Mindray M9, M9GI, M9CV, M9T, M9Vet Service Manual

Diagnostic Ultrasound System
Service ManualAdvanced
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................i
Version Information ................................................................................................................I
Intellectual Property Statement ...........................................................................................III
Applicability ..........................................................................................................................III
Responsibility of Mindray ....................................................................................................III
Warranty Statements ........................................................................................................... IV
Customer Service Department ............................................................................................ V
Descriptions Committed ...................................................................................................... V
1 Safety Precautions ..................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Meaning of Signal Words ..................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Symbols ................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2.1Meaning of Safety Symbols .......................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.2Warning Labels ............................................................................................................. 1-2
1.2.3General Symbols .......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Safety Precautions ............................................................................................................... 1-3
1.3.1Electric Safety ............................................................................................................... 1-4
1.3.2Mechanical Safety ........................................................................................................ 1-5
1.3.3Personnel Safety .......................................................................................................... 1-5
1.3.4Others ........................................................................................................................... 1-5
2 Product Specifications ............................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1Intended Use ................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.1.2System Appearance ..................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.3Trolley Appearance ..................................................................................................... 2-10
2.1.4Peripherals Supported ................................................................................................ 2-13
2.2 Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 2-14
2.2.1External Dimensions and Weight ............................................................................... 2-14
2.2.2Electric Specifications ................................................................................................. 2-14
2.2.3Environment Specifications ........................................................................................ 2-15
2.2.4Monitor Specifications ................................................................................................. 2-15
3 System Installation ..................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Installation Preparations ....................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1Electrical Requirements ................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.2Installation Condition .................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.3Installation Confirmation ............................................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Unpacking ............................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.2.1Unpacking Process ....................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.2Check ............................................................................................................................ 3-7
3.3 Installation of Whole Device ................................................................................................. 3-7
3.3.1Connecting Power Cable .............................................................................................. 3-7
3.3.2Connecting ECG ........................................................................................................... 3-7
3.3.3Connecting a Ultrasound Probe ................................................................................... 3-7
3.4 Installing Peripherals ............................................................................................................ 3-8
3.4.1Connecting the Footswitch ........................................................................................... 3-8
3.4.2Connecting/Removing a USB Memory Device ............................................................. 3-8
3.4.3Graph/Text Printer......................................................................................................... 3-8
3.4.4Video Printer ............................................................................................................... 3-10
3.4.5Barcode Reader .......................................................................................................... 3-11
3.5 Wired Network Connection ................................................................................................ 3-14
3.6 System Configuration ......................................................................................................... 3-14
3.6.1Power-on Running ...................................................................................................... 3-14
3.6.2Enter Doppler .............................................................................................................. 3-14
3.6.3System Preset ............................................................................................................ 3-15
3.6.4Print Preset ................................................................................................................. 3-16
3.6.5Network Preset ........................................................................................................... 3-17
3.6.6Network Configure ...................................................................................................... 3-18
3.6.7DICOM/HL7 Preset ..................................................................................................... 3-20
3.6.8System Information Verification .................................................................................. 3-21
4 Product Principle ........................................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 General Structure of Main Unit’s Hardware System ............................................................ 4-1
4.2 Main Board ........................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.1Power Supply ................................................................................................................ 4-3
4.2.2Backend ........................................................................................................................ 4-3
4.2.3Front-end of Main Board ............................................................................................... 4-5
4.3 TR64 Board .......................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.4 Probe Board ......................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.5 PHV Power Supply Board .................................................................................................... 4-7
4.6 ECG Unit .............................................................................................................................. 4-7
4.7 Control Panel ........................................................................................................................ 4-9
4.8 Main Display Unit ............................................................................................................... 4-10
