Panasonic KX-TVP150E Overview

Overview of the Voice
Processing System Functions
Guide to the
Voice Processing System
Model No. KX-TVP150E
Please read this manual before any operation.
Overview of the Voice Processing
System Functions
Read This Manual First
The Voice Processing System (VPS) is inexpensive, conve­nient and easy to use. It allows recorded messages to be sent, received and retrieved at any time from any touch­tone telephone anywhere in the world. Step-by-step voice prompts assist first time users. In no time at all they will be zipping through messages without a second thought.
The VPS provides the following benefits:
— It replaces tedious, unclear or otherwise inadequate
memos which could easily be understood with clear, concise messages recorded in your own voice.
— It can be delivered 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
to any touch tone telephone in the world.
— It does not require that both parties be on the line at the
same time in order to communicate.
As a business application, the VPS can be used to encour­age short, concise messages free of unnecessary small talk. It thus becomes an efficient time management tool. A ring­ing telephone can often interrupt your train of thought. Thanks to the VPS, this is no longer a problem. You can choose the times which are most convenient for you to send and receive messages, and proceed with the work at hand without interruption. You can send messages the mo­ment they are ready. The only faster way would be to call directly.
The VPS may appear complicated at first, but its basic operations are really very simple. They are the following:
• Receiving messages
• Mailbox management
• Sending messages
O-0-4 Overview of VPS Functions
Read This Manual First
You may find it helpful to read this manual first. It will enable you to gain an understanding of how the VPS works systematically before you go on to read the operating manuals such as the Subscriber’s Guide and the Manager’s Guide.
Overview of VPS Functions O-0-5
Read This Manual First
This manual is divided into the following five parts, desig­nated A through E:
(A) An overview of operations in which the user calls the VPS,
and in which the VPS delivers messages to the user.
1. Voice Mail Service
2. Automated Attendant Service
3. Bulletin Board Service
4. Interview Service
5. Custom Service
(B) The next part covers the initial setup of the VPS by
describing the tasks of the System Administrator.
1. System Configuration
2. System Administration
(C) The following section on the duties of the manager explains
how to perform daily system maintenance.
1. System Management (System Manager)
2. Message Management (Message Manager)
3. Bulletin Management (Bulletin Manager)
(D) In this section, system operation for users (subscribers) is
1. Setup Before Using the VPS
2. Receiving Messages
3. Sending Messages
(E) Finally, the terms in the VPS manuals are explained in the
Glossary section.
O-0-6 Overview of VPS Functions
Chapter 1 Calling the VPS
1.1 Voice Mail Service .................................... O-1-2
1.1.1 Receiving Messages from the User .....O-1-3 Message Waiting Notification at
a Specified Time ................................................. O-1-4 Immediate Message Waiting Notification ........ O-1-5 Message Waiting Notification Lamp ................ O-1-5 Immediate Reply to Message Waiting
Notification ........................................................... O-1-5 Message Scanning/Message Transfer ................ O-1-7
1.1.2 Sending Messages to the User.............O-1-7 Additional Operations When Recording ........... O-1-8 External Message Delivery ................................. O-1-8 Group Delivery .................................................. O-1-13 Guest Accounts .................................................. O-1-13
1.2 Automated Attendant Service .............. O-1-16
1.2.1 Initial Service ..................................................... O-1-16
1.2.2 Incomplete Call Functions ................................ O-1-17
1.2.3 Personal Bulletin Board .................................... O-1-18
1.3 Bulletin Board Service........................... O-1-22
1.3.1 Listening To Bulletin Board Messages .......... O-1-22
1.4 Interview Service .................................... O-1-24
1.5 Custom Service........................................ O-1-26
Overview of VPS Functions O-0-7
Chapter 2 Overview of System
2.1 System Configuration ............................... O-2-2
2.1.1 System Configuration .......................................... O-2-2
2.1.2 System Expansion ................................................ O-2-3
2.2 System Administration............................. O-2-5
2.2.1 Initializing the System ........................................ O-2-5
2.2.2 Setting System Parameters ................................. O-2-6
2.2.3 Call Service Settings ......................................... O-2-12
2.2.4 Setting Voice Mail Parameters ........................ O-2-19
2.2.5 System Usage Reports ...................................... O-2-23
2.2.6 Utility Commands .............................................. O-2-24
2.2.7 System Reset/Clear ............................................ O-2-26
O-0-8 Overview of VPS Functions
Chapter 3 Overview of System
3.1 System Management................................. O-3-2
