Brilliant Optics Combined with Innovative Illumination
The New Inverted Microscope for Routine and Laboratory Microscopy
in Cell Biology and Medicine
Inverted Routine
Microscopy in a New Light
Compact and stable
Lean and sturdy design•
Plenty of space for operation•
Low stage height•
Large dimensions and low•
center of gravity of microscope
Large working distances •
Wide variety of possible applications
Cell biology and medicine•
Micromanipulation (injection, IVF, ICSI)•
Developmental biology•
Optical performance and illumination are key elements in microscopy. Both characteristics are unifi ed in the new design of the
Leica DM IL LED. As the fi rst inverted routine microscope, the
Leica DM IL LED is not only equipped with outstanding Leica HC
optics, but also features innovative LED illumination. The transmitted-light illuminator including optimized condensers and improved
contrast methods are adapted specifi cally for cell biology applications. High stability, plenty of space for operation, large working
distances, illumination without heat development and the separately accommodated electronics provide optimum conditions for
microscopy. The Leica DM IL LED is exceptionally well-suited for
uses ranging from various cell and tissue culture examinations in
life sciences, developmental biology studies or micromanipulation
in cell biology to living cell examinations in transgenics or electrophysiology.
Molecular biology•
Fluorescence applications •
The fl uorescence version, the Leica DM IL LED Fluo, also offers a
variety of possible applications. Optionally, it is also available with
the new LED illumination.
Integrated fl uorescence
Manual fl uorescence with three fi lter cubes•
Heatable microscope stages and 3-plate cross-stages provide
great fl exibility for experiments on living cells under physiological
The Leica DM IL LED has a further advantage that distinguishes
it from other microscopes in its class: The stand is highly compatible with components of the Leica research microscopes.
Objectives, eyepieces, tubes, camera ports, contrast methods.
Additionally, special tubes and condensers have been developed
for the Leica DM IL LED.
Integrated shutter•
Optionally LED, classic mercury •
illumination or fi ber optic coupling
Flexible and modular
A full range of optical components•
Compatible with research stands •
Unheated and heated stages•
Large selection of tubes •
Comprehensive range of accessories•
for special applications
The Most Comprehensive Array
of Contrast Methods
All available contrast methods can be adapted to individual
applications easily and quickly. Two condensers have been developed specifi cally for the Leica DM IL LED, which can be used for
the entire magnifi cation range of the respective contrast method.
The high-resolution S40/0.45 condenser makes even tiny details of
a specimen visible. Both condensers, the S40/0.45 and S80/0.30,
allow for use of phase contrast up to the 63x objective as well as
Integrated Modulation Contrast (IMC) up to the 40x objective.
Fatigue-free operation
The ergonomic arrangement of all controls such as the focus dial,
brightness controller, condenser height adjustment, objective
nosepiece and XY stage adjustment allow users to be relaxed
while working with the microscope – even for hours. The heightadjustable stages, Ergo tubes with variable tube height, fl exible
viewing height, and the interpupillary distance and diopter setting
enable each user to confi gure his or her personal Leica DM IL LED.
The large working distances provide suffi cient room for large culture fl asks, and the unobstructed view of the specimen area facilitates handling more diffi cult specimens.