NEC VisuaLink 128-384 User Manual

STOCK # 0293884
VisuaLink 128/384
User Guide
NEC America, Inc.
NEC America, Inc. reserves the right to change the specifications, functions, or features, at any time, without notice.
NEC America, Inc. has pr ep ared thi s doc um ent for u se by i ts em­ployees and custom ers. The information conta ined herein is the property of NEC America, Inc. and shall not be reproduced without prior written approval from NEC America, Inc.
Copyright 1998
NEC America, Inc.
Printed in USA


NEC America, Inc.
VisuaLink 128/VisuaLink 384
The VisuaLink 128 and the VisuaLink 384 are stand-alone devices that allow multimedia conferencing by transmitting video, a udi o an d dat a t o r emote locations over the ISDN Basic Rat e in terface. The VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384 connect to the ISDN digital network through separately-registered NTI equipment. They provide POTS ports which allow a customer-provided 2500-type telephone access to the digital network.
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. The equipment label will appear on the rear exterior panel of the unit and will provide the FCC Registration Number, NEC trade name, model number, serial number or date of manufacture and the country of origin.
The goal of the telephone company is to provide you with the best service it can. In order to do this, it may occasionally be necessary for them to make changes in their equipment, operations, or procedures. If these changes might affect your service or the operation of your equipment, the telephone company will give you notice, in writing, to allow you to make any changes necessary to maintain uninterrupted service.
If you have any questi ons about your tele phone lin e, such as h ow many piece s of equip ment you can connect t o it, the telephone company will give you notice, in writing, to allow you to make any changes necessary to maintain uninterrupted service.
In certain circumstances, it may be necessary for the telephone company to request from you concerning the equipment which you have connecte d to your telephone line. Upon request of the telep hone company, provide the FCC registration numbe r and the ri nger equivalen ce number (REN) of the equi pment which i s connected to your line; both of these items are listed on the equipment label The sum of all of the REN's on your telephone lines should be less than five in order to assure proper service from the telephone company. In some cases, a sum of five may not be usable on a given line.
If any of your telephone equipment is not operating properly, you should immediately remove it from your telephone lines, as it may cau se harm to the tele phone ne twork. If the telephon e company not es a prob lem, they may temporarily discontinue service. When practical, they will notify you in advance of this disconnection. If advance notice is not feasible, you will be notified as soon as possible. When you are notified, you will be given the opportunity to correct the problem and informed of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.
In the event repairs are ever needed on your Visualink 128 or VisuaLink 384, they should be performed by NEC America, Inc. or an authorized representative of NEC America, Inc. For information contact:
NEC America, Inc. 1555 W. Walnut Hill Lane Irving, Texas 75038-3797 USA 972-751-7000
In order to connect this system to the telephone network, provide the telephone company with:
the quantities and USOC numbers of the required jacks (shown below);
the sequence in which the trunks are to be connected;
the facility interface codes by position; and
the ringer equivalence number or service code, as applicable, by position
MFG’s Port IDUSOC Jack
VisuaLink 128 N/A 6.0P 02IS5 1 1 AY5JPN-32617-XD-N VisuaLink 384 N/A 6.0P 02IS5 3 1 AY5JPN-32617-XD-N
Facility Interface
# CO Ports
# Stations Registration #