3.1.1 Setting Mailbox Parameters ............................... O-3-2
3.1.2 Setting Up a System Group Distribution
List......................................................................... O-3-3
3.1.3 Setting System Parameters ................................. O-3-3
3.1.4 Setting the Date and Time ................................. O-3-4
3.1.5 System Usage Reports ........................................ O-3-4
3.1.6 Broadcasting Messages ........................................ O-3-4
3.1.7 Customizing the System Manager’s
Mailbox ................................................................. O-3-4
3.2 Message Management .............................. O-3-5
3.2.1 Managing the General Delivery Mailbox ......... O-3-6
3.2.2 Managing Company Greetings ........................... O-3-6
3.2.3 Programming Department Dialing
Numbers ................................................................ O-3-8
3.2.4 Modifying Voice Prompts .................................. O-3-8
3.2.5 Recording the Company Name .......................... O-3-9
3.2.6 Customizing the Message Manager’s
Mailbox ................................................................. O-3-9
3.2.7 Setting the Date and Time ................................. O-3-9
3.3 Bulletin Board Management ................ O-3-10
3.3.1 Bulletin Board Management ............................. O-3-10
3.3.2 Customizing the Bulletin Board
Manager’s Mailbox ............................................ O-3-11
Overview of VPS Functions O-0-9
Chapter 4 Overview of Subscriber
4.1 Settings........................................................ O-4-2
4.1.1 Recording a Message in a Mailbox.................. O-4-2
4.1.2 Setting Message Waiting Notification .............. O-4-3
4.1.3 Managing a Guest Mailbox................................ O-4-5
4.1.4 Managing an Interview Mailbox ....................... O-4-6
4.1.5 Setting Automated Attendant Parameters ......... O-4-7
4.2 Receiving Messages................................... O-4-9
4.2.1 Receiving Messages ............................................. O-4-9
4.3 Sending Messages ................................... O-4-11
4.3.1 Recording Messages .......................................... O-4-11
4.3.2 External Message Delivery ............................... O-4-12
4.3.3 Group Delivery .................................................. O-4-14
4.3.4 Checking Delivery Status ................................. O-4-15
O-0-10 Overview of VPS Functions
Chapter 5 Glossary
5.1 Glossary ...................................................... O-5-2
Overview of VPS Functions O-0-11
Voice Processing System
Overview of the Voice Processing System Unit
Alarm Indicator
Running Indicator
Reset Button
To EIA (RS-232C Interface)
To Telephone Line
Power Indicator
Power Switch
To Battery
Adaptor (Option)
To AC Outlet
O-0-12 Overview of VPS Functions
Voice Processing System
Voice Processing System Connection
Data Terminal
RS-232C Interface
EXT. 11 EXT. 12
EXT. 21
EXT. 22
EXT. 23
Port 2Port 1
Operator (Message Manager)
Overview of VPS Functions O-0-13
CO 1
Voice Processing System
• Voice Mail Service
• Scheduled Message Delivery/ Message Waiting Notification
• Saving Cost & Time When Sending/Receiving Messages
• Group Delivery of Messages
• Automated Attendant Service
• Bulletin Board Service
• Interview Service
• Custom Service
System Administrator
• System parameter setting
• Managing mailboxes
• Checking system usage
• Diagnosis of the system
General delivery mailbox
Setup and Maintenance of VPS
System Manager
• Managing mailboxes
• System parameter setting
• Delivering a message to all users
• Checking system usage
Message Manager
• Message transfer from gen-
eral delivery mailbox
• Recording/Editing company greeting
• Setting up department dial­ing number
• Modifying the voice prompts
Bulletin Board Manager
• Recording/editing the
bulletin board
• Assigning call transfer destination
O-0-14 Overview of VPS Functions
Voice Processing System
Internal Users (Subscriber mailbox owner)
Message receiving/message transfer
Group delivery
Recording scheduled delivery message
Message receiving
Checking delivery status
Password for mailbox
Personal greeting
Message for users guest (Guest Account)
Recording/receiving interview
Massage transfer
General delivery mailbox
Listening to a Bulletin Board message
Users mailbox
Recording a mes-
sage to a user (in the subscriber’s mailbox)
External Users (Non-Subscriber Caller from outside/No mailbox)
Recording a message to the user (in the general delivery mailbox)
Receiving a message
from a subscriber
Automated Attendant Service (automatically calls a user’s extension)
Overview of VPS Functions O-0-15
Having an interview and recording answers
Chapter 1
Calling the VPS
1.1 Voice Mail Service ................................................ O-1-2
1.2 Automated Attendant Service ............................. O-1-16
1.3 Bulletin Board Service ......................................... O-1-22
1.4 Interview Service .................................................. O-1-24
1.5 Custom Service ..................................................... O-1-26
1.1 Voice Mail Service
When a user calls the VPS port assigned to the Voice Mail service, he or she first hears the following prompt:
Please enter the mailbox number of the person for whom you wish to leave a message. To enter by name, please press a hash sign [#] and [1].
