NEC VisuaLink 128-384 Engineering User Guide

STOCK # 0293886
VisuaLink 128/384
Engineering Guide
NEC America, Inc.
NEC America, Inc. has pr ep ared thi s doc um ent for u se by i ts em­ployees and custom ers. The information conta ined herein is the property of NEC America, Inc. and shall not be reproduced without prior written approval from NEC America, Inc.
Copyright 1999
NEC America, Inc.
Printed in USA


NEC America, Inc.
VisuaLink 128/VisuaLink 384
The VisuaLink 128 and the VisuaLink 384 are stand-alone devices that allow multimedia conferencing by transmitting video, a udi o an d dat a t o r emote locations over the ISDN Basic Rat e in terface. The VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384 connect to the ISDN digital network through separately-registered NTI equipment. They provide POTS ports which allow a customer-provided 2500-type telephone access to the digital network.
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. The equipment label will appear on the rear exterior panel of the unit and will provide the FCC Registration Number, NEC trade name, model number, serial number or date of manufacture and the country of origin.
The goal of the telephone company is to provide you with the best service it can. In order to do this, it may occasionally be necessary for them to make changes in their equipment, operations, or procedures. If these changes might affect your service or the operation of your equipment, the telephone company will give you notice, in writing, to allow you to make any changes necessary to maintain uninterrupted service.
If you have any questi ons about your tele phone lin e, such as h ow many piece s of equip ment you can connect t o it, the telephone company will give you notice, in writing, to allow you to make any changes necessary to maintain uninterrupted service.
In certain circumstances, it may be necessary for the telephone company to request from you concerning the equipment which you have connecte d to your telephone line. Upon request of the telep hone company, provide the FCC registration numbe r and the ri nger equivalen ce number (REN) of the equi pment which i s connected to your line; both of these items are listed on the equipment label The sum of all of the REN's on your telephone lines should be less than five in order to assure proper service from the telephone company. In some cases, a sum of five may not be usable on a given line.
If any of your telephone equipment is not operating properly, you should immediately remove it from your telephone lines, as it may cau se harm to the tele phone ne twork. If the telephon e company not es a prob lem, they may temporarily discontinue service. When practical, they will notify you in advance of this disconnection. If advance notice is not feasible, you will be notified as soon as possible. When you are notified, you will be given the opportunity to correct the problem and informed of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.
In the event repairs are ever needed on your Visualink 128 or VisuaLink 384, they should be performed by NEC America, Inc. or an authorized representative of NEC America, Inc. For information contact:
NEC America, Inc. 1555 W. Walnut Hill Lane Irving, Texas 75038-3797 USA 972-751-7000
In order to connect this system to the telephone network, provide the telephone company with:
• the quantities and USOC numbers of the required jacks (shown below);
• the sequence in which the trunks are to be connected;
• the facility interface codes by position; and
• the ringer equivalence number or service code, as applicable, by position
MFG’s Port IDUSOC Jack
VisuaLink 128 N/A 6.0P 02IS5 1 1 AY5JPN-32617-XD-N VisuaLink 384 N/A 6.0P 02IS5 3 1 AY5JPN-32617-XD-N
Facility Interface
# CO Ports
# Stations Registration #

