Nokia — Proprietary and confiden tial
Use pursuan t to applicable agreements
FastMile User Manual
Nokia is a registered trademark of Nok ia Corpor ation. Other pr oduct s and company
names mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respective
The information presented is subject t o change without notice. No responsibility is
assumed for inaccuracies contained herein.
not be made available to, or copied or used by anyone outside Nokia without its
written authorization. Not to be used or disclosed except in accordance with
applicable agreements.
3TG-00088-AAAA-TCZZAIssue: 01
FastMile User ManualPreface
This preface provides general information about the user manual for the Nokia
FastMile Outdoor Unit.
This document provides an overview of the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit along with
information about safet y, install ing, and troubl eshooting t he Nokia Fast Mile Outdoor
This document is intended fo r planners, administ rators, operators, and mai ntenance
personnel involved in installing, upgrading, or maintainin g the Nokia Fast Mile
Outdoor Unit.
Table 1 provides a summary of how the main content of this manual is organized.
Table 1Main content of manual
5OverviewBrief overview of the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit
6InstallationDetailed installation steps for the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit
7TroubleshootingResolutions for problems that might be faced during installation
Chapter contentDescription
Document prefaceDefines the purpose, scope, and intended audience of this
document; explains how information is organized in this document
1.3Required knowledge
The reader must be familiar with general telecommunications principles.
1.4Acronym s and initialisms
The expansions and optional descriptions of most acronyms and initialisms used in
this document appear in the glossary at the back of the document.
Issue: 013TG-00088-AAAA-TCZZA3
User Manual
1.5Assistance and ordering phone numbers
Nokia provides global technical support through regional call centers. Phone
numbers for the regional call centers are available at the following URL:
For ordering information, contact your Nokia sales representative.
1.6Nokia quality processes
Nokia’s FastMile Outdoor Unit quality practices are in compliance with TL 9000
requirements.These requirements are docume nted in the Fixed Networks Quality
Manual 3FQ-30146-6000-QRZZA. The quality practices adequately ensure that
technical requirements and cus tomer end-point requirements are met. The customer
or its representatives may be allowed to perform on-site quality surveillance audits,
as agreed upon during contract negotiations.
1.7Safety information
For safety information, see the appropriate safety guideline chapters.
Documents are available from Nokia using ALED or OLCS.
Procedure 1To download a ZIP file package of the customer documentation
1Navigate to and enter your user name and password. If you
are a new user and require access to this service, please contact your Nokia sales
2From the Technical Content for drop-down menu, choose the product.
3Click on Downloads: Electronic Delivery.
4Choose Documentation from the drop-down menu and click Next.
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Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User ManualPreface
5Select the image from the drop-down menu and click Next.
6Follow the on-screen directions to download the file.
Procedure 2To access individual documents
Individual PDFs of customer documents are also accessible through the Nokia Customer Support
1Navigate to and enter your user name and password. If you
are a new user and require access to this service, please contact your Nokia sales
2From the Technical Content for drop-down menu, choose the product.
3Click on Manuals and Guides to display a list of customer documents by title and part
number. You can filter this list using the Release drop-down menu.
4Click on the PDF to open or save the file.
1.9Special information
The following are examples of how special inf ormation is presented in this document.
Danger — Danger indicates that the descri bed activity or
situation may result in serious personal injury or death; for
example, high voltage or electric shock hazards.
Warning — Warning indicates that the described acti vity or
situation may, or will, cause equipment damage or serious
performance problems.
Caution — Caution indicates that the described activi ty or
situation may, or will, cause service interruption.
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Note — A note provides information that is, or may be, of
special interest.
1.9.1Steps with options or substeps
When there are options in a step, they are identi fied by letters. When there are
required substeps in a step, they are identified by roman numerals.
Procedure 3Example of options in a step
At step 1, you must choose option a or b.
1This step offers two options. You must choose one of the following:
aThis is one option.
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User Manual
bThis is another option.
2You must perform this step.
Procedure 4Example of required substeps in a step
At step 1, you must perform a series of substeps within the step.
1This step has a series of substeps that you must perform to complete the step. You must
perform the following substeps:
iThis is the first substep.
iiThis is the second substep.
iiiThis is the third substep.