CSA Requirement

To ensure that certified equipment is attached correctly, and only to the networks of participating carriers, the following statement shall accompany each unit of certified equipment offered for sale. This statement must be included conspicuously in written or electronic format, at or near the front of each copy of the operating manual, or accompany other technical information, or be included as a separate sheet. The required statement is:
CP-01, Issue 8, Part I
Section 14.1
: The Industr y Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means th at the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements as prescribed in the app ropri ate Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements document(s ). The Dep artment does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user's satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and inte rnal metal lic water pipe s ystem, if pres ent, are conn ected togethe r. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.
Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the
appropriate electric inspection
VisuaLink 128 19318 140 9004A VisuaLink 384 19603 140 9104A
VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introducing Your VisuaLink................................................................ 1-1
Applying for ISDN BRI ........................................................................................................ 1-1
Unpacking........................................................................................................................... 1-2
Chapter 2 Introduction of VisuaLink.................................................................... 2-1
About your VisuaLink.......................... .. .. .. .. .. .................................... .. .. .. ............................ 2-1
Front Panel Description ...................................................................................................... 2-2
VisuaLink 128 Rear Panel Description ..................... .......................... .......................... ...... 2-3
VisuaLink 384 Rear Panel Description ..................... .......................... .......................... ...... 2-4
Remote Contro lle r.................. .. .............. .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. 2-9
Chapter 3 Initial Setting and Operation Checking.............................................. 3-1
Chapter 4 Application Setup................................................................................. 4-1
Guidelines........................................................................................................................... 4-1
Hardware .............. .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. .. ............. ... ............. .. ............. ... ............... 4-2
Software Setu p ........... ............. ... ............. .. ............. ... ............. .. ............. ... ............. .. ......... 4-23
Setting Up your ISDN Line Information............................................. .......................... .. .... 4-24
Optional User Settings ...................................................................................................... 4-27
Chapter 5 System Parameter/Environment Setting............................................ 5-1
Environment Setting Menu.................................................................................................. 5-1
Video Setting....................................................................................................................... 5-6
Audio Setting....................................................................................................................... 5-8
Data Setting . ............. .. ............. ... ............. .. ............. ... ............. .. ............. ... ............. .. ......... 5-11
Communication Setting..................................................................................................... 5-13
Local Setting ..................................................................................................................... 5-15
Maintenance Settings ....................................................................................................... 5-29
Chapter 6 About Calling........................................................................................ 6-1
Place a Manual Call........................................... .. .......................... ..................................... 6-1
Set Speed Dial Nu mb e r ....................... ............. .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. .. .............. .. .. 6-6
End a Call ......................................................................................................................... 6-1 6
Answer a Call.................................................................................................................... 6-17
Chapter 7 Conference Mode................................................................................. 7-1
How to Display the Conference Mode On-Screen Icons .................................................... 7-1
Picture-in-Picture Menu ...................................................................................................... 7-4
Camera Preset Me n u......... .. ............. ... ............. .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. .. .............. .. .. 7-7
Audio Conditioning.................................... .. .. .................................... .. .. .. .......................... 7-10
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T a b le of Conten ts VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide
Chapter 8 Operation Method................................................................................. 8-1
System Status..................................................................................................................... 8-1
Volume Control ...... .. ... ............. .. ............. ... ............. .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. .. ............ 8-3
Muting Your Microphone..................................................................................................... 8-4
Switching Monitor Screens................................................................................................. 8-5
Switching Camera Pictures................................................................................................. 8-7
PIP Functions.....................................................................................................................8-10
Send a Snapshot ...................... .......................... ................................................. .. ........... 8-11
Camera Functions.......................................... .......................... ......................... ............... 8-13
Using Camera Preset........................................................................................................ 8-16
Pointer Display.................................................................................................................. 8-17
Chapter 9 VisuaLink Troubleshooting Guide...................................................... 9-1
Appendix A Audio/Data/Video Bit Rate Assignment Table.................................. A-1
Appendix B Software Upgrade Instructions .......................................................... B-1
Appendix C CALL Menu Structure.......................................................................... C-1
Appendix D How to Order ISDN BRI....................................................................... D-1
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List of Figures VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide

List of Figures

Figure 4-1: Connection Diagram for VisuaLink 128.................... ..... .... .................. 4-2
Figure 4-2: Connection Diagram for VisuaLink 384.................... ..... .... .................. 4-3
Figure 4-3: Connection Diagram for VisuaLink 128.................... ..... .... .................. 4-5
Figure 4-4: Connection Diagram for VisuaLink 384.................... ..... .... .................. 4-6
Figure 4-5: Connection Diagram for VisuaLink 128.................... ..... .... .................. 4-9
Figure 4-6: Connection Diagram for VisuaLink 384............................. ..... ..... ...... 4-10
Figure 4-7: Equipment Placement ......................................................................... 4-12
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List of Tables VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide

List of Tables

Table 1-1: Parts List for the VL128 and VL384..................................................... 1-2
Table 1-2: Optional parts to be provided.............................................................. 1-3
Table 2-1: VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384 General Parameters.................... 2-5
Table 2-2: VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384 External Interface Parameters.... 2-7
Table 9-1: Troubleshooting Guide........................................................................ 9-1
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VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Introducing Your VisuaLink