CSA Requirement

To ensure that certified equipment is attached correctly, and only to the networks of participating carriers, the following statement shall accompany each unit of certified equipment offered for sale. This statement must be included conspicuously in written or electronic format, at or near the front of each copy of the operating manual, or accompany other technical information, or be included as a separate sheet. The required statement is:
CP-01, Issue 8, Part I
Section 14.1
: The Industr y Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means th at the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements as prescribed in the app ropri ate Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements document(s ). The Dep artment does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user's satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and inte rnal metal lic water pipe s ystem, if pres ent, are conn ected togethe r. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.
Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the
appropriate electric inspection
VisuaLink 128 19318 140 9004A VisuaLink 384 19603 140 9104A
VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: VisuaLink Command Fundamentals ....................................................1-1
Summary ....... ........... ........... ........... ......... ........... ........... ........... ......... ........... ........... ............1-1
Communication Outline ....................................................................................................... 1-1
Physical/Ele c t ric a l ln t er fa c e .... ... ............. .. .. .............. .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. .. .......... 1-2
Communication Format ....................................................................................................... 1-3
Communication Procedure ................................................ .................................................1-5
Connecting and Incoming Call Control Basic Sequence ............................................. .......1-7
Chapter 2: Console Command List .........................................................................2-1
Chapter 3: Command Detailed Format ................................................................... 3-1
VIDEO Commands ............................................................................................................. 3-2
SVFM Setting Video Format 1-1 .................3-2
RVFM Checking Video Format Setting 1-2 .................3-2
SPIP Setting Picture-in-Picture 1-3 .................3-3
RPIP Checking Picture-in-Picture Setting 1-4 .................3-3
SSND Setting Video Input Switch 1-5 .................3-4
RSND Chec king Video Input Setting 1-6 .................3-4
SDSP Setting Monitor Output Video 1-7 .................3-5
RDSP Checking Monitor Output Video Setting 1-8 .................3-5
SPDP Setting/Checking PIP Display Format 1-9 .................3-6
SPSW Setting/Checking PIP Image when Snapshot is Viewed 1-10 ...............3-6
SCPI Setting/Checking Video Priority 1-11 ...............3-7
S263 Setting H.263 1-12 ...............3-7
R263 Checking H.263 Setting 1-13 ...............3-8
AUDIO Command ...............................................................................................................3-9
SAMD Setting Audio Mode 2-1 .................3-9
RAMD Checking Audio Mode Setting 2-2 .................3-9
SADL Setting Audio Delay 2-3 ...............3-10
RADL Checking Audio Mode Setting 2-4 ...............3-11
SMIC Setting MIC ON/OFF 2-5 ...............3-11
RMIC Checking MIC ON/OFF Setting 2-6 ...............3-12
SVOL S etting Volume 2-7 ...............3-12
RVOL Checking Volume Setting 2-8 ...............3-12
SASW Setting Audio Input/Output Port 2-9 ...............3-13
RASW Checking Audio Input/Output Port Setting 2-10 .............3-13
SMMT Sets Audio or Audio/Video Outgoing Mute Setting 2-11 .............3-14
RMMT Checking Audio or Audio/VideoOutput Mute Setting 2-12 .............3-14
SMTC Sets Audio or Audio/Video Mute Setting 2-13 .............3-15
RMTC Checking Audio or Audio/VideoOutput Mute Setti n g 2-14 .............3-15
LINE Setting Command .................................................................................................... 3-16
SNET Set ting Network Type (P x 64/56) 3-1 ........... ....3-16
RNET Checking Network Type Setting (P x 64/56) 3-2 ........... ....3-16
NNSS Setting Transmission Line Type 3-3 ........... ....3-17
NNSI Checking Transmission Line Type Setting 3-4 ...............3-17
SLSP Setting Transmission Line Speed 3-5 ........... ....3-18
RLSP Checking Transmission Line Speed Setting 3-6 ...............3-18
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Table of Contents VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide
DATA Command ............................................ .. ................................................. ................3-19
SDM2 Setting LSD Speed 4-1 ...............3-19
RDM2 Checking LSD Speed Setting 4-2 ............... 3-20
SDM3 Setting MLP Speed 4-3 ...............3-20
RDM3 Checking MLP Speed S e tt in g 4-4 .. .. ... ........ 3-21
ISDN Registering/Setting Command ................................................................................3-22
NDSS Registering My Number 5-1 ...............3-22
NDSR Checking My Number Registration 5-2 ...............3-23
MDST Registering Speed Dial 5-3 ...............3-24
MDRD Checking Speed Dial Registration 5-4 ...............3-25
NBZS Setting Incoming Call Buzzer 5-6 ............... 3-26
NBZI Checking Incoming Call Buzzer Setting 5-7 ............... 3-26
SINC Setting Incoming Call Mode 5-8 ............... 3-27
SRNG Setting/Checking Incoming Call Buzzer at Auto Answer Mode 5-9 ...............3-28
SPID Registering SPID 5-10 ............. 3-28
RPID Check ing SPID 5-11 ............. 3-29
Camera Related Registering/Setting Command ...............................................................3-30
CPPS Registering Camera Preset Position 6-1 ...............3-30
CPNS Registering Talker Name 6-2 ...............3-30
SCMK Setting Camera Model 6-3 ............... 3-31
RCMK Checking Camera Model Setting 6-4 ...............3-31
Communication Status Reading Command ................................................................. .. .. .3-32
RMAC Read Manufacturer Code 7-1 ...............3-32
RMOD Read Common Mode During Communication 7-2 ...............3-33
R221 Read H.221 Synchronous Status 7-3 ...............3-34
RPNA Read Remote Site Name (at Point-to-Point) 7-4 ...............3-34
RCST Read Participating Conference Status 7-5 ...............3-35
Alarm Related Command .................................................................................................. 3-36
CALM Read Alarm Status (1 of 2) 8-1 ...............3-36
History Reading Command ............................ .. .. .................................... .. .. .. .....................3-38
RLAM Read Communication/Alarm History 9-1 ...............3-38
Registering Local Location Name Command ........................................ .. .........................3-39
MRNS Registering Local Site Name 10-1 ............. 3-39
Serial Port Control Command ........................................................................................... 3-40
SSIO Setting Serial Port 11-1 .............3-40
RSIO Checking Serial Port Setting 11-2 ............. 3-40
Acquiring Version Command ............................................................................................3-41
RVER Requesting Software Version 12-1 ............. 3-41
Maintenance Command ................................... ................................................. .. ..............3-42
SLLB Setting Local Loopback 13-1 ............. 3-42
RLLB Checking Local Loopback Setting 13-2 ............. 3-42
