Safety instructions
Keep the unit away from heat sources and do not place
sources of naked flames (such as candles) on the unit.
Unit ventilation should not be impeded by covering the
ventilation openings with newspapers, curtains etc.
Do not place any objects containing liquids on the unit,
such as vases. Do not use the unit near water.
Remove batteries if exhausted or if they will not be used
again for a long period.
Use only the supplied 12V power adapter if connecting the
radio to the mains.
Do not remove screws from or open the radio casing.
Das Gerät nicht in der Nähe von Heizquellen positionieren
und keine Vorrichtungen mit offenen Flammen (z. B.
brennende Kerzen) auf dem Gerät abstellen.
Die Ventilatorlüftung des Geräts nicht durch das Abdecken der
Lüftungsschlitze mit Zeitungen, Vorhängen usw. beeinträchtigen.
Keine Gefäße mit Flüssigkeit (z.B. Blumenvasen) auf das
Gerät stellen. Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht in der Nähe
von Wasser.
Entfernen Sie die Batterien, falls diese verbraucht sind
oder das Gerät für längere Zeit nicht benutzt wird.
Verwenden Sie ausschließlich den mitgelieferten 12VAdapter, um das Radio am Stromnetz zu betreiben.
Entfernen Sie keine Schrauben vom Gehäuse und öffnen
Sie dieses nicht.
Consignes de sécurité
Tenir l’appareil éloigné de toute source de chaleur et ne pas
poser d’objets susceptibles de provoquer des flammes nues
(par exemple des bougies) sur l’appareil.
La ventilation de l’appareil ne doit pas être bloquée en
couvrant les aérations de journaux, rideaux, etc.
Ne pas poser d’objets contenant des substances liquides
sur l’appareil (par exemple, des vases). Ne pas utiliser
l’appareil à proximité d’une source d’eau.
Enlever les piles si elles sont usées ou si l’appareil ne doit
pas être utilisé pendant une longue période.
Utiliser uniquement l’adaptateur 12V pour connecter la
radio au secteur.
Ne pas ouvrir le boîtier de la radio ou en enlever les vis.
Istr uzioni di sicurez za
Tenere la radio lontana da fonti di calore e non collocare
sull’unità fiamme vive (come candele).
Non ostruire le aperture di ventilazione dell’unità con
giornali, tende, ecc.
Non posizionare sull’unità oggetti contenenti liquidi come vasi.
Non utilizzare l’unità in prossimità di sorgenti di acqua.
Rimuovere le batterie se esaurite o in caso di mancato
utilizzo dell’unità per periodi di tempo prolungati.
Per collegare la radio alla rete d’alimentazione elettrica,
utilizzare esclusivamente l’adattatore 12V fornito.
Non rimuovere le viti né aprire l’involucro della radio.
Hold enheden væk fra varmekilder, og anbring ikke åben
ild (som f.eks. stearinlys) oven på enheden.
Ventilation til enheden må ikke forhindres ved at dække
ventilationsåbningerne med aviser, gardiner osv.
Anbring ikke beholdere med vand som f.eks. vaser på
oven på enheden.
Undgå at bruge apparatet i nærheden af vand.
Fjern batterierne, når de er brugt op, eller hvis de ikke skal
bruges over en længere periode.
Den vedlagte 12V strømadapter må kun anvendes, hvis
radioen forbindes til lysnettet.
Fjern ikke skruer fra og åbn ikke radiokabinettet.
Veiligheid sinstructies
Houd het toestel uit de buurt van hittebronnen en plaats
geen open vuur (zoals kaarsen) op het toestel.
De ventilatie van het toestel mag niet worden geblokkeerd
door de de ventilatie-openingen te bedekken met kranten,
gordijnen etc.
Plaats geen voorwerpen die vloeistoffen bevatten op het
toestel zoals vazen.
Gebruik het apparaat niet in de buurt van water.
Verwijder de batterijen indien ze leeg zijn of indien ze niet
gebruikt zullen worden gedurende een langere periode.
Gebruik enkel de bijgeleverde 12V stroomadapter indien u
de radio op het elektriciteitsnet aansluit.
Verwijder geen schroeven uit de omkasting van de radio
en open het niet.