1.1 Applying for ISDN
This device cannot be used unless a connection to
is provided. Verify that a ISDN line exists before the CODEC is installed.
What to watch out for when filling out an ISDN BRI application:
As defined by Bellcore; the ISDN BRI simplified ordering code is EZ-ISDN1.
The ISDN BRI protocol national ISDN-1.
The ISDN BRI service must be tariffed and available from the customer’s local central office.
The D-Channel should not permit X.25 packet data.
The ISDN BRI service must allow videoconferencing calls to be dialed on either B-Channel or on both simultaneously.
Both B-Channel must carry circuit switched videoconferencing data.
The ISDN BRI line required one or two different SPID numbers.
The ISDN BRI service must be automatic Terminal Endpoint Identifiers (TEIs).
Voice and data features:
Flexible ca lling
Call forwarding variable
ISDN BRI Communication
Additional call offering
Call number identification
Redirecting number delivery
How to Order ISDN BRI Guide
A thoroughly and forwarded to your Teleco provider. This document is located in
Appendix D
has been prepared. This guide sho uld be rea d
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Chapter 1 VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide

1.2 Unpacking

Item Description
(A) Main Unit
(B) Remote controller and batteries
Opening the Box Please take out the device wit hout giv ing any impac t on it when ope ning the box. Please keep the box after opening it, since you may use it when you send the
device for repair, maintenance and/or travel.
The Contents of the Package The VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384 package contains the following items. Please verify these items are contained the box.
Table 1-1: Parts List for the VL128 and VL384
This is the main unit of the VisuaLink 128 or VisuaLink 384.
This is a remote controller use d to control the VisuaL ink 128 or VisuaLink 384. Two AA batteries are also included.
(C) AC Adapter
This is an AC adapter for VisuaLink 128 or VisuaLink 384.
(D) VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Provides procedures for installation, operations and
maintenance of the VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384.
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VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Chapter 1
Table 1-1: Parts List for the VL128 and VL384 (continued)
(E) Audio Video Cable
This cable is used to connect peripheral devices such as camera and TV to the VisuaLink 128 or VisuaLink 384.
Table 1-2: Optional parts to be provided
(A) BRI Network Cable
This cable is used to c onnec t the VisuaL ink 1 28 or VisuaL ink 384 to an ISDN BRI network.
Three (3) cables are required for a VisuaLink 384.
(B) Microphone
(C) Video Cable
The microphone co nnect s to th e rear o f the Vis uaLin k 128 or VisuaLink 384. There are 3 microphone inputs.
This cable is used to c onnec t the VisuaL ink 1 28 or VisuaL ink 384 S-Video (output video) to a TV monitor.
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Chapter 1 VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide
Table 1-2: Optional parts to be provided (continued)
(D) Camera
A pan/tilt zoom focus camera that provides a video image shot to the far-site.
Used in the turnkey rollabout configurations.
(E) PC Camera
A fixed camera used to provide a one or two person shot to the far site.
Used in the desktop application.
(F) Monitor
(G) Cabinet
A TV monitor to provide for viewing of the far-site.
Provided with the turnkey rollabout configuration.
A equipment stand to house all the Rollabout peripherals such as the VisuaLink and NT1’s.
Cabinet is used f or the turnk e y rollab out con figur ati on.
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VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Introduction of VisuaLink

2.1 About your VisuaLink

The VisuaLink 128 and the VisuaLink 384 are devices that easily realize a multimedia confere nce by trans mit ting v ide o, audi o, and d ata t o a remote lo catio n with the use of BRI service. The VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384 provide a low-end TV conference for a small group of people when connected to a hands­free telephone. In addition, with a connection with a PC, a TV conference using data conference application such as an electric presentation will be available. The VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384 also provide a high-performance model with a built-in echo canceller applicable for video conferences with microphones and speakers in a conference room.