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VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide Table of Contents
Report Response Control Command ......................... .. .......................... ...........................3-43
ITCS Conference Status Report Control 14-1 .............3-43
IMCU Multi-point Conference Status Report Control 14-2 .............3-43
I243 H.243 Report Control 14-3 .............3-44
ICGP Command Generator Related Report Control 14-4 .............3-44
Maintenance and Other Command ............................................. .. ....................................3-45
ISPR Setting Parameter Initialization 15-1 .............3-45
CRAM Clearing Backup Memory 15-2 .............3-45
RRST System Reset Request 15-3 .............3-45
WCLK Setting System Clock 15-4 .............3-46
RCLK Checking System Clock Setting 15-5 .............3-46
Mutli-point Conference Status Command .........................................................................3-47
RMNA Read Multi-point Conference Participating Location Name 16-1 .............3-47
RMST Read Multi-point Conference Operation Status (NEC Specific) 16-2 ........... ..3-48
RMPS Read Multi-point Conference Operation Status 16-3 .............3-49
RMMDRead Multi-point Conference Mode Status 16-4 .............3-49
Model Identification Command .........................................................................................3-50
RMES Read Model Identification 17-1 .............3-50
Audio Training Command ......................................................... ........................................3-51
ECTS Audio Training Command 18-1 .............3-51
ISDN Control Command ............. .. .......................... ................................................. .. .......3-52
NCRN Requesting Connection 19-1 .............3-52
NDSC Requesting Disconnection 19-2 .............3-53
NCIC Incoming Call Permit/Reject 19-3 .............3-53
NSTQ Communication Status Inquiry 19-4 .............3-54
Camera Control Command ...............................................................................................3-55
CAMS Request for Camera Direction Change 20-1 .............3-55
Option Control Command ................................. .......................... ......................................3-56
POCS Pointer Control 21-1 .............3-56
VCTS Talker Detection Control 21-2 .............3-56
STPR SnapShot Transmission Request 21-3 .............3-57
SXMR Standard Display Screen Setting Request 21-4 .............3-57
SXST Request to Acquire Composite Screen Setting 21-5 .............3-58
Multi-point Conference Control ......................................................................................... 3-59
COPR Request to Chairman Control 22-1 .............3-59
CSPR Multiple Address Transmission Request 22-2 .............3-60
CRPR Specific Picture Reception Request 22-3 .............3-61
CMPR Request to Switch Multiple Address Originator Monitor 22-4 .............3-61
Opening Control Command ..................... .. .. ...................................... .. .. ...........................3-62
OMES Opening Message at Unit Activation 24-1 .............3-62
Communication Status Report Command ........................................... .. ...........................3-63
H221 H.221 Synchronous Status Report 25-1 .............3-63
IMAC Manufacturer Code Report 25-2 .............3-63
IMOD Report of Common Mode in Communication 25-3 .............3-64
NDA-24233 Issue 2 Page iii
Table of Contents VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide
Alarm Status Report Command ........................................................................................3-65
RALM Alarm Status Change Report (1 of 2) 26-1 ............. 3-65
RALM Alarm Status Change Report (2 of 2) 26-1 ............. 3-66
Video Status Report Command ......................................... .. .. .. ...................................... .. .3-67
RVSR Incoming Video Synchronous Status Report 27-1 ............. 3-67
Participating Status Report Command ........... .......................... .........................................3-68
ICST Participating Conference Status Report 28-1 .............3-68
ISDN Report Command ...................................................................................... .. ............3-69
NALT Display During Calling 29-1 .............3-69
NINC Incoming Call Report 29-2 ............. 3-69
NONL On-line Report 29-3 ............. 3-69
NDCI Disconnection Report 29-4 ............. 3-70
Camera Control Report Command ...................................................................................3-71
CAMI Camera Status Report 30-1 ............. 3-71
CPNI Talker Name Display Report 30-2 .............3-71
Option Control Report Command .....................................................................................3-72
STEI SnapShot Transmission Ending Report 31-1 ............. 3-72
RFVR SnapShot Reception Report 31-2 ............. 3-72
Other Report Command .................................................................. ..................................3-73
CGSI Automatic Activation File Starting Report 32-1 ............. 3-73
CGEI Automatic Activating File Ending Report 32-2 ............. 3-73
Multi-Point Related Report Command ....................................... .. .. .. .. ..............................3-74
IMPS Multi-point Conference Operation Status Report 33-1 .............3-74
IMMD Multi-point Conference Mode Status Report 33-2 .............3-74
COPI Acquisition of Right to Operate Report 33-3 .............3-74
CSPI Multiple Address Transmission Report 33-4 ............. 3-75
CRPI Specific Picture Reception Report 33-5 .............3-75
CVCI Talker Detection Control Report 33-6 .............3-75
CSSC SnapShot Transmission Permit Report 33-7 ............. 3-76
CMPI Multiple Address Originator Monitor Video Switch Report 33-8 .............3-76
CJNI Terminal Connection Report 33-9 .............3-76
CSTI Conference Status Report 33-10 ........... 3-77
Multi-Screen Related Report Command ...................................................... .....................3-78
XMII Composite Screen Setting Report 34-1 .............3-78
XMCI Standard Display Screen Setting Report 34-2 .............3-78
XSCI Response to Composite Screen Setting Request 34-3 ............. 3-79
Microphone Command ......................................................................................................3-80
PPNI Voice Activate Microphone Report 35-1 ............. 3-80
System Error Command ............................................. ................................................. .. ...3-81
ERRI System Error Report 36-1 .............3-81
On-Screen Command .......................................................................................................3-82
SOSD Setting On-Screen Display 37-1 .............3-82
Current Power OFF Condition ................................................................. .. .......................3-83
CSTB Current Power OFF Condition 38-1 .............3-83
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VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide Table of Contents
Chapter 4: Error Response Table ............................................................................ 4-1
Chapter 5: List of Factors for Disconnection in Table ..........................................5-1
Appendix A: Pin-out Specification...........................................................................A-1
Appendix B: Line Speed Specifications..................................................................B-1
Appendix C: ISDN Q.931 Cause Code Definitions..................................................C-1
NDA-24233 Issue 2 Page v
VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide List of Tables

