The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not repre
sent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by
this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media.
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or record
ed, for any purpose, without prior written permission by Native Instruments GmbH, herein
after referred to as Native Instruments. All product and company names are ™ or ® trade
marks of their respective owners.
Document authored by: Aleksander Rebane
Product Version: 5.5 (06/2010)
Document version: 1.0 (06/2010)
Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs,
but in making this a better product.
Native Instruments GmbH
Schlesische Str. 28
D-10997 Berlin
2.1.1Accessing the Audio and MIDI Settings… dialog14
2.1.2Selecting an Audio Hardware Device15
2.1.3Selecting a Sample Rate17
2.1.4Adjusting Output Latency18
2.1.5Routing: Assigning REAKTOR's Inputs21
2.1.6Routing: Assigning REAKTOR's Outputs22
3Loading and Playing
3.1A Few Important Buttons25
3.2Ensembles, Instruments and KOMPLETE Instruments27
3.3Loading Carbon 227
3.4Playing Carbon 2 and its Snapshots30
3.5Adjusting the Sound33
3.3.1Opening the Sidepane27
3.3.2Opening the Browser27
3.3.3Loading a File30
3.4.1Loading a Snapshot31
3.5.1Switching Effects33
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 4
Table of Contents
3.6Saving Your Settings35
3.5.2Changing the Filter Movement33
3.5.3Changing the Filter Settings34
4Modifying a REAKTOR Ensemble
4.2Using the Browser to Load the Ensemble38
4.3Instruments inside Ensembles39
4.4Snapshot Master for Plug-In and Snapshot Hierarchies43
4.5Swapping the Delay Instrument for a Reverb Instrument46
4.6Using the Bowser to Search for Instruments48
4.7Connecting the Instrument to the Audio Out51
4.8Restoring the Correct Snapshot Hierarchy54
4.3.1Junatik Panel Overview40
4.3.2The Difference Between an Ensemble and an Instrument41
4.4.1Snapshot Hierarchy as seen in Properties43
4.4.2Recall by MIDI and Snapshot Master for Plug-In45
4.4.3Snapshot Properties for the Junatik Instrument45
4.4.4Snapshot with a REAKTOR Switch Turned Off45
4.4.5Snapshot Flexibility46
4.5.1Opening a REAKTOR Structure46
4.5.2Removing an Instrument from the Structure47
4.7.1Making the Connections51
4.7.2Resetting the Positions of Instruments in the Ensemble Panel52
4.8.1Opening the Instrument Properties54
5Creating a Sequenced Synthesizer
5.1Recap and Overview56
5.2Creating the Synth Sequencer Ensemble57
5.2.1Create a New Ensemble57
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Table of Contents
5.3Making the Synth Sequencer Work61
5.4Making the MIDI Connections between Instruments65
5.5REAKTOR Run and Stop Buttons67
5.6Looking More Closely at Monoliner68
5.7Exploring the Snapshots/Show Hints70
5.2.2Using the Browser to Load the Instruments58
5.3.1Overview of the Structure62
5.3.2Removing the Unwanted Instrument62
5.3.3Connecting ANALOG Outputs to the Audio Out63
5.3.4Overview of Monoliner and ANALOG64
5.4.1Using Internal MIDI Connections66
5.6.1Changing the Direction and Speed68
5.6.2Number of Steps, Step Offset and Shuffle/Swing70
5.6.3GATE, VELOCITY and PITCH Knobs and On/Off Buttons70
5.7.1Exploring Snapshots in Monoliner and ANALOG71
5.7.2Show/Hide Hints71
6Exploring a REAKTOR Sampler
6.1Recap and Overview72
6.2Using the Browser to Launch Memory Drum 273
6.3Replacing and Editing Samples in the Sample Map Editor75
6.4The Memory Drum Interface79
6.3.1Opening the Map and Playing the Samples75
6.3.2Using Replace in the Edit Sample List76
