Lenze EMF2141IB User Manual

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Operating Instructions
24V DC
Fieldbus module type 2141
LON (Local Operating Network)
qЬЙлЙ lйЙк~нбеЦ fелнкмЕнбзел ~кЙ о~дбЗ Сзк СбЙдЗДмл гзЗмдЙл пбнЬ нЬЙ СзддзпбеЦ е~гЙйд~нЙлW
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2141 IB. 0x. 0x. LON
fе ЕзееЙЕнбзе пбнЬ нЬЙ мебн лЙкбЙл ~л Скзг нЬЙ е~гЙйд~нЙ З~н~W
820X E./C. 2x. 1x. (8201 - 8204) 821X E./C. 2x. 2x. (8211 - 8218) 822X E. 1x. 1x. (8221 - 8227) 824X E.C. 1x. 1x. (8241 - 8246)
82EVxxxxxBxxxXX Vx 1x 8200 vector
EPL 10200 I.T. 1x. 1x. (Drive PLC)
93XX E./C. 2x. 1x. (9321 - 9333) 93XX E./C. I.T. 2x. 1x. (9300 Servo PLC)
Design: E = Built-in unit IP20 IB = Module
Hardware version and index
Software version and index
Important: These Operating Instructions are only valid together with the corresponding Operating Instruc-
tions for the 82XX, 8200 vector, 93XX and 9300 Servo PLC and Drive PLC.
What is new?
Material no. Version Important Contents
455968 1.0 08/02 TD02 1st edition
E 2002 Lenze Drive Systems GmbH
No part of these Instructions must be copied or given to third parties without written approval of Lenze Drive Systems GmbH.
All information given in this documentation have been checked for compliance with the hardware and software described. Nevertheless, deviations and mistakes cannot be ruled out. We do not take any responsibility or liability for damages which might possibly occur. Necessary corrections will be included in the next edition.


