The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not repre
a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by
this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media.
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or record
ed, for any purpose, without prior written permission by Native Instruments GmbH, herein
after referred to as Native Instruments. All product and company names are ™ or ® trade
marks of their respective owners.
Document authored by: Aleksander Rebane
Product Version: 5.5 (06/2010)
Document version: 1.0 (06/2010)
Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs,
but in making this a better product.
Native Instruments GmbH
Schlesische Str. 28
D-10997 Berlin
3.2.3Creating, Recalling, and Removing Bookmarks43
3.3.1Loading a KOMPLETE Instrument48
3.3.2Opening an Ensemble51
3.3.3Playing an Ensemble55
3.3.4Saving an Ensemble61
3.3.5Creating a New Ensemble62
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 4
3.5Other Common Operations67
3.6REAKTOR as a Plug-In73
3.6.1The Autosave Feature73
3.6.2Window Sizes in the REAKTOR Plug-In76
4.1Recalling Snapshots80
4.2Adding and Removing Snapshots83
4.3Renaming and Copying Snapshots87
4.4Comparing Snapshots88
4.5Morphing Between Snapshots90
4.6Randomizing Snapshots94
4.7Snapshot Banks98
4.8Defining Snapshot Behavior for Instruments105
4.7.1Saving, Loading, and Creating Snapshot Banks98
4.7.2Cloning and Deleting Banks101
4.7.3Renumbering and Renaming Banks103
5Player/Recorder Bar
Table of Contents
5.1Using the Audio Player109
5.2Using the Audio Recorder112
5.1.1Loading a File into the Player and Player Auto Mode110
5.1.2Playback with the File Player111
5.2.1Recording an Audio Signal113
5.2.2File Recorder Properties115
6Sample Map Editor
6.2Creating a Simple Sampler and Sample Map120
6.1.1Sample Maps118
6.1.2Viewing the Sample Map Editor118
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 5
Table of Contents
6.3Editing the Sample List124
6.4Settings for Individual Samples133
6.2.1Building a Simple Sampler121
6.2.2Creating a Simple Sample Map123
6.3.1Basic Editing125
6.3.2Sample List Functions128
6.4.1Auditioning Samples133
6.4.2Setting Sample Playback and Loop Parameters135
6.4.3Using an External Sample Editor138
7Structure View
7.1Inserting Objects into the Structure141
7.2Basic Operations in the Structure146
7.3Connecting Objects152
7.4Creating an Active Signal Flow162
7.1.1Inserting Instruments into the Structure141
7.1.2Inserting Macros into the Structure144
7.1.3Inserting Modules and Core Cells into the Structure145
7.2.1Selecting Objects146
7.2.2Moving Objects148
7.2.3Duplicating Objects149
7.2.4Deleting Objects150
7.2.5Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Objects151
7.2.6Saving Objects152
7.3.1Dragging Wires between Objects152
7.3.2Port Types154
7.3.3Dynamic Ports155
7.3.4Port Order156
7.4.1Activating Objects162
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 6
Table of Contents
7.5Choosing the Right Objects165
7.6Object Properties173
7.4.2Muting Objects163
7.4.3Signal Flows Where REAKTOR Is an Effect Unit164
7.5.1Which Object Type to Choose165
7.5.2Panel Elements169
7.5.6Audio Modifiers170
7.5.9Envelopes, LFOs (Control)171
7.5.11MIDI In, MIDI Out172
7.5.12Signal Path172
7.5.13Event Processing173
7.6.1Function Page174
7.6.2Info Page174
7.6.3View Page175
7.6.4Connections Page175
8Panel Editing
8.1Setting Panel Layout Properties176
8.1.1The Panel and Instrument Layouts176
8.1.2Working with Panelsets177
8.1.3Working with Panel Views182
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 7
8.2Inserting and Modifying Panel Controls185
8.3Changing the Instrument Appearance206
8.4Choosing the Macro Appearance213
8.5Customized Panel Elements217
8.2.1Faders and Knobs185
8.3.1Editing the Instrument Panel Colors206
8.3.2Choosing the Background Picture210
