This product’s conformity with quality
requirement s is certifie d by the Mark it
Xerox®, CentreWare DP® and all Xerox products mentioned in this publication are
trademarks of Xerox Corporation®.
Adobe® and PostScript® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
PCL, HP, and Lase rJet are trademarks of H ewlett-Pack ard Company. IBM is a
trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft, Microsoft
Windows, Microsoft Word, MS, an d MS-DOS are tr ademarks of Microsoft
Corporat ion. Univers is a trademark of Linotype AG or its subsidiaries. WordPerfect
is a trad em ark of WordPerfect Corporation. Centronics is a trademark of Centronics
Corporation. Macintosh and TrueType are trademarks of A pple Computer,
Incorporated. OnPage is a trademark of COMPUTER:applications, Inc. Al l other
product n am es are trademarks/tradenames of t heir respective owners.
PCL, PCL5e, and PCL6 are trademarks of Hewlett Packard Company. This printer
contains an emulation of the Hewlett Packard PCL command language, recognizes
HP PCL commands, and processes these commands in a manner comparable with
Hewlett Packard LaserJet printer products.
Specif ications described in this publication are subject to change without notice. Use
of some feat ures may be li mit ed b y you r hardw are or sof tw are con f i gurat io n. Conta ct
your dealer for details.
This guide is for use with the Olivetti DP N24, N32, and N40
family of printers.
Because most of the pr inter’s features and funct ionality are shar ed
by all three, this guide use s the generic name DP N40 when
referring to these printers. And it refers to all features not found on
the base printer a s opt ions.
It identifies two differ ent configurations for the DP N40:
•The tabletop conf iguration.
•The console configuration (sitting on top of the optional 2,500
Sheet Feeder).
Samples of each configuration are shown later i n th is chapter;
however, the figures throughout this guide may show eithe r
configuration when illustrating a feature or procedure.
1-2 ❖ DP N24, N32 and N40 User Guide
User Documentation Road Map
Road Map
Hardcopy User
in the Box
There is user documentation provided to you for the N40 printer in
several different places. This section will serve as an initial
roadmap to that documentation.
You have re ceived the following pieces of documentation:
1. An N24, N32, and N40 Quick Installation Guide (QIG) which
shows you ho w to get the printer up and running.
2. This N24, N32, and N40 User Guide (UG) which p r ovides you
with the basic information needed to use your printer. (More
detailed N40 user information is contained in your System
Administrator Guide [SAG] on your N40 CD.)
3. The N24, N32, and N40 Quick Network Install Guide (QNIG)
which briefly shows you how to connect your printer to a
network in you r specific environment. (More detailed
Network/Environment information is contained in the
Technical Information Guide [TIG] on your N40 CD.)
Chapter 1: Getting Star ted ❖ 1-3
User Documentation Road Map
Your N40 CD Which
Comes in the Box
This CD conta ins the following pieces of information:
1. The N24, N32, and N40 User Guide (UG)
2. The N24, N32, and N40 Quick Network Install Guide (QNIG)
3. The N24, N32, and N40 System Administrator Guide (SAG)
4. The 2,000 Sheet Finisher documentation
5. A procedure to upgrade your printer software
6. The N24, N32 and N40 Technical Information Guide (TI G ).
The System Administra to r Guide on thi s CD cont ains t he following
information shoul d you require it:
1. The N24, N32, and N40 Quick Install Guide in Chap ter 1
2. Installation instructions for N40 options in Appendix C
3. Installation instructions for the Tone r Cartridge and the
Maintenanc e Kit in Appendix B.
This document also contains a considerable a mount of more
detailed N40 user information.
1-4 ❖ DP N24, N32 and N40 User Guide
User Documentation Road Map
The documents on the N40 CD are provided as PDF files with
hyperlin k capabilities which allow you to easily jump to and access
diffe r ent areas of the document. In addition, after you acc ess the
page or pages of information which you are looking for, you can
then only print out the page(s) you need rather than print out the
entire chapter or the manual. If you do not have a PDF reader on
your system, you can also install one from this CD.
N40 printer drivers are also contained on the N40 product CD. The
majority of Driv er Use r Documentation is provided via the HELP
files included with your drivers.
In addition to the N40 product CD, you are also provided with a
Printer Management Softw are CD. This CD conta in s v arious piec es
of Xerox-provided Client Software as well as documentation for
this software.
The N40 Product and Printer Management Softw are CDs are both
provided with a CD Installa tion Booklet, packaged in the CD jewel
case. You can also refer to the Read Me files on the CDs for more
Since these CDs provide so much important N40 information,
please ensure that you save them and keep them in a safe place.