If you are using a rotary telephone, please wait a moment. To call the operator, press [0].
The user can then choose one of the following services:
1.The user can leave a message in the subscriber’s mailbox by specifying a mailbox number.
2. The user can gain access to a variety of subscriber ser­vices by entering his or her mailbox number and pass­word after the [
3. The user can call the operator by pressing [0].
] key.
4.The user can choose not to press any key. A system prompt will then be heard and the user can leave a mes­sage in the general delivery mailbox.
O-1-2 Overview of VPS Functions
1.1 Voice Mail Service
1.1.1 Receiving Messages from the User
The owner of a mailbox can listen to the messages it con­tains at anytime. Anyone can record messages in a sub­scribers mailbox by entering the mailbox number or the first three or four letters of the subscribers last name, but to listen to the messages or access the various subscriber services available it is necessary to enter the mailbox pass­word, if the password is assigned.
Several features are available for receiving messages. These include message scan, fast forward and play the next message for when you are in a hurry. It is also possible to replay messages or portions of them using features such as rewind, message repeat and play the previous message. Received messages can also be transferred with or without additional comments added by the recipient, and a reply can be recorded in the senders mailbox without the need to specify the mailbox number.
The VPS allows the subscriber to have the delivery status stored for up to 84 messages he or she has sent. The deliv­ery status includes information such as the recording date and time received and the address of the destination mail­box. This information allows subscribers to check whether messages have been delivered and, if appropriate, erase certain messages before the VPS has delivered them.
Message Waiting Notification
If a subscriber has been authorized by the system manager to use the message waiting notification feature and has turned the feature on, the VPS will call at a specified time each day to notify him or her that there are unplayed mes­sages waiting in the mailbox. This feature eliminates the need to check ones mailbox manually.
The subscriber can choose to be notified of the receipt of messages in the following ways: notification via external calling, notification via a pocket pager and notification by the message waiting lamp.
If the subscriber chooses the first option, the VPS will call the telephone number specified and notify that there are messages waiting. The subscriber can then listen to the messages if desired. With the second option, the VPS calls the pager repeatedly until the subscriber retrieves the mes­sages. If the third option is chosen, the VPS turns on the
Overview of VPS Functions O-1-3
1.1 Voice Mail Service
message waiting lamp of the specified extension phone as soon as a new message is received. Message Waiting Notification at a Specified Time
With this feature, the VPS calls the subscriber at a speci­fied time each day to notify him or her if there are un­played messages waiting in the mailbox.
Message Waiting Notification Via a Pocket Pager
If the subscriber chooses this option, he or she will be notified each day at a specific time via a pocket pager if there are any unplayed messages in his or her mailbox. Up to 48 digits may be specified for the destination address. This can include the telephone number of the pager and the digits to be displayed on the pager. As there is no way for the VPS to verify whether or not the subscriber has received the pager message, it will make six call retries at 30-minute intervals until the messages in the mailbox have been played back.
Message Waiting Notification Via External Calling
Setting the Message Waiting Notification Time
The subscriber can choose to have the VPS call him or her on a specified telephone number at a set time each day if there are any unplayed messages in the mailbox. At that time, the subscriber also has the option of accessing his or her mailbox and listening to any unplayed messages.
If the line is busy when the VPS attempts to call, two call retries will be made at 5-minute intervals. If the line is still busy after the second retry, the VPS will try again one hour later with other two retries. In the case of no answer, the VPS will retry one hour later. If there continues to be no answer, this process is repeated three times.
Subscribers who wish to use the message waiting notifica­tion feature can set any time of the day they find conve­nient as the message waiting notification time. Up to two message waiting notification times can be set at one time. If two times are specified, the subscriber will receive the notification of waiting messages twice a day.
O-1-4 Overview of VPS Functions
1.1 Voice Mail Service
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Confirming the Message Waiting Notification Method Immediate Message Waiting Notification Message Waiting Notification Lamp
Once the message waiting notification options have been set, the subscriber can review them at any time. When the appropriate request is input, the VPS will provide a voice announcement of the current settings (notification method [lamp/outside call/pocket pager], telephone number, notifi­cation time and operating status).