List of Tables

Table 1: VIDEO Command .................................................................................................... 2-1
Table 2: AUDIO Command ....................................................................................................2-1
Table 3: LINE Setting Command ........................................................................................... 2-1
Table 4: DATA Command ...................................................................................................... 2-2
Table 5: ISDN Registering/Setting Command........................................................................ 2-2
Table 6: Camera related Registering/Setting Command ......................................................... 2-2
Table 7: Communication Status Reading Command .............................................................. 2-2
Table 8: Alarm related Command ........................................................................................... 2-2
Table 9: History Reading Command ...................................................................................... 2-2
Table 10: Registering Local Location Name Command .......................................................... 2-3
Table 11: Serial Port Control Command ................................................................................... 2-3
Table 12: Acquiring Version Command ................................................................................... 2-3
Table 13: Maintenance Command ............................................................................................ 2-3
Table 14: Report Response Control Command ........................................................................2-3
Table 15: Maintenance and Other Command ...........................................................................2-3
Table 16: Maintenance and Other Command ...........................................................................2-3
Table 17: Model Identification Command ................................................................................ 2-4
Table 18: Audio Training Command ........................................................................................2-4
Table 19: ISDN Control Command .......................................................................................... 2-4
Table 20: Camera Control Command ....................................................................................... 2-4
Table 21: Option Control Command ........................................................................................ 2-4
Table 22: Multi-point Conference Control .............................................................................. 2-4
Table 23: Opening Message Command ....................................................................................2-4
Table 24: Communication Status Report Command ................................................................ 2-5
Table 25: Alarm Status Report Command ................................................................................ 2-5
Table 26: Video Status Report Command ................................................................................2-5
Table 27: Participating Status Report Command ...................................................................... 2-5
Table 28: ISDN - Report Command ......................................................................................... 2-5
Table 29: Camera Control Report Command ........................................................................... 2-5
Table 30: Option Control Report Command ............................................................................. 2-5
Table 31: Other Report Command ............................................................................................ 2-5
Table 32: Multi-point Related Report Command ..................................................................... 2-6
Table 33: Multi-Screen Related Report Command ................................................................... 2-6
Table 34: Microphone Command ............................................................................................. 2-6
Table 35: System Error Command ............................................................................................ 2-6
Table 36: On-Screen Display ....................................................................................................2-6
Table 37: Current Power OFF Condition .................................................................................. 2-6
Table 4-1: Error Response Table ...............................................................................................4-1
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VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide Chapter 1