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1 Preface and general information 1-1...........................................
1.1 How to use these Operating Instructions 1-1................................................
1.1.1 Terminology used 1-1.........................................................
1.2 Packing list 1-1.....................................................................
1.2.1 Legal regulations 1-2..........................................................
2 Safety information 2-1......................................................
2.1 Persons responsible for the safety 2-1....................................................
2.2 General safety information 2-1..........................................................
2.3 Layout of the safety information 2-2......................................................
3 Technical data 3-1.........................................................
3.1 Features of the 2141 fieldbus module 3-1..................................................
3.2 General data / application conditions 3-1..................................................
3.3 Rated data 3-2......................................................................
3.4 Dimensions 3-2.....................................................................
3.5 Communication times 3-3.............................................................
3.5.1 Processing time in the basic unit 3-3..............................................
3.5.2 Number of devices connected to the bus 3-3........................................
4 Installation 4-1............................................................
4.1 Elements at the front of the 2141 fieldbus module 4-1.........................................
4.1.1 Connection of external voltage supply 4-2..........................................
4.1.2 Connection for LON bus 4-2.....................................................
4.1.3 Data for connection terminals 4-2................................................
4.2 Mechanical installation 4-3.............................................................
4.3 Electrical installation 4-4..............................................................
4.3.1 Wiring to a host 4-4...........................................................
4.3.2 Voltage supply 4-5............................................................
5 Commissioning 5-1........................................................
5.1 First switch-on 5-1...................................................................
5.2 Configure the controller for the communication with the 2141 fieldbus module 5-2....................
5.2.1 Protection against uncontrolled restart 5-2..........................................
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6 Parameter setting 6-1......................................................
6.1 Parameter data channel configuration 6-2..................................................
6.1.1 Parameter data 6-2...........................................................
6.1.2 Network variable for the parameter data channel 6-3.................................. Structure of network variables 6-3......................................
6.2 Overview: Network variable and configuration variable 6-1.....................................
6.2.1 Overview: Node Object 6-1.....................................................
6.2.2 Overview: Network variable for VSD control 6-2......................................
6.2.3 Overview: Network variable for AIF-CTRL control 6-2..................................
6.2.4 Overview: Configuration variable for VSD control 6-3...................................
6.3 Node Object 6-4.....................................................................
6.3.1 Inhibit / Enable all objects 6-4...................................................
6.3.2 Status messages 6-4..........................................................
6.4 VSD control VSD 6-5..................................................................
6.4.1 Network variable (VSD) 6-5..................................................... Speed setpoint 6-5.................................................. Actual speed value 6-6............................................... Scaling of the speed setpoint 6-7....................................... Motor current 6-8................................................... Motor voltage 6-9................................................... Operating time 6-10..................................................
6.4.2 Configuration variable (VSD) 6-11.................................................. Location label 6-11.................................................. Receive Heartbeat Time 6-12........................................... Maximum Send Time 6-13............................................. Minimum Send Time 6-14............................................. Maximum speed 6-15................................................. Minimum speed 6-16................................................. Rated speed value 6-17............................................... Rated frequency 6-18................................................. Acceleration time 6-19................................................ Deceleration time 6-20................................................ Receive heartbeat for AIF-CTRL 6-21..................................... Monitoring reaction for AIF-CTRL 6-22.................................... Default value for nviDrvSpeedScale 6-23...................................
6.5 Device control AIF-CTRL 6-24............................................................
6.5.1 General information 6-24........................................................ Output variable 6-24.................................................. Input variable 6-25...................................................
6.5.2 Network variable for 82XX controllers 6-26........................................... Status word for 82XX 6-27............................................. Control word for 82XX 6-29............................................
6.5.3 Network variable for 8200 vector controllers 6-30...................................... Status word for 8200 vector 6-32........................................ Control word for 8200 vector 6-33.......................................
6.5.4 Network variable for 93XX controllers 6-35........................................... Status word for 93XX 6-37............................................. Control word for 93XX 6-40............................................
6.5.5 Network variable for 9300 Servo PLC and Drive PLC 6-42...............................
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7 Troubleshooting and fault elimination 7-1.......................................
7.1 No communication with the controller. 7-1.................................................
7.2 Controller does not execute write job 7-1..................................................
8 Appendix 8-1.............................................................
8.1 Starting Global Drive Control (GDC) from LONMakert 8-1.......................................
8.1.1 Installation instructions for the plug-In 8-1..........................................
8.1.2 Open GDC from the LONMakert 8-2...............................................
8.2 Configuration of the LON network 8-3.....................................................
8.2.1 Configuration of the LON network 8-3..............................................
8.2.2 Working with network variables 8-5...............................................
8.2.3 Registration of new data types 8-8................................................
8.3 Listofabbreviations 8-9...............................................................
8.4 Glossary 8-10.......................................................................
8.5 More information sources 8-10...........................................................
8.6 Table of keywords 8-11................................................................
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BA2141 EN 1.0
Preface and general information
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1 Preface and general information

1.1 How to use these Operating Instructions

These Operating Instructions are intended for safety-relevant working on and with the 2141
fieldbus module. They contain safety information which must be observed.
All personnel working on and with the 2141 fieldbus module must have these Operating
Instructions available and observe the information and notes relevant for them.
The Operating Instructions must always be complete and perfectly readable.
These Operating Instructions contain the most important technical data and describe the installation of the 2141 fieldbus module. They are only valid in combination with the Operating Instructions of the corresponding controller.
1.1.1 Terminology used
Controller In the following, the t erm ”controller” is used for ”93XX servo inverters” or ”82XX frequeny inverters”. Drive system In the following, the term ”drive system” is used for drive systems with fieldbus modules or other Lenze drive
Field bus module In the following text, the term ”fieldbus module” is used for the fieldbus module type 2141 L ON. Cxxx/y Subcode y of code Cxxx (z.B. C0410/3 = subcode 3 of code C0410) Xk/y Terminal strip Xk/terminal y (z.B. X3/28 = terminal 28 on terminal strip X3)
(^xx-yyy) Cross reference (chapter - page)