8.5.1Supported Formats and Loading Pictures217
8.5.3Knob Skins and Animations221
8.5.4Resizability and a Custom Control225
8.5.5General Guidelines for Skins234
9The Primary Level Paradigm
Table of Contents
9.1Audio signals237
9.2Event Signals238
9.2.1An Event Is Tied to a Point in Time239
9.2.2The Order of Events241
9.2.3Events from the Same Source242
9.2.4Controlling the Event Order242
9.3.1Polyphonic and Monophonic Signals251
9.3.2Changing the Number of Polyphonic and Unison Voices256
9.3.3Changing an Instrument's Voice Allocation Settings and Tuning260
9.3.4Using Voices for Parallel Processing263
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 8
9.4Different Value Ranges and Scales in REAKTOR267
9.4.1The MIDI Scale268
9.4.2The Linear Frequency and Logarithmic Pitch Scales272
9.4.3The Linear Amplitude and Logarithmic Decibel Scales273
10 Working with Sampler Modules
10.1Managing Your Samples and RAM274
10.2Differences between the Sampler Modules277
10.3Setting the Properties of Sampler Modules281
10.1.1Sample Files and RAM274
10.1.2Multiple Use of Identical Samples275
10.1.3Missing Samples276
10.1.4Storing Samples with Modules276
10.1.5Sample Analysis277
10.2.1“Conventional” Sampler Modules278
10.2.2Grain Resynthesis Modules279
10.2.3The Sample Lookup Module and Wavetables280
10.3.1Working with the Function page281
10.3.2Working with the View Page284
11 Working with Table Modules
Table of Contents
11.1What Is a Table Module?288
11.2The Function page of the Audio Table: Recording and Playing a Signal290
11.2.1What Is the Goal?290
11.2.2Creating a Table, Table Files, and Linking Table Modules291
11.2.3Setting the Range, Resolution, and Display Units of Table Values294
11.2.4Clip, Wrap, and Interpolation Modes299
11.2.5Setting Up the Generator Signal and Activating the Audio Table301
11.2.6Setting Up the Recording Pointer Using a Ramp Module and the “DX” Output
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 9
Table of Contents
11.3Graph Display and Appearance Properties308
11.2.7Writing to the Table and Reading the Result307
11.3.1Graph Style308
11.3.2Scrollbars and Zooming315
11.3.3Displaying a Grid in the Table319
11.3.4Setting Basic Visibility Settings for the Table Modules322
11.3.5Table Modes and Basic Table Editing Operations324
12 Working with the Sine and Modal Bank Modules
12.1Working Principles of the Sine and Modal Bank Modules335
12.2Building a Simple Structure with the Sine Bank Module338
12.3Building a Simple Structure with the Modal Bank Module359
12.2.1Setting the Maximum Number of Partials338
12.2.2Sending Pitch Information to the Sine Bank Module339
12.2.3Creating a Macro for the Amplitude Controls of the Partials342
12.2.4Creating an Amplitude Control for a Partial343
12.2.5Duplicating the Structure of the First Amplitude Control346
12.2.6Routing the Amplitude Control Parameters to the Sine Bank Module349
12.2.7Creating Frequency Ratio Controls for Partials351
12.2.8Routing the Frequency Control Parameters to the Sine Bank Module352
12.2.9Creating an Amplitude Envelope for the Sine Bank354
12.2.10Arranging the Instrument Panel of your Additive Synth357
12.3.1Modifying the Additive Synth Structure for the Modal Synth Tutorial359
12.3.2Creating Decay Time Controls for Partials363
12.3.3Routing the Decay Control Parameters to the Modal Bank Module366
12.3.4Sending the Damping Parameter to the Modal Bank Module368
12.3.5Using a Short Impulse as an Exciter Signal370
12.3.6Using White Noise as an Exciter Signal375
12.3.7Using the Compensated Input Port for Sustained Exciter Signals377
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 10
12.4The Sine Bank Module382
12.5The Modal Module387
12.4.3Properties: Function Page385
12.5.3Properties: Function Page391
13 Instruments: Interfaces for Your Structures
