Lancia Thema 2012 User Manual

Owner Handbook
We really know your car because we invented, designed
and built it: we know every single detail. At
technicians who are trained by us, offering quality and
professionalism for all your service requirements.
Lancia workshops are always close to you for your
servicing operations, repairs and seasonal checks and
our experts will offer practical recommendations for
keeping your car in the best possible condition.
When you use Genuine Parts you keep the reliability,
comfort and performance features of your new car
over time.
Always ask for Genuine Parts and insist on them
being fitted to your car. We recommend them because
we know they are derived from our continued
commitment to research and development and our use
of highly innovative technologies.
For these reasons, you can rely on Genuine Parts
because they are the only ones designed specifically
for your car.
All our Genuine Parts undergo rigorous testing, both in design and build stages, by specialists who check the use of cutting-edge materials and test their reliability.
This guarantees performance and safety in the long term for both you and the passengers in your automobile.
Always insist on a Genuine Part and check that it has been used.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing LANCIA and congratulations on your choice of a LANCIA Thema.
We have written this handbook to help you get to know all your car and use it in the best possible way.
You should read it right through before taking to the road for the first time.
You will find information, tips and important warnings regarding the driving of your car to help you get the most from the technological features of your LANCIA.
Carefully read the warnings and indications marked with the following symbols:
personal safety;
car safety;
environmental protection.
The enclosed Warranty Booklet lists the services that LANCIA offers to its customers:
• the Warranty Certificate with terms and conditions for maintaining its validity
• the range of additional services available to LANCIA customers.
Enjoy the read. Happy motoring!
This Owner Handbook describes all versions of the LANCIA Thema; please consider only the information relevant to your version, engine and configuration.
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
STARTING AND OPERATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
• INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
• IMPORTANT NOTICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
• HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
• WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Congratulations on selecting your new LANCIA vehicle. Be assured that it represents precision workmanship, distinctive styling, and high quality ­all essentials that are traditional to our vehicles.
Before you start to drive this vehicle, read this Owner's Manual and all the supplements. Be sure you are familiar with all vehicle controls, particularly those used for braking, steering, and transmission shifting. Learn how your vehicle handles on different road sur­faces. Your driving skills will improve with experience, but as in driving any vehicle, take it easy as you begin. Always observe local laws wherever you drive.
NOTE: information, it should be stored in the vehicle for convenient referenc­ing and remain with the vehicle when sold.
Failure to operate this vehicle cor­rectly may result in loss of control or a collision.
After reviewing the owner
Operating this vehicle at excessive speeds or while intoxicated may result in loss of control, collision with other vehicles or objects, going off the road, or overturning; any of which may lead to serious injury or death.Also, failure to use seat belts subjects the driver and passengers to a greater risk of injury or death.
To keep your vehicle running at its best, have your vehicle serviced at recommended intervals by an autho­rized dealer who has the qualified per­sonnel, special tools, and equipment to perform all service.
The manufacturer and its distributors are vitally interested in your complete satisfaction with this vehicle. If you encounter a service or warranty prob­lem, which is not resolved to your satisfaction, discuss the matter with your dealer's management.
Your authorized dealer will be happy to assist you with any questions about your vehicle.
This Owner's Manual has been pre­pared with the assistance of service and engineering specialists to acquaint you with the operation and maintenance of your new vehicle. It is supplemented by a Warranty Information Booklet and various customer-oriented documents. You are urged to read these publica­tions carefully. Following the instruc­tions and recommendations in this Owner's Manual will help assure safe and enjoyable operation of your vehicle.
After you have read the Owner’s Manual, it should be stored in the vehicle for convenient reference and remain with the vehicle when sold.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes in design and speci­fications, and/or to make additions to
or improvements in its products with­out imposing any obligations upon it­self to install them on products previ­ously manufactured.
The Owner's Manual illustrates and describes the features that are stan­dard or available as extra cost op­tions. Therefore, some of the equip­ment and accessories in this publication may not appear on your vehicle.
NOTE: Be sure to read the Own­er's Manual first before driving your vehicle and before attaching or installing parts/accessories or making other modifications to the vehicle.