1.2 Packing list

Scope of supply Important
1 2141 fieldbus module with housing (enclosure IP20)
1 2-pole plug connector for voltage supply
1 2-pole plug connector for L
1 Mounting Instructions
1 floppy
After the delivery has been received, check immediately whether the items supplied match the accompanying papers. Lenze does not accept any liability for deficiencies claimed subsequently.
visible transport damage immediately to the forwarder
visible deficiencies/incompleteness immediately to your Lenze
L BA2141 EN 1.0
Preface and general information
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1.2.1 Legal regulations
Application as directed
Nameplate CE mark Manufacturer
Lenze 2141 fieldbus modules are unambiguously identified by their nameplates.
Fieldbus module 2141
Conforms to the EC Low Voltage Directive Lenze Drive Systems GmbH
Postfach 101352 D-31763 Hameln
Operate the fieldbus module only under the conditions prescribed in these Operating Instructions.
The fieldbus module is an additional module and can be optionally attached to the Lenze controller series 820X, 821X, 822X, 8200 vector
and 93XX. The 2141 fieldbus module links these Lenze controllers with the standardized serial communication system LON.
The fieldbus module must be attached and electrically connected so that it complies with its function and does not cause any hazards when
attached and operated as instructed.
Observe all notes given in chapter „Safety information“ ^ 2-1.
Please observe all information given in these Operating Instructions.This means:
– Read these Operating Instructions carefully before you start to work with the system. – These Operating Instructions must always be available during operation of the fieldbus module.
Any other use shall be deemed as inappropriate!
Liability The information, data, and notes in these instructions met the state of the art at the time of printing. Claims referring to drive systems
which have already been supplied cannot be derived from the information, illustrations, and descriptions given in these Operating Instructions.
The specifications, processes, and circuitry described in these instructions are for guidance only and must be adapted to your own specific
application. Lenze does not take responsibility for the suitability of the process and circuit proposals.
The specifications in these Instructions describe the product features without guaranteeing them.
Lenze does not accept any liability for damage and operating interference caused by:
– disregarding these Instructions – unauthorized modifications to the controller – operating errors – improper working on and with the controller
Warranty Warranty conditions: see Sales and Delivery Conditions of Lenze Drive Systems GmbH.
Warranty claims must be made to Lenze immediately after detecting the deficiency or fault.
The warranty is void in all cases where liability claims cannot be made.
Material recycle dispose
Metal D ­Plastic D ­Assembled PCBs - D Operating Instructions D
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Safety information
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2 Safety information

2.1 Persons responsible for the safety

An operator is any natural or legal person who uses the drive system or on behalf of whom the drive system is used.
The operator or his safety personnel is obliged
– to ensure the compliance with all relevant regulations, instructions and legislation. – to ensure that only skilled personnel works on and with the 2102IB fieldbus module. – to ensure that the personnel has the Operating Instructions available for all corresponding works. – to ensure that all unqualified personnel are prohibited from working on and with the drive system.
Qualified personnel
Qualified personnel are persons who - because of their education, experience, instructions and knowledge about corresponding standards and regulations, rules for the prevention of accidents and operating conditions - are authorized by the person responsible for the safety of the plant to perform the required actionsandwhoare able to recognize potential hazards. (Definition for skilled personnel to VDE105 or IEC364)

2.2 General safety information

These safety notes do not claim to be complete. In case of questions and problems please contact your Lenze representative.
At the time of delivery the fieldbus module meets the state of the art and ensures basically safe operation.
The indications given in these Operating Instructions refer to the stated hardware and software versions of the fieldbus modules.
The fieldbus module is hazardous if:
– unqualified personnel works on and with the fieldbus module. – the fieldbus module is used inappropriately.
The processing notes and circuit sections shown in these Operating Instructions are proposals which cannot be transferred to other applications without being
tested and checked.
Ensure by appropriate measures that neither personal injury nor damage to property may occur in the event of failure of the fieldbus module.
The drive system must only be operated when no faults occur.
Retrofittings, modifications or redesigns are basically prohibited. Lenze must be contacted in all cases.
The fieldbus module is electrical equipment intended for use in industrial high-power plants. The fieldbus module must be tightly screwed to the corresponding
controller during operation. In addition, all measures described in the Operating Instructions of the controller used must be taken. Example: Fastening of covers to ensure protection against contact.
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Safety information
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Restgefahren, Gestaltung der Sicherheitshinweise

