The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does
not represent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments Software Synthesis
GmbH. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement
and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication may be copied,
reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior
written permission by Native Instruments Software Synthesis GmbH. All product
and company names are trademarks of their respective owners.
And also, if you’re reading this, it means you bought the software rather than stole
it. It’s because of people like you that we can continue to create great tools and
update them. So, thank you very much.
Users Guide written by: Rick Scott, Marius Wilhelmi, Len Sasso, Stephan Schmitt,
Erik Wiegand, James Walker-Hall, Julian Ringel
Special thanks to Henri Hagenow, Dan Santucci and Hanna Felski.
REAKTOR is a trademark of Native Instruments Software Synthesis.
Germany USA
Native Instruments GmbH Native Instruments USA, Inc.
Schlesische Str. 28 5631 A Hollywood Boulevard
D-10997 Berlin Los Angeles, CA 90028
Germany USA
Index ......................................................................................................451
Table of Contents – XIIIREAKTOR 5
14 – IntroductionREAKTOR 5
1. Introduction
1.1. What is REAKTOR?
REAKTOR is a powerful and flexible program that turns your computer into a
professional-strength synthesis, sampling, and audio-processing system. With
REAKTOR’s completely modular structure, you can build virtually any digital
audio device that you can imagine. From relatively simple analog synths to large
modular systems, from basic sample players to exotic granular (re)samplers,
from elementary delay lines to full-featured reverb units, your creativity will
have virtually no limits.
If building your own instruments and effects is not your top priority, you’ll still
find plenty to do with REAKTOR. It comes packed with hundreds of instruments
and effects of all kinds. Want a simple FM synth? It’s there. Want a sample
player with independent control of time and pitch shifting? Load it up. Want
a multi-effects box to munge your audio files? It’s at your fingertips. And the
best part of the REAKTOR library is that it enables you to get right down to
the business of making music.
If something in the library doesn’t do exactly what you need, its modular structure and its control elements are accessible for you to modify. Nothing is hidden.
And there’s an active user community and online library with new instruments
and effects being added all the time. In short, you decide how to use REAKTOR.
Fire up a pre-built ensemble (combination of instruments) today, add some
snapshots (presets) and make some modifications tomorrow, build your own
instrument from the ground up the next day. Just get started!
1.2. New/Changed Features in REAKTOR 5
REAKTOR 5 represents a major advancement in flexibility, power, and sonic
potential over REAKTOR 4. The following sections present a short overview
of new and changed features in REAKTOR 5.
1.3. Event Initialization
REAKTOR 5 has a new initialization scheme for event inputs that is used if
the REAKTOR 4 Legacy Mode option is disabled (in the Ensemble Properties
dialog). We strongly recommend that you disable REAKTOR 4 Legacy Mode
in your ensembles for the sake of future compatibility!
Introduction – 15REAKTOR 5
1.4. REAKTOR Core Technology
The biggest change to REAKTOR 5 is that it provides two levels of functionality: the primary level and the core level.
The primary level comprises the instruments, macros, and modules as they
are known from REAKTOR 4.
The core level, also known as the REAKTOR Core, comprises three new objects: core cells, core macros, and core modules. A core cell (*.rcc file) is a
macro/module hybrid that serves as a bridge between the primary and core
levels of REAKTOR. Just as primary-level structures consist of primary macros
(*.mdl files) and primary modules, core-cell structures consist of core macros
(*.rcm files) and core modules.
16 – IntroductionREAKTOR 5
Note that primary and core macros are stored in external files (*.mdl and *.rcm,
respectively), but that primary and core modules are built into the REAKTOR
program. For this reason, modules are referred to as built-in modules.
Core cells, and the core macros and modules they contain, are built upon new
concepts of signal propagation and runtime compilation. Using REAKTOR
Core technology enables builders to design sophisticated signal-processing
structures, that would not have been possible in REAKTOR 4. For a comprehensive introduction to REAKTOR Core technology, please refer to the
separate REAKTOR Core manual.