Copyr ight 2007 by I maginat ion Techno logies
Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be copied or distributed,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
system, or translated into any human or computer
language, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, magnetic, manual or otherwise, or
disclosed to third parties without the express written
permission of Imagination Technologies Limited.
Copyr ight 2007 by I maginat ion Techno logies
Limited. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kein Teil dieser
Publikation darf ohne ausdrückliche und schriftliche
Zustimmung von Imagination Technologies Limited
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einem Suchsystem gespeichert, in eine andere
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Copyright 2007 Imagination Technologies Limited.
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EVOK E-3, the EV OKE-3 logo, R eVu, ChargePA K,
EcoPl us, PURE, t he PURE log o, PURE Digi tal, the
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Limit ed. All o ther pr oduct na mes are t radem arks of
their r esp ect ive c ompan ies . Vers ion 4 Aug ust 20 07.
EVOKE-3, das EVOKE-3 Logo, ReVu, ChargePAK, EcoPlus,
PURE, da s PUR E Log o, PUR E Dig it al, da s PUR E Dig it al
Logo, Im aginat ion Tech nologi es und da s Imagin ation
Technologies Logo sind Warenzeichen oder eingetragene
Warenzeichen von Imagination Technologies Limited.
Alle anderen Produktnamen sind Warenzeichen
ihrer j eweilig en Besi tze r. Version 0 4. Augus t 2007.
Marques commerciales
EVOKE-3, le logo EVOKE-3, ReVu, ChargePAK,
EcoPlus, PURE, le logo PURE, PURE Digital, le
logo PURE Digital, Imagination Technologies et le
logo Imagination Technologies sont des marques
commerciales ou des marques déposées de Imagination
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produits sont des marques commerciales de leurs
déten teurs r espec tifs. Ve rsion 4 er ao ût 2007.
EVOKE-3, il logo EVOKE-3, ReVu, ChargePAK,
EcoPlus, PURE, il logo PURE, PURE Digital, il logo
PURE Digital, Imagination Technologies e il logo
Imagination Technologies sono marchi o marchi
registrati di Imagination Technologies Limited. Tutti
gli altri nomi di prodotti sono marchi di proprietà
delle rispettive società. Versione 4 agosto 2007.
EVOKE-3, EVOKE-3-logoet, ReVu, ChargePAK, EcoPlus,
PURE, PURE-logoet, PURE Digital, PURE Digital-logoet,
Imagination Technologies og Imagination Technologieslogoet er varemærker eller registrerede varemærker,
der til hører Ima ginati on Technolo gies Li mited. A lle
andre p roduk tnav ne er var emærk er, der ti lhøre r deres
respektive virksomhe der. Ve rsion 4. August 2007.
EVOKE-3, het EVOKE-3 logo, ReVu, ChargePAK, EcoPlus,
PURE, he t PURE lo go, PURE D igit al, het PU RE Digi tal
logo, Imagination Technologies en het Imagination
Techno lo gi es lo go zijn handelsm erk en of geregistreerde
handel sme rk en van I mag ina tio n Tech nolo gie s Li mit ed.
Alle andere productnamen zijn handelsmerken van
hun res pect ieve fir ma’s. Ver sie 4 augus tus 2007.
Overview of the controls and connectors ........................................ 2
Overview of the display ................................................................... 4
Getting started ................................................................................5
Navigating menus .........................................................................................................5
Using DAB ........................................................................................6
Changing stations .........................................................................................................6
Changing the information displayed .............................................................................6
ReVu™ - Pausing and rewinding radio ..........................................................................6
Setting and selecting presets .......................................................................................7
Using the EPG (Electronic Programme Guide) ..............................................................7
Changing DAB options ...................................................................................................8
Using FM ........................................................................................ 10
Changing stations .......................................................................................................10
Changing the information displayed ...........................................................................10
Setting and selecting presets ..................................................................................... 10
Changing FM stereo mode .......................................................................................... 10
Using an SD memory card ............................................................. 10
Inserting and removing a card ....................................................................................10
Recording DAB radio ...................................................................................................10
Playing a track ............................................................................................................11
Changing the information displayed ........................................................................... 11
Changing SD card options ...........................................................................................11
Setting alarms/timers ................................................................... 12
Setting an alarm ......................................................................................................... 12
Cancelling alarms .......................................................................................................12
Setting a timed event ..................................................................................................13
Cancelling a timed event .............................................................................................13
Setting a sleep timer ...................................................................................................13
Using a ChargePAK®/batteries ...................................................... 13
Using a ChargePAK .....................................................................................................13
Battery safety .............................................................................................................13
General options ............................................................................. 14
Audio ...........................................................................................................................14
Other settings .............................................................................................................14
Software upgrade .......................................................................................................14
Standby menu .............................................................................................................14
Energy saving .............................................................................................................15
Hints and Tips .............................................................................................................15
Technical Specifications ................................................................ 16
1. Tap to snooze an alarm. In standby, if display brightness is set to minimum (off) tap to
illuminate screen briefly (option not available with energy saving mode switched on).