2.3 Layout of the safety information

All safety information given in these Instructions have got the same structure:
Signal word (indicates the severity of danger)
Note (describes the danger and informs the reader how to avoid danger)
Icons used Signal words
Warning of danger to persons
Warning of hazardous electrical voltage
Danger! Warns of impending dangerr.
Consequences if disregarded: Death or severe injuries.
Warning of a general danger
Warning of damage to materials
Other notes Tip! It designates general, useful notes.
Warning! Warns of potential, very hazardous situations.
Consequences if disregarded: Death or severe injuries.
Caution! Warns of potential, hazardous situations.
Consequences if disregarded: Light or minor injuries.
Stop! Warns of possible damage to material.
Consequences if disregarded: Damage of the controller/drive system or its environment
If you follow the tip, handling of the controller/drive system will be easier.
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3 Technical data

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3.1 Features of the 2141 fieldbus module

Attachable additional module for the following devices:
– 82XX – 8200 vector – Drive PLC – 93XX – 9300 Servo PLC
LON connection module with the LONMARK
Access to all Lenze parameters
Internal and external 24-V-DC voltage supply possible with devices listed above
(exception 820X: only external supply)
Functional Profile “Variable Speed Motor
Technical data

3.2 General data / application conditions

Field Values
Order name EMF2141IB Network topology Free topology (line, tree, star, ring) Possible number of nodes 64 Max. cable length 2700 m with bus t o pology
Baud rate 78 kBit/s Ambient temperature during
Permissible humidity Class 3K3 to EN 50178 (without condensation, average relative humidity 85%)
500 m if the topology is mixed
operation: during transport: during storage:
0° C ... 55° C
-25° C ... 70° C
-25° C ... 60 °C
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Technical data
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3.3 Rated data

Field Values
Voltage supply 24 V DC ñ 10 %; max. 120 mA Communication profile LONMARK®Functional Profile “Variable Speed Motor Drive” Communication medium FTT - 10 A (Free Topology Transceiver)
Insulation voltage between bus and ... Rated insulation voltage Insulation type
Earth reference / PE 50 V AC Mains isolation
External supply (terminal 39/59) 50 V AC Mains isolation
Power stage
– 820X / 821X 270 V AC Basic insulation – 822X / 8200 vector 270 V AC Double insulation – 93XX 270 V AC Double insulation
Control terminals
– 820X / 8200 vector (with internal supply) 0VAC No mains isolation – 8200 vector (with external supply 100 V AC Basic insulation – 821X 50 V AC Mains isolation – 822X 270 V AC Basic insulation – 93XX 270 V AC Basic insulation
Degree of pollution VDE0110, part 2, pollution degree 2

3.4 Dimensions

Fig. 3-1 Dimensions of the 2141 fieldbus module (all dimensions in mm)
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3.5 Communication times