2 You must perform this step.
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Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User ManualPreface
1.10Multiple PDF document search
You can use Adobe Reader Release 6.0 and later to search multiple PDF files for a
common term. Adobe Reader displays the results in a single displ ay panel. The
results are grouped by PDF file, and you can expand the entry for each file.
Note — The PDF files in which you search must be in the same
Procedure 5To search multiple PDF files for a common term
1Open Adobe Acrobat Reader.
2Choose Edit→Search from the Acrobat Reader main menu. The Search PDF panel appears.
3Enter the search criteria.
4Click on the All PDF Documents In radio button.
5Select the folder in which to search using the drop-down menu.
6Click on the Search button.
Acrobat Reader displays the search results. You can expand the entries for each document
by clicking on the + symbol.
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Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User ManualETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
2ETSI environmental and CRoHS
This chapter provides i nformation about the ETSI env ironmental China Restri ction of
Hazardous Substances (CRoHS) regulations that govern the installation and
operation of Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment. This chapter also includes
environmental operation parameters of general interest.
2.1Environmental labels
This section describes the environmental instructions that are provided with the
customer documentation, equipment, and location where the equipment resides.
CRoHS is applicable to Electronic Information Products (EIP) manufactured or sol d
and imported in the territory of the mainland of the People’s Republic of China. EIP
refers to products and their accessories manufactured by using electronic
information technology, includi ng electronic communications products and such
subcomponents as batteries and cables.
2.1.2Environmental rel ated labels
Environmental labels are located on appropri ate equipment. The following are
sample labels. below Maximum Concentration Value
(MCV) label
Figure 1 shows the label that indicates a product is below the maximum
concentration value, as defined by standard SJ/T11363-2006 (Requirements for
Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic Information
Products). Products with this labe l are recyclable. The label may be found in this
documentation or on the product.
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ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
Figure 1Products below MCV value label
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User Manual containing hazardous substances above
Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) label
Figure 2 shows the label that indicates a product is above the maximum
concentration value, as defined by standard SJ/T11363-2006 (Requirements for
Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic Information
Products). The number conta ined inside the label i ndicates the Environment-Friendly
User Period (EFUP) value. The label may be found in this documentation or on the
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Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User ManualETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
Figure 2Products above MCV value label
Together with major int ernational telecommuni cations equi pment companies, Nokia
has determined it is appropriate to use an EFUP of 50 years for network
infrastructure equipment and an EFUP of 20 years for handsets and accessories.
These values are based on manufacturers' extensive practical experience of the
design, manufacturing, maintenance, usage conditions, operating environments,
and physical condition of infrastructure and handsets after years of service. The
values reflect minimum values and refer to products operated according to the
intended use conditions. See “Hazardous Substances Table (HST)” for more
2.2Hazardous Substances Table (HST)
This section describes the compliance of the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit
equipment to the CRoHS standard when the product and subassemblies contain
hazardous substances beyond th e MCV value. This infor mation is found i n this user
documentation where part numbers for the produ ct and suba ssemblies are listed. It
may be referenced in other documentation that describes the Nokia FastMile
Outdoor Unit equipment.
In accordance with the People’s Republic of China Electronic Indu stry Standard
Marking for the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products
(SJ/T11364-2006), customers may access th e Nokia Hazardous Substance Table,
in Chinese, from the following location:
Observe the following environmental requirements when handling Nokia FastMile
Outdoor Unit equipment.
2.3.1Environmental requirement s
See chapter 8 in this guide for more information about temperature ranges for the
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment and other Nokia FastMile Outdoo r Unit
According to ETS 300-019-1-1 - Class 1.1, storage of Nokia FastMil e Outdoor Unit
equipment must be in Class 1.1, weather-protected, temperature-controlled
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User Manual
According to EN 300-019-1-2 - Class 2.3, transportation of Nokia FastMile Outdoor
Unit equipment must be in packed, public transportation.
2.3.4Stationa ry use
According to EN 300-019-1-3 - Class 3.1/3.2/3.E, stationary use of Nokia FastMile
Outdoor Unit equipment must be in a temperature-control led location with no
condensation allowed.
