Nokia 3210 Service Bulletin 044

Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No. SB-044/12.10.00 Technical Support, Europe & Africa
New MCU software version 6.00 has been released for NSE-8. Changes made from version 5.36 to version 6.00:
- Unknown callers (private/unlisted numbers) are now registered as missed calls in the Call register (menu 3-1). They are listed as "(no number)" and it is now possible to see Time of call
- Arabic (Indian) numbers are used correctly
- Improvement to receiving an over the air ringing tone. Earlier when
receiving an over the air ringing tone and selecting playback directly, the first tone would be partially cut off during the playback (only when the keypad tones were activated)
- Improvement to SIM Application Toolkit
- Improvements to T9
- when using Options menu to insert a symbol twice in an empty SMS
editor (e.g. @@) (This problem was presented only in SW versions
5.31 and 5.36)
- phone remembers the T9 state after entering and leaving the options
menu (earlier when entering and leaving the options menu from the SMS editor after having disabled T9 with the #-key, the phone would activate T9 again automatically)
- Operator list updated
NSE-8 SB-044
New Operators One.Tel 505/08 MEDITEL 604/00 SPICE 404/44 ZAO SMARTS 250/07 Celtel 628/02 KenCell 639/03 Mobilkom 295/05 MTN NG 621/00 BARAKAAT 637/01 ICMS 746/01 METEOR 272/03 A tele.ring 232/07
Operator names changed BRIDGE KYIVSTAR 255/03 WESTEL 900 WESTEL 216/30 INA JTM Airtel 404/45 and 404/49 LIBERTEL LIBERTEL 204/04
Note 1: To be able to flash NSE-8 phones with MAD2WD1 ROM6 flash device, the FPS-4 Prommer box device list has to be version 1.31.
Note 2: Phones with MAD2WD1 ROM6 cannot be flashed/reflashed with MCU software older than version 5.26
CODE DESCRIPTION 0774172 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO A 0774173 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO B 0774174 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP APAC C 0774175 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO D 0774178 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO Y 0774179 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO F 0774180 MCU SW NSE-8/9 LP EURO E
NSE-8 SB-044
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