6.3.3Sample Key-Split and Root Note77
6.3.4Using Add from the Edit Sample List 78
6.3.5Editing the Key-Split79
6.4.1Changing Pitch for Just one Sample Slot79
6.4.2Exploring the Memory Drum Snapshots 81
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 6
Table of Contents
7Building a Synth Using Macros
7.1What is a Macro83
7.3Adding an Oscillator and an ADSR Env to the Instrument91
7.4Inserting the Filter95
7.5Adding a Second Oscillator and a Mixer98
7.6Playing Your Synth and Making Changes to the Sound110
7.2.1Loading a New Ensemble 85
7.2.2Removing the Default Instrument87
7.2.3Inserting a New Instrument88
7.2.4Connecting the Instrument to the Audio Out90
7.3.1Inserting an Oscillator91
7.3.2Inserting the ADSR Env93
7.3.3Inserting Pitch and Gate Modules93
7.3.4Connecting the Pitch and Gate Modules94
7.3.5Safe Output Level95
7.4.1Inserting the Filter Macro and Doing Some Rewiring96
7.4.2Unlocking the Panel to Move the Macros97
7.5.1Adding a Second Oscillator Using Duplicate98
7.5.2Using Properties to Rename the Oscillator Macros99
7.5.3Adding a Mixer101
7.5.4Increasing the Number of Mixer Inputs103
7.5.5Adding Faders and Connecting them to the Mixer104
7.5.6Using Duplicate to Add a Second ADSR-Env105
7.5.7Connecting the NotePitch Module to the ADSR Envelopes and Filter105
7.5.8Tidying Up in the Instrument Panel106
7.5.9Changing the Appearance of the Faders108
7.6.1Changing the Oscillators Waveform, Resetting the Filter and Output Level110
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Table of Contents
7.6.2Creating some Snapshots112
7.6.3Saving Your Work Using Save As112
8Make a Sampler Using REAKTOR Modules
8.1Recap and Overview113
8.2What Kind of Sampler?113
8.3Building the Basic Structure114
8.4Making the Connections119
8.5Loading a Sample into the Sampler121
8.6Tidying Up the Appearance and Moving the Modules124
8.7Adding More Samples and Changing their Settings127
8.8Sample Reverse and Other Playback Possibilities130
8.3.1Load up a New Ensemble 114
8.3.2Inserting the First Modules115
8.3.3Inserting the Envelope117
8.3.4Adding the Controls for the Envelope118
8.4.1Connecting the Sampler to the 2 Audio Voice Combiners120
8.4.2Connecting the NotePitch and Gate Modules120
8.5.1Opening the Sample Map Editor from the View Menu121
8.5.2Adding a Sample to the Sample Map Editor122
8.6.1Moving Modules in the Structure124
8.6.2Deleting unwanted Modules125
8.6.3Using the Panel Lock Button to Move the Knobs126
8.7.1Double-clicking on the Waveform to Open the Sample Map128
8.7.2Changing the Settings of the Existing Sample128
8.7.3Making Changes to the Key-Split and Root Key128
8.7.4Adding More Samples130
8.8.1Looping, and Direction Buttons131
8.8.2Transposing a Sample132
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 8
8.9Adding a Filter133
8.10Modifying the Existing Sampler137
8.9.1Inserting the Filter Into the Structure133
8.9.2Creating the Filter Controls and Making the Connections 134
8.9.3Tidying Up the Appearance in the Instrument Panel135
8.9.4Trying the Band-Pass and Hi-Pass Filter Outputs/Saving Your Work135
8.9.5Using Save Ensemble to Update Your Already Saved Sampler137
8.10.1Overview of Selector Used to Cross-fade138
8.10.2Inserting the Selector138
8.10.3Connecting the Filter Outputs139
8.10.4Increasing the Number of Selector Inputs140
8.10.5Adding the Position Fader and Changing its Range141
8.10.6Final connections and Panel Appearance142
8.10.7Explore Your Sampler and Make Some Snapshots144
9What’s Next?
