NHM-5/6 Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 3.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 01.02.2002
- How to use this document
Put the QUICK REPAIR layouts behind this manual.
Now you are able to follow these specifications with graphical layouts and it is easier for you to find the components and
measuring points.
- Component characteristics:
Some components contain important data.
Several described steps are only practicable if you are able to reflash/ realign the phone and/or rewrite IMEI/SIMlock in certain
cases. Please pay attention to separate notes.
- Underfills, broken balls, µBGA
It is not possible to change underfilled components. The trial will damage PCB surely.
All replaceable µBGA-components must be renewed after removing.
Check soldering points, remove oxidated solderings (broken balls) carefully by enclosing few new solder before placing new
µBGA must be soldered only with NMP approved µBGA-rework machines (e.g. Zevac/OK International).
Soldering/Resoldering CSP´s with Hot Fan is strictly forbidden
Use only recommended Fluxtype and an appropriate amount of it.
- PCB handling & cleaning
Only use appropriate cleaning materials, do not use scratching or rubbing tools. Clean PCB carefully after every rework and take
great pains over the keyboard area. Do not make any loose wiring connections anywhere.
If it is necessary to clean the PCB, please pay attention to the following: Due to of organic surface protection (OSP), cleaning
must only be done with a lint-free cloth which may be moisten with DI-water. IPA or other solvent like ethanol should only be
used to clean gold pads for spring contacts without affecting the surrounding copper layers.
If it is necessary to change any item located under the metal shields, remove the shield first, don not cut partially or bend it.
- Realign after repair
Characteristics of replacement parts are different.
To prevent additional faults after repair (eg. low standby time, loosing network etc.) it is necessary
to retune phone values after repair.
NHM-5/6 Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 3.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 01.02.2002
This document is intended for use by authorized NOKIA Service Centers only.
The purpose of this document is to provide some further service information for NOKIA 3310 / 3330 phones.
It contains a lot of collected tips and hints to find failures and repair solutions easily.
It also will give support to the inexperienced technicians.
Saving process time and improving the repair quality is the aim of using this document.
We have built it up based on fault symptoms (listed in "Contents") followed by detailed description for further analysis.
It is to be used additionally to the service manual and other service information like Service Bulletins. For that reason it does not
contain any circuit descriptions or schematics.
All measurements are made using following equipment:
Nokia repair SW : WinTesla Version 6.43
DLL version : 311.11.00 / 04.12.2001
Digital multimeter : Fluke 73
Oscilloscope : Hitachi V-1565; Fluke PM 3380A/B
Spectrum Analyzer : Advantest R3161 with an analogue probe
RF-Generator / : Rohde & Schwarz CMU 200
GSM Tester
While every endeavour has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, some errors may exist. If any errors are found by
the reader, NOKIA should be notified in writing, using following procedure:
Please state:
Title of the Document + Issue Number/Date of publication.
Page(s) and/or Figure(s) in error.
Please send to: Nokia GmbH
SCCE Training Group
Customer Care E&A
D-44807 Bochum / Germany
No or too low TX power GSM 900 31-35
No or too low TX power GSM 1800 35
Faulty spectrum 36
No RX-calibration GSM 900 possible 37-40
No RX-calibration GSM 1800 possible 40
Poor service or no network coverage, C508 faulty 41
NHM-5/6 Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 3.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 01.02.2002
Changing of EEPROM D301
If it is necessary to change D301, take a look at chapter 2 on page 9 “Changing of D301” how you to proceed.
Furthermore never change D301 if you have no permission to rewrite IMEI – otherwise all phone data will be lost!
To avoid further problems send the phone to a higher-level NOKIA Service Center.
Changing of COBBA N800
If it is necessary to change COBBA, you have to rewrite IMEI & SIMlock data and flash the phone!
Also RX/TX-values must be realigned.
Changing of CCONT N700
If it is necessary to change CCONT, you have to realign A/D values.
Changing components in RF-part
If it is necessary to change any main component in RF-part (IC´s, oscillators, filters…) you have to realign all RX/TX values.
In case of problems to tune RF-values of GSM1800 band, check in WinTesla Configure/Options if automatic rescan function
for the phone is activated. The band will change to GSM1800 when chosen but the rescan causes that the phone change
back to GSM900. If necessary deactivate the automatic rescan function to solve the problem.