4.9 Probe Extension Board ...................................................................................................... 4-11
4.10Audio/Video Transfer Module ............................................................................................. 4-12
4.11 USB HUB Board ................................................................................................................. 4-13
4.12Trolley Power Supply ......................................................................................................... 4-13
4.12.1Connection Board of Trolley Power Supply ................................................................ 4-14
4.12.2AC_DC Power Supply ................................................................................................ 4-14
4.12.3Management Board of Trolley Battery ........................................................................ 4-14
4.13System Power-on Control .................................................................................................. 4-15
4.14Internal Connection Diagram of Main Unit and Trolley ...................................................... 4-17
4.15Details in Main Unit’s Power-on ......................................................................................... 4-17
5 Checking Performance and Functions ..................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Checking System Status ...................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2.1Running Status ............................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2.2Working Condition ........................................................................................................ 5-1
5.3 General Check ..................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3.1Check Flow ................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3.2Check Content .............................................................................................................. 5-2
5.4 Functions Checking .............................................................................................................. 5-5
5.4.1Checking Flow .............................................................................................................. 5-5
5.4.2Checking Content ......................................................................................................... 5-5
5.5 Performance Test ............................................................................................................... 5-12
5.5.1Test Procedures .......................................................................................................... 5-12
5.5.2Test Content ................................................................................................................ 5-12
6 Software Installation & Maintenance ........................................................................ 6-1
6.1 Enter Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Software Installation/Restoration ......................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 Enter Windows ..................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.4 Software Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 6-2
6.4.1Log Export .................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.5 Data Backup and Storage .................................................................................................... 6-3
6.5.1Preset Data Management ............................................................................................. 6-3
6.5.2Patient Data Backup and Restoration .......................................................................... 6-4
6.6 Introduction on HDD Partition Data ...................................................................................... 6-4
7 Field Replaceable Unit ............................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Main Unit .............................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.2 Mobile Trolley ..................................................................................................................... 7-15
8 Structure and Assembly/Disassembly ...................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Structure of the Complete System ....................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.1Main Unit ....................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.2Mobile Trolley ................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.2 Main Unit Assembly/Disassembly ........................................................................................ 8-3
8.2.1Preparation ................................................................................................................... 8-3
8.2.2Battery .......................................................................................................................... 8-4
8.2.3Dust-proof Mesh of Main Unit ....................................................................................... 8-5
8.2.4Network Adaptor ........................................................................................................... 8-6
8.2.5SSD Card ...................................................................................................................... 8-7
8.2.6Control Panel and Monitor ............................................................................................ 8-8
8.2.7ECG Assembly ............................................................................................................ 8-10
8.2.8Fan .............................................................................................................................. 8-12
8.2.9Probe Board Assembly ............................................................................................... 8-12
8.2.10Machine Board Assembly ........................................................................................... 8-15
8.2.11 Control Panel Assembly ............................................................................................. 8-18
8.2.12Display (monitor) Assembly ........................................................................................ 8-25
8.3 Trolley Assembly/Disassembly ........................................................................................... 8-29
8.3.1Preparation ................................................................................................................. 8-29
8.3.2Storage Box ................................................................................................................ 8-29
8.3.3Power Supply Assembly ............................................................................................. 8-30
8.3.4Trolley Panel Board Assembly .................................................................................... 8-34
8.3.5Spring Assembly ......................................................................................................... 8-35
8.3.6Cast-aluminum Base of Trolley Panel ........................................................................ 8-41
8.3.7Lifting Column ............................................................................................................. 8-43
8.3.8Trolley Base Assembly ............................................................................................... 8-44
8.3.9Installation of probe holder ......................................................................................... 8-47
8.3.10Disassembly of the probe holder ................................................................................ 8-48
8.3.11 Disassembly of intracavity probe holder ..................................................................... 8-49
9 Installation of Option Modules .................................................................................. 9-1
9.1 Installation of Optional Devices to Software ......................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Installation of the Accessory Kits and Optional Devices to Hardware ................................. 9-3
9.2.1Storage Tray ................................................................................................................. 9-4