13.1Why You Should Care About Instruments394
13.2Setting up MIDI Connections396
13.3MIDI and the Instrument Panel404
13.4Setting up OSC Connections407
13.2.1MIDI In397
13.2.2MIDI Out402
13.4.1Using REAKTOR with an OSC Device408
13.4.2Defining OSC Synchronization Settings411
14 Advanced Operations and Preferences
Table of Contents
14.1CPU, Debugging, and Optimizing414
14.2Using the Internal Connection Protocol426
14.3Automation ID Management431
14.1.1Monitoring CPU Load415
14.1.2REAKTOR's Debugging Tools417
14.1.3Tips to Reduce CPU Load423
14.2.1Connecting Two Panel Elements Via the IC Protocol426
14.2.2Modulating a Control with a Signal from the Structure429
14.3.1Global Automation IDs431
14.3.2Automation IDs within an Instrument434
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 11
Table of Contents
14.4Advanced REAKTOR Preferences438
14.3.3Automatable Modules in REAKTOR437
14.4.1The Options Tab439
14.4.2Directories Tab (Setting File Paths)441
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 12
1.1Welcome to REAKTOR!
REAKTOR is a musical instrument. It creates sound. You can play it like any other music
software – stand-alone with a MIDI keyboard, or as plug-in within a sequencing host.
But you define what type of instrument it is. Each time you launch REAKTOR, it follows
musical needs. You need a synthesizer? You need a drum computer? You need this
particular noise-making thing you never heard before? Just load the according instrument
file and start playing.
The full version of REAKTOR comes with over 50 individual instruments. An included col
cy within electronic music. And the online library holds more than 3000 instruments of
any type you can imagine.
If you don’t own the full version, you can still use the engine’s musical power. A continu
you load any of those instruments, REAKTOR switches into its Player mode.
However, loading pre-configured instruments is only the surface. You can literally define
just its technical structure to a specific song’s needs. Or start building your own instru
ment from scratch, to design your very personal signature sound.
of instruments from earlier REAKTOR versions unfolds more than ten years of lega
growing set of KOMPLETE Instruments is separately available for REAKTOR. When
instrument REAKTOR. You can edit your favorite instrument’s signal processing. Ad
1.2Three in One
Three roads lead to this document:
▪ You bought, installed and activated REAKTOR, as a single product or as part of a
bundle like KOMPLETE. Then you use the full license for REAKTOR.
▪ You bought, installed and activated any of the KOMPLETE Instruments for REAKTOR,
a bundle of these instruments like KOMPLETE Elements. Additionally, you instal
led REAKTOR as a player application for these instruments. Then you use the player
license for REAKTOR.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 13
The REAKTOR 5 Documentation
▪ You did not buy and activate any of the products above but installed REAKTOR and
number of KOMPLETE Instruments as demo versions. Then you use the demo li
cense for REAKTOR.
The separate Native Instruments Setup Guide explains installation and activation in all de
According to the license used, the single REAKTOR application can run in three distinct
▪ In Full mode, all functionality is available without restrictions.
▪ In Player mode, you can play instruments but you cannot edit their internal structure.
Instruments cannot be saved, but all settings are saved with your host’s project.
▪ In Demo mode, you have all functionality but the application will stop making sound
after 30 minutes. Storing is disabled
1.3The REAKTOR 5 Documentation
1.3.1Who Should Read this Manual?
This is REAKTOR's Application Reference Manual covering all the features and aspects of
the Full version of REAKTOR software in detail.