Table of Contents
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 9
Welcome to REAKTOR
1Welcome to REAKTOR
REAKTOR is a musical instrument. It creates sound. You can play it like any other music
software—stand-alone with a MIDI keyboard, or as plug-in within a sequencing host.
But you define what type of instrument it is. Each time you launch REAKTOR, it will fol
low your musical needs. You need a synthesizer? You need a drum computer? You need
this particular noise-making device you never heard before? Just load the according instru
ment file and start playing.
The full version of REAKTOR comes with over 50 individual instruments. An included col
lection of instruments from earlier REAKTOR versions unfolds more than ten years of lega
cy within electronic music. And the online library holds more than 3000 instruments of
any type you can imagine.
If you don’t own the full version, you can still use the REAKTOR engine’s musical power. A
continuously growing set of KOMPLETE Instruments is separately available for REAKTOR.
When you load any of those instruments, REAKTOR switches into its Player mode. This is
explained in section
However, loading pre-configured instruments only scratches the surface. You can edit your
favorite instrument’s signal processing, adjust its internal structure to a specific song’s
needs or start building your own instrument from scratch, thus designing your very person
al signature sound.
This document will help you get started.
The REAKTOR team at Native Instruments
↑1.2, REAKTOR Modes: Full, Player and Demo below.
System Requirements
For up-to-date information about system requirements and compatibility with current and
legacy operating systems, please see our website at:
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 10
Welcome to REAKTOR
REAKTOR Modes: Full, Player and Demo
1.2REAKTOR Modes: Full, Player and Demo
What you can do with the REAKTOR version installed on your computer depends on which
mode REAKTOR is running in. This mode is connected to the kind of license you are us
▪ Full mode: If you already installed and activated REAKTOR, as a single product or as
part of a bundle like KOMPLETE, you are using it in Full mode. In Full mode, all
functionality is available without restrictions.
▪ Player mode: You installed and activated any of the KOMPLETE Instruments for RE
AKTOR, or a bundle of these Instruments like KOMPLETE Elements. Additionally, you
installed REAKTOR as a player application for these Instruments. In this case you are
using REAKTOR in Player mode. In Player mode you can play Instruments and
change their settings, but cannot edit their internal structure. While REAKTOR's Play
er mode does not support saving of Instruments, all Instrument settings are saved
with your host’s project.
▪ Demo mode: You installed REAKTOR and a number of KOMPLETE Instruments as
demo versions, but did not activate any of the products yet. In this case you are using
the demo license for REAKTOR, and REAKTOR is running in Demo mode. In Demo
mode, you have all functionality but the application will stop generating sound after
30 minutes. Furthermore, storing is disabled.
Installation and activation are explained in detail in the separate Native Instruments Setup
1.3How to Get Started
This document explains all necessary steps to get started with REAKTOR:
▪ Chapters ↑2, Basic Settings in REAKTOR and ↑3, Loading and Playing describe how
to setup the application, and how to load and play an instrument. This part of the
documentation is relevant for all users.
▪ Chapters ↑4, Modifying a REAKTOR Ensemble to ↑9, What’s Next? explain features
only available in REAKTOR’s Full mode. If you are using REAKTOR’s Player mode,
this is not relevant for you.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 11
Welcome to REAKTOR
The REAKTOR Documentation
In the course of the following chapters you will learn how to perform the most common
tasks in REAKTOR. Without bothering you with technical detail, a number of tutorials will
teach you how to effectively use REAKTOR’s capacities. Following the order of the tutori
als given in this document is recommended, as later sections will rely on parts explained
1.4The REAKTOR Documentation
Once you are familiar with the basic usage of REAKTOR, you may want to learn more. The
REAKTOR reference documentation contains detailed descriptions of all relevant items
and features within REAKTOR:
▪ The Application Reference explains all elementary concepts of REAKTOR. It tells you
how to operate the application in detail. If you want to use and understand REAK
TOR’s capacities beyond the level of this Getting Started document, the Application
Reference is your starting point.
▪ The Instrument Reference describes all instruments that come with REAKTOR as its
factory content. Read this if you want to explore the musical options of each individu
al instrument in greater detail.