Chapter 1: VisuaLink Comm a n d Fu nd a m en ta l s

Thank you very much for purchasing the VisuaLink 128 or VisuaLink 384.
VisuaLink is suitable for a conference with one to three people on a site, and it is a device to realize a multimedia communication of video, voice, and graphic information by connecting to an ISDN line.
This document explains the external console of the VisuaLink from a console such as a personal computer.
NEC Corporation
Notes to Remember:
(1) It is prohibited to copy a part of or the whole of the con tents of this document without permission.
(2) The contents of this document may be modified without notice.
(3) We did our best in creation of this document; however, if you notice any problems, errors, and
omissions, please let us know.
(4) We are not responsible for the result of any operation of the device regardless of the above note.
(5) Please prepare cou ntermea sures such as recover y and ba ckup for pos sible fa ilures on a syste m side
when you use this device in a system in which a superior reliability is expected.

1.1 Summary

VisuaLink is equipped with a serial external control port that enables a control from a console such as a personal computer.
The V isuaLi nk execute s a command a nd retur ns a res ponse base d on the i nputting of a command that co nsist of 4 characters or one character and three numbers.

1.2 Communication Outline

Communication protocol between the VisuaLink and a console are consisted of the following:
[1] Command: A protocol issued by a console executes a process on VisuaLink.
[2] Response: A protocol that issues a result for a command to a console. It is always issued at a command
reception. Responses are normal ending response and error response.
[3] Report: When a status is changed inside VisuaLink, a change notice such as an alarm is issued to a
console. Message protocol is issued independently from a command.
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Chapter 1 VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide

1.3 Physica l/Electrical lnterface

The external control port is at the back of the VisuaLink and uses DIN8 pin connectors. The maximum length of the control cable shall be no more than 20 ft. (6.1 meter) due to electric characteristics. Connector pin positions are as follows:
NO Name Direction Features
1 RS OUT Request to Send 2CS IN Clear to Send 3 SD OUT Send Data 4 GND - Signal Ground 5 RD IN Receive Data 6 7 DTK OUT Data Terminal Ready 8 DSR IN Data Set Ready
Directions of signals are output from VisuaLink.
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VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide Chapter 1

1.4 Communication Format

Communication between a console and VisuaLink 128/384 is done in a start-stop synchronization of the following fo rmat.
Data Format
Data Length: 7, 8 bit ASCII code Stop Bit: 1 bit Parity: Even, Odd, NONE parity Baud: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600bps
Default setting for VisuaLink is 9600, 8, none, 1.
To change the default setting use the SSPR command.
A: Connect termin al to VisuaLink Serial 2 B: Set terminal application to:
Baud: 9600 Parity: Even Bit: 8 Stopbit: 1
C: Calculate the Baud, Parity, and Bit
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b
Not in use
Not in use
00 : 1200bps 01 : 2400bps 10 : 4800bps 11 : 9600bps
00 : 7 bit | EVEN | STOP 01 1 7 bit |ODD | STOP 10 : 8 bit | EVEN | STOP 11 : 8 bit | NONE | STOP
D: Set system parameter command for the appropriate setting
Example: SSPR 168=21
Means: Your VL in now set up for 2400, 8, EVEN, 1
E: Reset the VL.
NDA-24233 Issue 2 Page 1-3
Chapter 1 VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide
Command Format
Command Name
Space Parameter CR+LF
Command: Transmit 4-character commands (only upper case can be used) Space: More than one space is transmitted between a command and a parameter Parameter: If a command requires a parameter, a parameter is assigned. (Only upper case can be used)
However, if parameters are more than one, more than one space is transmitted between parameters. CR: Transmit LF: Transmit
Carriage Return Code Line Field
Response F ormat
When the VisuaLink 128/384 is provisioned and controlled wit h a cons ol e, VisuaLink 128/384 always sends a response. Responses are normal response and error response. When sending a command from a console, please transmit the next command after checking a response. A response is transmitted in the following format.
Normal Ending
Response Parameter (when required)
Parameter: If a command is inquiring a provisioned value, a response parameter is returned. If there is no.
parameter, it is omit ted. However, if parameters are more than one, more than one s pace is
transmitted between parameters. Space: More than one space is transmitted between a command and a parameter. CR: Transmit LF: Transmit
Carriage Rerun Code Line Field
Error Ending
ERRxx: Three-character CR: Transmit LF: Transmit
and a 2-digit error number are transmitted indicating a failure.
Carriage Return Code Line Field
Report Format
Command Name
Space Parameter CR+LF
Command: Transmit 4-character reports Command (only upper case can be used) Space: More than one space is transmitted between a command and a parameter Parameter: If a command requires a parameter, a parameter is assigned. (Only upper case can be used)
However, if parameters are more than one, more than one space is transmitted between parameters. CR: Transmit LF: Transmit
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Carriage Return Code Line Field
VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide Chapter 1