2. DAB/SD – Push to pause/play or twist left or right to rewind/fast forward playback.
FM – Twist left or right and release to seek tune to the next station.
3. Turn to browse and push to select stations, tracks and menu options.
DAB or FM – Push to access station presets list.
4. Change audio, SD card and other setup options. Press again to exit current menu.
5. Guide enters/exits Guide (EPG) in DAB.
to move between stations.
Use to move between days.
6. Press to start a sleep timer. Repeat to increase time.
7. Press and repeat or use Tune to switch between modes.
8. LED indicates saving to card or access via USB.
9. Slot for SD card.
10. Starts and stops record of DAB radio to SD card.
EPG – Sets timed record.
11. Receives signal from remote control.
12. Switches between on and standby.
13. View, set and cancel alarms.
14. Changes the information shown on screen.
EPG – Displays more info on highlighted programme.
Press to exit all menus.
15. Turn for volume or push to switch between Volume, Bass and Treble and turn to adjust.
16. Connect to supplied mains adapter.
17. Connect to a PC to copy files to/from SD card or for software upgrades.
18. S/PDIF optical digital out (DAB/FM/SD). Remove plug to use.
19. Connect to headphones (mutes speakers).
20. Analogue output (excluding Aux in) to external amplifier or recorder.
21. Analogue stereo input from auxiliary device such as iPod, CD player, MiniDisc etc.
22. Number buttons – Press and hold a number to store a preset. For presets 10-99 press the
first digit then hold down the second digit. Press number to recall.
EPG – number 4 & 6 (or 7&9) buttons access subsequent days’ listings.
23. Switch between modes.
DAB – push DAB again to display Guide (EPG).
24. Adjust volume. Press
while volume scale on screen to switch between volume, treble
and bass scales and press or +/- to adjust.
25. Mutes speakers/headphones.
Play/pause, Rewind/fast forward, Repeat – set SD track repeat, Shuffle – shuffle
SD track order.
FM – Seek tune.
27. Select stations/tracks and menu options.
FM –
Manual tune, Seek tune.
EPG – use to move between stations, use to browse the programmes.
Overview of the display
BBC Radio 4 - Today
Today with John Humphrys and
James Naughtie. Discussing
current trends in mobile phone
96.60 MHz - MERCURY FM
16:20 04/10/2005
- BBC Radio 1
- BBC National DAB
- Pop
- 2005
1. Current station and programme if EPG
2. Volume level.
3. EPG available.
4. Alarm set.
5. Timer set.
6. Clock.
7. Indicates battery charge state, animated
if charging. Full shown.
8. Shows signal strength for current station.
9. Displays programme information, news,
telephone numbers etc. broadcast by the
Press Info to change to large clock
10. Current station frequency and name (RDS
11. Displays station frequency and indicates
position within the FM range. Press Info
to change to large clock and scrolling text
(RDS only) or again for full screen text
(RDS only).
07/12 Wednesday BBC R4
06:00 Today
09:00 Midweek
09:45 Book of the Week
10:00 Woman’s Hour
11:00 A Year in the Country
11:30 Clement Doesn’t Live Here
12. Scale indicates time into track and total
track time.
13. ID3 text - Displays extra information if
available. Press Info to show large clock
with scrolling ID3 information.
14. Current track title.
15. Play/pause ffwd/rew indicator.
16. Indicates SD mode.
17. Indicates day, date and station for
current listing.
18. Programme listing for selected day and
Press Info for programme details. Turn
Tune to scroll list and push to set up
recording or tune-in.