In view of the manyreplacement parts and accessories from various manu­facturers available on the market, the manufacturer cannot be certain that the driving safety of your vehicle will not be impaired by the attachment or
installation of such parts. Even if such parts are officially-approved (for ex­ample, by a general operating permit for the part or by constructing the part in an officially approved design), or if an individual operating permit was issued for the vehicle after the attachment or installation of such parts, it cannot be implicitly assumed that the driving safety of your vehicle is unimpaired. Therefore, neither ex­perts nor official agencies are liable. The manufacturer only assumes re­sponsibility when parts, which are ex­pressly authorized or recommended by the manufacturer, are attached or installed at an authorized dealer. The same applies when modifications to the original condition are subse­quently made on the manufacturer's vehicles.
Your warranties do not cover any part that the manufacturer did not supply. Nor do they cover the cost of any
repairs or adjustments that might be caused or needed because of the in­stallation or use of non-manufacturer parts, components, equipment, mate­rials, or additives. Nor do your war­ranties cover the costs of repairing damage or conditions caused by any changes to your vehicle that do not comply with the manufacturers speci­fications.
Original parts and accessories and other products approved by the manufacturer, including qualified advice, are available at your autho­rized dealer.
When it comes to service, remember that your authorized dealer knows your vehicle best, has the factory­trained technicians and genuine parts, and is interested in your satis­faction.
Copyright © FIAT Group Automo-
biles S.p.A.
Consult the Table of Contents to de­termine which section contains the information you desire.
Since the specification of your vehicle depends on the items of equipment ordered, certain descriptions and illus­trations may differ from your vehicle's
The detailed index at the back of this Owner's Manual contains a complete listing of all subjects.
Consult the following table for a de­scription of the symbols that may be used on your vehicle or throughout this Owner's Manual:
This Owners Manual contains WARNINGS against operating proce­dures that could result in a collision or bodily injury. It also contains CAU- TIONS against procedures that could result in damage to your vehicle. If you do not read this entire Owners Manual, you may miss important in­formation. Observe all Warnings and Cautions.
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is on the left front corner of the instrument panel. The VIN is visible from outside of the vehicle through the windshield. The VIN is also lo­cated on the right front strut tower inside the engine compartment and printed on a label that is affixed to the left rear C-Pillar.
VIN Location
VIN Location
VIN Location
Any modifications or alterations to this vehicle could seriously affect its roadworthiness and safety and may lead to a collision resulting in seri­ous injury or death.
• A WORD ABOUT YOUR KEYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
• KEYLESS IGNITION NODE (KIN) . . . . . . . . . . .12
• KEY FOB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
• SENTRY KEY® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
• REPLACEMENT KEYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
• CUSTOMER KEY PROGRAMMING . . . . . . . . . .14
• GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
• VEHICLE SECURITY ALARM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
• REARMING OF THE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
• TO ARM THE SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
• TO DISARM THE SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
(for versions/markets, where provided) . . . . . . . . .16
• TO ARM THE SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
• TO DISARM THE SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
(for versions/markets, where provided) . . . . . . . . .17
• REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY (RKE) . . . . . . . . . . . .18
• TO UNLOCK THE DOORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
• TO LOCK THE DOORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
• TO UNLATCH THE TRUNK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
• GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
• DOOR LOCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
• MANUAL DOOR LOCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
• POWER DOOR LOCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
SYSTEM — REAR DOORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
• KEYLESS ENTER-N-GO™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
• WINDOWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
• POWER WINDOWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
• WIND BUFFETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
• TRUNK LOCK AND RELEASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
• TRUNK SAFETY WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
• TRUNK EMERGENCY RELEASE . . . . . . . . . . . .27
• OCCUPANT RESTRAINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
• LAP/SHOULDER BELTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
MODE (ALR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
• SEAT BELT PRETENSIONERS . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
(for versions/markets, where provided) . . . . . . .33
SYSTEM (BeltAlert®) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
SYSTEM (SRS) — AIR BAGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
• Air Bag Deployment Sensors And Controls . . . . .41
• CHILD RESTRAINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
• Additional Requirements For Diesel Engine . . . .55
• SAFETY TIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
• Transporting Passengers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
• Exhaust Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
• Safety Checks You Should Make Inside The
Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
• Periodic Safety Checks You Should Make
Outside The Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Your vehicle uses a keyless ignition system. This system consists of a Key Fob with Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter and a Keyless Ignition Node (KIN).