9.2.2Probe Extender Assembly ............................................................................................ 9-4
9.2.3Audio/Video Extender Assembly .................................................................................. 9-5
9.2.4Trolley Installation ......................................................................................................... 9-6
10System Diagnosis and Support ............................................................................... 10-1
10.1General Status Indicator ..................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1.1Indicators of Control Panel ......................................................................................... 10-1
10.1.2Status of Whole Machine ............................................................................................ 10-2
10.2Get Whole Machine Started ............................................................................................... 10-3
10.2.1Power-on Process of Whole Machine Supplied by AC ............................................... 10-4
10.2.2The Start-up Process of BIOS .................................................................................... 10-4
10.2.3Windows Start-up ........................................................................................................ 10-4
10.2.4The Start-up of Doppler .............................................................................................. 10-5
10.3Alarming and Abnormal Information ................................................................................... 10-7
10.3.1Power Error ................................................................................................................. 10-7
10.3.2Abnormal Voltage of System Power ........................................................................... 10-9
10.3.3Abnormal Temperature ............................................................................................... 10-9
10.3.4Fan Error ................................................................................................................... 10-10
10.3.5PHV Error ................................................................................................................. 10-10
10.3.6Other Errors .............................................................................................................. 10-11
10.4Self-test ............................................................................................................................ 10-11
10.4.1Self-test Introduction ................................................................................................. 10-11
10.4.2Operation Procedure of Maintenance Self-test ........................................................ 10-12
10.4.3User Self-test ............................................................................................................ 10-16
10.4.4Test Report ............................................................................................................... 10-18
11Care and Maintenance ...............................................................................................11-1
11.1Overview ............................................................................................................................ 11-1
11.1.1Tools, Measurement Devices and Consumables ....................................................... 11-1
11.1.2Routine Maintenance Items ........................................................................................ 11-2
11.2Cleaning ............................................................................................................................. 11-3
11.2.1System Cleaning ......................................................................................................... 11-3
11.2.2Peripherals Cleaning .................................................................................................. 11-7
11.3Check ................................................................................................................................. 11-7
11.3.1General Check ............................................................................................................ 11-7
11.3.2System Function Check .............................................................................................. 11-8
11.3.3Check for Peripherals and Optional Functions ........................................................... 11-8
11.3.4Mechanical Safety Inspection ..................................................................................... 11-9
12Troubleshooting of Regular Malfunctions .............................................................. 12-1
12.1Troubleshooting as the System is Disabled to Power On .................................................. 12-1
12.1.1Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 12-1
12.1.2Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 12-1
12.1.3Troubleshooting as the System is Disabled to Power On .......................................... 12-1
12.2The System Cannot Perform Troubleshooting ................................................................... 12-2
12.2.1Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 12-2
12.2.2Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 12-2
12.2.3The System Cannot Perform Troubleshooting ........................................................... 12-3
12.3Image Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................... 12-3
12.3.1Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 12-3
12.3.2Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 12-3
12.3.3Image Troubleshooting ............................................................................................... 12-4
12.4Troubleshooting Control Panel ........................................................................................... 12-4
12.4.1Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 12-4
12.4.2Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 12-5
12.4.3Troubleshooting Control Panel ................................................................................... 12-5
12.5Troubleshooting LCD Display ............................................................................................. 12-6
12.5.1Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 12-6
12.5.2Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 12-6
12.5.3Troubleshooting Monitor ............................................................................................. 12-6
12.6Troubleshooting for ECG Module ....................................................................................... 12-7
12.6.1Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 12-7
12.6.2Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 12-7
12.6.3Troubleshooting for ECG Module ............................................................................... 12-7
Appendix A Electrical Safety Inspection .................................................................. A-1
Appendix B Phantom Usage Illustration ................................................................... B-1
Appendix C Description of Self-test Test Items ....................................................... C-1
Version Information
Mindray may revise this publication from time to time without written notice. The detailed
information is shown below:
Reason for Revision
1.0 2013.12.30 Initial release
2.0 2014.1.27
Add the picture of field replaceable unit in Chapter 7.1;
Change the order number of the speaker and cable in Chapter 7.1;
Change the disassembly method of the shield cover of PHV board in Chapter 8.2.10
3.0 2014.3.19
Add the precaution of the disassembly of the CPU assembly;
Update the content of the appendix C.1.25
4.0 2014.6.12
Update figures in chapter 8.2.7 since a pressure plate is added for ECG cable;
Update contents of Z0501 in appendix C.1.25
5.0 2014.9.24
Change FRU materual No. in Chapter 7;
Change iStorage screen picture in section;
Add section 3.5.6 Network Configure;
Add in “4-protective grounding impedance” testing applies to M9 portable system with UMT-500Plus trolley (with power supply) only in Appendix A.
6.0 2015.2.15
Add SONY UP-D898MD, UP-X898MD printers in chapter 2.1.4 along with compatibility description.
