Metrohm 736 GP Titrino User Manual

736 GP Titrino, Short instructions for use
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736 GP Titrino
Short instructions for use
736 GP Titrino, Short instructions for use
Table of contents
1. Getting started ........................................................................1
1.1 Principle of data input .........................................................1
1.2 Development of a method................................................... 3
1.3 Storing methods .................................................................7
1.4 Working with several dosing units.....................................10
2. Titration, dosing and measuring modes .............................12
2.1 Survey of the titration modes ............................................ 12
2.2 Mode DET and MET, parameters ..................................... 14
2.3 Mode SET, parameters.....................................................15
2.4 Mode KFT, parameters.....................................................16
2.5 Mode STAT, parameters ..................................................17
2.6 Mode DOS, parameters....................................................19
2.7 Mode DOC, parameters....................................................20
2.8 Mode MEAS and CAL, parameters................................... 21
2.9 Mode TIP, parameters......................................................22
2.10 Calculations .................................................................... 23
3. Other functions .....................................................................25
3.1 Method memory................................................................25
3.2 Sample data, keys <smpl data> and <silo> ......................27
3.3 Configuration, key <configuration> ...................................28
Index ..........................................................................................29
1.1 Principle of data input
736 GP Titrino: Getting started
1 Getting started
This is a step by step introduction into the operation of the Titrino. You learn how to go round with the Titrino and you get an idea of the possibilities that the Titrino offers you.
1.1 Principle of data input
Entering data, setting the dialog languageEntering data, setting the dialog language
2 x <QUIT>
Press <STOP> if the Titrino is busy. It is now in the inactive standby state. Then press the <configuration> key. The dis­play shows:
This is the title of the inquiry group "peripheral units". This group contains various inquiries about peripheral units.
Press the <configuration> key once more. You see the title of a new group of inquiries:
This is the title of the "auxiliaries" group. This group contains the inquiry for the dialog language. Note the ">" sign. All titles are prefixed by this sign.
Pressing the <enter> key takes you to the different inquiries of the group "auxiliaries". The display shows
This is the selection of the dialog language. You select the various dialog languages with the <select> key. Note the ‘’:’’ sign after the word "dialog". It appears if the values can be selected with key <select>. Press <select> repeatedly until "english" appears in the display. Accept the new "value" with <enter> and the next inquiry ap­pears.
Other inquiries of the "auxiliaries" group are not of interest at the moment. Exit the inquiries with <QUIT>. Press <QUIT> once again to exit the inquiries of the <configuration> key.
date 1997-12-16
dialog: deutsch
dialog: english
>peripheral units
1.1 Principle of data input
736 GP Titrino: Getting started
Summary of the most important signsSummary of the most important signs
Signs in the Titrino dialog: > Title of inquiry groups, e.g. ">auxiliaries" : Values can be chosen by the key <select>, e.g.
Signs that are used in the instructions for use <> sign for "key", e.g. <select>
1.2 Development of a method
736 GP Titrino: Getting started
1.2 Development of a method
You learn how to elaborate a method . First you select a titration mode. A general survey of the dif­ferent titration modes is given on page 12.
Selecting the modeSelecting the mode
Press <mode> repeatedly until "DET" appears in the display. DET stands for Dynamic Equivalence point Titration. In this titration, the size of the volume increments vary as a function of the slope of the titration curve. After each increment, a pre­set measured value drift (or time) is awaited until the next increment is added (so called "equilibrium titration"). After the titration, the equivalence points are evaluated automatically. Confirm "DET" with <enter>.
Now select the measured quantity: Press <select> until "pH" appears in the display.
Confirm the measured quantity "pH" with <enter>.
You are now ready to titrate.
For the titration, you need an Exchange Unit with NaOH, c=0.1 mol/L. If you have not yet prepared an Exchange Unit, see page 188 ff of the Instructions for Use. Plug a combined pH glass electrode into measuring input ("Ind I"). Pipette 2 mL HCI, c =0.1 mol/L into the titration vessel, dilute it with ca. 20 mL. dist. water, adjust the stirrer and press <START>.
During the titration, the first line of the display shows the cur­rent measured value and the volume already dispensed:
As soon as the instrument has found an equivalence point, this is shown on the second line:
Let the titration continue for a short while, e.g. until ca. pH=11.50. Now stop it with <STOP>.
The second line shows the equivalence point found, e.g.:
If more than one equivalence point has been found, the sec­ond equivalence point can be viewed with <enter>
DET pH D0a ********
mode DET
pH 2.78 0.351 ml
EP1 2.083 ml pH 7.64
1.2 Development of a method
736 GP Titrino: Getting started
Calculation of the result, entry of a formulaCalculation of the result, entry of a formula
You may calculate results with the equivalence point.
2 x <QUIT>
Press <def> . The display shows
Press <enter> to move on to the formula entry. The display now shows "RS? ".
Press "1", i.e. the first formula.
You can now enter a formula. Note here the top inscription on the keys of the keypad and the numbers. You can use mathematical operations, parentheses as well as the following symbols: EP# EP’s with 1-digit number, e.g. EP1. RS# Previously calculated results, e.g. RS1 in the second
C## Calculation values, e.g. C01. C00 is reserved for the
sample size. The meaning of the different calculation values is given on page 23.
Calculate the content of your hydrochloric acid in g/L: RS1=EP1*C01*C02/C00 EP*conc(titrant)*molar mass/sample size
Confirm the formula with <enter>.
You may enter a text for the result output, see page 7.
Enter the desired number of decimal places for the result.
Select the unit g/I with <select> or enter a text as unit.
Quit the formula entry by pressing <QUIT> twice.