When this feature has been selected, the VPS will notify the subscriber as soon as a new message is received, for exam­ple by calling the specified extension, calling the pocket pager and/or lighting the message waiting lamp, depending on the active settings.
If the subscribers telephone is equipped with a message waiting lamp, the VPS can use it to provide notification of waiting messages. As soon as a new message is received, the VPS illuminates the message waiting lamp. Once the message has been listened to the light goes out.
Note: Either Notification at a Specified Time or Immediate Notifi-
cation can be set to operate together with Message Waiting Notification Lamp. Immediate Reply to Message Waiting Notification
If the sender of a message is also the owner of a VPS mail­box, after a message has been played back the VPS will ask the recipient if he or she wishes to leave a response to it. If the recipient chooses to record a response, the mailbox num­ber of the sender (to whom the response will be sent) is sup­plied by the VPS automatically. There is no need to enter it manually.
Setting Notification Parameters
Hello ... Please enter the mailbox number.
Call Voice Mail Service
Entering Subscriber Service (mailbox number & password)
Timed Message Waiting Notification
Telephone Number
1st Notification Time
2nd Notification
Overview of VPS Functions O-1-5
1.1 Voice Mail Service
Notification by Outdialing
Checking the 1st/2nd Notification Time
Are there new mes­sages?
Outdialing Schedule
Yes Notification by MWL* is OFF
Notification by MWL* is ON
Message Recording
Sending Message
Hello ....
Calling a Pocket Pager
Calling a Subscriber
Entering the password (Entering Subscriber Service) and
Receiving the messages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Hello ....
Subscriber’s mailbox
O-1-6 Overview of VPS Functions
*MWL = Message Waiting Lamp
1.1 Voice Mail Service Message Scanning/Message Transfer
Message Scan
Message Repeat Variable Playback Speed
Fast Forward/Rewind
Play the Next Message/ Replay the Previous Message
This function allows the subscriber to preview all the mes­sages in his or her mailbox by listening to the first four seconds of each with the information (Senders Name, Time & Date Stamp), in turn. Message scan can be initiated at any time while listening to messages. The subscriber can listen to an entire message while the initial four seconds of it are playing, and skip to the following or preceding mes­sage during message scan.
While listening to a message, it can be repeated. The subscriber can increase the message playback speed
while listening to a message. This allows rapid skimming of message contents. It is also possible to reset the play­back speed.
The subscriber can skip ahead in a message during play­back. This will skip over a four second portion of the mes­sage. It is also possible to skip backward in order to listen to the immediately preceding section again.
While listening to a message, the user can skip ahead to the next and can skip back to the previous message.
Message Transfer
Once a message has been received, the subscriber can transfer it to any other subscribers mailbox, if desired.
Message Transfer With Additional Messages
The subscriber can choose to append an additional message at the top or at the end of a message which is to be trans­ferred to another subscribers mailbox.
1.1.2 Sending Messages to the User
Message Recording
In order to send a message directly to a subscribers mail­box or to the system managers mailbox it is necessary to input the appropriate mailbox number. The caller will then hear a tone and can record the message by speaking it into the telephone. During the process of recording, the caller can access the functions described in the following section using the telephone keypad.
Overview of VPS Functions O-1-7
1.1 Voice Mail Service Additional Operations When Recording
Reviewing Messages
Canceling Messages
Appending Messages
Pausing During Recording
Private Messages
After recording a message, the caller can choose to review it before selecting whether it should be stored, erased, re­recorded or have an additional message appended.
The caller can erase a message, during the recording pro­cess by using the telephone keypad. If the message has already been recorded and the caller has accepted it, it cannot be erased unless the caller is a subscriber.
The user can append an additional message to the end of a message which has just been recorded, if desired. Note that it is no longer possible to append additional messages after the call has been completed.
While recording a message, the caller can put the VPS on hold and release it.
Subscribers have the option of designating messages as confidential after recording. Private messages cannot be transferred to other mailboxes.
Specifying A Message Delivery Date And Time
Urgent Messages
Subscribers have the option of designating a delivery date and time after recording a message. Such messages are not sent to their destination mailbox until the date and time specified.