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The communication times depend on
the data transmission time which depends on
– the baud rate – the user-data length
the processing time in the basic unit (see the following chapter)
You will find more information about the data-transfer time in the documentation for your host system.
3.5.1 Processing time in the basic unit
The processing time in the basic unit starts when a message arrives at the fieldbus module (action) and ends with the response of the basic unit to this message.
Technical data
Processing time 820X
Action Processing step Max. time required by the controller
Writing of control word or setpoint, if the
value has changed
Alternating reading of status word and
actual value
Processing of parameter access if there
is a service
Tab. 3-1 Processing time: 820X
Processing time: 821X / 8200 vector / 822X
Parameter data and process data are independent of each other.
Parameter data: 30 ms + 20 ms tolerance
Process data: approx. 3 ms + 2 ms tolerance
Processing time: 9300 servo inverter
Parameter data and process data are independent of each other.
Parameter data: approx. 30 ms + 20 ms tolerance (typical)
– The processing time can be longer for some codes
(see 9300 Manual).
Process data: approx. 3 ms + 2 ms tolerance
Processing time: Drive PLC / 9300 Servo PLC
Parameter data and process data are independent of each other.
Parameter data: approx. 30 ms + 20 ms tolerance
Process data depend on the process image.
The process image is an update of process data made after every task cycle.
Writing of status word and actual value
Control word or setpoint reading 27 ms +48 ms Toleranz Control word and setpoint reading 54 ms +56 ms tolerance Read parameter 55 ms +48 ms tolerance Parameter writing 108 ms +32 ms tolerance
200 ms +40 ms tolerance
3.5.2 Number of devices connected to the bus
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The maximum bus size depends on
the baud rate used
the number of repeaters
For more detailed information see the documenation for the control system.
Technical data
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4 Installation

4.1 Elements at the front of the 2141 fieldbus module

Fig. 4-1 Front view of the 2141 LON fieldbus module
Pos. Name/meaning
Green bus LED indicates the voltage supply status for the 2141 f ie l dbus module.
ON: 2141 fieldbus module is supplied with voltage and connected to the controller. OFF: 2141 is not supplied with voltage; controller and external voltage supply are switched off.
BLINKING: 2141 fie l dbus module is supplied with voltage but not connected to the controller. Possible reasons: Controller is switched off, in initialisation or not connected.
Yellow bus LED indicates t he communication status for t he 2141 fieldbus module. OFF: 2141 fieldbus module has not been initialised yet.
BLINKING: LON communication is not active
Green or red DRIVE-LED
Operating status of 82XX, 8200 vector or 93XX (see Operating Instructions f or controller)
Service LED
OFF: Normal operating status
BLINKING: Fieldbus module not configured yet ON: No program available in Neuron
Service key
e.g. for signing on a fieldbus module with the configuration tool “ LONMaker
Two-pole plug for external voltage supply of the 2141 fieldbus module
+: Input voltage (see chapter: Technical Data)
- : Reference potential for external voltage (GND)
Two-pole plug for LON communication
Max. cable cross-section: 1.5 mm Only for 820X, 821X: Additional PE shield cable avoids EMC related communication interference
t for Windows® “ ^ 8-1
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4.1.1 Connection of external voltage supply
Name Explanation
24 V DC /+ External voltage supply +24 V DC/10 %, 120 mA ma x. 24 V DC /- GND; reference for external voltage supply
4.1.2 Connection for LON bus
Name Explanation
FTT / Connection for LON bus, two cores (twisted pair)
4.1.3 Data for connection terminals
Electrical connection Plug connector with threaded terminal end Possible connections
Tightening torque 0.5 Nm (4.4 lb-in) Bare end 7mm
rigid: 1.5 mm2(AWG16)
flexible: without wire crimp cap
1.5 mm2(AWG16) with wire crimp cap,without plastic sleeve
1.5 mm2(AWG16) with wirecrimp cap,with plastic sleeve
1.5 mm2(AWG16)
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4.2 Mechanical installation

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Plug the fieldbus module onto the controller (here: 8200 vector)
Use the fixing screw to mount the fieldbus module.
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4.3 Electrical installation

4.3.1 Wiring to a host
An additional mains isolation is required, if
a 820X or 821X controller is connected to a host and
a safe mains isolation (double basic insulation) to VDE 0160 is necessary.
For this, it is, for instance, possible to use an interface module which provides an additional mains isolation (see corresponding manufacturer’s data).
For wiring, the electrical isolation of the supply voltage must be taken into account.
The communciation of controllers 820X and 821X may be interfered by electromagnetic radiation. If necessary, use an additional PE shield cable .
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4.3.2 Voltage supply
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Internal voltage supply
– If possible, use all devices without
External voltage supply (^ 4-1)
– Absolutely required for 820X controllers. – If the 2141 fieldbus module is to be able to communicate even if the basic device is switch
If the bus system is distributed over several control cabinets, install a separate power supply
in every control cabinet to supply all devices/fieldbus modules. Install an equipotential bonding conductor between the control cabinets.
Internal voltage supply of the fieldbus module connected to a 8200 vector
Controllers with an extended AIF interface (front of the 8200 vector) can be internally supplied. The part of the drawing highlighted in grey shows the jumper position.
With Lenze setting, the fieldbus module is not For internal voltage supply, put the jumper in the position indicated below.
external voltage supply because of EMC-relevant
internally supplied.
Lenze setting
(only external voltage supply)
Internal voltage supply
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BA2141 EN 1.0