1.5 Communication Procedure

There is no procedure for communication between a console and VisuaLink as a rule. Therefore, a communication line is pr esumed to be error-free. When it is remotely operat ed with a mode m, efficient operation may not be expected when a line error occurs. Because of this, in a remote control, a modem with error correction feature shall be used, or VisuaLink shall be checked for operation.
Command/Response Procedure
VisuaLink transmits a confirmation on whether a command is received and the process is completed. After sending a command, please always analyze the transmitted response before issuing a next command. If the next command is issued before a response, an error response such as ''currently processing'' may be returned.
PC Console VisuaLink
Command 1
Command 2
(1) Command 1 is issued using the external control port rather than a personal computer. (2) Analysis of a received command (parameter error, etc.) is implemented. (3) After an analysis, if it is normal, a normal response is transmitted to a personal computer after
transmitting to the remote in communication. However, if it is error response, the error shall be
analyzed, and a command shall be either suspended or re-issued.
(4) After verifying that Response 1 is normal, issue Command 2.
After issuing a command from a console, if an alarm emits in VisuaLink, an alarm report may be
transmitted before a response to the command.
Abnormal Handshake Procedure
When the VisuaLink receives a report command from a remote unit at a time the VisuaLink is sending a command to the remote unit in communication, the VisuaLink transmits an indication to a PC using the external control port and then transmits a command to the remote unit.
Console VisuaLink Remote
Command 1
Report Command
Response 1
NDA-24233 Issue 2 Page 1-5
Command 1
Chapter 1 VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide
(1) Command 1 is issued using the external control port rather than a personal computer. (2) If a report is received from the remote unit before a transmission of Command 1, it transmits a report to
a PC and then transmits C ommand 1 to th e remote unit. It transmits R esponse 1 to the PC after t he transmission. However, in parameter error and etc., it immediately transmits an error response. When an error response is received, it analyzes the error contents and sus pends the command issuance or reissues a command.
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VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide Chapter 1

1.6 Connecting and Incoming Call Control Basic Sequence

Connecting and incoming call control basic sequence (when the incoming call mode of the VisuaLink receiving a call is set to the manual incoming call setting) is shown in the following.
Call Origination
Incoming Call
VisuaLink Console
Note 1: Note 2:
Detailed sequence in a network is omitted in this description.
Parameters of each command is omitted in this description.
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Chapter 1 VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide
This page is for your notes.
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VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Console Command List

Table 1: VIDEO Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
1-1 Setting Video Format SVFM Setting 1-2 Checking Video Format S etting RVFM Status 1-3 Setting Picture-in-Picture SPIP Setting 1-4 Checking Picture-in-Picture Setting RPIP Status 1-5 Setting Video Input Switch SNDS Setting 1-6 Checking Video Input Setting RSND Status 1-7 Setting Monitor Output Video SDSP Setting 1-8 Checking Monitor Output Video Setting RDSP Status 1-9 Setting /Checking PIP Display Format SPDP Setting/Stat us 1-10 Setting/Checking PIP During Snapshot SPSW Setting/Status 1-11 Setting/Checking Video Priority SCPI Setting/Status 1-12 Setting H.263 S263 Setting 1-13 Checking H263 Setting R263 Setting

Table 2: AUDIO Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
2-1 Setting Audio Mode SAMD Setting 2-2 Checking Audio Mode Setting RAMD Status 2-3 Setting Audio Delay SADL Setting 2-4 Checking Audio Delay Setting RADL Status 2-5 Setting MIC On/Off SMIC Setting 2-6 Checking MIC On/Off Setting RMIC Status 2-7 Setting Volume SVOL Setting 2-8 Checking Volume Setting RVOL Status 2-9 Setting Audio Input/Output Port SASW Setting 2-10 Checking Audio Input/Output Port Setting RASW Status
Setting Audio Mute Operation at start of Communications
Reads the current Mute mode setting at start of Communications
Sets the Audio and Audio/Video Mute mode at start of Communications
Reads the current Mute control at start of Communications
SMMT Setting
RMMT Status
SMTC Setting
RMTC Status