2.3.5Thermal limitations
The thermal limitations for the Nokia FastMi le Outdoor Unit equipment are:
•operating temperature (ambient): –30°C to 65°C (–22°F to 149°F)
•operating relative humidity: 5% to 85% relati ve humidity, non-condensing
•short-term relative humidity: 5% to 93% relative humidity, non-condensing
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Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User ManualETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
2.3.6Material content compliance
European Union (EU) Directive 2002/95/EC, “Restriction of the use of certain
Hazardous Substances” (RoHS), restricts the use of lead, mercury, cadmium,
hexavalent chromium, and certain flame retardants in electrical and electronic
equipment. This Directive a pplies to electr ical and electroni c products placed on the
EU market after 1 July 2006, with various exemptions , including an exemption for
lead solder in network infrastructure equipment. Nokia products shipped to the EU
after 1 July 2006 comply with the EU RoHS Directive.
Nokia has implemented a material/substance content management proces s. The
process is described in: Nokia process for ensuring RoHS Compliance
(1AA002660031ASZZA). This ensures compliance with the European Union
Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restri ction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances
in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS2). With the process equipment is
assessed in accordance wit h the Harmonised Standard EN50581 :2012 (CENELEC)
on Technical documentation for the assessment of electr ical and electronic products
with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances.
2.3.7End-of-life collection and treatment
Electronic products bearing or referencing the symbol shown in Figure 3, wh en put
on the market within the European Union (EU), shall be collec ted and treat ed at the
end of their useful life, in compliance wit h applicable EU and local legislation. They
shall not be disposed of as part of unsorted municipa l waste. Due to materials that
may be contained in the product, such as heavy metals or batteries, t he environment
and human health may be negatively impacted as a result of inappr opriat e dispo sal.
Figure 3Recycling/take back/disposal of product symbol
At the end of its life, Nokia FastMile Outdoor Un it equipment is subject to the
applicable local legislati ons that implement the European Directive 2012/19EU on
waste electrical and electroni c equipment (WEEE).
There can be different requirements fo r collection and treatment in different member
states of the European Union.
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ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
In compliance with legal requirements and contractual agreements, whe re
applicable, Nokia will offer to provide for the collection and treatment of Nokia
products bearing the logo shown in Figure 3 at the en d of their useful life, or product s
displaced by Nokia equipment offers. For information regarding take-back of
equipment by Nokia, or for more information regarding the requirements for
recycling/disposal of product, contact your Nokia account manager or Nokia take
back support at
2.4Additional information
See Chapter 9 for RF exposure information.
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User Manual
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Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User ManualETSI safety guidelines
3ETSI safety guidelines
This chapter provides information about the mandat ory regulations that govern the
installation and operation of Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment in the ETSI
3.1Safety instructions
This section describes the safety instructions that are provided in the customer
documentation and on the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment.
3.1.1Safety instruction boxes
The safety instruction boxes are provided in the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit
customer documentation. Observe the instructions to meet safety requirements.
The following is an example of the Danger box.
Danger — Possibility of personal injury.
The Danger box indicates that the described activity or situation may pose a threat
to personal safety. It call s a ttenti on to a situat ion or procedur e which, if not c orrect ly
performed or adhered to, may result in death or seri ous physical harm.
Do not proceed beyond a Danger box until the indicated condit ions are fully
understood and met.
The following is an example of the Warning box.
Warning 1 — Possibility of equipment damage.
Warning 2 — Possibility of data loss.
The Warning box indicates that the described activ ity or situation may, or will, cause
equipment damage, loss of data, or serious performance problems. It identifies a
possible equipment-damaging situation or provides essential information to avoid the
degradation of system operations or data.
Do not proceed beyond a warning until the indica ted condit ions are fully und erstood
and met.
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ETSI safety guidelines
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User Manual
The following is an example of the Caution box.
Caution 1 — Possibility of service interruption.
Caution 2 — Service interruption.
The Caution box indicates that th e describe d acti vity or si tuati on may, or will , cause
service interruption.
Do not proceed beyond a caution until the indicated conditions are fully und erstood
and met.
The following is an example of the Note box.
Note — Information of special interest.
The Note box provides information that assists the personnel working with Nokia
FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment. It does not pr ovide safety-related instructions.
3.1.2Safety-related labels
The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment is labeled with the speci fic safety
instructions and compliance information that is related to a product, or produc t
variant, of the equipment. Observe the inst ructions on the safety labels.
Table 2 provides sample safety labels on Nokia FastMi le Outdoor Unit equipment.
Table 2Safety labels
DescriptionLabel text
ESD warningCaution: This assembly contains an electrostatic sensitive device.
3.2Safety standards compliance
This section describes Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment compl iance with the
European safety standards.