2.1.1 The characteristics of VisuaLink 128 are

You can use it as a high quality TV phone by connecting a TV, telephone, and video camera.
You can use it as a serious business videoconference system by connecting optional video camera, microphone, and speakers.
You can easily operate it from a telephone or a remote controller.
You can connect any PC model for a conference with a PC. (However, a data conference software is required in your PC. Please contact to sales rep. to get information fo r what ty pe of software is availa bl e fo r the data conference with the VL128.
2.1.2 The characterist ics of V isuaLin k 384 are the same as those fo r the V isuaLink
128 listed above, plus
It has an internal IMUX.
You can connect to three (3) NT-1s.
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Chapter 2 VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide

2.2 Front Panel Description

This section briefly describes names and features of the VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384.
B1 B2-B6
The push-button switch is used to turn on and off the main power. When the power is on, the power lamp will be lit.
Remote controller optical receiver This is a optical receiver, which receives signal from remote controller.
LED Display Power Lamp (power) : a green light will eluminate when the power is ON. When the VisuaLink is powered OFF, there is no light.
Line connection status lamp (LINE)
LINE B1: Flashing light indicates channel is calling to the remote end. Steady light indicates connection/communicating with the remote end. LINE B2-B6: Flashing lig ht indicates channel is ca lling to the remote end. Steady light indicates connection/communicating with the remote end.
Head set terminal The head set jack is used to connect an optional headset.
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VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Chapter 2
2.3 VisuaLink 128
Rear Panel Description
➂➃ ➅
VIDEO 2 IN (S-Video input): Provides an S-Video input connection for a
Serial1 Serial2/RMT
camera or other video source.
VIDEO 1 IN (NTSC input): Provides a composite input connection for a camera or other video source.
VIDEO 2 OUT (S-Video output): Provides an S-Video output connection to a monitor or other display device.
VIDEO 1 OUT (NTSC output): Provides a composite output connection to a monitor or other display device.
AUDIO IN: Provides a line level audio input from a VCR, audio mixer , other audio transmission device or External Echo Canceller connection.
AUDIO OUT (AUX output): Provides a line level audio output to an amplified speaker, other audio receiver device or External Echo Canceller connection.
MIC 1~3: Mini stereo phono plugs connection for one to three microphones.
SERIAL 1 (RS232C input): Provides a mini din connection conforming to RS232 for connection to a PC or other data device.
SERIAL 2/ RMT (RS232C input/output): Provides a mini din connection comforming to RS232 fo r conn ection to a PC, camera or other RS232 device.
TEL terminal: Provides an RJ11 jack for connecting the VoicePoint or other two wire tele phone.
S/T LINE terminal: Provi des an ISDN BRI S interface us ed to connect to the communication data line.
DC power inp ut terminal: P rovides an AC adapter int erface for AC power.
Grounding terminal: Provides a ground connect io n at should be connected t o earth ground.
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Chapter 2 VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide

2.4 VisuaLink 384 Rear Panel Description

VIDEO 2 IN (S-Video input): Provides an S-Video input connection for a
Serial1 Serial2/RMT
camera or other video source.
VIDEO 1 IN (NTSC input): Provides a composite input connection for a camera or other video source.
VIDEO 2 OUT (S-V ideo ou tput): P rovides an S-Video output connection to a monitor or other display device.
VIDEO 1 OUT (NTSC output): Provides a composite output connection to a monitor or other display device.
AUDIO IN: Provides a line level a udio i nput f rom a VCR, audio mixer, other audio transmission device or External Echo Canceller connection.
AUDIO OUT (AUX output): Provides a line level audio output to an amplified speaker, other audio receiver device or External Echo Canceller connection.
MIC 1~3: Mini stereo phono plugs connection for one to three microphones.
SERIAL 1 (RS232C input): Provides a mini din connection conforming to RS232 for connection to a PC or other data device.
SERIAL 2/ RMT (RS232C input/output): Provides a mini din connection comforming to RS232 for connection to a PC, came ra or other RS232 device.
TEL terminal: Provides an RJ11 jack for connecting the VoicePoint or other two wire telephone.
S/T LINE terminal: Provides three (3) ISDN BRI S interfaces to connect to the communication data line.
DC power input terminal: Provides an AC adapter interface for AC power.
Grounding terminal: Provides a ground conne ct ion at should be connect ed t o earth ground.
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VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Chapter 2
Table 2-1: VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384 General Parameters
Parameter VisuaLink 128 VisuaLink 384
Connection Line Type
Transmission Speed
Interface One RJ-45 Modular Jack Three RJ-45 Modular Jacks Compression H. 261, H.263 H. 261, H.263
Input / Output Interface
Protcol H/281, NEC video method H/281, NEC video method Control VCCI, D3O VCCI, D3O
Basic Rate Interface (BRI) National ISDN-1
• 64 Kbps (B)
• 2x64 Kbps (2B)
• Upgradeable to 384 Kbps
Px56 Kbps mode complies with B and 2B
• CIF (resolution: 352x288) (H.261)
• QCIF (resolution: 176x144) (H.263)
• Annex D (720x480) still graphic transmission / reception
• NTSC composite: 1 input, 1 output (RCA pin jack)
• S-Video component: 1 input, 1 output (DIN 4-pin)
Basic Rate Interface (BRI) National ISDN-1
• 64 Kbps (B), 2 x 64kbps (2B)
• 128, 192, 256, 320, 384 Kbps
• 56, 112, 168, 224, 280, 336kbps P x 56kbps mode co mp lie s w i th B an d 2B.
• CIF (resolution: 352x288) (H.261)
• QCIF (resolution: 176x144) (H.263)
• Annex D (720x480) still graphic
transmission / reception
• NTSC composite: 1 input, 1 ou tpu t (R CA pin
• S-Video component: 1 input, 1 output (DIN 4-
• G.711 (3.4kHz)
Echo Control 7kHz built-in echo canceller 7kHz built-in echo canceller
Input / Output Interface
• G.722 (7kHz)
• G.728 (3.4kHz)
• Line Audio: 1 input, 1 output (RCA pin jack)
• Headset: 1 input, 1 output (stereo mini plug)
• Analog phone port: 1 input 1 output (RJ­11 modular jack)
• Microphone input port: 3 inputs (mono mini plug)
• Ports: 2 Serial (DIN 8-pin)
• Speed: 1.2-38.4 Kbps, asynchronous
• Start-Stop synchronization
• PC control
• Camera control
• T/120 data transmission
• Generic data transmission
• G.711 (3.4kHz)
• G.722 (7kHz)
• G.728 (3.4kHz)
• Line Audio: 1 input, 1 output (RCA pin jack)
• Headset: 1 input, 1 output (stereo mini plug)
• Analog phone port: 1 input, 1 output (RJ-11 modular jack)
• Microphone input port: 3 inputs (mono mini plug)
• Ports: 2 Serial (DIN 8-pin)
• Speed: 1.2-38.4 Kbps, asynchronous
• Start-Stop synchronization
• PC control
• Camera control
• T/120 data transmission
• Generic data transmission
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Chapter 2 VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide
Table 2-1: VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384 General Parameters (continued)
Parameter VisuaLink 128 VisuaLink 384
User Interface
Unit Size
Power Requirements
Operating Environment
• Wireless remote control (built-in IR receiver)
• PC connected (with serial port) PC software sold separately is required
• Telephone (for analog line, 2-line cable, RJ-11)
• Dimensions: 10”(W) x 7”(D) x 2.25” (H) (254 mm x 177 mm x 57 mm)
• Weight: less than 5 lbs. (3 kg.)
Attached external AC adapter:
• Input Voltage: 90-110 VAC, 50-60 Hz
• Output Voltage: +5VDC @ 4.2 A (max)
• Temperature: 40°-104° F (5°-40