▪ The Module and Macro Reference provides detailed information about all parts availa
ble when designing own instruments in REAKTOR. If you want to leave the beaten
path, this document will become your guide.
▪ The Core Reference, finally, is divided into two parts: The first half is a tutorial that
explains the Core level of REAKTOR, where you can build your own low-level digital
signal processing devices. The second is a comprehensive reference which lists all
Core level components.
These documents are most useful if you are using REAKTOR in Full mode. However, espe
cially the Application Reference will provide a deeper understanding of how to use REAK
TOR’s instruments, so it might be worth a look if you are using REAKTOR in Player mode,
All of these documents are available from REAKTOR’s Help menu.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 12
Welcome to REAKTOR
Special Formatting used in this Document
In addition to the manuals coming with REAKTOR, there is more information available on
line: Be sure to visit the Native Instruments user forum at
The huge community of REAKTOR users is sharing tips and tricks, and will help you with
specific questions.
1.5Special Formatting used in this Document
This manual uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of poten
tial issues. The icons introducing these notes let you see what kind of information is to be
Whenever this exclamation mark icon appears, you should read the corresponding note
carefully and follow the instructions and hints given there if applicable.
This lightbulb icon indicates that a note contains useful extra information. This informa
tion may often help you to solve a task more efficiently, but does not necessarily apply to
the setup or operating system you are using. However, it should be worth reading for most
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 13
Basic Settings in REAKTOR
2Basic Settings in REAKTOR
REAKTOR 5 is capable of running as a stand-alone software with its own interface to your
audio and MIDI hardware. This way you can play REAKTOR using a MIDI keyboard/control
ler attached to your computer. Hereafter we will assume that you are running REAKTOR as
a stand-alone application.
In this chapter you will learn how to link REAKTOR to the MIDI devices and audio hard
ware connected to you computer. You will also get to know REAKTOR a little bit without
the distraction of making music using your DAW.
Before you start your work with REAKTOR 5 it is a good idea to configure its audio settings
to fit your needs.
This only applies to the stand-alone version of REAKTOR 5, as with the REAKTOR 5 plugins all things audio and MIDI are handled by the host software.
2.1Configuring the Audio Hardware
In order to listen to the sound REAKTOR generates, you need to configure your audio hard
ware device (i.e., your soundcard or external audio interface) for use with REAKTOR.
Use Low-Latency Drivers
Whenever possible you should use low-latency drivers while working with REAKTOR. RE
AKTOR works with two types of low-latency drivers:
▪ Core Audio™ (only on computers running Mac OS® X)
These technologies have been developed to ensure an efficient data transfer between soft
ware and audio hardware and should provide a latency that is suitable for live play, if not
2.1.1Accessing the Audio and MIDI Settings… dialog
When you start REAKTOR for the first time, the Audio and MIDI Settings…dialog should
open automatically. You can call up this dialog again at a later point in time from within
Click the Menu button to open the application menu.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 14
2.Select the File > Audio and MIDI Settings… menu entry:
Basic Settings in REAKTOR
Configuring the Audio Hardware
2.1.2Selecting an Audio Hardware Device
To select the audio hardware device you want REAKTOR to use:
1.Double-click on the REAKTOR application to launch it. You will be presented with the
Audio and MIDI Settings… dialog window.
In the Audio and MIDI Settings… dialog window, click the Device menu to open the
list of available audio interfaces. If only one audio hardware device is present, the de
vice and sample rate will be selected automatically. If there are two or more audio de
vices installed on your computer, select the one you want REAKTOR to use by click
ing its entry in the Device menu.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 15
Basic Settings in REAKTOR
Configuring the Audio Hardware
From the Driver menu, select the type of driver you want to use. On computers running
a Windows® operating system, using ASIO™ is highly recommended. On computer
running Mac OS® X, Core Audio™ is pre-selected.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 16
Basic Settings in REAKTOR
Configuring the Audio Hardware
Now that you have selected an audio hardware device and according driver, proceed with
the audio hardware setup by selecting a sample rate.
