Nokia 2280 Service Manual 11 rh17rf

CCS Technical Documentation
RH-17 Series Transceivers
Troubleshooting — RF
Issue 1 04/2003 Confidential Nokia Corporation
Troubleshooting — RF CCS Technical Documentation
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CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting — RF
Page No
RF Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................... 5
Test Steps .....................................................................................................................5
Troubleshooting Summary ..........................................................................................9
Tuning Description ....................................................................................................13
Test 1 TS Initial Current.......................................................................................... 13
Test 2 BB Flash Phone............................................................................................ 14
Test 5 ST DBUS...................................................................................................... 15
Test 6 ST CBUS...................................................................................................... 15
Test 7 ST Aux DA................................................................................................... 16
Test 8 ST EAR Data................................................................................................ 16
Test 9 ST SleeepX................................................................................................... 17
Test 10 ST TX / DP................................................................................................. 17
Test 11 ST TX Q DP............................................................................................... 18
Test 12 ST MIF Loopback...................................................................................... 18
Test 13 ST Sleep Clock........................................................................................... 19
Test 14 ST Batman VHFPLL.................................................................................. 19
Test 15 ST Robin VHF PLL CELL ........................................................................ 20
Test 16 ST TX Detector CELL ............................................................................... 20
Test 17 SN CELL PA Temp ................................................................................... 21
Test 18 SN CELL RX BB Filter ............................................................................. 22
Test 19 and 20 SN Cell RX DC Offset I (or Q)...................................................... 22
Test 22 SN AMPS RX BB Filter ............................................................................ 22
Test 23 and 24 SN AMPS RX DC Offset I (or Q).................................................. 23
Test 25 - 27 BB Cal ADC Gain............................................................................... 23
Test 28 BB Cal BSI Gain........................................................................................ 24
Test 29 BB Cal VBAT Gain ................................................................................... 24
Test 30 BB Cal VBAT Offset ................................................................................. 24
Test 31 BB Cal VCHAR Gain ................................................................................ 25
Test 32 BB Cal VCHAR Offset.............................................................................. 25
Test 33 BB Cal ICHAR Gain.................................................................................. 26
Test 34 BB Cal ICHAR Offset................................................................................ 26
Test 35 BB Cal BTEMP Gain................................................................................. 27