Keyless Enter-N-Go™ Feature
This vehicle is equipped with the Key­less Enter-N-Go™ feature, (refer to "Keyless Enter-N-Go" in "Things To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle" for further information).
This feature allows the driver to oper­ate the ignition switch with the push of a button, as long as the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter is in the passenger compartment.
The Keyless Ignition Node (KIN) has four operating positions, three of which are labeled and will illuminate when in position. The three positions
are OFF, ACC, and ON/RUN. The fourth position is START. During start RUN will illuminate.
NOTE: In case the ignition switch does not change with the push of a button, the RKE transmitter (Key Fob) may have a low or dead bat­tery. In this situation a back up method can be used to operate the ignition switch. Put the nose side (side opposite of the emergency key) of the Key Fob against the ENGINE START/STOP button and push to operate the ignition switch.
Keyless Ignition Node (KIN)
The Key Fob also contains the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter and an emergency key, which stores in the rear of the Key Fob.
The emergency key allows for entry into the vehicle should the battery in the vehicle or the Key Fob go dead. The emergency key is also for locking the glove box. You can keep the emergency key with you when valet parking.
To remove the emergency key, slide the mechanical latch on the back of the Key Fob sideways with your thumb and then pull the key out with your other hand.
Emergency Key Removal
NOTE: sided emergency key into the lock cylinders with either side up.
You can insert the double-
Opening the driver's door when the ignition is in ACC or ON (engine not running), a chime will sound to re­mind you to cycle the ignition to OFF. In addition to the chime, the ignition or accessory on message will display in the cluster.
NOTE: system, the power window switches, radio, power sunroof (for versions/ markets, where provided), and power outlets will remain active for up to 10 minutes after the ignition is cycled to the OFF position. Opening either front door will cancel this fea­ture. The time for this feature is pro­grammable. Refer to “Uconnect Touch™ Settings” in “Understand­ing Your Instrument Panel” for fur­ther information.
With the Uconnect Touch™
• When leaving the vehicle, always remove the Key Fob from the vehicle and lock your vehicle.
• Never leave children alone in a vehicle, or with access to an un­locked vehicle.
• Allowing children to be in a ve­hicle unattended is dangerous for a number of reasons. A child or others could be seriously or fatally injured. Children should be warned not to touch the park­ing brake, brake pedal or the shift lever.
• Do not leave the Key Fob in or near the vehicle, or in a location accessible to children, and do not leave Keyless Enter-N-Go™ in the ACC or ON/RUN mode. A child could operate power win­dows, other controls, or move the vehicle.
Do not leave children or animals inside parked vehicles in hot weather. Interior heat build-up may cause serious injury or death.
An unlocked car is an invitation to thieves. Always remove the Key Fob from vehicle, cycle the ignition OFF and lock all doors when leav­ing the vehicle unattended.
The Sentry Key® Immobilizer System prevents unauthorized vehicle oper­ation by disabling the engine. The system does not need to be armed or activated. Operation is automatic, regardless of whether the vehicle is locked or unlocked.
The system uses a Key Fob with Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) trans­mitter, a Keyless Ignition Node (KIN) and a RF receiver to prevent unau­thorized vehicle operation. Therefore, only Key Fobs that are programmed to the vehicle can be used to start and operate the vehicle.
After placing the ignition in the ON/ RUN position, the Vehicle Security
Light will turn on for three seconds for a bulb check. If the light remains on after the bulb check, it indicates that there is a problem with the electronics. This condition will result in the engine being shut off after two seconds.
If the Vehicle Security Light turns on during normal vehicle operation (vehicle running for longer than 10 seconds), it indicates that there is a fault in the electronics. Should this occur, have the vehicle serviced as soon as possible by an authorized dealer.