1.5. New Primary Modules
There are no new primary modules for audio generation and processing in
REAKTOR 5, because this type of low-level functionality is, from now on,
realized at the core level (i.e. within core cells), not at the primary level. The
is a comprehensive, ever-growing library of core cells, core macros, and core
modules for low-level DSP processing.
The new primary modules focus on the user interface, data storage, voice
routing. MIDI input/output, and internal connections.
The new modules are:
• Mouse Area (Panel) - enables other modules (such as Multi Display
and Poly Display) to process mouse actions (button clicks, mouse
drags, changes in position, etc.).
• Multi Display and Poly Display (Panel) - enable REAKTOR users
to generate and manipulate multiple graphical objects (rectangles,
pictures, animations, etc.).
• Stacked Macro and Panel Index (Panel) - enable multiple macros
to share the same display area in an instrument panel, where one
macro is displayed at a time.
• Snap Value Array (Auxiliary) - stores/recalls arrays of values to/from
the edit buffer and snapshots.
Introduction – 17REAKTOR 5
• IC Send (Terminal) and IC Receive (Terminal) - send/receive mono-
phonic event signals anywhere in the ensemble. IC stands for internal connection.
• Numeric Readout – is a panel element to display numeric values.
For detailed information on each of these modules, see the Primary Modules
1.6. Changed Primary Modules
The appearance and functionality of several REAKTOR 4 modules has been
changed in REAKTOR 5:
• Invert, Rectify (Math), and Merge, Order, Value, LogicAND, Logic OR, Logic XOR, Logic NOT (Event Processing) - the structure icons
for all of these modules are different from those in REAKTOR 4.
• Meter, Lamp, Multi Picture, Multi Text (Panel), MIDI In Controller, MIDI Out Controller - the Internal Connections list in the Properties
dialog has been removed from all these modules; Internal connections
are now established by the IC Send and IC Receive modules.
• Snap Value (Auxiliary) - can now be run in monophonic or polyphonic
mode. (In REAKTOR 4, Snap Value is a monophonic-only module.)
• Panel Controls (Panel) - the functionality of several REAKTOR 4 panel
control modules has been changed in REAKTOR 5. Control and port
labels can be edited in panel view (in unlocked mode). Control values
can be set in panel view (in locked mode). Most panel controls can
have panel skins. There are new options for instrument and primary
macro background pictures. For detailed information on each of these
modules, see the Primary Modules Reference.
18 – IntroductionREAKTOR 5
1.7. New Functions
There are several new functions in REAKTOR 5:
• Panelsets - an enhanced replacement for REAKTOR 4 screensets.
• Bookmarking a structure - you can bookmark a structure so that you
can jump straight to it from any other structure in the ensemble.
• Locking an instrument’s voice allocation settings - an instrument’s
voice allocation settings (Voices, Max Unison V, and Min Unison
V) can now be locked by turning on the Lock Voices option (in the
Properties dialog).
• Voice & MIDI Slave option - an instrument’s voice allocation and
MIDI In settings can now be controlled from another instrument in
the ensemble.
• Panel skins - REAKTOR 5 enables you to customize the appearance
of several panel controls by applying skins to them: faders, knobs,
buttons, lists, switches, Receive modules, lamps, and meters.
• Instrument and macro borders - you can now add borders (blank
margins) to instrument panels and framed primary macros.
• Auditioning audio files in the Browser and Sample Map Editor - the
REAKTOR 5 Browser and Sample Map Editor both support audio-file
auditioning (pre-listening).
• Initialization - REAKTOR 5 has a new initialization scheme for event
inputs that is used if the REAKTOR 4 Legacy Mode option is disabled
(in the Ensemble Properties dialog).
• User Content folders - during installation, REAKTOR 5 creates separate
folders for its system files (ensembles, instruments, primary macros,
core cells, core macros), and for user files that are created/maintained
by the user (ensembles, instruments, primary macros, core cells, core
macros, audio, imported files, pictures, snapshots, tables).
• Deleting wires - wires can now be deleted by dragging the mouse
from the input port to which the wire is connected to a blank part of
the structure.