Test 36 Test TX Start up Amplitude Limits [5,20]................................................. 27
Test 38 Test TX Start up Current Limits [300,600]................................................ 27
Test 39 TN VCTCXO Frequency Limits [-150, 150]............................................. 28
Test 40 - 44 TN TX IF AGC Cell Po (0) [or (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6)] .................. 29
Test 45 TN TX IF 11 dBm Set CELL Po................................................................ 30
Test 46 - 51 TN PA AGC Cal Cell Po (0) [or (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5)]................... 31
Test 52 - 56 TN TX RF AGC Cell Po (0) [or (1), (2), (3), or (4)].......................... 32
Test 61 - 67 TN TX Gain Comp Cell Po MD (or LO, LM, ML, MH, HM, or HI) 33
Test 68 TN G_Offset Cell MD................................................................................ 33
Test 69 - 75 TN TX Limiting PO IS95 Cell, Low channel (or LowMid, MidLow,
Mid, MidHigh, HighMid or High channel) ................................................... 34
Test 76 - 82 TN TX Limiting Po IS2K Cell: Low channel (or LowMid, MidLow,
Mid, MidHigh, HighMid or High channel) ................................................... 35
Test 100 -101 TS ACPR Cell - High(Low) Offset.................................................. 36
Tests 103 - 109 TN AMPS PL2 Po Low (LowMid, MidLow, Mid, MidHigh,
Troubleshooting — RF CCS Technical Documentation
HighMid, or High).......................................................................................... 36
Tests 111 - 115 TN AMPS PL3 (or 4, 5, 6, or 7) Po............................................... 37
Test 118 TN TX DC Offset Carrier Suppression.................................................... 37
Test 119 TN TX DC Offset Reference Power ........................................................ 38
Test 121 - 123 TN RX IF AGC RXdBCtr (0) [or (1) or (2)].................................. 39
Test 178 - 179 TN LNA AMPS LowGain (or HighGain) ...................................... 40
Test 126 - 139 TN LNA CELL LowGain (or HighGain) LO (or LM, ML, MD,
MH, HM, HI).................................................................................................. 40
Final UI test: Rho.................................................................................................... 41
Final UI test: Frame Error Rate (FER).................................................................... 41
Final UI test: SINAD............................................................................................... 41
Probing/Troubleshooting Tables ...............................................................................42
Transmitter Probing................................................................................................. 42
VCO Probing........................................................................................................... 46
Receiver Probing..................................................................................................... 48
RF Power Supplies.................................................................................................. 51
APPENDIX A: Phoenix Instructions .........................................................................51
To turn off Cell CDMA Transmitter .........................................................................53
To turn on the AMPS transmitter ..............................................................................54
To turn on the receiver only, in any mode .............................................................. 55
To verify a single, manual tuning............................................................................ 56
To adjust PDM values of AGCs and AFC.............................................................. 56
To read tuning values from the phone..................................................................... 57