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Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User ManualETSI safety guidelines
3.2.1EMC compliance
The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment complies with the foll owing EMC
•Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Emission requirements
CISPR 32, EN 55032
•Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Immunity requirements
CISPR 35, EN55035
•Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standar d for radio equipment and servic es;
Part 1: Common technical requirements; Harmonized Standard covering the
essential requirements of ar ticle 3.1(b) of Di rective 2014/53/ EU and the essential
requirements of article 6 of Directi ve 2014/30/EU EN 301489-1
•Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standar d for radio equipment and servic es;
Part 17: Specific conditions for Broadband Data Transmission Systems;
Harmonized Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of
Directive 2014/53/EU EN 301489-17
3.2.2Equipment safety standard compliance
The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment complies with the requirements of the
•EN 60950-1, Safety of Information Technology Equi pme nt for use in a restricted
location (per R-269)
•IEC 60950-22, EN 60950-22: Information Technology Equipment- Safet y - Part 22
Equipment to be installed Outdoors
3.2.3Environmental standard comp liance
The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment complies wit h the EN 300 019 European
environmental standards.
3.2.4Laser product standard compliance
The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment is not a laser product.
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ETSI safety guidelines
3.3Electrical safety guidelines
3.3.1Power supplies
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User Manual
This section provides the electr ical safe ty guideli nes for the Noki a FastMile Outdoo r
Unit equipment.
Note 1 — The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit eq uipment complies
with the U.S. National El ectrical Code. However, local elect rical
authorities have jurisdiction when there are differences
between the local and U.S. standards.
Note 2 — The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit eq uipment complies
with BS EN 61140.
The use of any non-Nokia approved power supplies or power adapters is not
supported or endorsed by Nok ia. Such use wil l void any warranty or support co ntract
with Nokia. Such use greatly increases the danger of damage to equipment or
The following are the guidelines regarding cables used for the Nokia FastMile
Outdoor Unit equipment:
•All cables must be approved by the relevant national electrical code.
•Cables for outdoor connection to the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment
must be suitable for outdoor use.
•The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment must be used with the cabling
supplied with the equipment.
3.3.3Protective earth
Earthing and bonding of the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipmen t mus t comply
with the requirements of local electrical codes.
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Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User ManualETSI safety guidelines
3.4ESD safety guidelines
The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment is sensitive to ESD if opened.
Operations personnel must observe the f ollowing ESD instructions when they handle
the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment.
Caution — This equipment is ESD sensitive if opened. Proper
ESD protections should be u sed if you open the Noki a FastMile
Outdoor Unit.
Service personnel are not required to wear wrist straps when performing normal
installation or maintenance activities.
3.5Envir onmental requireme nts
See chapter 8 in this guide for more information about temperature ranges for the
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment and other Nokia FastMile Outdoo r Unit
During operation in the supported t emperature range, condensation i nside the Nokia
FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment caused by humidit y is not an issue because the
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit is a sealed unit.
3.6Additional information
See Chapter 9 for RF exposure information.
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Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User ManualANSI safety guidelines
4ANSI safety guidelines
This chapter provides information about the mandat ory regulations that govern the
installation and operati on of the Nokia Fast Mile Outdoor Uni t equipment in the North
American or ANSI market.
4.1Safety instructions
This section describes the safety instructions that are provided in the customer
documentation and on the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment.
4.1.1Safety instruction boxes in customer
The safety instruction boxes are provided in the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit
customer documentation. Observe the instructions to meet safety requirements.
The following is an example of the Danger box.
Danger — Possibility of personal injury.
The Danger box indicates that the described activity or situation may pose a threat
to personal safety. It call s a ttenti on to a situat ion or procedur e which, if not c orrect ly
performed or adhered to, may result in death or seri ous physical harm.
Do not proceed beyond a Danger box until the indicated condit ions are fully
understood and met.
The following is an example of the Warning box.
Warning 1 — Possibility of equipment damage.
Warning 2 — Possibility of data loss.
The Warning box indicates that the described activ ity or situation may, or will, cause
equipment damage, loss of data, or serious performance problems. It identifies a
possible equipment-damaging situation or provides essential information to avoid the
degradation of system operations or data.
Do not proceed beyond a warning until the indica ted condit ions are fully und erstood
and met.