Selecting a Sample Rate
Select the sample rate that you want your audio hardware to work at from the Sample
Rate menu. We recommend selecting a sample rate of 44100 Hz.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 17
Basic Settings in REAKTOR
Configuring the Audio Hardware
2.Now that you have selected a sample rate, proceed with the audio hardware setup by
adjusting the output latency.
Adjusting Output Latency
By adjusting the output latency of your audio hardware you can control how quickly the
audio signal generated by REAKTOR becomes audible after you have pressed a key on your
MIDI keyboard. The minimum amount of latency that can be achieved without inducing
crackles and other noises depends on how much CPU power is available to audio process
ing. On a modern computer that has been set up correctly, there should be no perceptible
delay. Older computers may require a more relaxed latency setting. The way the latency is
adjusted from within REAKTOR differs depending on the operating system you are using.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 18
Basic Settings in REAKTOR
Configuring the Audio Hardware
Click the ASIO Config button in the Audio and MIDI Settings… dialog to open your audio
hardware's control panel.
In the control panel belonging to your audio hardware, select an output latency of
about 10 ms. This should work well on most computer systems.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 19
Basic Settings in REAKTOR
Configuring the Audio Hardware
To confirm the settings you have made, click OK.
Mac OS® X
Move the Latency slider at the bottom of the Audio and MIDI Settings… dialog to a val
ue of about 256 samples.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 20
Basic Settings in REAKTOR
Configuring the Audio Hardware
To confirm the settings you have made, click OK.
Routing: Assigning REAKTOR's Inputs
You can assign each of REAKTOR's input channels to an arbitrary input of your audio de
In the Audio and MIDI Settings… dialog, click on the Routing tab at the top. (If you are
using Mac OS® X and want to use your Mac’s built-in inputs you will need to setup
an Aggregate Device using “Audio MIDI”)
Click the Inputs button to access the Inputs view.
3.To assign one of REAKTOR's inputs to an input of your audio hardware device, click
the corresponding entry in the right column of the Inputs view.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 21
Basic Settings in REAKTOR
Configuring the Audio Hardware
To confirm the selection you have made, click OK.
Routing: Assigning REAKTOR's Outputs
You can assign each of REAKTOR's output channels to an arbitrary output of your audio
In the Audio and MIDI Settings… dialog, click on the Routing tab at the top (If you are
using Mac OS® X and want to use your Mac’s built-in outputs you will need to setup
an Aggregate Device using “Audio MIDI”).
Click the Outputs button to access the Outputs view.
3.To assign one of REAKTOR's outputs to an output of your audio hardware device,
click the corresponding entry in the right column of the Outputs view.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 22
Basic Settings in REAKTOR
Configuring the MIDI Hardware
To confirm the selection you have made, click OK.
Configuring the MIDI Hardware
Click the MIDI tab in the Audio and MIDI Settings… dialog. Again you will be presented with
a number of choices depending on what is plugged into your computer.
2.Click the Off text to the right of the device you which to use. The text should read On
next to items you wish to be active.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 23
Basic Settings in REAKTOR
Configuring the MIDI Hardware
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 24
Loading and Playing
3Loading and Playing
In this tutorial you will learn how to load and play existing instruments.
▪ You will be guided through using the REAKTOR Browser to open REAKTOR Ensem
▪ We will take a look at Snapshots.
▪ Finally, we will have a look at saving your work.
This tutorial assumes that you installed REAKTOR and the freely available REAKTOR Fac
tory Selection, a collection of KOMPLETE Instruments. Also, it assumes that you use RE
AKTOR as a plug-in within your favorite sequencing host.
If you own the full license of REAKTOR, you don’t need to install the REAKTOR Factory Se
lection package: Carbon 2, the instrument used as an example, is available within REAKTOR’s
factory content within the New Additions > Synthesizers section.
3.1A Few Important Buttons
Before you start, it is important to familiarize yourself with four very important buttons
found in the Main Bar and the Sidepane.