To read RSSI and AGC PDM values from the phone............................................. 57
To load a PRL into the phone.................................................................................. 58
To change between Normal and Local modes ........................................................ 58
To add a baseband to the AMPS transmitter........................................................... 59
APPENDIX B: Definitions ........................................................................................60
Radio Portion of Phone Front Panel .........................................................................62
Robin View ................................................................................................................64
Alfred View ...............................................................................................................65
Back Panel test points ................................................................................................67
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RF Troubleshooting

Test Steps

Step Step Name: Low Limits: High Limits: Unit:
1 TS Initial Current 5 100 mA
2 BB Flash Phone Pass/Fail-
MS Off state Current 10 100 uA
3 MS Local Mode Current 30 70 mA
4 Write Phone Information Pass/Fail-
5 ST DBUS 0 10
6ST CBUS 0 10
7 ST Aux DA 0 10
8 ST Ear Data 010
9 ST Sleep X 0 10
10 ST TX I DP 0 10
11 ST TX Q DP 0 10
12 ST MFI Loopback 0 10
13 ST Sleep Clock 0 10
14 ST Batman VHF PLL 0 10
15 ST Robin VHF PLL CELL 0 10
16 ST TX Detector CELL 0 10
17 SN CELL PA Temp 200 400 ADC
18 SN CELL RX BB Filter 1 30
19 SN CELL RX DC Offset I 0 1023
20 SN CELL RX DC Offset Q 0 1023
21 PM AMPS RX Pass/Fail-
22 SN AMPS RX BB Filter 1 14
23 SN AMPS RX DC Offset I 0 1023
24 SN AMPS RX DC Offset Q 0 1023
25 BB Cal ADC Gain 2.63 2.83
Troubleshooting — RF CCS Technical Documentation
26 BB Cal ADC Offset -50 50
27 BB Cal ADC Vref 2.75 2.85
28 BB Cal BSI Gain 900 1100
29 BB Cal VBAT Gain 1.03 1.07
30 BB Cal VBAT Offset 2.4 2.6
31 BB Cal VCHAR Gain 5.7 6.3
32 BB Cal VCHAR Offset -0.2 0.2
33 BB Cal ICHAR Gain 400 450
34 BB Cal ICHAR Offset -50 50
35 BB Cal BTEMP Gain 2 2.3
36 TS TX Start-up Amplitude 5 20 dBm
37 TS TX Start-up Freq Delta -2500 2500
38 TS TX Start-up Current 300 600 mA
39 TN VCTCXO Frequency -150 150 Hz
40 TN TX IF AGC CELL Po(0) -30.5 -13.5 dBm
41 TN TX IF AGC CELL Po(1) -8 6 dBm
42 TN TX IF AGC CELL Po(2) 6.5 20.5 dBm
43 TN TX IF AGC CELL Po(3) 6.5 20.5 dBm
44 TN TX IF AGC CELL Po(4) 25 39 dBm
TN TX IF AGC CELL Po(5) 29 42 dBm
TN TX IF AGC CELL Po(6) 37 49 dBm
45 TN TX IF 11dBm Set CELL Po 10.75 11 .2 5 dBm
46 TN TX PA AGC CELL Po(0) -1 6.5 dBm
47 TN TX PA AGC CELL Po(1) 1 8.5 dBm
48 TN TX PA AGC CELL Po(2) 2 10.5 dBm
49 TN TX PA AGC CELL Po(3) 4 11 . 5 dBm
50 TN TX PA AGC CELL Po(4) 7 13 dBm
51 TN TX PA AGC CELL Po(5) 10.5 11 .5 dBm
52 TN TX RF AGC CELL Po(0) -41 -21 dBm
53 TN TX RF AGC CELL Po(1) -23.5 -7 dBm
54 TN TX RF AGC CELL Po(2) -10.5 3.5 dBm
55 TN TX RF AGC CELL Po(3) -3.5 9.5 dBm
56 TN TX RF AGC CELL Po(4) 0.5 11.5 dBm
57 TN GnSwchPnts Init RF GD AMPS 25 44.99
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58 TN GnSwchPnts RF GD AMPS 0 100
59 TN GnSwchPnts Init RF GD CELL 25 44.99
60 TN GnSwchPnts RF GD CELL 0 100
61 TN TX Gain Comp CELL Po MD -8.25 -7.75 dBm
62 TN TX Gain Comp CELL Po LO -11.5 -4.5 dBm
63 TN TX Gain Comp CELL Po LM -11.0 -4.0 dBm
64 TN TX Gain Comp CELL Po ML -11.0 -4.0 dBm
65 TN TX Gain Comp CELL Po MH -10 -3 dBm
66 TN TX Gain Comp CELL Po HM -10 -2 dBm
67 TN TX Gain Comp CELL Po HI -13.5 -5 dBm
68 TN G_Offset_CELL_MD 2600 8000
69 TN TX LIM Po IS95 CELL LO 23.3 23.5 dBm
70 TN TX LIM Po IS95 CELL LM 23.6 23.8 dBm
71 TN TX LIM Po IS95 CELL ML 24.0 24.2 dBm
72 TN TX LIM Po IS95 CELL MD 24.4 24.6 dBm
73 TN TX LIM Po IS95 CELL MH 24.3 24.5 dBm
74 TN TX LIM Po IS95 CELL HM 24.2 24.4 dBm
