Freezing Process - Conventional Freezing vs. Snap Freezing
In the conventional freezing method, the tissue is typically frozen at about -30°C. During
this relatively slow freezing process, the ice crystals that form are usually large compared
to cellular dimensions. These crystals can cause considerable displacement and structural
damage to the tissue.
The Gentle Jane device is designed to snap-freeze the tissue in approximately 8 - 10
seconds. The freezing agent can be liquid nitrogen, LN2 chilled isopentane, dry ice or a
thermoelectric cooler (Peltier device). The temperature at which the tissue is frozen
should be - 60°C or colder.
NOTE: Gentle Jane Snap-Freezing methods are described in a separate SnapFreezing User Manual.
CryoJane Process
The CryoJane process is built around three special methodologies:
1. The capture of an undistorted, thin, snap-frozen section on a special cold adhesive
2. The lamination of the captured section onto a cold glass microscope slide coated with
an ultraviolet light curable pressure sensitive adhesive.
3. The curing of the adhesive on the slide with an 8 millisecond ultraviolet flash, and the
subsequent removal of the adhesive tape, leaving a still frozen section firmly adhered
to the microscope slide.
The CryoJane system is designed to permit the facile application of these methodologies,
and can be adapted to virtually all model cryostats.
CryoJane System Components
FIGURE 1. CryoJane System Components
1. Mechanism (Mech). See CRYOJANE MECH COMPONENTS for details.
2. Electronics Control Unit (ECU). See CRYOJANE ECU for details.
3. ½ inch diameter Mech Cable (connected to the Mech)
4. Door Channel
5. 3 Shelf Unit
6. Hand Roller
7. Adhesive Coated Slides
8. Tape Windows
9. Knife Facet Wipers
10. AC Power Cord (not shown)
11. Protective Oil Accessories Kit
(see Oil Bath Accessories Kit sections in this manual)
12. Cryo-Vac-Away System
(see Cryo-Vac-Away User Manual)
1 2 3
CryoJane ECU
Figure 2. CryoJane ECU - back
Figure 3. CryoJane ECU - front and right side
1. On/Off Switch
2. Pad LED
3. Power LED (or Bath LED if optional Oil Bath Accessory Kit is installed).
4. Flash/Pad Connector
5. Optional Oil Bath Connector
6. Fuses
7. AC Power Cord Connector
CryoJane Mech Components
FIGURE 4. CryoJane Mech Components
1. Blue Pad
2. Stainless Steel Spring Clip
3. Black Knob
4. Flash Tray
5. Lid
CryoJane Operating Procedure
In conventional sectioning the operator usually guides the cut section over the knife using
a brush or an anti-roll device. Even with a skillful, steady hand, this step can be difficult,
especially if a 2 to 4 micron thick section is desired.
To mount the section, a room-temperature slide is touched to it. When contact is made
between the warm slide and the frozen section, instantaneous melting of the section
occurs, converting the ice crystals back into water. Surface tension causes the melted
section to adhere to the slide. When the ice melts, water fills the spaces formerly
occupied by the ice crystals, rehydrating the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm, causing
erythrocytes to lyse and soluble substances to be displaced. Flow of the melted solutions
can distort and displace fine structure. Often the melted section is then dried, during
which step, surface tension forces further distort, displace and collapse tissue structure.
Pathologists and clinicians have been trained to recognize normal and abnormal structure
against this background of degraded fine structure.
In contrast, the CryoJane process is designed specifically to avoid melting and air drying
and its associated artifacts. It uses a cold adhesive tape to support and capture the section
during the cutting step. The unthawed section on the tape is then transferred to a special
cold adhesive-coated slide. The section is not melted in the mounting step. The
adhesive coating on the slide is then polymerized, and the tape is peeled away, leaving the
section permanently anchored to the slide while still frozen.
• A day’s supply of Adhesive Coated Slides and Tape Windows should be in the
cryostat, chilled and ready for use.
• The cryostat temperature should be -25°C to -30°C (depending on the cryostat
• The Pad light (left LED) on the ECU should be green.
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