• Debug option - Show Event Initialization Order numbers modules in
a structure to show their initialization sort order.
• CPU peak meter – The CPU meter has been extended. It now also
features a bar to show the average CPU drain (white), peak above
average (yellow), CPU overload (red).
Introduction – 19REAKTOR 5
1.8. Changed Functions
Several REAKTOR 4 functions have been changed in REAKTOR 5:
• Ensemble Panel window - there is now only one panel window, the
former Ensemble Panel window. All instrument panels reside within
the Ensemble Panel window.
• Structure windows - in order to minimize Structure window clutter,
REAKTOR 5 displays all structures (ensemble, instrument, primary
macro, core cell, and core macro) in the same Structure window. You
can bypass this feature and open a structure in a separate window by
Alt+double-clicking the structure icon, or WindowsXP: Right-clicking
/ OS X: Ctrl+clicking the icon and selecting Structure Window from
the context menu.
• Main toolbar - several aspects of the REAKTOR 4 Main toolbar have
been changed in REAKTOR 5. The number of Main toolbar elements
has been reduced, because the Ensemble Panel window and Structure
windows now have their own toolbars. In the OS X implementation of
REAKTOR 5, the toolbar is now displayed as a toolbox that can be
placed anywhere on the screen, in order to keep the window headers
There are now two MIDI activity lamps: External MIDI In and External
MIDI Out. During the compilation of a core structure, the CPU load
indicator changes to a compilation progress bar.
• Ensemble Panel and Structure toolbars - Ensemble Panel window
and Structure windows now have their own toolbars, each with a set
of the most commonly used functions in that window.
• Instrument header - Several aspects of the REAKTOR 4 Instrument
header have been changed in REAKTOR 5. The A, B, and Minimize
buttons have been moved to the left. The panel Lock/Unlock function
now has its own button (wrench icon). The Mute and Solo buttons
have been removed. There are now four MIDI activity lamps: External
and Internal MIDI In, and External and Internal MIDI Out. The In and
Out drop-down menus provide access to all of the input and output
connections (MIDI and wiring) of the instrument.
• Browser item access - The REAKTOR 5 Browser provides dedicated
buttons that enable you to fast access system and custom folders.
20 – IntroductionREAKTOR 5
1.9. Discarded and Reassigned Functions
Several REAKTOR 4 functions have been discarded or reassigned in
• There are no longer separate panels for instruments. All instrument
panels are displayed in the Ensemble Panel window. The new Panelset
bar provides easy (one-click) access to all of an ensemble’s instrument panels.
• REAKTOR 4 screensets (storage slots for ensemble layouts) have
been replaced by REAKTOR 5 panelsets (see New Functions, pan-elsets).
• The Browser no longer supports wiring (this has been reassigned to
the In and Out menus in an instrument’s panel header), structure
browsing, and module loading.
• The internal MIDI connections of an instrument are no longer set
in the instrument’s Properties dialog; they are set in the instrument
panel header’s In and Out menus.
1.10. Opening REAKTOR 3 Ensembles
Ensembles saved with REAKTOR 3 will not open in REAKTOR 5 unless the
REAKTOR 3 USB copy protection key is plugged in. If you have the key, install
it and plug it into your USB port, then open the REAKTOR 3 ensembles in
REAKTOR 5 and save them as REAKTOR 5 files. Once you’ve done this, you’ll
be able to open the ensemble files without using the key. There is also a Batch
Processing function to perform the convertion of many files at once.
Introduction – 21REAKTOR 5
2. Product Authorization
Part of the REAKTOR 5 installation is a Product Authorization which has to be
fullfilled in order to make permanent use of the software. We recommend that
you take notice of this chapter first, then proceed with the software installation
as described in the following chapters and finally return to this chapter.
2.1. What is the Product Authorization?
The Product Authorization includes a full registration. After having completed
the authorization, you can make use of all online services related to the registered product. On the Native Instruments website you can read online tutorials,
get technical support, participate in the NI forums and download updates.
REAKTOR 5 requires the Product Authorization in order to use the software
permanently. You can run REAKTOR 5 for 30 days without any limitations.