If the intended recipient of a message is a subscriber with the timed message waiting notification feature enabled, the sender can specify the message as urgent after recording. Once such a message is recorded, the VPS immediately calls the telephone number specified by the recipient and delivers the message directly. External Message Delivery
If a subscriber has been authorized to use the external mes­sage delivery feature by the system manager, he or she can use this function to deliver messages to any non-subscriber. The subscriber simply records the message to be delivered and specifies the delivery date and time and destination telephone number. It is also possible to assign a password
O-1-8 Overview of VPS Functions
1.1 Voice Mail Service
to the message for security. Additional options include voice recording of the receivers name for confirmation when the call is received, setting the call duration and a rescheduling function.
Specifying The Destination For External Message Delivery
External Message Delivery Protection Password
The VPS allows the subscriber to specify a destination telephone number. The destination can be either an exten­sion or an outside telephone number.
The subscriber may assign a password to any external mes­sage delivery message. Once a password is assigned, the party receiving the call must enter it when prompted in or­der to receive the message. This function prevents unautho­rized persons from hearing confidential messages. If the subscriber wishes to use the password function, it must be specified immediately following the destination telephone number.
Recording The Recipient’s Name
Setting The External Message Delivery Time And Date
The subscriber also has the option of making a voice re­cording of the recipientss name for confirmation by the person receiving the call. The recording of the recipients’s name must be no longer than four seconds. It is played by the VPS as part of the voice prompt played when the receiver first answers the telephone. The subscriber may request this feature immediately after specifying the pass­word.
After recording the name of the external message delivery message recipient, the subscriber is prompted to enter the time and date for delivery. Any date (up to the 30 days message retention limit of the mailbox) can be specified. If no external delivery date and time is specified, the message is sent immediately after recording.
Overview of VPS Functions O-1-9
1.1 Voice Mail Service
Automatic Retry On Busy Or No-Answer
If the line is busy when the VPS attempts to call to deliver the message, Two call retries will be made at 5-minute intervals. If the line is still busy after the second retry and the subscriber has turned the external message delivery retry function on, the VPS will try again one hour later with other two retries. In the case of no answer, the VPS will try again one hour later, if the external message delivery retry function is enabled. This process is repeated three times. (Same as Message Waiting Notification). If the retry function is disabled, the VPS will not make any retries. The external message delivery retry function can be set immediately after setting the delivery time and date.
Call-Back Message
Immediate Reply To External Message Delivery
External Message Delivery Status Confirmation
The VPS can be set to provide a call-back message if the party receiving the call is not the intended recipient or if the recipient was unable to provide the external message delivery password. The call-back message includes infor­mation such as the recipients name as recorded by the sender of the message, the name of the message sender, the company name as recorded by the message manager, the telephone number of the company and the extension num­ber of the sender. The VPS will attempt no more retries once the call-back message has been received.
After the external delivery message has been played, the VPS asks the recipient whether he or she would like to record a reply. If the recipient chooses to do so, he or she can then directly access the mailbox of the sender of the external message delivery message without having to spec­ify the mailbox number.
After recording an external delivery message, the sub­scriber has the option of requesting a report of informa­tion on the current external message delivery status from the VPS. The report includes the delivery time and date and receivers names for pending external delivery mes­sages, and the names of the receivers of external delivery messages which have been canceled.
O-1-10 Overview of VPS Functions
1.1 Voice Mail Service
Canceling Pending External Message Delivery Attempts
Rescheduling Canceled External Message Delivery Attempts
Call Duration For External Message Delivery
If an as yet undelivered external delivery message becomes unnecessary for whatever reason, it can be canceled by the subscriber before delivery.
The subscriber has the option of rescheduling external de­livery messages which were canceled because the recipi­ents telephone was busy or there was no answer. Canceled calls can be rescheduled within the 30 day message reten­tion limit of the mailbox.
The subscriber can specify a maximum duration for exter­nal message delivery in order to restrict the cost incurred by outside calls. The call duration can be set to any value up to a maximum of 9 minutes. If the subscriber does not specify a call duration, the system default set by the system administrator is used.
When the specified duration has been exceeded, the VPS provides a prompt and hangs up. If the VPS was not able to deliver the message (and no call-back message was re­ceived), the call is treated as a no answer and the system will retry the call later.
Overview of VPS Functions O-1-11
1.1 Voice Mail Service
External Message Delivery
Sending an External Delivery Message
Calling the Voice
Hello, ... Please enter the mailbox number
Receiving an External Delivery Message
Checking the External Message Delivery Queue
Mail Service
Enter the mailbox number and pass­word. (Entering Sub­scriber Service)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Call the Receiver
Telephone Number
Receivers Name
Subscriber’s Mailbox
Record an External Delivery Message
Outdialing Schedule
O-1-12 Overview of VPS Functions
Receive a Prompt Enter
the Password. Hello, You have a call from ...
