Versa Wireless LAN
Release Note s
Thank you for purchasing the Versa® Wireles s LAN P C Card or the Vers a Wireless LAN
Access Point 500 for use on your NEC Versa notebook, PowerMate
desk top, or M obilePro™
PC Companion.*
To install the Versa Wireless LA N P C Card, select one of the followi ng procedures appropriate
to your system. Topics apply to NEC computers running the Microsoft
opera ting system or Windows 98 op erating s ystem and to Mobil eP ro systems runnin g the
Micr oso ft Windows CE operating system. The com p uter must have PC Card capabi lities.
To install the Versa Wirel ess LA N A cces s P oi nt 500, s ee “I nstall ing the Wirel es s LAN A cces s
Point 500 Software” procedure at the end of this document.
Installing the Wireless LAN on a System with
Windows 2000
Install the Wir eless LAN softwa re and drivers on your NEC Versa or PowerMate as follows. Do
not install the Versa Wireless LAN PC Card in your computer until you have installed the
Wireless LAN software and driver s from th e CD.
Do not install the Versa Wireless LAN PC Card in your computer until
you have installed the software and drivers.
Power up your computer.
Wind ows® 2000
Inser t the Wireless LA N C D in th e C D - ROM drive. The C D auto runs and displays the
Wireless LAN Main Menu. If the menu does not displa y:
At th e Main Menu, click
to view the documentation. If you don’t have it, click
on the Windows desktop and click
At the popup window, browse to the directory containing the CD (typically drive D).
PC Card
The Main Menu displays.
View User Documentation
. (
You need Adobe® Acr obat® Reade r
Install Acrobat Reader
at the View User Documen tation screen. Click
Windows 2000
Double click
or print “Are You Using MS-Windows 2000?” (CD file PC_Card/Win2000.pdf). You
can als o l eave the Reader open to view t he document.
At th e In stall Software Menu, click
At th e In stall Software Menu, click
Retu rn to the Ma in Menu
and click
Client Manager
Windows 2000 Driver
Install S oftware
and follow the prompts.
at the Main M en u .
and follow the prompts to load
the drivers on your hard drive (typically C:\Program Files\orinoco\driver).
Retu rn to the Ma in Menu
and click
to leave the program. Remove the CD from
the dr ive.
Inser t the Wireless LA N P C Card into the P C Card slot on your com p u ter. The Microsoft
Windows Found N ew Hardwa re Wi zard displays .
and copy
Versa Wireless LAN Release Notes 1

Follow the wizard prompts, s e tting t he wiza rd opt ions a s described in the “Ar e You Using
MS-Windows 2000?” document.
folder. Do not use the drivers provided in the Windows 2000 operating system driver folder.
Be su re to use the W i reles s LAN dr iver s locat ed in th e C:\ Program Files\orinoco\driver
Compl ete the installation as described in the “Are You Using MS Windows 2000?”
Installing the Wireless LAN on a System with Windows 98
Install the Wir eless LAN softwa re and drivers on your NEC Versa or PowerMate as follows. Do
not install the Versa Wireless LAN PC Card in your computer until you have installed the
Wireless LAN software fr om the CD.
Do not install the Versa Wireless LAN PC Card in your computer until
you have installed the software and drivers.
Power up your computer.
Inser t the Wireless LA N C D in th e C D - ROM drive. The C D auto runs and displays the
Main Menu. If the menu does not display:
on the Windows desktop and click
At the popup window, browse to the directory containing the CD (typically drive D).
Double click
At th e Main Menu, click
your system to view the documentation. If you don’t ha ve it , click
PC Card
The Main Menu displays.
View User Documentation
. (
You need Adobe Acrobat Reader on
at the View User Documen tation screen. Click
Install Acrobat Reader
Getting Started Guide
(CD file PC_Car d/GSG_ P C.pdf) and copy or print Chapter 2, “Installati on for
Windows.” You can als o l eave the Read er open to view the document.
At th e Main Menu, click
Upon completion of loading the software, click
Retu rn to the Ma in Menu
Install S oftware
At the Install Software Menu, click
and follow the prompts to load the software on your computer.
Retu rn to the Ma in Me n u
and click
Leave the CD in the dri ve.
Inser t the Wireless LA N P C Card into the P C Card slot on your com p u ter. The Microsoft
Windows Found N ew Hardwa re Wi zard displays .
Follow the wizard prompts, s e tting t he wiza rd opt ions a s described in the “Getting Started
When prompted to loca te the drivers, browse t o the CD-ROM drive with the Wireless
LAN CD, double click the Drivers folder, and select Win_98.
the drivers provided in the Windows 98 operating system driver folder.
Be sure to use the Wireless LAN drivers located on the Wireless LAN CD. Do not use
Cont in u e wi th the wizar d .
Compl ete the installation as described in the “Getting Started Guide.”
2 Versa Wireless LAN Release Notes