This Workshop Manual contains procedures for
removal, disassembly, inspection, adjustment,
reassembly and installation, etc. for service
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Mitsubishi Motors Corporation July 1999
Pub. No. PWEE9502-F

Maintenance and Servicing Procedures
(1) A diagram of the component parts is
provided near the front of each section in
order to give the reader a better understanding of the installed condition of
component parts.
(2) The numbers provided within the diagram
indicate the sequence for maintenance and
servicing procedures.
: Indicates a non-reusable part.
The tightening torque is provided where
Classification of Major Maintenance/Service Points
When there are major points relative to maintenance and servicing procedures
(such as essential maintenance and service points, maintenance and service standard values, information regarding the use of special tools, etc.), these are arranged together as major maintenance and service points and explained in detail.
AA" : Indicates that there are essential points for removal or disassembly.
"AA : Indicates that there are essential points for installation or reassembly.
D Removal steps:
The part designation number corresponds
to the number in the illustration to indicate
removal steps.
D Disassembly steps:
The part designation number corresponds
to the number in the illustration to indicate
disassembly steps.
D Installation steps:
Specified in case installation is impossible
in reverse order of removal steps. Omitted
if installation is possible in reverse order
of removal steps.
D Reassembly steps:
Specified in case reassembly is impossible
in reverse order of disassembly steps.
Omitted if reassembly is possible in reverse
order of disassembly steps.
Symbols for Lubrication, Sealants and Adhesives
Information concerning the locations for lubrication and for application of sealants and
adhesives is provided, by using symbols, in
the diagram of component parts, or on the
page following the component parts page,
and explained.
: Grease (multipurpose grease unless
there is a brand or type specified)
: Sealant or adhesive
: Brake fluid, automatic transmission fluid
or air conditioner compressor oil
: Engine oil or gear oil