Receive the message
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1.1 Voice Mail Service Group Delivery
This feature allows subscribers to send a single message to more than one destination simultaneously. The sender either enters more than one mailbox number or specifies the system group distribution list or personal group distri­bution list as the destination.
Message Delivery To Multiple Destinations
System Group Distribution List
The subscriber is free to enter up to 40 mailbox numbers as destinations for a single message. The message will then be sent simultaneously to all of the specified destinations.
The VPS allows the system manager to specify up to 100 system group distribution lists for use by subscribers. Up to 40 mailbox numbers can be assigned to each distribution list. The sender simply specifies the desired list as the des­tination and message is delivered to all addresses on the list.
Personal Group Distribution List Guest Accounts
Establishing Guest Accounts
Deleting Guest Accounts
The subscriber may also maintain a personal group distri­bution list which functions like the system group distribu­tion lists described above. Subscribers can have up to 8 personal group distribution lists and can add or delete members at any time. A subscriber is allowed to have a total of up to 100 members in all of the personal group distribution lists.
Subscribers authorized to do so by the system manager can create their own guest mailboxes and assign guest pass­words to them. The maximum number of guest mailboxes per subscriber is four.
The subscriber can delete a guest mailbox at any time. In order to change the number of a guest mailbox, the guest account must first be deleted and then re-established with the new number.
Overview of VPS Functions O-1-13
1.1 Voice Mail Service
Reviewing Guest Account Parameters
Recording Messages To Guests
Guest Message Status Report
Listening To Guest Messages
Subscribers with guest mailboxes can receive a voice recording of guest account parameters such as the guest number, guest password and the name of the guest.
The subscriber can record messages in guest mailboxes by accessing the mailboxes and then entering the password.
Subscribers with guest mailboxes can check the delivery status of guest messages and, if desired, choose to erase any as yet undelivered ones.
A non-subscriber who knows the guest password can ac­cess a guest mailbox and listen to messages. To do this, he or she calls the VPS and enters the guest password after the mailbox number. Guest messages are erased by the VPS immediately after they are listened to, so it is not pos­sible to call back later and listen to already received mes­sages a second time.
Immediate Reply To Guest Messages
After a caller has listened to a guest message, he or she has the option of recording a reply if desired. In this case it is not necessary for the caller to enter the mailbox number of the recipient (the subscriber who sent the guest message).
O-1-14 Overview of VPS Functions
1.1 Voice Mail Service
Guest Accounts
Message Delivery (not protected)
Subscriber (Mailbox Owner)
Guest 1 Guest 2 Guest 3 Guest 4
Subscriber’s PASSWORD
Receive Receive
Receive Receive
Subscriber’s MAILBOX
Overview of VPS Functions O-1-15
1.2 Automated Attendant Service
The caller of the port assigned to the Automated Attendant service can access several useful features. These include call transfer, bulletin board and department dialing. There are also a number of functions for handling incomplete calls, such as message recording and the personal bulletin board, which are useful if the caller is unable to reach the extension belonging to the intended party.
1.2.1 Initial Service
When the user calls the port assigned to the Automated Attendant, the VPS presents an initial prompt offering a selection of features, such as call transfer, bulletin board service and department dialing. At this point the caller can specify an extension to be transferred to by entering the extension number or the first four letters of the owner’s last name. If the extension specified is busy or there is no answer, the VPS provides the option of using one of the incomplete call functions.
Call Transfer
Department Dialing
Bulletin Board Service
Call Screening
The caller can have the call transferred directly to a specific extension by entering the number of the extension. If the caller does not know the extension number, he or she can still be connected to the extension by entering the first four letters of the owner’s last name. If the extension is busy or there is no answer, the VPS presents the caller with a prompt, inviting him or her to use one of the incomplete call functions.
The caller can be connected to an extension assigned a department dialing number by entering the department dialing entry number. The department dialing menu prompt is then heard, and the caller can be connected to the desired extension by entering the appropriate number, 1—9.
The caller can access the bulletin board service at the Automated Attendant top menu.
If the owner of the extension specified has set the call screening function to “on”, the VPS will request that the caller speak his or her name before ringing the extension. Once the name has been spoken, the VPS puts the caller on hold and rings the extension.
O-1-16 Overview of VPS Functions
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