5 Commissioning

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5.1 First switch-on

Please do not change the switch-on sequence explained below!
Prior to first switch-on of the controller, check the wiring for
Short circuit
Earth fault
Step Procedure Remarks
1. Connect the basic unit and if available external supply for the fieldbus module.
2. Configuration of controllers connected to the bus
3. It should now be possible to communicate with the drive.
4. Drive-specific settings à Operating Instructions of the basic unit
5. Enable controller à Terminal controller inhibit (CINH) = HIGH
6. Setpoint selection à The drive should be running now.
Onle of the two operating status LEDs at the controller, see ^ 4-1, must be on
or blinking. If this is not the case, see
The green Vcc display must also be on, see ^ 4-1.
If this is not the case, see Configure the controllers connected to the bus by means of an appropriate configuration tool
à e.g. LONMAKERtfor Windows
The yellow bus LED is blinking, see ^ 4-1, when data is exchanged between the 2141 fieldbus module and other controllers connected to the bus.
^ 7-1
^ 7-1.
,see^ 8-1
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5.2 Configure the controller for the communication with the 2141 fieldbus module

82XX / 8200 vector
93XX 1. If you want to control the drive via LON, configure the Lenze paramete r “Signal configuration” (C0005) for xxx3. This change can be carried out
1. The drive can be controlled through LON, if the Lenze parameter “Operating mode” (C0001) is changed from 0 to 3. This change can be made by using the keypad or directly via LON.
For LON Write (C0001=3), subindex: 0, value = 30000. Please see the information about how to change parameter values of a code in chapter
2. Terminal 28 (controller enable) is always active the controller cannot be enabled by the LON.
3. 821X, 8200vector and 822X: The QSP function (quick stop) is always active A input terminal configured for QSP (default setting: not assigned) must be HIGH during LON operation (see Operating Instructions for the controller).
4. The controller now accepts control and parameter-setting data from the LON.
using the 9371BB keypad or the LON. Select the signal configuration 1013 for first commissioning.
For LON Write (C0005=1013), subindex: 0, value: 10130000. Please see the information about how to change parameter values of a code in chapter
2. Set the parameter C0142 to 0. Please read the next TIP for code C0142.
3. Terminal 28 (RFR = controller enable) is always active Otherwise, the controller cannot be enabled by the LON.
4. With the signal configuration C0005=1013, the QSP function (quick stop) and the CW/CCW changeover are a ssigned t o the input terminals E1 and E2, and thus they are always active. E1 must be HIGH for LON operation (see 93XX Operating Instructions). With the signal configuration C0005=xx13, t erminal A1 is configured as voltage output. Therefore, only the following terminals must be connected via cables:
X5.A1 with X5.28 (ctrl. enable)
X5.A1 with X5.E1 (CW/QSP)
5. The controller now accepts control and parameter-setting data from the LON.
and must be HIGH for LON operation (see the corresponding Operating Instructions). Otherwise,
and must be HIGH for LON operation (see Operating Instructions for the controller).
5.2.1 Protection against uncontrolled restart
After an error or fault (e.g. short-term mains failure) a restart of the drive is not always wanted.
The start condition can be changed, i.e. the drive can be inhibited by setting C0142 = 0 for
the event that – the corresponding controller sets a fault „Message“ – the fault is active for more than 0.5 s
Parameter function:
C0142 = 0
– Controller remains inhibited (even if the fault is not active any longer) – The drive restarts in a controlled mode: LOW-HIGH transition at one of the inputs for
„Controller inhibit“ (CHIN, e.g. at terminal X5/28)
C0142 = 1
– Uncontrolled restart of the controller possible
BA2141 EN 1.0