• Humidity: 20-80%, Non-condensing
• Wireless remote control (built-in IR receiver)
• PC connected (with serial port) PC software sold separately is required
• Telephone (for analog line, 2-line cable, RJ-11)
• Dimensions: 10”(W) x 7”(D) x 2.25” (H) (254 mm x 177 mm x 57 mm)
• Weight: less than 5 lbs. (3 kg.)
Attached external AC adapter:
• Input Voltage: 90-110 VAC, 50-60 Hz
• Output Voltage: +5VDC @ 4.2 A (max)
• Temperature: 40°-104° F (5°-40° C)
• Humidity: 20-80%, Non-condensing
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VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Chapter 2
Table 2-2: VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384 External Interface Parameters
Parameter VisuaLink 128 VisuaLink 384
Line Interface
Video 1 In
Video Input
Video 2 In
Video 1 Out
Video Output
Video 2 Out
• Applicable Line: (1) ISDN BRI (2) High speed digital leased line
• Interface: National ISDN-1
• Connector: 1 Modular jack (RJ-45)
• Transmission speed: 64/56 Kbps B, 2x64/2x56 Kbps 2B
• Standard: NTSC composite signal (525 line, 59.94Hz)
• Connector: RCA pin jack
• Standard: S-Video Component signal (525 line, 59.94Hz)
• Connector: DIN 4-pin
• Standard: NTSC composite signal (525 line, 59.94Hz)
• Connector: RCA pin jack
• Standard: S-Video Component signal (525 line, 59.94Hz)
• Connector: DIN 4-pin
• Applicable Line: (1) ISDN BRI (2) High speed digital leased line
• Interface: National ISDN-1
• Connectors: 3 Modular jacks (RJ-45)
• Transmission speed:
1) 64, 128 192, 256, 320, 384 Kbps
2) 56, 112, 168, 224, 280, 336kbps
• Standard: NTSC composite signal (525 line, 59.94Hz)
• Connector: RCA pin jack
• Standard: S-Video Component signal (525 line, 59.94Hz)
• Connector: DIN 4-pin
• Standard: NTSC composite signal (525 line, 59.94Hz)
• Connector: RCA pin jack
• Standard: S-Video Component signal (525 line, 59.94Hz)
• Connector: DIN 4-pin
Audio Input
Line Audio In
Headset Input
Microphone Input
• Input level: -10dBv
• Excessive Load Level:+3dB (G711, G728), +9dB (G722)
• Input Impedance: High impedance, unbalanced
• Connector: RCA pin jack
(Using recommended headset):
• Microphone: Electric condenser type (power supply voltage +25V)
• Input impedance: High impedance
(Using recommended microphone):
• Number of connections: 3
• Applicable microphone: Electric condenser type (pow er supply v oltag e + 15V)
• Impedance: Low impedance
• Input level: -10dBv
• Excessive Load Level:+3dB (G711, G728), +9dB (G722)
• Input Impedance: High impedance, unbalanced
• Connector: RCA pin jack
(Using recommended headset):
• Microphone: Electric condenser type (power supply voltage +25V)
• Input impedance: High impedance
(Using recommended microphone):
• Number of connections: 3
• Applicable microphone: Electric condenser type (power supply voltage + 15V)
• Impedance: Low impedance
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Chapter 2 VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide
Table 2-2: VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLink 384 External Interface Parameters (continued)
Parameter VisuaLink 128 VisuaLink 384
Line Audio Out
Audio Output
Headset Output
Serial 1
Serial Port
Serial 2 / RMT
Analog Phone Interface
AC Adapter Interf ac e
• Output level: -10dBv
• Excessive Load Level: +3dB (G711, G728), +9dB (G722)
• Output Impedance: Low impedance, unbalanced
• Connector: RCA pin jack
(Using recommended headset):
• Speaker: Dynamic speaker
• Impedance: Low impedance
• Connector: DIN 8-pin
• Communication speed: 1.2~38.4 Kbps, start stop synchronization
• Connector: DIN 8-pin
• Communication speed: 1.2~38.4 Kbps, start stop synchronization
• Connecting cable: 2-line cable
• Connector: 6-pin modular jack (RJ-11)
• Voltage: +5VDC
• Polarity: + inside, - outside
• Connector: EIAJ RC-5320A applicable
• Output level: -10dBv
• Excessive Load Level: +3dB (G711, G728), +9dB (G722)
• Output Impedance: Low impedance, unbalanced
• Connector: RCA pin jack
(Using recommended headset):
• Speaker: Dynamic speaker
• Impedance: Low impedance
• Connector: DIN 8-pin
• Communication speed: 1.2~38.4 Kbps, start stop synchronization
• Connector: DIN 8-pin
• Communication speed: 1.2~38.4 Kbps, start stop synchronization
• Connecting cable: 2-line cable
• Connector: 6-pin modular jack (RJ-11)
• Voltage: +5VDC
• Polarity: + inside, - outside
• Connector: EIAJ RC-5320A applicable
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VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Chapter 2