7.0 2015.5
Section 7.1, add the part number of main board and SSD card used for CE M9GI
Section 7.1, change the picture of SSD card
Section C.1.27, change the picture of keyboard testing
Add M9GI product model
8.0 2015.8 Section 3.5, add the wired network connection information.
11.0 2016.4.7 Section 7, change the wired network connection information.
12.0 2016.5.20 Section 7, the modification of the FRU.
13.0 2016.8.9 Update the labels in 1.2.2.
14.0 2017.1
Add M9Vet model.
Add 4D and TEE related self-test items in C.1.16 – C.1.19 chapter
Update trolley probe holder part number and add part number of intracavity probe holder in 7.2 chapter
Add assembly/disassembly descriptions in 8.3.9 – 8.3.11 for probe holders.
15.0 2017.6
Update Monitor Assembly(eDP screen/FRU), Monitor Assembly(LVDS2eDP/FRU), CPU Module(6100 PC module/eDP
output/FRU), CPU Module(6100 PC module/LVDS output/FRU), M9 Main Board(eDP output+M.2 port WiFi/FRU), M9 Main Board(M9GI/eDP output+M.2 port WiFi/FRU), Wireless net adapter(M.2 port), iDock51 Audio/Video Extend Module, SSD card FRU, Monitor front cover assembly FRU, control panel assembly FRU
in chapter 7.1.
Update Audio/Video extend module FRU in chapter 9.2.
© 2013-2017 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-medical Electronics Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Intellectual Property Statement
owns the intellectual property rights to this Mindray product and this manual. This manual may refer
to information protected by copyright, trademark, or patents, and does not convey any license under
the intellectual property rights of Mindray or of others.
Mindray intends to maintain the contents of this manual as confidential information. Disclosure of
the information in this manual in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Mindray
is strictly forbidden.
Release, amendment, reproduction, distribution, rental, adaptation, translation or any other
derivative work of this manual in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Mindray
is strictly forbidden.
is the trademark of Mindray. All other trademarks that appear in this manual are used
only for informational or editorial purposes. They are the property of their respective owners.
This service manual is intended as a guide for technically qualified personnel during service procedures. This service manual describes the product according to the most complete configuration; some of the content may not apply to the specific product you are servicing. If you have any questions, please contact the Mindray Customer Service Department (contact information is below). Do not attempt to service this equipment unless this service manual has been consulted and is understood. Failure to do so may result in personal injury or product damage.
Responsibility of Mindray
Contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. Please check with the Mindray Customer Service Department for any updates or changes to this manual.
All information contained in this manual is believed to be correct as of the date of its publication. Mindray shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
Mindray shall not be responsible for the effects on safety, reliability, and performance of this product if:
z Installation operations, expansions, changes, modifications and repairs of this product are
conducted by personnel not authorized by Mindray;
z The electrical installation of the relevant room does not comply with the applicable national and
local requirements;
z The product is not used in accordance with the instructions for use.
Warranty Statements
Mindray warrants that components within the ultrasound system under warranty will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for the amount of time specified under Mindray’s then-current warranty policy (please check with the Mindray Customer Service Department for the applicable warranty period for each system). Under this warranty, Mindray will repair or replace (at Mindray’s option) any defective component at no charge for materials according to Mindray’s then-current warranty policy. This warranty does not cover consumable items such as, but not limited to, traveling carrying case, acoustic gel, paper, disposable or one-off materials, and sampling materials.
Recommended preventative maintenance, as prescribed in the Service Manual, is the responsibility of the user, and is not covered by this warranty.
Mindray will not be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential loss, damage, or expense directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products. Liability under this warranty and the buyer’s exclusive remedy under this warranty is limited to servicing or replacing the affected products, at Mindray’s option, at the factory or at an authorized Distributor, for any product which shall under normal use and service appear to Mindray to have been defective in material or workmanship.
No agent, employee, or representative of Mindray has any authority to bind Mindray to any affirmation, representation, or warranty concerning its products, and any affirmation, representation, or warranty made by any agent, employee, or representative shall not be enforceable by buyer or user.
Damage to any product or parts through misuse, neglect, accident, or by affixing any non-standard accessory attachments or by any customer modification voids this warranty.