▪ If you are using the Full version of REAKTOR, have already read the Getting Started
tail, then this manual is the right place to start.
▪ If you are using the Demo version of REAKTOR, this manual will give you a taste of
you have all the functionality of REAKTOR, you are not able to store any work and the
application will stop making sound after 30 minutes.
▪ If you are using REAKTOR’s Player Mode, it might be worth having a look at this man
ual as it will provide a deeper understanding of how to use REAKTOR’s Instruments
and would like to learn about all aspects of the REAKTOR application in de
is possible with the Full version of REAKTOR. Note that although in Demo mode
1.3.2Notation Used in this Manual
This subsection introduces you to the symbols and text formatting used throughout this
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 14
The REAKTOR 5 Documentation
Marginal Notes
The manual uses marginal notes to point out special facts and to warn of potential dan
The icons included in the marginal notes let you see what kind of information is pro
The exclamation mark stands for information that you should take note of to avoid com
mon mistakes. Read carefully whenever you see this symbol.
The light bulb icon introduces useful extra information. This information may often help
solve a task more efficiently, but does not necessarily apply to the setup of operating
system you are using.
Special Formatting
In this manual, distinctive formatting has been applied in order to let you recognize cer
tain elements in the text at a glance:
▪ Text appearing in (drop-down) menus (such as Open…
, Save as… etc.) and paths to
locations on your hard drive or other storage devices is printed in italics.
▪ Text appearing elsewhere on the screen (labels of buttons, controls, text next to
etc.) is printed in grey
with slightly condensed letters. Whenever you see this
formatting, you can turn to the screen for reference.
▪ Important names and concepts are printed in bold.
1.3.3Other Documentation
This is REAKTOR's Application Reference Manual covering all the features and aspects of
REAKTOR software in detail. Besides the Application Reference Manual, REAKTOR
documentation comprises the following elements:
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 15
System Requirements
▪ Getting Started Manual: If you would like to quickly get going without getting too deep
the specifics, we recommend you read the Getting Started Manual which is either
the included in the box (if you bought REAKTOR) or as a PDF file in the subfolder
“Documentation”. The Getting Started Manual will give you a fast overview of REAK
TOR's main features and functions.
Instrument Reference: The Instrument Reference describes all instruments that come
REAKTOR as its Factory Content. Read this if you want to explore the musical
options of each individual instrument in greater detail.
The Module and Macro Reference: The Module and Macro Reference provides minute
about all parts available when designing own instruments in REAKTOR. If
you want to leave the beaten path, this document will become your guide.
The Core Reference: The Core Reference, is divided into two parts: The first half is a
tutorial that explains the Core level of REAKTOR where you can realize your own lowlevel digital signal processing. The second half functions as that levels reference, list
ing all of its components.
All of these documents are available from the application’s Help menu. Aside from the
coming with REAKTOR, be sure to visit the online forum. The huge community of
REAKTOR users is sharing tips and tricks, and will help you with specific questions.
1.4System Requirements
For current information about system requirements and compatibility with current and leg
acy operating systems, please see our website at:
1.5The REAKTOR 5 Installation
To learn how to install REAKTOR on your computer, please read chapter 2 in the Getting
done the following things in the Audio and MIDI Settings dialog window:
Manual. After following the installation instructions listed there, you should have
▪ Set up an audio device and a corresponding driver for REAKTOR to use.
▪ Chosen input and output routing for the audio device.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 16
▪ Set up available MIDI hardware by specifying the input and output routing of MIDI
Now you are ready to delve into REAKTOR in more detail!
This section will introduce you to the REAKTOR software's user interface. If you need to
up a certain user interface element’s name, you can return to this chapter at any time
for a refresher!
Fig. 1.1 The REAKTOR application
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 17
Names and Concepts You Should Know
2Names and Concepts You Should Know
We will start with a list defining the most important concepts and names.
