ConferenceCam CC3000e
Best Practices for use with Software Clients
UC for Real People

Product Functionality Check 1
Skype™ 2
Cisco Jabber™ 3
Cisco WebEx® 4
Microsoft® Lync™ 5
Google Hangouts™ 6
Simple Web-based Demo: 7
Appendix A 8
Appendix B 9
Known Issues: 10

Product Functionality Check
As a first step for this product right out of the box, it is recommended to use the Logitech
Diagnostic tool. This tool can provide a quick check that all the components are connected
and are working as designed.
Go to the support page to download the Logitech Diagnostic Tool:
LED Call Activity
Bluetooth pairing
Call Answer/End
Camera Zoom
LCD Display
NFC indicator
Mute button
Volume controls
Far End control
Camera Preset control
Far End
Best Practices for Use with Software Clients | 1

System requirements:
CPU >= Intel Core2Duo
Network requirements:
Network >= 650Kbps upload and download
• The latest version of Skype should be installed from http://www.skype.com and user should create or
login into Skype.
• Connection of the device to the system will generate a notification from Skype of a new camera and audio
device being connected. The user should click to accept for use in Skype.
• It is recommended that the user prepare for a call by going to Tools \ Options \ Audio Device or Video
device. Skype should automatically select the device for use in the call, but small adjustments can be made
here to improve the call.
• The speaker and microphone can be tested by calling Skype testing service by clicking on Tools \ Options \
Audio -> Make a Free Test Call link.
Calling / Call Controls:
• User should be able to start a call by double-clicking their contact, and selecting Call or Start a Video Call.
Video can be started while in a call at any time.
• The Skype application provides detailed information on a Video call or Audio call. To understand the current
status and/or quality factors while on a call, the user can click on the Call option in the Skype call window
and then select the Call Technical Info option.
• As a video call begins in Skype you should see a small local preview from your camera. The other party on
the call will receive a VGA image that might be grainy at first. The image should improve within a few
seconds after connection. Once the call has been established for 1-2 minutes, the CPU consumption and
network usage will have settled. At this point Skype will dynamically begin to increase the image resolution
and audio quality to the best calling experience based on a number of factors.
• Skype needs to have our plug-in installed to activate the call control buttons on the device. This plug-in
enables the Call Answer/End button: you will now be able to answer or end calls by pressing the button
on the device. It also enables the in-call LED: the LED indicates the user is on an active call. Note: the
microphone and speakers, volume control, and mute button will work without installing the plug-in.
2 | Best Practices for Use with Software Clients