6 Parameter setting

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General information on parameter setting
Two different data types are transferred by the 2141 fieldbus module:
Parameter data
Process data,
Different communication channels are assigned to parameter and process data:
Telegram type Communication channel Parameter data These are, for instance,
Operationg parameters
diagnostics information
motor data
In general, the parameter transfer is not as time-critical as the tranfer of process data.
Process data These are, for instance,
Actual values
Exchange between host and controller required as fast as possible. Small amounts of data, which are transferred cyclically.
Parameter setting
Parameter data channel (chapter 6.1)
Process-data channel (chapter 6.2)
Enables the access to all Lenze codes.
Parameter changes are normally saved in
the controller (observe C0003).
If the parameter channel is active, it
assigns 4 words of the input and output process data.
The controller can be controlled using the
process data.
^ 6-7 ).
The host has direct access to the process
data. In the PLC, for instance, the data are directly assigned to the I/O area.
Process data are
– not stored in the controller. – cyclically transferred between the host
and the controller (continuous exchange of current input and output data).
^ 6-2 )
Tab. 6-1 Division of parameter data and process data into different communication channels
The communication protocol is only described as much as it is needed for building up the network with Lenze controllers.
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Parameter setting
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6.1 Parameter data channel configuration

6.1.1 Parameter data
Parameter data are addressed through Lenze codes. You find a code table in the Operating Instructions for your controller.
Lenze parameter sets
Parameter sets are for special code saving which is necessary because of different configurations for different application processes.
The following table informs about the number of parameter sets and how to address them.
82XX 8200 vector
82XX and 8200 vector controllers have 2 and 4 parameter sets. They can be directly addressed through LON.
They are addressed by means of a code-digit offset:
Offset 0 addesses parameter set 1 with Lenze codes C0000 to C1999
Offset 2000 addresses parameter set 2 with Lenze codes C2000 to C3999
Offset 4000 addresses parameter set 3 with the
No additional parameter sets available.
If a parameter is available only once (see Operating Instructions for 82XX or 8200 vector), use t he code digit offset 0.
Example for C0011 (maximum field frequency): C0011 in parameter set 1: Lenze code = 11 C0011 in parameter set 2: Lenze code = 2011
Parameter changes Automatic saving in the controller Automatic saving (can be switched off under C0003) Changes must be saved in code C0003.
Process data changes No automatic saving No automatic saving No automatic saving
Lenze codes C4000 to C5999
Offset 6000 addresses parameter set 4 with the
Lenze codes C6000 to C7999
C0011 in parameter set 3: Lenze code = 4011 C0011 in parameter set 4: Lenze code = 6011
93XX controllers have 4 parameter sets (depending on the variant) for non-volatile saving. Another parameter set is in the user memory of the controller. This is the
After switching on the controller, parameter set 1 is automatically loaded into the current parameter set.
es of the currentparameter set will
Chan be lost after switching off the controller. The current parameter set is stored in code C0003. Only the current parameter set can be directly addressed through LON. The 93XX codes are listed in the Operating Instructions and the Manual.
All changes made without storing them will be lost after the controller is switched off.
For 8200 vector
– Please note that it is not allowed to write parameter data to the EEPROM. – If you want to cyclically change parameter data, the code must be configured as follows
after every mains switching: C0003 = 0.
For 82XX
– Please note that it is not allowed to cyclically write parameter data to the EEPROM.
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Parameter setting
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6.1.2 Network variable for the parameter data channel
The network variables nviParamReq, nvoParamRes and nvoLongRes
enable parameter setting and diagnostics.