Entry of the calculation constantsEntry of the calculation constants
0.1 <enter>
36.47 <enter>
Press <C-fmla>. The constants which have been used in the formula are requested:
C01: Concentration of your titrant = 0.1 mol/L. C02: Molar mass of HCI = 36.47 g/mol
RS1 unit: %
RS1 decimal places 2
RS1 text RS1
1.2 Development of a method
736 GP Titrino: Getting started
Entry of the sample sizeEntry of the sample size
4 x <smpl data>
2 <enter>
Press <smpl data> repeatedly until "smpl size" appears in the display.
Enter 2 (= 2 ml).
Use <select> to select the unit "ml" and confirm the new value with <enter>.
The result is now calculated and can be displayed in place of the equivalence point. If your method already includes a formula at the end of the titration, the calculated result is displayed directly after the titration. As we have entered the formula later, we now have to select the result display:
Display of the resultDisplay of the result
Press <select> repeatedly until ">display results" appears in the display.
Press <enter> to move on to the result display.
Selection of the automatic report outputSelection of the automatic report output
If you have a printer connected, you can have the curve and a result report printed out automatically at the end of the titration.
4 x <def>
<enter> <QUIT>
Press <def>repeatedly until the display shows ">report".
Press <enter> to move to the definition of reports.
With <select> you select the individual report blocks Use a ";" as delimiter between the report blocks. If you wish to print out a curve and a full result report, enter "curve;full".
Confirm the entry with <enter> and quit the inquiries with <QUIT>
>display results
smpl unit: ml
smpl size 1.0 g
RS1 3.80 g/l
1.2 Development of a method
736 GP Titrino: Getting started
Press <print> <reports> <enter> . Your printout will look as follows:
Identification of the report type (cu = curve)
Start volume and method identification Scaling of curve axis
- Identification of the report type
- Initial pH and method with identification
- Volume and pH value of EP1
- Calculated result with result text
Entry of a stop criterionEntry of a stop criterion
You don't want to stop your titration manually each time. Let us enter an automatic stop criterion.
2 x <parameters>
11.5 <enter>
2 x <QUIT>
Press <parameters> twice to display the title ">stop condi­tions".
The absolute stop volume. It can be used as a safety volume to prevent overflow of the titration vessel.
Enter a value for the stop volume that appears suitable for your titration vessel.
Set the pH value, e.g. 11.5 as stop criterion. If several stop criteria have been set, the one that is reached first, applies.
Confirm the input with <enter> and quit the inquiry with <QUIT>.
Try another titration with this method.
'cu 736 GP Titrino 05325 736.0010 date 1997-12-16 time 09:07 1 start V 0.000 ml DET pH ********
1.0 ml/div dpH=2.0/div
'fr 736 GP Titrino 05325 736.0010 date 1997-12-16 time 09:07 1 pH(init) 2.88 DET pH ******** smpl size 2 ml EP1 2.083 ml 7.64 RS1 3.80 g/l manual stop
>stop conditions
stop pH OFF
stop V 99.99 ml
stop V: abs.
1.3 Storing methods
736 GP Titrino: Getting started
1.3 Storing methods
You learn how to operate the method memories. The Titrino offers 2 types of method memories:
Internal method memory, key <user meth>
External method memory on the card, key <card>
Storing a method in the internal method memoryStoring a method in the internal method memory
2 x <user meth>
< << >
< << > + < >> >
Press key <user meth> repeatedly until ">store method" ap­pears in the display.
Enter an identification for your method, e.g. HCl:
Press key < << >. The display shows a row of letters. The first position of this row is blinking. This is the input position.
You can move this row of letters pressing the < << > and < >> >. Press < >> > until an "H" appears in the blinking posi- tion and confirm it with <enter>.
The next position is now blinking. Enter the next letter here, confirm it with <enter> etc.
If the identifier is complete, quit the text input with <QUIT>.
Confirm the value with <enter>. The method is stored in the memory.
The method runs now under the identifier "HCl".
A list of contents of the method memory can be printed with the key sequence <print><user meth><enter>.
>store method
method name: HCl
DET pH D0a HCl
method name: HClmnopq
method name: HIJKLMNO
method name: ABCDEFGH
method name: ********
'um 736 GP Titrino 02103 736.0010 date 1997-09-13 time 07:49 user methods bytes DET pH Titer_pH D0 190 DET U Blank D0 178 DET U Chloride D0 234 MET U Diazo D0 208 MET Ipol Br-Index D0 226 DET U Ca-Mg D0 278 DET U EDTA-NTA D0 216 DET U Metals D0 190 DET U Perox.No D0 172 DET pH HCl D0 108 remaining bytes 7330
mode and measured quantity
method name
dosing unit, that is being used
1.3 Storing methods
736 GP Titrino: Getting started
Recall a method from the internal method memoryRecall a method from the internal method memory
Stored methods can always be recalled into the working memory.
<user meth>
Press the key <user meth>. In the display appears ">recall method".
You can choose a method with <select> or enter its name directly.
Recall the method with <enter>.
The method is now ready to work.
Method memory on the cardMethod memory on the card
The card offers additional memory space for methods. It may be used e.g.
as a backup-medium for the internal method memory
as an extended method memory, where the methods can
be organized in various directories
if every user wants to store his methods on his own card
for exchanging methods between various laboratories,
apparatus, and/or users The card has a battery, which should be exchanged periodi­cally, see page 85 of the Instructions for Use.
As an example, perform a backup from the internal method memory to the card. If the card is not formatted, see page 86 of the Instructions for Use.
7 x <card>
name + <enter>
Press the key <card> repeatedly until ">backup" appears in the display.
Confirm this function with the key <enter> and give a name for the backup directory. If you wish to overwrite an existing directory, choose a name with <select>.
The backup will be effected.
>recall method
DET pH D0a HCl
method name: HCl
+ 21 hidden pages