Mindray makes no warranty whatever in regard to trade accessories, such being subject to the
warranty of their respective manufacturers.
A condition of this warranty is that the equipment or any accessories which are claimed to be defective be returned, when authorized, to the appropriate Mindray affiliate. Please contact the Mindray Customer Service Department for appropriate details for your region.
Customer Service Department
Descriptions Committed
The following marks are used for describing keys on the control panel, menu items, buttons on dialog boxes and other basic operations in the manual:
z <Button>: the angle bracket for enclosing the button’s name refers to the buttons on the
keyboard, rotation knobs, switches or controls.
z [Menu item or key]: the square bracket for enclosing menu item or key refers to the menu
items or the keys on dialog boxes.
z Click [Menu item or key]: move the cursor to the menu item or the key on the dialog box,
and then press <Set>. Or, click other optional keys on touch screen.
z [Menu item]-[Sub-menu item]: select sub-menu item based on the operation path.
Manufacturer: Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd. Address: Mindray Building, Keji 12th Road South, High-tech industrial park,
Nanshan, Shenzhen 518057,P.R.China
Website: www.mindray.com E-mail Address: service@mindray.com Tel:
+86 755 81888998
+86 755 26582680
Safety Precautions 1-1
1 Safety Precautions
This chapter describes important issues related to safety precautions, as well as the labels and
icons on the ultrasound machine.
1.1 Meaning of Signal Words
In this service manual, the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE
are used regarding safety and other important instructions. The signal words and their meanings are defined as follows. Please be aware of the meaning of the signal words before reading this manual.
Signal word Description
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in property damage.
Description Important information that helps you to use the system more effectively.
1.2 Symbols
The following tables provide location and information of the safety symbols and warning labels, please read carefully.
1.2.1 Meaning of Safety Symbols
Symbol Description Position
Type-BF applied part
Note: The ultrasound probes connected to this system are type-BF applied parts.
The ECG module connected to this system is Type-BF applied part.
Right side of main unit
Main unit
1-2 Safety Precautions
1.2.2 Warning Labels
No. Warning Labels Description Label Position
Read the manual carefully before using the system.
On the upper right corner of the control panel
The following labels are available when the system works with the mobile trolley.
a. Do not place the system on a sloped surface. Otherwise the system may slide, resulting in personal injury or the system malfunction. Two persons are required to move the system over a sloped surface.
b. Do not sit on the system.
c. DO NOT push the system when the casters are locked.
The top of trolley panel
Non-ionizing radiation /
1.2.3 General Symbols
This symbols used in the device are listed in the following table. Meanings are:
No. Symbol Description
Type-BF applied part
To avoid safety accidents, refer to relevant content in the manual.
Dangerous voltage
No user serviceable parts (applied to the power adapter)
Indoor, dry location use only (applied to the power adapter)
Power button
Probe sockets
USB port
S-VIDEO signal port; VIDEO signal port
AC (Alternating current)
Safety Precautions 1-3
No. Symbol Description
Battery Status Indicator
Pencil probe port (reserved)
IO extend port
unlocked symbol
locked symbol
Battery installation position indicator
Connects serial port devices
ECG function
Connects a display monitor or projector
Audio signal
Microphone input jack
Remote control port
Product serial number
Manufacture date
This product is provided with a CE marking in accordance with the regulations stated in Council Directive 93 / 42 / EEC concerning Medical Devices. The number adjacent to the CE marking (0123) is the number of the EU-notified body certified for meeting the requirements of the Directive.
The environment-protective application period of the system is 20 years period.
1.3 Safety Precautions
Please read the following precautions carefully to ensure the safety of the patient and the
operator when using the probes.
Do not operate this system in an atmosphere containing flammable or explosive gases such as anesthetic gases, oxygen, and hydrogen or explosive fluid such as ethanol because an explosion may occur.
1-4 Safety Precautions
1.3.1 Electric Safety
Connect the power plug of this system and power plugs of the peripherals to wall receptacles that meet the ratings indicated on the rating nameplate. Using a multifunctional receptacle may affect the system grounding performance, and cause the leakage current to exceed safety requirements. Use the power cord accompanied with the system provided by Mindray.
Disconnect the AC power before you clean or uninstall the ultrasound machine, otherwise, electric shock may result.