As long as the software runs unauthorized a message at every program start
reminds you that the authorization has not been completed yet and indicates
how many more days the software is running without an authorization.
The Product Authorization is performed by a small application called
Registration Tool. The Registration Tool generates a so called System ID which
serves as request code for receiving an Authorization Key. The System ID is
based on some hardware components of your computer system, the operating
system version and the serial number you have entered at the REAKTOR 5
Note: Exchanging your audio card, MIDI interface or external equipment
will not start the request for a new Authorization Key. Only exchanging a
basic hardware component in your computer or installing a new operating system might produce a new Product Authorization request. In this
case the Registration Tool will reflect the change by displaying a new
System ID and you have to repeat the Product Authorization.
The System ID has to be sent to Native Instruments in order to receive the
Authorization Key which allows the permanent use of REAKTOR 5. Since
the Product Authorization is part of the license agreement REAKTOR 5 will
stop launching after 30 days if it was not authorized until then. Of course, it
is also possible to complete the Product Authorization after 30 days. In this
case the software will launch again as soon as the Product Authorization has
been completed.
22 – Product AuthorizationREAKTOR 5
Note: The data transfer at the online Product Authorization is done via
a secure connection using 128 bit encryption. Native Instruments keeps
your personal data like email and postal address in confidence. No data
will be passed to a third party.
Registration Tool
2.2. Conducting the Product Authorization
Native Instruments has set a high value on making the authorization procedure
as easy and comfortable as possible. In the following sections we describe
three methods of conducting the Product Authorization. We recommend
Method A and Method B since these result in the easiest and fastest way of
receiving the Authorization Key.
. Method A: REAKTOR 5 computer has direct access to the internet
Important: This method requires a valid email address to complete the
Product Authorization, since the registration code will be sent to you
by email.
Product Authorization – 23REAKTOR 5
• Windows: Start the Registration Tool from the start menu (Native
Instruments REAKTOR 5 REAKTOR 5 Registration Tool) or from
the REAKTOR 5 installation folder (default path: C:\Program Files\
Native Instruments\REAKTOR 5\).
• MacOS: Start the Registration Tool from the REAKTOR 5 installation
folder (default path: Applications\REAKTOR 5\).
• A click on the Register Now button opens the Native Instruments
registration webpage. Therefore your standard Internet Browser will
be opened and an internet connection will be established according
to your system settings. Your System ID will be automatically transmitted to the registration form.
• On the first online page you are asked if it is your First Registration at
Native Instruments or if you want to do an Additional Registration.
• Depending on the option you have chosen on the first online page
you now get a login page asking for your username and password or
a form where you can fill out your address data. Please fill out all
required fields and follow the instructions on the screen to complete
the registration.
24 – Product AuthorizationREAKTOR 5
• On the last online registration page your Authorization Key is directly
shown in the browser. Please copy the full number (12 x 5 digits)
and paste it to the registration tool. Within a few minutes you will
also receive an email from the Native Instruments registration system
containing the Authorization key. The Authorization key is available
in the email body and additionally as text attachment. This email
also contains the password which is required for using the online
• Start the Registration Tool again and either copy the Authorization
Key from the email and press the Paste from Clipboard. button in
the Registration Tool or use the Open File button in the Registration
Tool to open the email attachment which you previously have saved
to hard disk.
Product Authorization – 25REAKTOR 5
Click on the Complete button.
After completing the Product Authorization the Registration Tool looks like
Now the REAKTOR 5 Product Authorization has been completed. The authorization message at every REAKTOR 5 start has disappeared and you can
use the software permanently:
2.4. Method B: Internet Connection on another computer
Important: This method requires a valid email address to complete the
Product Authorization, since the Authorization Key will be send to you
by email.
• Windows: Start the Registration Tool from the start menu (Native
Instruments REAKTOR 5 REAKTOR 5 Registration Tool) or from
the REAKTOR 5 installation folder (default path: C:\Program Files\
Native Instruments\REAKTOR 5\).
• MacOS: Start the Registration Tool from the REAKTOR 5 installation
folder (default path: Applications\REAKTOR 5\).