All of the Key Fobs provided with your new vehicle have been pro­grammed to the vehicle electronics.
NOTE: Only Key Fobs that are programmed to the vehicle elec­tronics can be used to start and operate the vehicle. Once a Key Fob is programmed to a vehicle, it cannot be programmed to any other vehicle.
• Always remove the Key Fobs from the vehicle and lock all doors when leaving the vehicle unattended.
• For vehicles equipped with Key­less Enter-N-Go™, always re­member to place the ignition in the OFF position.
Duplication of Key Fobs may be per­formed at an authorized dealer, this procedure consists of programming a blank Key Fob to the vehicle electron­ics. A blank Key Fob is one that has never been programmed.
NOTE: When having the Sentry Key® Immobilizer System ser­viced, bring all vehicle Key Fobs with you to the authorized dealer.
Programming Key Fobs or RKE transmitters may be performed at an authorized dealer.
The Sentry Key® operates on a carrier frequency of 433.92 MHz. The Sentry Key® Immobilizer system will be used in the following European countries, which apply Directive 1999/5/EC: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, and United Kingdom.
Operation is subject to the following conditions:
• This device may not cause harmful interference.
• This device must accept any inter­ference that may be received, in­cluding interference that may cause undesired operation.
The Vehicle Security Alarm monitors the vehicle doors, hood and trunk for unauthorized entry and the Keyless Enter-N-Go™ Start/Stop button for unauthorized operation. While the Vehicle Security Alarm is armed, inte­rior switches for door locks and deck­lid release are disabled. If something triggers the alarm, the Vehicle Secu­rity Alarm will provide the following audible and visible signals: the horn will pulse, the park lamps and/or turn signals will flash, and the Vehicle Se­curity Light in the instrument cluster will flash.
If something triggers the alarm, and no action is taken to disarm it, the Vehicle Security Alarm will turn off the horn after 29 seconds, and turn off all of the visual signals after an addi­tional 31 seconds, then the Vehicle Security Alarm will rearm itself.
Follow these steps to arm the Vehicle Security Alarm:
1. Make sure the vehicle ignition sys­tem is "OFF". (refer to "Starting Pro­cedures" in "Starting And Operating" for further information).
2. Perform one of the following methods to lock the vehicle:
• Press LOCK on the interior power door lock switch with the driver and/or passenger door open.
• Press the LOCK button on the ex­terior Passive Entry Door Handle with a valid Key Fob available in the same exterior zone (refer to "Keyless Enter-N-Go™" in "Things To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle" for fur­ther information).
• Press the LOCK button on the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) trans­mitter.
3. If any doors are open, close them.
The Vehicle Security Alarm can be disarmed using any of the following methods:
Press the UNLOCK button on the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) trans­mitter.
Grasp the Passive Entry Unlock Door Handle (refer to "Keyless Enter-N-Go™" in "Things To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle" for further information).
• Cycle the vehicle ignition system out of the OFF position by pressing the Keyless Enter-N-Go™ Start/ Stop button (requires at least one valid Key Fob in the vehicle).
The driver's door key cylinder and the trunk button on the RKE transmitter cannot arm or disarm the Vehicle Security Alarm.
When the Vehicle Security Alarm is armed, the interior power door lock switches will not unlock the doors.
The Vehicle Security Alarm is de­signed to protect your vehicle; how­ever, you can create conditions where the system will give you a false alarm. If one of the previously described arming sequences has occurred, the Vehicle Security Alarm will arm re­gardless of whether you are in the vehicle or not. If you remain in the vehicle and open a door, the alarm will sound. If this occurs, disarm the Vehicle Security Alarm.
If the Vehicle Security Alarm is armed and the battery becomes disconnected, the Vehicle Security Alarm will remain armed when the battery is reconnected; the exterior lights will flash, the horn will sound. If this occurs, disarm the Vehicle Security Alarm.
PREMIUM SECURITY SYSTEM (for versions/ markets, where provided)
The Premium Security system moni­tors the doors, hood latch, and liftgate for unauthorized entry and the ignition switch for unauthorized operation.