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ANSI safety guidelines
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User Manual
The following is an example of the Caution box.
Caution 1 — Possibility of service interruption.
Caution 2 — Service interruption.
The Caution box indicates that th e describe d acti vity or si tuati on may, or will , cause
service interruption.
Do not proceed beyond a caution until the indicated conditions are fully und erstood
and met.
The following is an example of the Note box.
Note — Information of special interest.
The Note box provides information that assists the personnel working with Nokia
FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment. It does not pr ovide safety-related instructions.
4.1.2Safety-related labels
The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment is labeled with specific safety
compliance information and instructions that are related to a product, or product
variant, of the equipment. Observe the inst ructions on the safety labels.
Table 3 provides examples of the text in the various Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit
equipment safety labels.
Table 3Safety labels
DescriptionLabel text
UL complianceETL/cETL
UL50E complianceType 3
ESD warningCaution: This assembly contains electrostatic sensitive device.
FCC standards complianceTested to comply with FCC standards for home or office use.
Operation conditionsThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
CE markingThere are various CE symbols for CE compliance.
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
3TG-00088-AAAA-TCZZAIssue: 01
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User ManualANSI safety guidelines
Figure 4 shows a sample safety label for FCC and Figure 5 shows a sample safety
label for ETL.
Figure 4Sample safety label for FCC
Figure 5Sample safety label for ETL
4.2Safety standards compliance
This section describes the Nokia FastMile Outdo or Uni t equipment co mpliance wi th
North American safety standards.
Warning — Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compli ance could void
the user's authority to operate the equipment.
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ANSI safety guidelines
4.2.1EMC, EMI, and ESD compliance
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User Manual
The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment complies with th e following EMC, EMI,
and ESD requirements:
•Federal Communications Commission PART 15-RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES
Subpart C-INTENTIONAL RADIATORS Title 47 CFR Part 15. Part 15.247
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentia l
installation. This eq uipment generates, us es and can radiate radio frequenc y energy
and, if not installed and us ed in accordance with the i nstructions, may ca use harmful
interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turni ng the equipment of f and on, th e user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
Reorient or relocate the recei ving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is needed.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
4.2.2Equipment safety standard compliance
The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment complies with the requirements of:
UL62368-1, Outdoor ONTs to “Communication Service Equipment” (CSE) and
Indoor ONTs to Information Technology Equipment (ITE)
Information Technology Equipment- Safety - Part 22 Equipment to be installed
UL 60950-22
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Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User ManualANSI safety guidelines
4.3Electrical safety guidelines
This section provides the electr ical safe ty guideli nes for the Noki a FastMile Outdoo r
Unit equipment.
Note — The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment compl ies
with the U.S. National El ectrical Code. However, local elect rical
authorities have jurisdiction when there are differences
between the local and U.S. standards.
4.3.1Power supplies
The use of any non-Nokia approved power supplies or power adapters is not
supported or endorsed by Nok ia. Such use wil l void any warranty or support co ntract
with Nokia. Such use greatly increases the danger of damage to equipment or
The following are the guidelines regarding cables used for the Nokia FastMile
Outdoor Unit equipment:
•All cables must be approved by the relevant national electrical code.
•Cables for outdoor connection to the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment
be suitable for outdoor use.
•The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment must be used with the cabling
pplied with the equipment.
4.3.3Protective earth
Earthing and bonding of the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipmen t mus t comply
with the requirements of NEC article 250 or local electrical codes.
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ANSI safety guidelines
4.4ESD safety guidelines
4.5Envir onmental requireme nts
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit User Manual
The Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment is sensitive to ESD if opened.
Operations personnel must observe the f ollowing ESD instructions when they handle
the Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment.
Caution — This equipment is ESD sensitive if opened. Proper
ESD protections should be u sed if you open the Noki a FastMile
Outdoor Unit.
Service personnel are not required to wear wrist straps when performing normal
installation or maintenance activities.
See chapter 8 in this guide for more information about temperature ranges for the
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment and other Nokia FastMile Outdoo r Unit
During operation in the supported t emperature range, condensation i nside the Nokia
FastMile Outdoor Unit equipment caused by humidit y is not an issue because the
Nokia FastMile Outdoor Unit is a sealed unit.
4.6Additional information
See Chapter 9 for RF exposure information.
See Chapter 10 for additional FCC compliance information.