26 – Product AuthorizationREAKTOR 5
• A click on the Save Registration File button opens a Save dialog for
saving a HTML file. Save the HTML file to any storage medium.
• Transfer the HTML file to another computer where you have internet
access (via floppy disk, CDR etc.).
• Open the HTML file in your internet browser.
• The HTML page contains a link for the registration page on the Native
Instruments website. When you click on this link an internet connection will be established according to your system settings.
• On the first online page you are asked if it is your First Registration at
Native Instruments or if you want to do an Additional Registration.
• Depending on the option you have chosen on the first online page
you now get a login page asking for your username and password or
a form where you can fill out your address data. Please fill out all
required fields and follow the instructions on the screen to complete
the registration.
• Within a few minutes you will receive an email from the Native
Instruments registration system containing the Authorization key.
The Authorization key is available in the email body and additionally
as text attachment. This email also contains the password which is
required for using the online services.
• Transfer the text attachment to the computer where you have installed
Product Authorization – 27REAKTOR 5
• Start the Registration Tool again and use the Open File button in the
Registration Tool to open the email attachment which you previously
have saved to hard disk.
• Click on the Complete button.
After completing the Product Authorization the Registration Tool looks
like this
Now the REAKTOR 5 Product Authorization has been completed. The authorization message at every REAKTOR 5 start has disappeared and you can
use the software permanently:
2.5. Method C: No Internet Connection available
Important: Following this method you will have to fill in a form which
you send to Native Instruments. You will receive the Authorization Key
either by email (recommended), by postal mail or by fax. If you do not
provide Native Instruments with a valid email address in the form, be
prepared to type in the Authorization Key manually (about 60 digits).
If you do not have access to the internet or if you do not have a working email
address, the Product Authorization can also be done via postal mail or fax.
Although Native Instruments goes after a fast handling of your authorization
28 – Product AuthorizationREAKTOR 5
requests, it is generally recommended that you prefer Method A or Method B for shortest return times and most comfortable operation. Please note the
following instructions to fullfill the Product Authorization:
• Windows: Start the Registration Tool from the Windows start menu
(Native Instruments REAKTOR 5 REAKTOR 5 Registration Tool)
or from the REAKTOR 5 installation folder (default path: C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\REAKTOR 5\).
• MacOS: Start the Registration Tool from the REAKTOR 5 installation
folder (default path: Applications\REAKTOR 5\)
• A click on the Fill Out Form button opens a local HTML file in the
operating system’s standard browser or another program which you
have defined as standard application for opening HTML files.
• The HTML file contains all information Native Instruments requires
for completing the Product Authorization and registration. Please fill
in the required data and print it out, or write a letter containing the
If you write a letter please attend to a legible handwriting to avoid mistakes at the Native Instruments registration team. Illegible email or postal
addresses can cause problems with the Authorization Key delivery.
Product Authorization – 29REAKTOR 5
Send the form to Native Instruments using one of the following contact addresses:
Native Instruments GmbH Native Instruments USA
Registration 5631 A Hollywood Boulevard
Schlesische Straße 28 Los Angeles CA 90028
10997 Berlin USA
Fax: +49 30 6110352400 Fax: +1-323-372-3676
• You will receive the Authorization Key via email (recommended), fax
or mail.
• Start the Registration Tool again and either copy the Authorization
Key from the email and press the Paste from Clipboard button in
the Registration Tool or use the Open File button in the Registration
Tool to open the email attachment which you previously have saved
to hard disk. If you have received the Authorization Key by mail or
fax, type it in manually.
• Click on the Complete button.
• Now the REAKTOR 5 Product Authorization has been completed. The
authorization message at every REAKTOR 5 start has disappeared
and you can use the software permanently:
2.6. Registration support
If you run into problems during the Product Authorization the Native Instruments
registration support team will be happy to help you. In this case send a support request on the NI website using the following URL:
Please describe the occurred problem as accurate as possible and provide the
registration support team with the necessary details to solve the problem.
30 – Product AuthorizationREAKTOR 5
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