowed in illustration).
NOTE: Thevehicle can be secured evenif the
switch has been tripped byremoving the starter key, openingand closingone of the front doors and then lockingthe vehicle.
Always check for fuel leaks before resetting the switch!
Locks & alarm
Handset batteries
When the batteriesneed replacing,the message centre willdisplay ’KEY BATTERY LOW’. To replace:
Remove the batterycover byturning the
cover anti-clockwise witha coin.
Taking care not to touch the circuitboard,
prise the batteriesfrom thecover and fit new ones (with the positiveside facingthe cover), and replacethe cover.
The batteries shouldbe replacedwithin 1 minute of removing the old ones, otherwiseit may be necessaryto re-synchronisethe handset (see ’Handsetsynchronisation’). New batteries are availablefrom your dealer.
Handset synchronisation
The handset transmitsa codedmessage, which changes eachtime abutton ispressed. If a handset is operatedtoo manytimes outof range of the vehicle orif thehandset batteries are removed for longer thana minute,it may need to be re-synchronised.
To synchronise:
Insert the handset key intothe starterswitch; the handset will then beresynchronised.
NOTE: Handsetsynchronisation cannot be
achieved if the vehicle alarmis armed orif the handset batteries needreplacing.
NOTE: Fingermarks on the batteries will
adverselyaffect batterylife. If possible, avoid touching the surface of thebatteries, andwipe clean before fitting.
With the vehicleunlocked, pressthe release button once to release theupper tailgate.
NOTE: Thereis ahandle built into the lower
edge of the upper tailgateto assistin opening and closing.
With the upper tailgate open,press therelease button again to release thelower tailgate, which can then be loweredto thehorizontal position.
Raise the lowertailgate firstand close firmly. Then lower and close theupper tailgate.
Do not drive with the tailgate open; poisonous carbon monoxide fumes will enter the vehicle.
Always check that the tailgate is secure before driving and before leaving the vehicle unattended.
NOTE: Thetailgate cannot be opened if the
vehicle battery isflat ordisconnected. If this occurs, access tothe loadspacecan only be achieved by foldingthe rearseats from inside the vehicle (see’Seats’).
Message centre
Driver warning andinformation messagesare displayed on the message centrein the lower part of the instrument pack.Messages have different priority levelsand are grouped into the following categories.
Critical warning messagesare accompanied by an audible warning (threebeeps). Messages are displayedcontinuously while the starter switchis turnedon, andremain displayed while thefault persists.
Critical warnings aredisplayed continuously, normally on the lower lineof themessage centre, but if more than one messageis tobe displayed, then the upper displayline will also be used.
Warning messages arenon-critical, but must be treated with some urgency.They willalso be accompanied by an audiblewarning (three beeps) each timethe messageis displayed.
Warning messages aredisplayed for approximately4 seconds.If otherwarning messages are pending,the displaytime will be reduced to approximately2 seconds.
All information messagesare displayed for approximately4 seconds.If othermessages are pending, the display timewill be reduced to approximately 2 seconds. Notethat ’Critical Warning’ and ’Warning’messages always override ’Information’ messages.
These information messagesare grouped into three categories:
Category 1
Messages in thiscategory willbe accompanied by a single beepwhen the message is displayedfor thefirst time, and also when the starter switchis turnedon or off. At any other time, only the message will be presented - TAKE CORRECTIVEACTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Category 2
Messages in thiscategory willbe accompanied by a single beepeach time the message is displayed- TAKECORRECTIVE ACTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Category 3
Messages in thiscategory areNOT accompanied by an audible warning.Only the message will bedisplayed - TAKE CORRECTIVE ACTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Message centre
The following are CRITICAL WARNING messages and are listedin orderof priority.
Message Meaning What to do?
ENGINE DISABLED the engine will not startdue toalarm
PRESS REMOTE or ENTER KEYCODE as above as above
KEY CODE LOCKOUT incorrect code hasbeen enteredtoo
many times
MARKET NOT SET the language for the messagecentre
is not set SEAT BELT PLEASE you have not fastened yourseat belt fasten your seatbelt INERTIA SWITCH* thefuel cut-off switch has been
tripped GEARBOX OVRHEAT * automatic gearbox oiltemperature
too high
TRANSFER OVRHEAT* transfer gearboxoil temperaturetoo
press the remote handset unlock button or enter the emergency key accesscode
- see ’Locks & alarm’
wait 30 minutes and try again
seek qualified assistance
reset the switch - see’Locks
& alarm’
reduce speed or select lower gear. If message persists, stop vehicleand allow gearbox to cool; seek qualified assistance if message resumes.
reduce speed or select lower gear. If message persists, stop vehicleand allow gearbox to cool; seek qualified assistance if message resumes
Message centre
Message Meaning What to do?
LOW COOLANT as message suggests top up the coolant reservoir
and/or seek qualified
assistance DOOR OPEN RH-R the right hand rear door isopen close the door DOOR OPEN LH-R the left hand rear door is open close the door DOOR OPEN LH-F the left hand front door is open close the door DOOR OPEN RH-F the right hand front door isopen close the door BONNET OPEN the bonnet is open close the bonnet IGNITION KEY IN you haveleft the key in the starter
switch LIGHTS ON you have left your lightson switch off the lights HEADLIGHT DELAY you have selectedheadlight delay-
headlights will switchoff
automatically SLOW: 55 KMH air suspension fault slow down to less than 55
ENG OIL OVERHEAT engineoil temperature istoo high stop and allow the engineto
remove the key
km/h and seek qualified assistance
cool; if the problem persists, do not drive -seek qualified assistance
* These messagesalternate withthe message ’REFERHANDBOOK’. When this is displayed,refer to the appropriate section inthis handbookfor further information.