A REAKTOR Instrument is an Object that has its own internal Structure, MIDI processing,
However, what the Instrument actually does depends on its Structure. For example, an In
strument can be a synthesizer, a sequencer, an effect, or many other things you can come
up with. Although the internal Structure of the Instrument is relevant, you should view an
Instrument as a container for this Structure, providing it with additional features such as
the Instrument Panel and Snapshots. The Instrument Panel is where the controls for your
Instrument are placed. These controls can be tweaked and their states saved in Snapshots
(also called presets or patches). Thus, you can use the Instrument and create and save dif
ferent Snapshots without ever having to access the Structure. See chapter
ments: Interfaces for Your Structures
and settings of Instruments. Instrument files have the extension *.ism.
Panel, and Snapshots. It operates much like other software music instruments.
for more thorough documentation on the features
You can view the Ensemble as an Instrument that has additional information stored with
An Ensemble holds all the relevant information to a session of REAKTOR, including all
Instruments, their Snapshots, and global settings such as Sample Rate, Control Rate, and
BPM information. When you load an Ensemble, you restore the state of REAKTOR as it
was when the Ensemble was saved. An Ensemble can also be loaded into another Ensem
ble as an Instrument. In that case the global settings of the Ensemble being loaded are
not used. Ensemble files have the extension *.ens.
KOMPLETE Instrument
The KOMPLETE Instrument (or Player Instrument) is the only file type you can use with
Player license. Technically it is close to an Ensemble (it connects to the inputs and
outputs, for instance) but it is called instrument as it is a single unit from a musical point
of view. You can quickly navigate to KOMPLETE Instruments using the Browser
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 18
Names and Concepts You Should Know
Panel View
The Panel View displays the Instrument Panels of your Instruments. It is here that you in
with your Instruments using controls and displays. These so-called Panel Elements
appear on your Instrument Panel if the corresponding Module has been inserted into the
Structure of the Instrument.
Structure View
The Structure View displays the inner Structure of your Instrument. This Structure repre
the processes that comprise the functionality of the Instrument. See chapter ↑7,
Structure View for more information on working in the Structure View.
When building Structures it is often desirable to simultaneously view two Structures or a
and the Instrument Panel. The “Split” feature of REAKTOR enables you to split
the screen into two parts and choose the content for each part of the screen separately.
See section
Working with Splits and Bookmarks
for more information on working
with Splits.
With the “Bookmarks” feature you can bookmark frequently used parts of your Structure
quick access at some later point. See section
Working with Splits and Bookmarks
for more information on working with Bookmarks.
The Browser enables you to quickly access files relevant to the use of REAKTOR. These
among others, include Ensemble, Instrument, Macro, Core Cell, Core Macro, and Au
dio files.
Snapshots (also called presets, programs, or patches) represent the state of all controls on
corresponding Instrument's Panel. Snapshots are stored in Snapshot Banks which turn
can be saved to Snapshot Bank files on your hard disk. For more information on Snapshot
management using the Snapshot tab, see chapter
↑4, Snapshots.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 19
Names and Concepts You Should Know
Hierarchy Levels
REAKTOR Structures follow a certain hierarchy, shown in the figure below. On the large
one can discern two levels of functionality: the Primary Level and the Core Level.
Instruments hold Primary Level Structures. They can hold other Instruments, Primary Lev
el Macros, Primary Level Modules, and Core Cells. Core Cells hold Core Structures and
hold Core Macros and Core Modules. The basic concepts behind working in the Structure
and choosing on which hierarchy level to work in, are outlined in chapter
View. The Primary Level is described in more detail in chapter ↑9,
, whereas the Core Level is described separately in the “Core Reference” that is avail
The Primary Level Para
↑7, Structure
able as a PDF file in the subfolder “Documentation” of REAKTOR's installation folder.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 20
Names and Concepts You Should Know
Fig. 2.1 The Primary Level comprises Instruments, Macros, Modules, and Core Cells. Core Structures are contained within
Core Cells and comprise Core Macros and Core Modules.