allow access to all Lenze parameters (codes).
The input network variable nviParamReq allows to send a read or write request to the drive. With parameters with a length of up to 4 bytes, the response is output through the output network
variable nvoParamRes. With parameters bigger than 4 bytes, the response to a read request is output through the network
variable nvoLongRes. Structure of network variables
User data are displayed in left-justified Motorola format. High byte or high word are shown before low byte or low word (see Calculation examples
(^ 6-6) ).
Details about the parameter data telegram:
Details about the parameter data telegram:
Details about the parameter data telegram:
The structure of nviParamReq and nvoParamRes is defined as follows:
1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte 4th byte 5th byte 6th byte 7th byte 8th byte 9th byte
code code
High byte
Low byte
Data 4 Data 3 Data2 Data1
The structure of nvoLongRes is defined as follows:
1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte 4th byte 5th byte 6th byte .... 28th byte
1st byte
High byte
Low byte
Subcode Service Data 1 .... Data23
Indicates the length of the following byte for write orders. Value range: 1, 2 or 4.
2nd byte 3rd byte
High byte
Low byte
4th byte
Error code
L BA2141 EN 1.0
The series 82XX do not have codes with subindex, the value is always 0.
Many codes of 93XX and 8200 vector controllers require additional addressing via a
Example for 9300 servo inverters: Code C0039 / subcode 3 addresses ” NSET JOG” (50% = default setting)
Parameter setting
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Details about the parameter data telegram:
Details about the parameter data telegram:
5th byte
Order type
1 = Read 2=Write
Data contents
Response ok
– Read: 1 –Write:2
Faulty response
– Read: 81 –Write:82
6th byte 7th byte 8th byte 9th byte
Data 4 Data 3 Data 2 Data 1
Bytes 6 to 9 contain the data to be written. Bytes 6 to 9 are not relevant for reading orders. The parameters of the corresponding code are changed by multiplying the parameter value with
10000 (the result is an integer value). Lenze parameters are mainly in the fixed-point format ,data type Integer32, with four decimal codes.
Please see the Operating Instructions for your controller for the value range of Lenze codes.
Lenze parameters dec hex
Example: Set C0039 (JOG) = 150.4 Hz 150.4 x 10000 = 1504000 = 0016F300
The parameter value needs 1 to 4 bytes depending on the data format (see “Attribute table” in the Operating Instructions for your controller)
6th byte 7th byte 8th byte 9th byte
Data 4 Data 3 Data 2 Data 1
High byte Low byte High byte Low byte
High word Low word
Double word
Assignment of bytes 6 to 9 with parameter value of different lengths
6th byte 7th byte 8th byte 9th byte
00 00 00 Parameter value (length 1) 00 00 Parameter value (length 2)
Parameter value (length 4)
BA2141 EN 1.0
Parameter setting
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Details about the parameter data telegram:
6th byte 7th byte 8th byte 9th byte
Error code
If processing the order is completed correctly, the variable nvoParamRes contains the read data or a copy of the written data.
If an error occurs in the network variable nvoParamRes the error code will be entered in byte 9. Theerrorcodecanbereadfrombyte9if
the value of byte 1 = 1 and
, see example below).
Strings and data blocks cannot be written.
The following table explains the error codes.
Error code
dec hex 01 01 Service-ID invalid 02 02 Caller-ID invalid 03 03 Data type invalid 04 04 Subcode-No. invalid 05 05 Code-No. invalid 06 06 Parameter invalid, general 07 07 No access authorisation because of operating status 08 08 No access authorisation because of operating mode 09 09 No access authorisation because parameter can only be read 10 A No access authorisation 11 B Data block too long 12 C Collision with other parameter values 14 D Quit value range 15 I General limit value exceeding 32 20 General 33 21 Time limit exceeded 34 22 Frame error 35 23 Parity error 36 24 Overflow
Meaning of error message
L BA2141 EN 1.0
Example: The brake opening time, code C0196 (C4
), is wrong.
Error code 14, ’Parameter value exceeds the max. permissible value’.
1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte 4th byte 5th byte 6th byte 7th byte 8th byte 9th byte
01 00 C4 00 80 00 00 00 0E
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