When using peripherals not powered by the auxiliary output of the ultrasound system, or using peripherals other than permitted by Mindray , make sure t he overall leakage current of peripherals and the ultrasound system meets the requiremen t of the local medical device electrical regulation (like enclosure leakage current should be no more than 500uA of IEC 60601-1-1), and the responsibility is held by the user .
In maintenance or assembly/disassembly, make sure other cables are connected well before the battery connecting cable is connected, otherwise the system may be damaged due to hot-plug.
Do not use this system simultaneously with equipment such as an electrosurgical unit, high-frequency therapy equipment, or a defibrillator, etc.; otherwise electric shock may result.
This system is not water-proof. If any water is sprayed on or into the system, electric shock may result.
DO NOT connect or disconnect the system’s power cord or its accessories (e.g., a printer or a recorder) without turning OFF the power first. This may damage the system and its accessories or cause electric shock.
Avoid electromagnetic radiation when perform performance test on the ultrasound system.
In an electrostatic sensitive environment, don’t touch the device directly. Please wear electrostatic protecting gloves if necessary.
You should use the ECG leads provided with the ECG module. Otherwise it may result in electric shock.
5. Maximum output power
of the trolley is 240 VA.
Safety Precautions 1-5
1.3.2 Mechanical Safety
When moving the system, you should first power off the system, fold the LCD display, disconnect the system from other devices (including probes) and disconnect the system from the power supply.
Do not subject the transducers to knocks or drops. Use of a defective probe may cause electric shock to the patient.
Do not expose the system to excessive vibration (during the transportation) to avoid device dropping, collision, or mechanical damage.
When you place the system on the mobile trolley and move them together, you must secure all objects on the mobile trolley to prevent them from falling. Otherwise you should separate the system from the mobile trolley and move them individually. When you have to move the system with the mobile trolley upward or downward the stairs, you must separate them first and then move them individually.
Do not move the ultrasound system if the HDD indicator is green, sudden shake may cause the HDD in damage.4 When
moving the trolley with mounted system, please take care of the connector of the power adapter in case of damage.
1.3.3 Personnel Safety
The user is not allowed to open the covers and panel of the system, neither
device disassemble is allowed.
To ensure the system performance and safety, only Mindray engineers or
engineers authorized by Mindray can perform maintenance.
Only technical professionals from Mindray or engineers authorized by Mindray
after training can perform maintenance.
1.3.4 Others
For detailed operation and other information about the ultrasound system, please refer
to the operator’s manual.
Product Specifications 2-1
2 Product Specifications
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Intended Use
The diagnostic ultrasound system is intended for use in clinical ultrasonic diagnosis.
2.1.2 System Appearance
2-2 Product Specifications
No. Name Function
1 Monitor Displays the images and parameters during the scan.
2 Control Panel Operator-system interface or control
3 Handle Used for carrying the system
Power input port
Connects the power adapter
HDMI port Outputs
high definition multimedia signals
6 USB port Connects USB devices (2 ports)
7 ECG port Connects ECG lead or DC-IN cable
Probe port
Connects a probe to the main unit; or connects a probe extend module
9 Probe locking lever
Locks or unlocks the probe connected with the main unit
locked symbol
unlocked symbol
10 Pencil probe port Connects to a pencil probe. Extend Modules
Extend modules to the system are: probe extend module, video/audio extend module. Probe extend module
No. Name Function
<1> Connector
Connects to the probe port of the main unit, and extends the probe port to three.
<2> Probe port To extend ports for connecting probes
Product Specifications 2-3
Note: 1. Perform the plug and unplug of the probe module. To reduce the wastage of probe
module, the operation should be conducted under frozen status of the system.
2. If you use the probe extend module to connect a probe, the image quality may be
Audio/Video extend module ¾ Panel introduction
No. Symbol Function
Used for connecting to main unit. The green indicator is on.
Used for audio signal output.
Used for separate video output.
VGA signal output
¾ Connection
Connect the V/A extend module to the main unit via an HDMI port. As shown in the following figure.