Message centre
Message Meaning What to do?
AIRBAG FAULT there is a problem withthe airbag seek qualifiedassistance RH FRONT WINDOW alternates withone ofthe following: refer to the description
SPEED LIMIT --- you have exceededyour preset
speed limit SPEED LIMIT OFF the presetspeed limithas been
cancelled FUEL GAUGE FAULT asmessage suggests seek qualifiedassistance TEMP GAUGE FAULT as message suggests seek qualified assistance LH SEAT HEATER thefuse hasblown fit a new fuse - this
RH SEAT HEATER as above as above SUNROOF the ’ANTI-TRAP’ functionis
overridden (alternates withmessage
ANTI-TRAP OFF) TRANSFER NEUTRAL the transfer box hasmoved tothe
neutral position BONNET openingthe bonnetwas the cause of
the alarm systemtriggering
LH FRONT DOOR openingthis doorwas thecause of check that the vehicle is RH FRONT DOOR the alarm systemtriggering secure -message LH REAR DOOR alternates with ALARM RH REAR DOOR TRIGGERED message
IGNITION TAMPER turning the starter switch onwas the
cause of the alarm systemtriggering TAILGATE opening the tailgate wasthe cause
of the alarm system triggering
reduce your speedor cancel the function
message alternates withthe fuse number message
refer to ’ANTI-TRAPOFF’ message
remove fuse 11 if transfer neutral is no longer required
check that the vehicle is secure - messagealternates with the ALARM TRIGGERED message
as above
as above
Message centre
The following are WARNING messages;
Message Meaning What to do?
TAILGATE OPEN the tailgate is open close the tailgate WINDOW BLOCKED the anti-trap functionhas detected
an obstruction while the windowis
being closed
SUNROOF BLOCKED the anti-trapfunction has detected
an obstruction while the sunroofis
being closed ALARM FAULT the alarmsystem hasa fault seek qualified assistance ANTI-TRAP OFF the anti-trapfunction for one or
more windows or the sunroof is
disabled - messagealternates with
another to indicate which anti-trap
function is disabled EAS FAULT there isa faultwith theair
suspension system ABS FAULT there is a fault withthe anti-lock
braking system SLOW: 30 KPH MAX yourroad speed is too high for the
current ride height SLOW: 55 KPH MAX yourroad speed is too high for the
current ride height
this message willalternate with another one to indicate which window is affected ­remove the obstruction
remove the obstruction before trying to reclose the sunroof
ensure that thereare no obstructions in the aperture
seek qualified assistance
seek qualified assistance
slow down to less than 30 km/h
slow down to less than 55 km/h
Message centre
The following fuse failure messagesare INFORMATION CATEGORY1 messages.(see’Fuses’ for fuse replacement information).
Message Meaning Action
FUSE 2 to 22 FAILED Fuse blown Fita newfuse
1. The fault messagesfor fuses10 and20
may also be displayed inconjunction with the messages ’RHSEAT HEATER’and ’LH SEAT HEATER’. This will occurif theseat heater affected bythe relevantblown fuse is operated.
2. The fault message for fuse12 mayalso be displayed in conjunctionwith themessage ’HEATED REAR WINDOW’.This willoccur if the heated rear screenis operated after fuse 12 has blown.
3. In all cases, the fusefailed messagewill alternate with the appropriate description message e.g. ’FUSE10 FAILED’,followed by ’RH SEAT HEATER’.
4. Fuse 1 covers the instrumentpack. If this fuse fails, replacethe fuse(no message can be given because themessage centre is controlled by the instrumentpack).
5. The message centreresponds tomultiple fuse failures bydisplaying separate messages, one afterthe other.
Message centre
The following are INFORMATION CATEGORY1 messages. (see’Bulb replacement’).
Message Meaning What to do?
RH DIP BEAM Bulb failed Replacebulb LH DIP BEAM Bulbfailed Replace bulb RH MAIN BEAM One or both bulbs failed Replace bulb LH MAIN BEAM Oneor bothbulbs failed Replacebulb RH SIDE LIGHT Bulb failed Replacebulb LH SIDE LIGHT Bulb failed Replacebulb FRONT INDICATOR One or both bulbs failed Replace bulb RH FRONT FOG Bulb failed Replacebulb LH FRONT FOG Bulb failed Replacebulb RH TAIL LIGHT Bulb failed Replacebulb LH TAIL LIGHT Bulb failed Replacebulb RH BRAKE LIGHT Bulbfailed Replace bulb LH BRAKE LIGHT Bulb failed Replacebulb REAR INDICATOR One orboth bulbsfailed Replace bulb RH REAR FOG Bulb failed Replace bulb LH REAR FOG Bulb failed Replace bulb RH REVERSE Bulb failed Replace bulb LH REVERSE Bulb failed Replace bulb NUMBER PLATE Bulb failed Replace bulb
The message centrewill respondto multiple bulb failures bydisplaying separate messages,one after the other.
All bulb failure messages willbe displayed whenthe starterswitch is turned on or off and when the system affectedby therelevant bulb failure is operated.The message’BULB FAILURE’ will alternate with the appropriate bulbdescription message, e.g.’BULB FAILURE’followed by ’RH REAR FOG’.
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