The Sidepane button in the Main Bar is used to open and close the Sidepane. The
Sidepane is where the Browser, Snapshot, Panelsets, and Properties tabs are located.
Fig. 3.1 The Sidepane button
Click the
Fig. 3.2 The Browser tab
Click the
morphing presets.
tab to open the Browser, used for finding files in REAKTOR.
button to open the Snapshot tab, used for loading, saving, and
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 25
Fig. 3.3 The Snapshot button
From here on we will always use the Menu button to access global menu entries. How
ever, all these menu entries can also be accessed from the application menu.
Fig. 3.4 The Menu button
Loading and Playing
A Few Important Buttons
Fig. 3.5 The application File menu (Windows® version shown)
It is possible to access all views in REAKTOR from the global menu entries under the
menu. For the sake of brevity, this will only be mentioned in this part of the Getting Started
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 26
Loading and Playing
Ensembles, Instruments and KOMPLETE Instruments
We will be using these buttons during the tutorial. Now let’s use the Browser to load our
first REAKTOR Ensemble.
3.2Ensembles, Instruments and KOMPLETE Instruments
Aside from the buttons, you should understand the following terms, as they are used with
in the REAKTOR community und will be common within this document’s tutorials:
▪ The Ensemble is a set of Instruments that can be loaded directly into REAKTOR. This
can be a single synthesizer or a full channel strip with various effects. The Instru
ments are connected among each other, and they are connected to the application’s
audio input and output. When storing, you typically use the Ensemble file format.
▪ The Instrument is a part of an Ensemble, for instance a single delay effect unit. You
can load Instruments into an Ensemble, to connect them to the application’s audio
inputs and outputs.
▪ The KOMPLETE Instrument is the only file you can use with the Player license. Techni
cally close to an Ensemble (it connects to the inputs and outputs, for instance), it is
called Instrument as it is a single unit from a musical point of view.
3.3Loading Carbon 2
As a first step, we are going to open Carbon 2, a subtractive synthesizer contained in the
REAKTOR Factory Library.
If not already visible after startup, you need to open the Sidepane which holds REAKTOR’s
File Browser. To open and close the Sidepane, click the Sidepane button in the Main Bar.
Fig. 3.6 The Sidepane button
3.3.2Opening the Browser
With the Sidepane open, click on the Browser tab, or press [F5] on your computer keyboard.
Opening the Sidepane
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 27
Loading and Playing
Loading Carbon 2
Fig. 3.7 The Browser tab
This makes the Sidepane show the File Browser. It is split into three parts: At the top, you
have four buttons to access four different types of content. Below, there is a folder tree.
And at the bottom, there is a list of files contained within the selected folder from the tree
Click the Player button at the Browser’s top. You will see all installed KOMPLETE Instru
ments listed in the upper area. Select the package REAKTOR Factory Selection with a
mouse click.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 28
Loading and Playing
Loading Carbon 2
Fig. 3.1 The Browser with Factory Selection selected
The button next to the Player button switches its name depending on your activation of REAK
TOR: It holds the factory content of REAKTOR and reads “Factory” after REAKTOR is activat
ed. Until then, it is labeled “Demo”. This indicates that REAKTOR will switch into Demo
mode if you load any Ensemble from that location.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 29
Loading and Playing
Playing Carbon 2 and its Snapshots
3.3.3Loading a File
As you selected the REAKTOR Factory Selection, its contained instruments are listed in
the Browser’s lower area. Click the entry Carbon 2 and drag it to the application’s main
area. REAKTOR now loads the file.
3.4Playing Carbon 2 and its Snapshots
Fig. 3.2 Carbon 2 loaded in REAKTOR PLAYER
Carbon 2 is a classic subtractive synthesizer with sections for oscillators, filters, modula
tion sources and integrated effect units.
Check the Instrument Reference for a detailed explanation of Carbon 2, or the documentation
that comes with REAKTOR Factory Selection.
REAKTOR 5.5 - Getting Started Guide - 30
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