Primary Level
The Primary Level is the upper of the two Structure levels in REAKTOR. You can place In
Macros, Modules, and Core Cells into the Primary Level and thus create a
Structure that serves a musical purpose. Some of the Modules in the Primary Level appear
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 21
Names and Concepts You Should Know
on the Instrument Panel. This is not the case for the Core Level. Read chapter ↑9,
Primary Level Paradigm
for more information on the paradigm under which the Primary
Level operates.
Primary Level Modules
Primary Level Modules are the most fundamental building blocks that make up Primary
Structures. They include all functions you might be familiar with from modular
synths: oscillators, filters, LFOs, envelopes, and so on. Additionally, more fundamental sig
nal processing functions such as signal routing and mathematical operations are realized
with Primary Level Modules. See section
Choosing the Right Objects
for more infor
mation on choosing the right Modules for your Structure.
Primary Level Macros
Similar to Instruments, Macros are also containers for your Structure, but with one big dif
Macros do not have dedicated features such as Snapshots or separate Instrument
Panels. Macros serve to promote the building hierarchical Structures that grant the be
holder a better overview of the signal flow and facilitate reusability of certain Structures.
See chapter
↑7, Structure View for more information on Primary Level Macros.
Core Level
Core Level is the lower of the two Structure levels in REAKTOR. It provides somewhat dif
functionality than the Primary Level and is more suitable for low-level signal proc
essing tasks. Core Structures are contained in Core Cells which themselves lie in the Pri
mary Level. The Core Level consists of Core Modules and Core Macros. An introduction to
the Core Level is found in the “Core Reference” that is available as a PDF file in the sub
folder “Documentation” of REAKTOR's installation folder.
Core Cells
Core Cells can be placed into the Primary Level much like Primary Level Modules. Howev
Core Cells hold Structures of their own — Core Structures. Essentially, Core Cells serve
to interface between the Primary Level and Core Level. There are two different types of
Core Cells: Event Core Cells and Audio Core Cells. Please see chapter
Structure View
and the “Core Reference” for more information on Core Cells.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 22
Names and Concepts You Should Know
Core Modules
Core Modules are the most fundamental building blocks in Core Level Structures. Core
are much more low-level than Primary Level Module. Moreover, there are only a
few Core Modules compared to the large variety of Primary Level Modules. For more infor
mation on Core Modules, please refer to the “Core Reference”.
Core Macros
Core Macros operate much like Primary Level Macros. They are containers for your Struc
without applying new settings to them. Core Macros promote the building hierarchi
cal Structures that grant the beholder a better overview of the signal flow and facilitate re
usability of certain Structures. For more information on Core Macros, please refer to the
“Core Reference”.
To simplify terminology, an Object is considered to be anything that can be loaded into the
Structure. Instruments, Ensembles, Primary Level Modules, Primary Level Macros, Core
Cells, Core Modules, and Core Macros are Objects.
Object Properties
Many Objects can have varying functionality. This functionality is determined in the Object
Please refer to section
Switching Views
to see how to access the Object
MIDI Learn
“MIDI Learn” is a feature which allows you to assign controls on the Instrument Panel to
controllers simply by moving the desired MIDI controller such as a knob or slider.
Please read subsection
Navigating with the Browser
for instructions on how to do
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 23
Names and Concepts You Should Know
Wires and Ports
Wires are vessels for the different types of signals which flow through REAKTOR Struc
Wires always run between two Objects. The points at which a wire enters and leaves
an Object are called ports. There are different types of signals for which there are different
types of ports. Please refer to section
Connecting Objects
for more information on
ports and connecting Objects with wires.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 24
Common Operations
3Common Operations
This chapter shows you the way around in the REAKTOR application. You will learn how to
the most common operations like navigating through REAKTOR, loading, playing, and
saving Ensembles, and using other features like “MIDI Learn” or changing the Sample
3.1Switching Views
This section describes how to navigate through the various Views in REAKTOR.
