Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No. SB-025/10.12.99
Technical Support, Europe & Africa
New MCU software version 5.01 has been released for NSE-8 products.
Changes made from version 4.65 to version 5.01:
- The sidetone gains for headset have been activated and adjusted to
support the new loopset
- Hitachi Power Amplifier now uses base-level compensation instead of
power level coefficients compensation
- Front End Gain (FEG) switch on/off point changed
- Backlight control improved
- Full support for Poll Interval and Polling Off proactive commands (SIM
Application Toolkit)
- Number of PLMNs increased from seven to eight
- Picture Message Uni Code support (UCS2) improved
- Hindi language support implemented
- SIM Application Toolkit is now able to send messages even if the
keyguard is active
- New mixed case "Abc" indicator for T9. Icon that shows that the first letter
is automatically added in uppercase
- T9 dictionaries updated
- Multi-page Cell Broadcast and cell changes improved. If several multi-
page cell broadcast messages were broadcasted in the same cell,
messages might be received partially
- Improvement to Latvian key mapping. In every key (except 9-key) one of
two question marks (?) were located in the row of characters
- Note changed after erasing a Fixed Dialing Number (FDN). When editing
an FDN number and afterwards erasing it from the FDN list, the phone
previously displayed an error note "Invalid location" even though the FDN
number was erased from the FDN list. Now note "Erased" is displayed.
- When inserting an euro sign in a SMS the message length counter could
suddenly show 65535. This has changed now.
- Now the menu index in Hebrew is written the same way as in English,
only Arabic menu index is turned, e.g. 4-4-1 -> 1-4-4
- Improvement to prepaid credit menu: After selecting menu 3-8-1-1 (on)
the phone retured to menu 3-8. Now it returns to menu item 3-8-1 when
selecting 3-8-1-1 (on)
- When playing a newly composed ringing tone in the Composer, the first
tone was cut off when the keypad tones were on. Now all tones can be
NSE-8 SB-025
Operator specific changes:
- France Telecom feature: SIM Application Toolkit DTMF hiding
implemented. Feature for France Telecom to allow SIM ATK to send
DTMF tones without showing any digits in the display
- Improvement to Austria Connect ONE Information Number: Information
number up to 20 digits can now be used
- Vodaphone preferred network list selection updated to the same as all
other Nokia products
0774172 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO A Issue: 1.23
0774173 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO B Issue: 1.23
0774174 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP APAC C Issue: 1.19
0774175 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO D Issue: 1.19
0774178 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO Y Issue: 1.18
0774179 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO F Issue: 1.18
0774180 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO E Issue: 1.18
NSE-8 SB-025