2-4 Product Specifications Control Panel
Product Specifications 2-5
No. Name English Name Description
1. B mode button B Press to enter B mode
2. P mode button P Press to enter Power mode.
3. C mode button C Press to enter the Color mode.
4. CW mode button CW Press to enter CW mode.
5. PW mode button PW Press to enter the PW mode.
TDI Functional buttons
TDI Press to enter TDI mode
7. M mode button M Press to enter the M mode.
8. Update button Update
Switching key: Press to change the currently active window.
Start or end capturing the image in iScape
9. Measure button Measure
Press to enter/exit application measurement
10. Caliper button Caliper Press to enter/exit general measurement
11. Trackball / To move the cursor.
Confirm key (left<Set> key)
Press to confirm key
Confirm key (right <Set> key)
Angle adjustment and quick angle knob
Angle Adjust the angle
15. Gain and iTouch knob iTouch
Adjust the gain of the image in various modes
Press to enter iTouch mode
16. Cine button Cine
Press to enter/ exit the Cine Review status.
2-6 Product Specifications
No. Name English Name Description
17. Clear button Clear
Press to clear off the comments or measurement calipers on the screen.
18. Freeze button Freeze Press to freeze or defreeze the image.
19. Power button / Power button
Soft menu adjustment button 1
Press to select the soft menu items displayed on the bottom of the screen. Refer to the subsequent contents for specific functions.
Soft menu adjustment button 2
Press to select the soft menu items displayed on the bottom of the screen. Refer to the subsequent contents for specific functions.
Soft menu adjustment button 3
Press to select the soft menu items displayed on the bottom of the screen. Refer to the subsequent contents for specific functions.
Soft menu page up button
Press to turn the soft menu pages upward.
Soft menu page down button
/ Press to turn soft menu pages downward.
Soft menu display mode switch button
Press to switch the mode for the soft menu.
Soft menu adjustment button 4
Press to select the soft menu items displayed on the bottom of the screen. Refer to the subsequent contents for specific functions.
Soft menu adjustment button 5
Press to select the soft menu items displayed on the bottom of the screen. Refer to the subsequent contents for specific functions.
Soft menu adjustment button 6
Press to select the soft menu items displayed on the bottom of the screen. Refer to the subsequent contents for specific functions.
Patient information button
Press to enter the Patient information screen.
Probe/exam mode switch button
Probe/Exam Press to switch probe and exam mode
31. Image review button Review Press to review the stored images.
32. End exam button End Exam Press to end an exam.
33. User-defined key 3 P3 User-defined key
34. User-defined key 2 P2 User-defined key
Product Specifications 2-7
No. Name English Name Description
35. Body mark button Body Mark Press to enter/ exit the body mark mode.
36. Cursor button Cursor Press to show/hide the cursor
Baseline position adjustment button and auxiliary interface
Baseline Adjust the baseline parameter.
Scale adjustment button and auxiliary interface
Scale Adjust scale parameter.
Steer/Invert adjustment button
Steer/Invert Adjust steer/invert parameter.
TGC and functional interface
/ Move to adjust depth gain compensation.
41. Single-window button Single
Press to enter active window in Dual or Quad mode.
Dual-split window button
Press to enter the Dual mode from another mode;
Press to switch between the two windows in the Dual mode.
Image zoom and spot/pan zoom switch knob.
Zoom Press to enter or exit zoom status.
Depth adjustment button and fictional interface
Depth Adjust depth
Focus position adjustment button and functional interface
Focus Position Adjust the focus position.
Save static image button
Press to save the image; user-defined key.
47. User-defined key 1 P1 User-defined key
Standby status indicator
Standby indicator
Standby: blinking in orange
Other status: light off
Hard disk read indicator
Hard disk status indicator
The indicator blinks in green when hard disk is running.
The indicator is off on the other status.
DO NOT move the machine when the indicator blinking in green. Otherwise the hard disk may be damaged by sudden shake.
2-8 Product Specifications
No. Name English Name Description
50. Battery indicator /
Battery status indicator.
Charging status:
It illuminates in orange when batteries are charging;
It illuminates in green when batteries are charged to full capacity;
Discharging status:
It illuminates in green when batteries are charged fairly;
It illuminates in orange when batteries run out.
51. AC power indicator /
AC indicator
The indicator is green at AC supply.
The indicator is off when batteries (AC does not supply the power) supplied.