75 TN TX LIM Po IS95 CELL HI 24.1 24.3 dBm
76 TN TX LIM Po IS2K CELL LO 23.3 23.5 dBm
77 TN TX LIM Po IS2K CELL LM 23.6 23.8 dBm
78 TN TX LIM Po IS2K CELL ML 24 24.2 dBm
79 TN TX LIM Po IS2K CELL MD 24.4 24.6 dBm
80 TN TX LIM Po IS2K CELL MH 24.3 24.5 dBm
81 TN TX LIM Po IS2K CELL HM 24.2 24.4 dBm
82 TN TX LIM Po IS2K CELL HI 24.1 24.3 dBm
83 TN TX LIM Loops CELL LO 0 10
84 TN TX LIM Loops CELL LM 0 10
85 TN TX LIM Loops CELL ML 0 10
86 TN TX LIM Loops CELL MD 0 10
87 TN TX LIM Loops CELL MH 0 10
88 TN TX LIM Loops CELL HM 0 10
89 TN TX LIM Loops CELL HI 0 10
90 TN TX LIM Loops CELL IS2K LO 0 10
91 TN TX LIM Loops CELL IS2K LM 0 10
Troubleshooting — RF CCS Technical Documentation
92 TN TX LIM Loops CELL IS2K ML 0 10
93 TN TX LIM Loops CELL IS2K MD 0 10
94 TN TX LIM Loops CELL IS2K MH 0 10
95 TN TX LIM Loops CELL IS2K HM 0 10
96 TN TX LIM Loops CELL IS2K HI 0 10
97 TS TX LIM MeasCount CELL 0 500
98 TS TX LIM TXdBCtr Delta CELL -32767 32767
99 TS TX LIM IS95 ADC CELL MD 550 850
100 TS ACPR CELL High Offset 44 75 dB
101 TS ACPR CELL Low Offset 44 75 dB
102 TS TX LIM Current CELL 600 1000 mA
103 TN AMPS PL2 Po LO 23.3 23.4 dBm
104 TN AMPS PL2 Po LM 23.6 23.8 dBm
105 TN AMPS PL2 Po ML 24.0 24.2 dBm
106 TN AMPS PL2 Po MD 24.4 24.6 dBm
107 TN AMPS PL2 Po MH 24.3 24.5 dBm
108 TN AMPS PL2 Po HM 24.2 24.4 dBm
109 TN AMPS PL2 Po HI 24.1 24.3 dBm
110 TN AMPS PL2 MeasCount 0 500
111 TN AMPS PL3 Po 23.3 24.1 dBm
112 TN AMPS PL4 Po 19.1 20.9 dBm
11 3 TN AMPS PL5 Po 15.1 16.9 dBm
114 TN AMPS PL6 Po 11.1 12.9 dBm
11 5 TN AMPS PL7 Po 7.3 8.7 dBm
116 TN AMPS PL8 Po ADC Data 4.5 7.5
11 7 TN AMPS Low PL MeasCount 0 500
118 TN TX DC Offset CarrierSup 35 120 dB
11 9 TN TX DC Offset Ref Po -30 30 dBm
120 TN TX DC Offset MeasCount 0 500
121 TN RX IF AGC RXdBCtr(0) 23584 30848
122 TN RX IF AGC RXdBCtr(1) 14000 18000
123 TN RX IF AGC RXdBCtr(2) 5900 8900
124 TN LNA AMPS LowGain 298 3652
125 TN LNA AMPS HighGain 4359 7713
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126 TN LNA CELL LO LowGain -601 4289
127 TN LNA CELL LM LowGain -601 4289
128 TN LNA CELL ML LowGain -601 4289
129 TN LNA CELL MD LowGain 423 3777
130 TN LNA CELL MH LowGain -601 4289
131 TN LNA CELL HM LowGain -601 4289
132 TN LNA CELL HI LowGain -601 4289
133 TN LNA CELL LO HighGain 3475 8365
134 TN LNA CELL LM HighGain 3475 8365
135 TN LNA CELL ML HighGain 3475 8365
136 TN LNA CELL MD HighGain 4499 7853
137 TN LNA CELL MH HighGain 3475 8365
138 TN LNA CELL HM HighGain 3475 8365
139 TN LNA CELL HI HighGain 3475 8365
140 NVD Write RF Params Pass/Fail-
141 NVD Write Non RF Params Pass/Fail-

Troubleshooting Summary

If TX power is low, turn on transmitter in local mode using Phoenix. Check:
1 Current (0.7 - 1 A for max power, mode and channel dependent),
2 Perform visual inspection of PWB under microscope to check proper placement,
rotation, and soldering of components.
3 Look for presence of TX signal on spectrum analyzer at the correct frequency. If
signal is not on frequency, check in 100 MHz span. If signal is present but off fre­quency, check synthesizer. If signal is not present, or present but low in ampli­tude, use probing Tables 1 through 7 to determine where in the chain the fault occurs, with AGC PDMs set for known transmit power as listed in Table 1.
4 Check that AGC PDMs are set for desired TX power according to Table 1 and
ensure AGC voltages are correct.
5 According to Tables 2 and 3 (cell/AMPs), check the LOs for proper frequency and
6 Ensure power supplies to transmitter have correct voltage, as per Table 13.
Troubleshooting — RF CCS Technical Documentation
If Receiver is not working properly, turn on receiver in local mode using Phoenix and check:
1 Turn on receiver with Phoenix, inject a signal into the receiver.
2 Check the RSSI level and AGC PDM according to Table 8.
3 Perform a visual inspection of the PWB under a microscope to check proper
placement, rotation, and soldering of components.