All Views are accessible also by pressing the Menu button and choosing the corresponding
entry from the View submenu, as shown in the figure below. In stand-alone mode you
can also access these menu entries from the View application menu.
Fig. 3.1 The Menu button
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 25
Common Operations
Switching Views
Fig. 3.2 You can access all Views from the View submenu.
In Standalone mode you can toggle the Fullscreen mode either by pressing the Menu
and choosing the View > Show Fullscreen menu entry or with the keyboard shortcut F11.
The Sidepane holds the Browser, Snapshot, Properties, and Panelsets tabs. To view these
tabs, you need to open the Sidepane. Here's how:
To open the Sidepane, either click on the Sidepane button or click on the arrow in the
Sidebar (shown in the figure below).
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 26
Common Operations
Switching Views
Fig. 3.3 You can access the Sidepane by either clicking on the Sidepane button (magnifying glass icon) or by clicking on the
arrow in the Sidebar. These buttons are marked in red.
To access the Browser first open the Sidepane (see above) and then press the Browser
tab. You can also use the shortcut key F5 to show and hide the Browser.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 27
Common Operations
Fig. 3.4 The Browser tab
Snapshot Tab
▪ To access the Snapshot tab first open the Sidepane (see above) and then press the
tab. You can also use the shortcut key F6 to open the Snapshot tab. Another
quick way to navigate to an Instrument's or Ensemble's Snapshot tab is by right-click
ing it in Panel View and choosing the
Fig. 3.5 The Snapshot tab
Snapshots menu entry.
To access Panelsets first open the Sidepane (see above) and then press the Panelsets
tab. You can also use the shortcut key F7 to show and hide the Panelsets.
Switching Views
Fig. 3.6 The Panelsets tab
To access the Properties first open the Sidepane (see above) and then press the Prop
erties tab. You can also use the shortcut key F8 to show and hide the Properties. An
common way to access a Module's Properties is by double-clicking the Module
in the Structure or its Panel representation on the Instrument Panel. You can also
right-click an Object and choose the *Object Name* Properties menu entry. This
works in both the Panel and Structure Views.
Fig. 3.7 The Properties tab icon
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 28
Common Operations
▪ You can also undock and re-dock the Properties tab from the Sidepane. To do this,
the Undock button or press the Menu
button and choose the View > Undock Properties menu entry. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F8 to
toggle between docked and undocked Properties.
Fig. 3.1 The Undock button
3.1.2Insert Pane
Sample Map Editor
Press the Sample Map button (shortcut key F9) to show and hide the Sample Map Edi
Switching Views
Fig. 3.8 The Sample Map button
Press the Player/Recorder button (shortcut key F10) to show and hide the Player / Re
corder Bar.
Fig. 3.9 The Player/Recorder button
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 29
Common Operations
Working with Splits and Bookmarks
3.2Working with Splits and Bookmarks
REAKTOR offers two modes of interaction with your Instruments. The first mode of inter
shows the user interface of the Instrument with its faders, knobs, and displays. The sec
ond mode of interaction is modifying and building the Instrument. This happens in the
Structure View. It shows what is “under the hood” of your Instrument: all the Modules,
Macros, Core Cells, and their connections. You can either view only the Panel, only the
Structure. By using a Split you can simultaneously view a Panel and a Structure or two
Structures. Furthermore, Bookmarks let you store important locations in your Instrument's
Structure so that you can always quickly navigate to these locations with little effort. This
section describes how you can switch to the different Views and work with Bookmarks.
naturally, is playing the Instrument. This happens using the Panel View which
All Views are accessible also by pressing the Menu button and choosing the corresponding
entry from the View submenu, as shown in the figure below. In stand-alone mode you
can also access these menu entries from the View application menu.
Fig. 3.10 The Menu button
REAKTOR 5.5 - Application Reference - 30
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You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.