NHM-5/6 Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 3.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 01.02.2002
AM-suppression tuning in NHM-5/6
Because of a software failure in the latest NHM-5/6 DLL 311.11.00 it is necessary to run AM-suppression tuning in a special way
which is described on the following pages. In case you do not use this procedure the AM-suppression tuning values will not be
saved and WinTesla will not recognize this so that no warning message is performed.
In the first step you have to activate AM-suppression tuning as usual (Tuning/AM Suppression…):
Click on the “Measure” button to get the next window, which shows the signal values you have to adjust, then click “OK”.
After correct AM-suppression tuning in EGSM900 (RSSI-level shown in the measurement window is < -86dBm) you get the
message to proceed the tuning in PCN. At this point do not press “YES”, because differently from the message box the tuning
values will not be saved by choosing this button. Click on the “Cancel” button so that only the window shown on next page
stays on the screen.
NHM-5/6 Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 3.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 01.02.2002
To save the tuning values you have to click the “Save” button in this window. After this start the tuning procedure again by
pressing the “Measure” button, because tuning in PCN still must be done.
Next window you will get is shown below. Press “OK” (it is not necessary to choose correct signal values).
After that AM-suppression tuning in EGSM900 has been done a second time, press now the “Yes” button. The effect is that the
tuning values of EGSM900 will not be stored (but these tuning values have been stored before) and you will get the message box
shown on next page so that you can continue tuning in PCN band.
NHM-5/6 Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 3.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 01.02.2002
Set generator to the signal values mentioned in the control box, then press the “OK” button.
To save the tuning values of AM-suppression in PCN band, do not use the “Yes” button. As in case of EGSM900 choose the
“Cancel” button and click the “Save” button in the remaining window. RSSI-level in PCN tuning must be < -90dBm!
Now AM-suppression has been performed in both EGSM and PCN and you can leave the tuning by choosing “Close”.
NHM-5/6 Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 3.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 01.02.2002
Difficulties when removing B-Cover (SB13 / NHM-5)
If customer critisizes bad removal of B-Cover cut away the guiding pin of the D-Cover (see Figure 1-1).
After this procedure it is necessary to assemble the phone with a torque screwdriver prepared for 30Ncm!
Figure 1-1
Intermittent switches off problem (SB 28 / NHM-5, SB 7 / NHM-6)
To solve the problem that phone intermittent switches off even if battery is fully charged the value of R301 has to be changed
from 2x 2.2 kΩ to 2x100 Ω.
Since HW 0813 on UP4IV, 0814 on UD4, 0815 on UG4 (NHM-5), HW 0817 on UW4, 0818 on UW4II and 0819 on UX4 (NHM-6)
this change is already done.
Note that SB 12 replaces the SB 28. Do not use this procedure anymore !
Different system modules with PCB-version UB4_10 in NHM-5 (SB 25)
Most conspicuous difference between the three versions is the used power amplifier. In UP4 Hitachi PA has been used
while UD4 includes Philips PA and UG4 uses RFMD power amplifier. Last mentioned is meanwhile available as a spare part.
Whether R311 and R312 are assembled (marked “X”) depends on the used power amplifier as shown in the table below:
NHM-5/6 Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 3.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 01.02.2002
This chapter describes step by step how to change the FLASH/EEPROM-combination D301 in NHM-5/6 phones:
First to do if you want to change D301 always is a backup of the phone identity information.
Therefore use WinTesla. Under “View” open the window “Phone Information”:
Figure 2-1
If you have no possibility to save this data (e.g. phone does not switch on because of defect D301), it is necessary to give the
phone a new identity!
Having saved the phone identity information, you can now remove D301 and resolder the spare part – always use approved µBGA
rework machine for changing any µBGA!
After changing D301, the phone will not switch on because of the empty Flash, so that next action is to make a SW-update.
Start WinTesla and choose Product / Open / NHM-5 and press ok. Now you will receive the following message:
Figure 2-2
If you select Yes, WinTesla will start and you can choose Dealer / Flash Phone, so that you get the window shown on
the next page:
NHM-5/6 Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 3.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 01.02.2002
Figure 2-3
Now you have to choose a MCU Image file and PPM file for your phone by pressing on the squares with the three dots.
At this point it is not necessary to choose the right PPM file, because this SW-update is used only to make it possible to power
the phone on.
After selecting the two files, you have to press the Flash-button to start the SW-update. Next message will be the following:
Figure 2-4
Select Yes and the SW-update will start. If your phone has no fault and the new FLASH/EEPROM was well soldered, you will get
order to Restore Default User Settings – press ok. After that you will get message, that flashing completed: press ok.
Now close the Flash Phone window by pushing the Close button.