4 Use probing Tables 8 through 12 to measure signal levels of various points in the
chain and determine where in the chain the fault lies.
5 According to Tables 9, 10, and 12 check the LOs for proper frequency and ampli-
6 Ensure power supplies to receiver have correct voltage as per Table 13.
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Figure 1: RH-17 PWB bottom (general placement)
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Figure 2: RH-17 PWB top (general placement)
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Tuning Description
Test 1 TS Initial Current
Check initial current consumption at start-up to make sure phone is consuming correct amount of current.
Explanation of Result
Phones current consumption is measured and should be between 5mA and 100 mA.
Manual Verification
Check using Power Supply and Multimeter, example follows. Power Off phone and follow setup below to verify if phone’s current consumption is correct.
1 Positive Banana connector on Test Fixture to Power Supply +
2 Ground Banana connector on Test Fixture to | on Multimeter
3 Jumper cable between Power Supply (-) and Multimeter (input low)
4 Set Multimeter to measure current (DC|)
5 Multimeter should have an initial reading, this is the current being drawn by the
6 Place phone in Test Fixture
7 Press Power key to turn phone on
8 Observe current draw at Multimeter. It should be between 5.0mA and 100.0mA.
If phone drains all available current:
Check VBAT and do a visual inspection of all baseband ICs including orientation. VBAT supplies the D200 (UEM), N603 (Tomcat), N801 (PA), X101, N100, B302, M300, N300, and X470.
Text Fixture. Null out the Multimeter to Zero the reading.
If the phone has initial current consumption at start-up then powers down:
If, after a few seconds, all circuits power down, it is normally caused because the watch­dog signal between UEM (200) and UPP (D400) has expired. Watchdog is used by the phone for fault detection.
Check voltage regulators for correct voltage. If voltage is low or not present, check for shorts.
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VCORE - 1.50V @ C403
VIO - 1.8V @ C242
VANA - 2.8V @ C264
VFLASH1 - 2.8V @ C239
VR3 - 2.8V @ C256
Check logic signals and clocks:
Power_OnX @ R301
UEMint - 2.80 Vdc @ test point J405
PURX - 2.80 Vdc @ test point J402
SleepX - 1.80 Vdc @ test point J403
Clk 19M2_UPP-19.2MHz @ C524
SleepClk - 32.768kHz @ J404
Test 2 BB Flash Phone
The purpose of this test is to verify that the phone software was downloaded at panel flash. If download was not successful, phone will try and flash for a second time.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
Manual flashing using Prommer Box and Phoenix at bench.
1 Make sure correct connection is configured at FPS-8. First, set up FPS-8 with
serial (AXS-4) and parallel cables. Next, power up box with 6-volt supply and place communication cable XCS-4 between FPS-8 and Flash Adapter (FLA-44), FLAL Fixture MJS-82, or JBV-1 (with adapter MJF-28).
2 Make sure that Phoenix’s connection is correct. In Phoenix, select File>Manage
Connections>Add>Mode to manual>Media to FBUS>Port NUM 1 or 2 (this is dependent on Local PC com port selection)>Bit Rate to 115200>COMBOXDEF_MEDIA to FBUS; then Apply.
3 Check that Prommer Box FPS-8 is correctly configured. In Phoenix, go to Flash-
ing>FPS-8/FPS-8C Maintenance. Make sure current version is A2.10.
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4 Next, try and flash phone using correct SW version. In Phoenix: Flashing>FPS-8
Flash>Press Flash. Next select OK from pop-up screen. Under next screen, Flash File Selection, choose Image File “set”. In correct directory where you store your flash files (usually programs, then Nokia, Phoenix, Flash) select correct Flash SW xxxxxxx.nep (if not sure what correct SW to use, file name should match SW in a known good phone. To check this, take good phone in Phoenix and go Prod­uct>Phone Information and check MCU SW Version). Once correct SW file is found, select OK. You will be prompted to save settings, select “yes”. Flashing should begin at this point. For first time, set up of prommer this could take a few minutes due to PC loading file to prommer RAM first. After first use, prommer stores this in internal RAM and should proceed faster with subsequent phones downloading of flash software. If phone passes, then more than likely a false fail. If phone fails, read prommer failure code and use Code Sheet in TS.