Chapter 1: Getting Star ted ❖ 1-5
How Much of This Book Must I Read?
How Much of This
Book Must I
Use this book as a reference for:
•Getting Started (
•Informati on about CentreWare and installing printer drivers
Chapter 2: Printer Management Software and Drivers
•Instructions on using the Control Panel (
Control Panel
•Paper s pecifications, loading paper, and duplex printing
Chapter 4: Paper Loading and Orientation
•Clearing Jams(
•Replacing Your Toner Cartridge (
Toner Cartridge
•Troubleshooting printing problems, if they occur
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting
•Further References (
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 5: Clearing Jams and Jam Recovery
Chapter 6: Replacing Your
Chapt er 8: Reference s
Chapter 3: Using the
1-6 ❖ DP N24, N32 and N40 User Guide
Printer Components
Front View
Face-up Output Bin
Door A
50 Sheet Bypass Feeder
Door B
Face-down Output Bin
Power switch
Control P anel
Front cover
Paper Tray 1
Paper Tray 2
Rear View
Power receptacle
Hand grips
Controller Board with host/
network interface ports.
Connectors for optional
2,500 Sh eet Feeder, 10-bin
Mailbox/Collator, Finisher
and Duplex Module
The major components of the DP N40 are indicated in Figure 1.1
belo w.
Figure 1.1Base printer components
Chapter 1: Getting Star ted ❖ 1-7
Printer C om ponen ts
Front View
10-bin Mail box/Collator
Face-up Output Bin
Duplex Module
100 E nvelo pe Feeder
2,500 Sheet Feeder with
Paper Trays 3, 4, and 5
Figure 1.2Console configuration with options
Figure 1.3Customer replac eable components
Front View, Covers Open
Toner Cartridge
Bias Transfer Roll (BTR)
1-8 ❖ DP N24, N32 and N40 User Guide
Instal ling Your Printer
Installing Your
There are other documents which will help you install your printer.
The purpose of this section is simply to guide you to those
documents (and sections of documents). The following
documentation is available for installation assistance:
•The DP N40 System Administrator Guide (on the N40 product
— Chapter 1 shows how to initially install the DP N4 0.
— Appendix B shows how to install the DP N40 Toner
Cartridge and Maintenance Kit.
— Appendix C shows how to install (and remove) the 2,500
Sheet Feede r, Duplex Module, 10-bi n Mail box/ Col lator, 100
Env elope Feed er , Hard Disk Dri v e, NIC Network In terfa ces,
and memory SIMMs.
•The 2,500 Sheet F eeder, Duplex Module, 10-bin Mailbox/
Collato r and 100 Envelope Fee d er have installation instructions
in their bo xe s .
•The D P N40 itself com es with a Q uick Ins t al lation Gu ide
which guides you on your initial installation of the printer.
•The DP N40 Quick Network Ins tall Guide provide s guidance as
to how to connect to the network within your specific
en vironment.
•Chapter 2 of thi s gui de provides some direction on how to
install your DP N40 driv ers and CentreWare software.
•More detailed information about ins tallation can also be found
in your CentreWare DP Users Manual, contained on the Printer
Management Software CD that comes with your DP N40.
Please remember to save and store all your packing materials in a dry
place so th at you c an r e tri eve thes e mater ials in th e fut ur e should you be
requir ed to transport your DP N40 or its options.
Chapter 1: Getting Star ted ❖ 1-9
Printing a Configu ration Sh eet
Printing a
Conf ig ur atio n
A very convenient way of both testing basic printer operation and
determining how your printer is configured is to print a
Configuration Sheet.
The follow ing operator sequence from the DP N40 Control Panel
will cause a Configuration Sheet to be printed :
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
Menu Up
Test Menu
on the Di splay.
Item Up
Test Menu
Config Sheet
on the Di splay.
Menu Down
Item Down
. The Configuration Sheet will be printed.
until you see:
until you see:
1-10 ❖ DP N24, N32 and N40 User Guide
Printer Management
Software and Drivers
Using CentreWare DP with the DP N40
DP N40 PCL Em u l a ti on Printer Dr ivers
DP N40 PostSc ript Printe r Driv ers
Driver Features
Installing CentreWar e DP and Drivers
Configuring Your Drivers ....................................................... 2-7
Chapter 2: Printer Management Software and Drivers ❖ 2-1
Using CentreWare DP with the DP N40
Using CentreWare
DP with the
DP N40
CentreWare DP is easy-to-use pri nter management software for
Olivetti printers. Through the ease of point-a nd-click navigation,
you can install, connect, and configure the DP N 40 on a network
quickly and easily.