Table 3: LINE Setting Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
3-1 Setting Network Type (P x 64/56) SNET Setting 3-2 Checking Ne twork Type Setting (P x 64/56) RNET Status 3-3 Setting Transmission Line Type NNS S Setting 3-4 Checking Transmission Line Type Setting NNSI Status 3-5 Setting Transmission Line Speed SLSP Setting 3-6 Checking Transmission Line Speed Setting RLSP Status
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Chapter 2 VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide

Table 4: DATA Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
4-1 Setting LSD Speed SAM2 Setting 4-2 Checking LSD Speed Setting RAM2 Status 4-3 Setting MLP Speed SDM3 Setting 4-4 Checking MLP Speed Setting RDM3 Status

Table 5: ISDN Registering/Setting Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
5-1 Registering My Number NDSS Setting 5-2 Checking My Number Registration NDSR Status 5-3 Registering Speed Dial MDST Setting 5-4 Checking Speed Dial Registration MDRD Status 5-6 Setting Incoming Call Buzzer NBZS Setting 5-7 Checking Incoming Call Buzzer Setting NBZI Status 5-8 Setting Incoming Call Mode SINC Setting/Status
5-9 5-10 Registering SPID SPID Setting
5-11 Checking SPID RPID Status
Setting/Checking Incoming Call Buzzer at Auto Answer Mode
SRNG Setting/Status

Table 6: Camera related Registering/Setting Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
6-1 Registering Camera Preset Position CPPS Setting 6-2 Registering Talker Name CPNS Setting 6-3 Setting Camera Model SCMK Setting 6-4 Checking Camera Model Setting RCMK Status

Table 7: Communication Status Reading Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
7-1 Read Manufacturer Code RMAC Status 7-2 Read Common Mode During Communication RMOD Status 7-3 Read H.221 Synchronous Status R221 Status 7-4 Read Remote Site Name (at Point-to-Point) RPNA Status 7-5 Read Pa rticipating Conference Status RCST Status

Table 8: Alarm related Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
8-1 Read Alarm Status CALM Status

Table 9: History Reading Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
9-1 Read Communication/Alarm History RLAM Status
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VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide Chapter 2

Table 10: Registering Local Location Name Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
10-1 Registering Local Site Name MRNS Setting

Table 11: Serial Port Control Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
11-1 Setting Serial Port SSIO Setting 11-2 Checking Serial Port Set ting RSIO Status

Table 12: Acquiring Version Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
12-1 Requesting Software Version RVER Operation

Table 13: Maintenance Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
13-1 Setting Local Loopback SLLB Operation 13-2 Checking Local Loopback Setting RLLB Status

Table 14: Report Response Control Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
14-1 Conference Status Report Control ITCS Operation 14-2 Multi-point Conference Status Report Control IMCU Operation 14-3 H.243 Report Control I2 43 Operation 14-4 Command Generator Related Report Control ICGP Operation

Table 15: Maintenance and Other Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
15-1 Setting Parameter Initialization ISPR Operation 15-2 Clearing Backup Memory CRAM Operation 15-3 System Reset Request RRST Operation 15-4 Setting System Clock WCLK Setting 15-5 Checking System Clock Setting RCLK Status

Table 16: Maintenance and Other Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
16-2 16-3 Read Multi-point Confere nce Operatio n Status RMPS Status
16-4 Read Multi-point Confere nce Mode Status RMMD Statu s
Read Multi-point Conference Participating Location Name
Read Multi-point Conf e rence Oper ation St atus (NEC Specific)
RMNA Status
RMST Status
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Chapter 2 VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide

Table 17: Model Identification Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
17-1 Read Model Identification RMES Status

Table 18: Audio Training Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
18-1 Initiate Audio Training ECTS Operation

Table 19: ISDN Control Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
19-1 Requesting Connection NCRN Operation 19-2 Request Disconnection NDSC Operation 19-3 Incoming Call Permit/Reject NCIC Operation 19-4 Communication Status Inquiry NSTQ Operation

Table 20: Camera Control Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
20-1 Request for Camera Direction Change CAMS Operation

Table 21: Option Control Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
21-1 Pointer Control POCS Operation 21-2 Talker Detection Control VCTS Operation 21-3 SnapShot Transmission Request STPR Operation 21-4 Standard Display Screen Setting Request SXMR Operation 21-5 Request to Acquire Composite Screen Setting SXST Operation

Table 22: Multi-point Conference Control

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
22-1 Request to Chair m an Control COPR Operation 22-2 Multiple Address Transmission Request CSPR Operation 22-3 Specific Picture Reception Request CRPR Operation
Request to Switch Multiple Address Origi nator Monitor
CMPR Operation