Make sure phone has PSN and SW version is correct by checking Phone Information. Ref­erence the following guides to TS flash problem: Haukka BB Operation doc, Prommer Codes, and Flash Block Diagram.
Test 5 ST DBUS
The purpose of this test is to verify that the connections between the DSP inside the UPP and the UEM, via the DBUS, are intact. The DSP will write an arbitrary value to DBUS General Control register in UEM; then DSP will read DBUS from General Control register in UEM and valid repeatability.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
In Phoenix, put phone in Local Mode. Next, BB Self Tests - select ST_UEM_DBUS_TEST, then Run.
Connections tested at UPP: DBUSDA (pad L3) check test point J414, DBUSCLK (pad K3) check test point J413, DBUSEN1X (pad J3) check test point J415. At UEM: DBUSDA (pad A11), DBUSCLK (pad D10), and DBUSENX (pad B10). Bus interface name is RFCONVC­TRL(2:0).
Test 6 ST CBUS
The purpose of this test is to verify that the connections between the MCU inside the UPP and the UEM, via the CBUS, are intact. The MCU will read CBusADCR register and verify UEM chip version is valid.
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Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
In Phoenix, put phone in Local Mode; next, BB Self Tests - select ST_UEM_CBUS_IF_TEST, then Run.
Connections tested at UPP: CBUSDA (pad G2) check test point J407, CBUSCLK (padG1) check test point J406, CBUSENX (pad F3) check test point J408. At UEM: CBUSDA (pad B7), CBUSCLK (pad A8), and CBUSENX (pad C8). Bus interface name is AUDUEMCTRL (3:0).
Test 7 ST Aux DA
The purpose of this test is to verify the AUXD and UEMINT data connections between the UPP and the UEM are intact. MCU will set the UEM looptest mode by programming the Loop Test bit in the CBUS General Control 2 register. Next, DSP will write a word to AuxD register, thus causing a rising edge on the AuxD line. MCU will verify that UEMInt occurs.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
In Phoenix, put phone in Local Mode; next BB Self Tests - select ST_AUX_DA_LOOP_TEST; then Run.
Connections tested: 1) UPP: AUXDA (pad L2) via bus interface RFCONVDA(5) to UEM: AUXDA (pad D11). 2) UPP: UEMINT (pad J2) check test point J405, via bus interface AUDUEMCTRL(0) to UEM; UEMINT (pad A10).
Test 8 ST EAR Data
The purpose of this test is to verify the EAR and MIC data connections between the UPP and the UEM are intact. MCU will set the UEM looptest mode by programming the Loop Test bit in the CBUS General Control 2 register. Next, DSP will write an arbitrary pattern to CodexRx register and then read the data from the Codec Tx register.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
In Phoenix, put phone in Local Mode. Next, BB Self Tests - select
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Connections tested at UPP: EARDATA (pad B6), MICDATA (pad A6), and at UEM: EARDATA (pad E2), MICDATA (pad F2). Bus interface name is AUDIODATA (1:0).
Test 9 ST SleeepX
The purpose of this test is to verify the Sleep connection between the UPP and the UEM is intact. This function tests the connection of pin_out and pin_in signals between UPP and UEM. The result depends on functionality of UEM loopback modes and condition of signal lines. The MCU will set UEM in looptest mode by programming via CBUS. MCU will then read sleep clock counter registers and store value. MCU then toggles SleepX signal High then Low and reads counters again. Expected value is 1 higher than previous count.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
In Phoenix, put phone in Local Mode. Next, BB Self Tests - select ST_SLEEP_X_LOOP_TEST, then Run.
Connections tested are CBUS see Test 6, Sleepclock (J404) at UEM (D9) to UPP (H3). SleepX (J403) at UEM (pad B11) from UPP (pad L1). Bus interface between UPP and UEM is PUSL (2:0). Check also at UEM the OSCCAP (C234).