CentreWare DP provides network administrators with simplified
setup procedures and effortless management of networked Oliv etti
DP N40 printers.
Table 2.1 lists CentreW are DP key features and benefits. For mor e
specific information about CentreWare DP use and operation, see
“The CentreWare DP User Guide.”
Table 2.1CentreWa re DP key features and benefits
Setup WizardProvi des a step-by-step guide to get your
printer quickly up and running on the network.
Advanced SetupProvides a tool to service mu ltiple file ser vers
and queues .
Instant StatusAllows you to select a printer from the Printer
List to see w hat that printer is doing at any
given time.
Remote Configuration and
Allo w s you to do most configuration and
monitoring tasks from your workstation.
Print er U p gradesAllows you to upgrade your printer from y our
CentreWare Sun OS/Solaris Services are also available to allow you to
set up queues and also contain your N40 drivers for Sun OS/Solaris
All the CentreWare software and doc umentation is on your Printer
Management Software CD.
2-2 ❖ DP N24, N32 and N40 User Guide
DP N4 0 PC L E mul ation Pri nter Driv ers
Emulation Printer
The base DP N40 supports the PCL printer drivers listed in
Table 2.2. To take full advantage of all the printer's features when
printing PCL jobs , ins tall the appropriate DP N32 PCL emulation
printer dri ver(s).
Table 2.2DP N40 PCL Emulation printer drivers
EnvironmentPrinte r Driver
WindowsWindows 3.1x/ Windows 95
Windows NT 3.5.1
Windows NT 4.0
Chapter 2: Printer Management Software and Drivers ❖ 2-3
DP N40 Pos tScr ipt P rinte r Dr iver s
DP N40 PostScript
Printer Drivers
The PostScript option supports the PostS cript drivers listed in
Table 2.3. To take full advantage of all the printer's features when
printing PostScript jobs, install the appropriate DP N 40 printer
Table 2.3DP N40 PostScript printer drivers
EnvironmentPrinte r Driver
WindowsWindows 3.1/ Windows 95
Windows NT 3.5.1
Windows NT 4.0
IBM OS/2OS/2 Ver. 2.1
MacintoshSystem 6.x
System 7.x
UNIX Sun Solaris 2.4, 2.5, 2.5. 1, 2.6
Sun OS 4.14
IBM AIX 4.1.x, 4.2.x
HP-UX 9.x, 10.x
2-4 ❖ DP N24, N32 and N40 User Guide
Driver Features
Driver Features
DP N40 drivers will support the following standard feature s:
•Input tray/Output bin selection
•Duplex selection
•Paper si ze , orientation and media
•Number of copies
T a ble 2.4 on page 2-6 lists a general ov erview of features supported
by the DP N40 drive rs. Ac tual dri v er c apabil ities c an be determi ned
by invokin g s p ecific d rivers .
Unix Drivers are universal drivers while custom devices are Olivetti
custo m dr ivers .
Chapter 2: Printer Management Software and Drivers ❖ 2-5
Driver Features
Table 2.4DP N40 driver features
Windows 3.1 x (Custom)YYYYNNN
Windows 95 (C u stom)YYYYNNN
Windows NT 3.5.1 (Uni)NNNNNNN
Windows NT 4.0 (Uni)YNNNYNN
Windows 3.1 x (Custom)YYYYYYY
Windows 95 (C u stom)YYYYYYY
Windows NT 3.5.1 (Uni)YNNNNNN
Windows NT 4.0 (Custom)YYYYYNY
Sun Solaris 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1,
IBM AIX 4.1,x, 4.2.xNNNNNNN
HP-UX 9.x, 10.xNNNNNNN
Page policy
Olivetti custom driv ers are r ecommended for use with the DP N40 since
they will generally support the most DP N40 features.
2-6 ❖ DP N24, N32 and N40 User Guide
Instal ling Cen treWare DP and Drivers
Centre Ware DP
and Drivers
Configuring Yo u r
Inside the cover of the DP N40 CDs, which comes with your
printer, are booklets which give you instructions on how to load
both your DP N40 drivers and your DP N40 CentreWare software
(depending on your softwa re environment).
In addition, your System Administrator also has the capability to
download drivers directly to your workstation.
When you initially use any of your drivers, make sure to properly
configure your driver by setting the correct DP N40 options
displayed unde r the “PRINTER CONFIGURATION” tab in the
drivers. You can determine which DP N40 options you have by
printing a Con figuration Sheet.
Chapter 2: Printer Management Software and Drivers ❖ 2-7
Installing CentreWare DP and Drivers
2-8 ❖ DP N24, N32 and N40 User Guide
Using the Control Panel
Control Panel Features
The Display ............................................................................. 3-3