52. Esc Esc Cancel the operation or exit.
53. On-line help Help
Press to open or close the accompanying help documents.
Patient data management system
Press to enter or exit patient information system.
55. Report Report Open/ close the exam report.
56. User-defined key 5-8 P5~P8
User-defined keys, functions of which can be defined in preset.
57. Stress echo Stress Echo Press to enter Stress Echo mode
58. Physiological signal Physio Press to enter or exit ECG.
59. Setup Setup Press to enter/ exit setup.
60. Biopsy Biopsy Press to enter biopsy
61. Set home Set Home Set home of comments
62. Quad-window display Quad
Enter Quad mode in Non-Quad mode;
Press to switch among interfaces in Quad mode.
iZoom (Full-screen Zooming)
iZoom Enter/switch/exit full-screen zoom status.
64. Arrow Arrow Enter/exit the arrow comment status.
65. Home Home
Activate the Home function: return to start position of comment.
66. Comments Comment Enter/exit the textual comment status.
Product Specifications 2-9
No. Name English Name Description
67. Direction-control keys
/ Moves the cursor one letter each time; or,
select the ambient one in a selectable area.
68. User-defined key 4 P4
User-defined keys, functions of which can be defined in preset.
69. Alphanumeric keys / Enter characters.
For functions of undefined buttons or keys, the user can define it on your own. Refer to Operator manual for details about function setting.
Functions of key combination
The system supports multi-language input; you can use the key combinations. The key combinations include <Shift>, <Alt Gr>, <Ctrl> and some alphabet keys.
z <Shift> combination key
<Shift> + key: input the upper left letter of the key.
For the alphabet keys (<A>~<Z>), press <Shift>+key to input the letter of different case with the current state.
z [Alt Gr] combination key
Combined with other letter keys, [Alt Gr] can be used for entering other languages.
Press [Alt Gr], and meanwhile press a letter key, the letter on the upper-right corner of the key can be entered.
z [Ctrl] combination key
In iStation or Review screen, use <Ctrl> and <Set> to select more than one patient.
The combination of <Ctrl> and <Space> can switch the input between Chinese and English.
z Combination key used together with [Fn] key
For those combination keys, press <Fn>+key to use the functions indicated with a frame on the key.
No. Fn+ Name Function
1. End Turn up the volume
2. Home Turn down the volume
3. Pg Up Increase the brightness of the LCD display.
4. Pg Dn Decrease the brightness of the LCD display.
2-10 Product Specifications
2.1.3 Trolley Appearance
Product Specifications 2-11
No. Name Function
<1> Probe cable hook Manage probe cable
<2> Ultrasound main unit Ultrasound system
<3> Ascending/descending switch Press to adjust the height of operation panel
<4> Anti-theft setting Used to fix the ultrasound system to the trolley.
<5> Printer bracket Used to place the printer
<6> Probe extend module Used to extend ports for connecting probes (optional)
<7> Storage tray Used to place the adaptor, gel and other stuff.
<8> USB port Connects USB devices (2 ports)
<9> Probe holder Used to place probes temporarily
<10> Caster
Used for securing or moving the system
Step on the second footswitch to lock the trolley. Step on the first footswitch to unlock the trolley.
<11> Audio/video extender Used to switch audio/video (optional)
<12> Lifting column Used to adjust the height of operation panel
2-12 Product Specifications
No. Name Function
<13> Moveable hook Manage probe cable
<14> Storage box Used to place report or other stuff.
<15> Power supply panel
Used to offer output/input port, equipotential terminal for power supply.
<16> Indicator
Battery indicator:
z It illuminates in orange when batteries are
z It illuminates in green when batteries are in
the charge.
z It illuminates in green when batteries are
charged fairly;
z It illuminates in orange when batteries run
AC power indicator:
z The indicator is green at AC supply.
The indicator is off when batteries (AC does not supply the power) supplied. Power Supply Panel
No. Name Function
Equipotential terminal
Used for equipotential connection, balancing the protective earth potentials between the device and other electrical equipment.
2 Power inlet AC power inlet
Power supply outlet
Supply power for optional peripheral devices (e.g. DVR)
The symbol represents the equipotential terminal that is used for balancing the protective earth potentials between the system and other electrical equipment.
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