Test 10 ST TX / DP
To verify that the Tx/Rx | lines between UPP and UEM are intact. MCU will set UEM into Looptest mode by programming the Loop Test bit via CBUS General Control 2 register. DSP will set Parallel-series bypass switches for both Rx and Tx in the MFI block of the UPP by programming the TxBypass and RxBypass bits in the MFI Control Register. DSP will write arbitrary value to TxRam of MFI, then DSP will read this data from RxRAM of the MFI.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
In Phoenix, put phone in Local Mode. Next, BB Self Tests - select ST_TX_IDP_LOOP_TEST, then Run.
Connections tested are CBUS see Test 6, Connections tested at UPP: RXID (pad L4), TXID
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(pad M2) and at UEM: RXID (pad C11), TXID (pad A12). Bus interface name is RFCONVDA (5:0).
Test 11 ST TX Q DP
To verify that the Tx/Rx Q lines between UPP and UEM are intact.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
In Phoenix, put phone in Local Mode. Next, BB Self Tests - select ST_TX_IQ_DP_LOOP_TEST, then Run.
Connections tested are CBUS see Test 7. Connections tested at UPP: RXQD (pad N4), TXQD (pad N2), and at UEM: RXQD (pad A14), TXQD (pad B12). Bus interface name is RFCONVDA (5:0).
Test 12 ST MIF Loopback
The purpose of this test is to verify that the Tx/Rx IQ paths inside the MFI block of the UPP are intact. DSP will swt IQSTWrap in MFI Control Register. Next, DSP will set six of the TX and Rx buffers to be the same. Sets Serial-Parallel bypass switches On. DSP will write a varying pattern to both halves of the Tx buffer, then read Rx buffer and verify data written is data received.
NOTE: This test does not test the connectivity between any two points in the HW (nodes inside of a chip do not qualify for connectivity). This test ascertains the cause of the UEM IQ Loopback Selftest failure, and determines whether the UPP or the UEM or the connec­tion between them caused the UEM IQ to Loopback Selftest fail.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
In Phoenix, put phone in Local mode: Next, BB Self Tests - select ST_MFI_IQ_LOOPBACK_TEST, then Run.
Connections tested are UPP only. If this test passes and Test 11 fails, then the problem is in UEM. If both Test 11 and Test 12 fail, the problem is in UPP.
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Test 13 ST Sleep Clock
The purpose of this test is to verify connections from 32kHz oscillator to the UEM, then from UEM to SleepClk to the UPP. Also tested is AFCOUT of the UEM to the VCTCXO, and from VCTCXO to RF clock to UPP are intact. UPP sets AFCR for UEM to set AFCOUT to mid range. Next, DSP will measure how many 19.2MHz clock cycles are present in 1024 cycles of the 32kHz clock. Next, AFCOUT is set to maximum value by writing to AFCR in UEM. Again measurement is taken as previously mentioned. The two measurements are subtracted. Then, AFCOUT is set to minimum value and again measured and compared to mid-value results. Expected values are validated by pass or fail.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
In Phoenix, put phone in Local Mode. Next, BB Self Tests - select ST_APOLL_SLEEP_CLK_TEST, then Run.
Connections tested are DBUS (see Test 5), VCTCXO circuit including AFC control voltage from UEM, Sleepclock at UEM, and also RFCLK to UPP via V500 and C524. Check also at UEM the OSCCAP (C234).
Test 14 ST Batman VHFPLL
This is one of the phone’s self tests which gives either a pass or fail result only. The VHF PLL is inside the Batman IC. The phone checks the VHFPLL’s lock detect bit. If this bit indicates that the PLL is unlocked, the test will fail.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
Turn on the Cell receiver to any channel and probe at C702 (probing point TP49 in Table 10 using an RF probe connected to a spectrum analyzer tuned to 256.2MHz. If the PLL is locked, it will be stable in frequency. If it is unlocked, you may have to use a wide span, so see if it may be far off frequency.