Table 23: Opening Message Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
23-1 Opening Message at Unit Activation OMES Report
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Table 24: Communication Status Report Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
24-1 H.221 Synchro no us Statu s Report H221 Report 24-2 Manufacturer Code Report IMAC Report 24-3 Report of Common Mode in Communication IMOD Report

Table 25: Alarm Status Report Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
25-1 Alarm Status Change Report RALM Report

Table 26: Video Status Report Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
26-1 Incoming Video Synchronous Status Report RVSR Report

Table 27: Participating Status Report Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
27-1 Participating Conference Status Report ICST Report

Table 28: ISDN - Report Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
28-1 Display During Calling NALT Report 28-2 Incoming Call Report NINC Report 28-3 On-line Report NONL Report 28-4 Disconnection Report NDCI Report

Table 29: Camera Control Report Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
29-1 Camera Status Report CAMI Report 29-2 Talker Name Display Report CPNI Report

Table 30: Option Control Report Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
30-1 SnapShot Transmission Ending Report STEI Report 30-2 SnapShot Reception Report RFVR Report

Table 31: Other Report Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
31-1 Automatic Activating File Starting Report CGSI Report 31-2 Automatic Activating File Ending Report CGEI Report
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Chapter 2 VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide

Table 32: Multi-point Related Report Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
32-1 Multi-point Conference Operation Status Report IMPS Report 32-2 Multi-point Conference M ode Status Report IMMD Report 32-3 Acquisition of Right to Operate Report COPI Report 32-4 Multiple Address Transmission Report CSPI Report 32-5 Specific Picture Reception Report CRPI Report 32-6 Talker Detection Control Report CVCI Report 32-7 SnapShot Transmission Permit Report CSSC Report
32-8 32-9 Terminal Con nection Repor t CJNI Report
32-10 Conference Status Report CSTI Report
Multiple Address Originator Monitor Video Switch Report
CMPI Report

Table 33: Multi-Screen Related Report Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
33-1 Composite Screen Setting Report XMI I Report 33-2 Standard Display Screen Setting Report XMCI Report 33-3 Response to Composite Screen Setting Request XSCI Report

Table 34: Microphone Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
34-1 Voice Activate Microphone Report PPNI Report

Table 35: System Error Command

NO Featu r e Command Name Process
35-1 System Error Report ERRI Report

Table 36: On-Screen Display

36-1 Setting On-Screen Display SOSD Operation

Table 37: Current Power OFF Condition

37-1 Set and read the current Power Off Condition CSTB Status/Report
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VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide Console Command List

Chapter 3: Command Detailed Format

Command details are described in this section according to the following format.
Command Name Command Number
Command Format:
Describe command features.
Describe command input format.
Describe a response to a command.
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Console Command List VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide

3.1 VIDEO Commands

SVFM Setting Video Format 1-1

Command Format: SVFM p1
Response: Normal Response:OK
This sets video format. VisuaLink 128/384 is equipped with a feature to code active video with kind s of resolution. The f ormats are QCIF and CIF (FICF in parameter) based on the ITU-T Recommendation H.261 and H.263. Resolution setting affects transmitted video. Received video format follows a specification from the transmitting side. If FCIF is specified in the remote unit, it automatically receives with FCIF resolution.
Error Response: ERR01

RVFM Checking Video Format Setting 1-2

Description: Command Format: RVFM
Response: Normal Response: p1 OK
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Checks the current video format setting.
Error Response: ERR01
VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide Console Command List

SPIP Setting Picture-in-Picture 1-3

Description: Command Format:
Response: Normal Response: OK
Sets PIP (small screen) display SPIP p1 p2
p1: ON : PIP output ON
OFF : PIP output OFF
P2: RT : Display at top right
RB : Display at bottom right LT : Display at top left LB : Display at bottom left
p2 is omitted when p1 = Off
Error Response: ERR01

RPIP Checking Picture-in-Picture Setting 1-4

Description: Command Format: RPIP
Checks the current PIP display status
Normal Response: p1 p2 OK
Error Response: ERR01
p1: ON : PIP output ON
OFF : PIP output OFF
p2: RT : Display at top right
RB : Display at bottom right LT : Display at top left LB : Display at bottom left
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Console Command List VisuaLink 128/384 Engineering Guide

SSND Setting Video Input Switch 1-5

Description: This sets video input switch.
Command Format:
SSND p1 p2
p1: L : local site
R : remote site
p2: C1 : Camera 1
C2 : Camera 2
Normal Response: OK
Error Response: ERR01

RSND Checking Video Input Setting 1-6

Checks the current video input sending status.
Command Format:
p1: L: local site
R: remote site
Normal Response: p1 OK
p1: C1: Camera 1
C2: Camera 2
Error Response: ERR01
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