2.5 Remote Controller

2.5.1 Basic Operational Buttons

From top left to down followed by top right to down. (a) MENU button
Displays the configuration menus on-screen.
(b) CALL button
Displays the line connection menu.
(c) HANG UP button
Hangs-up the video conference line.
(d) CALL PAGE button
Allows for scrolling of on-screen menus.
Provides Pan/Tilt control of the camera. In addition, provides up down/left/ right control of the cursor when the menu is displayed.
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Chapter 2 VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide
(f) NUMERICAL button
Used to enter preset dialing numbers and camera presets.
(g) STATUS button
Displays local time and conference status on-screen.
(h) MUTE button
Toggles between muting and unmuting the local mics.
(i) VOLUME button
Allows adjustment of the audio output.
(j) CANCEL button
Cancel the last entered using the on-screen menus.
(k) ENTER button
Stores a value set by the user.
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VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Chapter 2

2.5.2 Video Conference, Operational Buttons

From top left to down followed by top right to down.
1. RECEIVE button Displays the far-site’s video on-screen.
2. PREVIEW button Displays the local video on-screen.
3. MAIN CAMERA button Sends video input #1 image to the far-site.
4. CAMERA 2 button Sends the video #2 image to the far-site.
5. NEAR END button Activates local camera control.
NDA-24230 Issue 2.0 Page 2-11
Chapter 2 VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide
6. SNAPSHOT VIEW button Displays the graphic camera image.
7. POINTER button This turns on and off a pointer display.
8. PIP button This turns on and off a PIP display.
9. SNAPSHOT SEND button Sends a graphic image to the far-site.
10.ZOOM button Allows for camera control of zoom in/out function.
11.FAR END button Activates far-site camera control.
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VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Initial Setting and Operation Checking

After completing the external phase, start the initial setting of VisuaLink.

3.1 Preparation

3.2 Turn Power ON or OFF

Put the attached two batteries in the attached remote controller.
Turn the VisuaLink and all external equipment power in the ON position.
Position the TV monitor and t he VisuaLink system so that they c an be v iewed.
The VisuaLink can be turned ON or
Power Switch
Turning on the power:
by the
Power LED
B1 B2-B6
on the front.
Press the powering up, the green LED power lamp and Line B1 and B2-B6 light simultaneously. While the system is in an initialize state, a blue screen with the message VisuaLink has completed its initialization, the message will disappear and be replaced with a preview video ima ge. In addition the B1 and B2-B6 LEDs wil l be extinguished.
Note 1:
Note 2:
Turning power OFF:
When the the power turns
Please wait for a while
Unstable picture and sound may momentarily be output at the start of the initialization.
If Line B1 B2-B6 LEDs do not extinguish after initialization (about 30 seconds), please turn power
. The power lamp extinguishes when the power is
on the front of the VisuaLink. While the unit is
will be displayed on the monitor. When the
and then back to the ON position.
is pressed while the power is in the ON position,
NDA-24230 Issue 2.0 Page 3-1
Chapter 3 VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide
This page is for your notes.
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VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Application Setup

4.1 Guidelines

The following are key points when installing the VisuaLink.
(1) The V is uaLi nk should be installed on a flat surface. It is not recommended
that the unit be installed on its side.
(2) Please allow for 2 inches (6 centi meters) on both sides of the equipment for
(3) Allow the front of the unit to be visible.
The following are the specifications for the IR receiver/transmitter.
(1) The receiver is able to receive an IR signal up to 20 feet (6 meters).
(2) The IR receiver should be able to receive a signal at an angle of 30
or less from t he left to right.
(3) The IR receiver should be able to receive a signal at an angle of 15 degrees
or less from the top to bottom.
Please place only light objects on the equipment such as a telephone.
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Chapter 4 VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide

4.2 Hardware

The preceeding s ections wil l give step by ste p procedures for the installat ion of the VisuaLink system in specific applications. Pick the application and follow the instructions. This section gives a description on how to setup a VisuaLink as a stand alone.

4.2.1 VisuaLink Standalone

Parts List
No. Name Note
1 VisuaLink 128 or VisuaLink 384 CODEC Engine. 2 Controllable Camera Generic camera to allow for the transmission of video. 3 Microphone Generic microphone to allow for transmission of audio 4 Monitor TV monitor to display local and remote video
S Interface
U Interface
Serial1 Serial2/RMT
VisuaLink 128
Figure 4-1: Connection Diagram for VisuaLink 128
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