First check that V701 has the proper orientation, then check C701, C714, R703, R702, C715, R704, C716, L701, and C702. Also, check power supplies to Batman, particularly check for 2.7v on VR5 at C710, and on VR7 at C708, and check for 1.8v on VIO. Next check if CLK 19M2_B (C512) the reference frequency for PLL is at 19.2MHz. If no fault is found, replace N701 (Batman).
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Test 15 ST Robin VHF PLL CELL
This is one of the phone’s self-tests which gives either a pass or fail result. The VHFPLL is inside the Robin IC. The phone checks the VHFPLL’s lock detect bit. If this bit indicates that the PLL is unlocked, the test will fail.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
Turn on the Cell CDMA transmitter to any channel and probe at C638 (probing point TP27 in Table 2) using an RF probe connected to a spectrum analyzer tuned to 345.2MHz. If th PLL is locked, it will be stable in frequency. If it is unlocked, you may have to use a wide span to see it since it may be far off frequency.
First, check that V601 and V602 have the proper orientation, then check C612, C613, R607, R605, C632, R606, C638, L611, C631, C630, C629, C637, R609, C618, and R613. Check power supplies to N601 (Robin) and ensure there is 2.7v on VR3 and VR6, and 1.8v on VIO (Table 13). Next, check if CLK 19M2_R (C513) the reference frequency for PLL is at 19.2MHz. If no problems are found, replace Robin.
Test 16 ST TX Detector CELL
This is one of the phone’s self-tests which gives either a pass or fail result only. The phone transmits at several power levels and checks the ADC value of the power detector. The ADC value is measured first for a set of AGC values, then each AGC value is changed one at a time to make sure that the ADC changes as each AGC value is changed individ­ually.
Explanation of Result
Pass or Fail
Manual Verification
Using Main Mode: turn on the Cell CDMA TX with channel set to 384, and turn on IS95 modulation using CDMA control.
Using the PDM window, set:
TX_IF_AGC to -100
TX_RF_AGC to -512
PA_AGC to +511
Page 20 Nokia Corporation Confidential Issue 1 04/2003
CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting — RF
Record the TX signal power from the antenna connector using a spectrum analyzer cen­tered at 836.52Mhz. (The self-test measures the power detector reading instead, but at the present time this cannot be done with Phoenix, therefore an easy way to check func­tionality without removing the covers is to check transmitted power. If the covers are removed, the voltage on PWR_OUT, at probing point J603 can be measured.) Transmitted power should be greater than 24dBm. (PWR_OUT greater than 1.91v, which corresponds to the power detector ADC=700).
For each of the next three cases, TX power should be less than 24dBm (less than 1.91v on PWR_OUT.
1. TX_IF_AGC to -80 TX_RF_AGC to -512, PA_AGC to -512
2. TX_IF_AGC to +511, TX_RF_AGC to -512, PA_AGC to +511
3. TX_IF_AGC to -80 TX_RF_AGC to +511 PA_AGC to +511.
If there is a failure associated with only some of the cases above, check the AGC voltages and components of the associated PDMs as described in Table 1. For problems with the IF or RF AGC, also check Robin and supporting components. For PA AGC problems, also check the PA and supporting components. If all of the above cases fail, troubleshoot the TX chain as described in Probing/Troubleshooting Tables. If all the output powers are passing, then perhaps the test is failing because the ADC voltage is wrong (which at this point we cannot read, so we are measuring the actual output power). This can be verified by measuring the voltage on the PWROUT probing point J603, the limit is 1.64v. If the voltages are wrong, then check the power detector at R801, L801, R805, and C807, and also Robin. If the voltages are correct and it still fails, check the UEM (D200).
Test 17 SN CELL PA Temp
This is one of the phone’s self-tunings, which reads the ADC voltage of a thermistor R808, and checks to make sure the phone is at room temperature. The reason for this is that we don’t want to tune a phone while it is hot or cold.
Explanation of Result
The phone reports the ADC voltage value of the thermistor, and it should be within the limits.
Manual Verification
Ensure the phone is cool by letting it cool down for several minutes, and retest, keeping
Issue 1 04/2003 Nokia Corporation Confidential Page 21
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