The system also includes a dual func­tion intrusion sensor and vehicle tilt sensor. The intrusion sensor monitors the vehicle interior for motion. The vehicle tilt sensor monitors the vehicle for any tilting actions (tow away, tire removal, ferry transport, etc).
In the event that something triggers the security system, the headlights will turn on and the turn signal and side repeater lights will flash for 34 seconds. The system will repeat this sequence for up to 8 security violations in any mode (door ajar, motion, hood ajar, etc.) before having to rearm the system. At the end of any particular trigger event, the lights will continue to flash for 26 seconds.
Follow these steps to arm the theft alarm:
1. Make sure the vehicle ignition sys­tem is "OFF". (refer to "Starting Pro­cedures" in "Starting And Driving" for further information).
2. Perform one of the following
methods to lock the vehicle:
• Press LOCK on the interior power
door lock switch with the driver and/or passenger door open.
• Press the LOCK button on the exte-
rior Passive Entry Door Handle with a valid Key Fob available in the same exterior zone (refer to "Keyless Enter­N-Go™" in "Knowing Your Vehicle" for further information).
Press the LOCK button on the Re-
mote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter.
3. If any doors are open, close them.
Once the security system is armed, it remains in that state until you disarm it by following either of the disarming procedures described. If a power loss occurs after arming the system, you must disarm the system after restoring power to prevent alarm activation.
• The ultrasonic intrusion sensor (motion detector) actively moni­tors your vehicle every time you
arm the security system. If you prefer, you can turn OFF the ultrasonic intrusion sensor and vehicle tilt sensor when arming the security system. To do so, press the LOCK button on the RKE transmitter three times within 5 seconds of arming the system (while the Vehicle Secu­rity Light is flashing rapidly).
The Vehicle Security Alarm can be disarmed using any of the following methods:
Press the UNLOCK button on the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) trans­mitter.
• Grasp the Passive Entry Unlock Door Handle with a valid key fob available in the same exterior zone (refer to "Keyless Enter-N-Go™" in "Knowing Your Vehicle" for fur­ther information).
• Cycle the vehicle ignition system out of the OFF position by pressing the Keyless Enter-N-Go™ Start/ Stop button (requires at least one valid Key Fob in the vehicle).
The driver's door key cylinder
• and the liftgate button on the RKE transmitter cannot arm or disarm the Vehicle Security Alarm.
When the Vehicle Security Alarm is armed, the interior power door lock switches will not unlock the doors.
The Vehicle Security Alarm is de­signed to protect your vehicle; how­ever, you can create conditions where the system will give you a false alarm. If one of the previously described arming sequences has occurred, the Vehicle Security Alarm will arm re­gardless of whether you are in the vehicle or not. If you remain in the vehicle and open a door, the alarm will sound. If this occurs, disarm the Vehicle Security Alarm.
If the Vehicle Security Alarm is armed and the battery becomes disconnected, the Vehicle Security Alarm will remain armed when the battery is recon­nected; the exterior lights will flash, the horn will sound. If this occurs, disarm the Vehicle Security Alarm.
The system will not arm if you lock the doors using the manual door lock plunger.
ILLUMINATED ENTRY (for versions/markets, where provided)
The courtesy lights will turn on when you use the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter to unlock the doors or open any door.
This feature also turns on the approach lighting in the outside mirrors (for versions/markets, where provided). Refer to “Mirrors” in “Understanding The Features Of Your Vehicle” for fur­ther information.
The lights will fade to off after ap­proximately 30 seconds or they will immediately fade to off once the igni­tion is cycled to the ON/RUN position from the OFF position.
NOTE: and above disables the system from responding to all RKE transmitter buttons for all RKE transmitters.
Driving at speeds 8 km/h
If the vehicle is equipped with Passive Entry, refer to “Keyless Enter-N­Go™” under “Things To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle” for further in­formation.
• The front courtesy overhead console and door courtesy lights will turn on if the dimmer con­trol is in the "Dome ON" position (extreme top position).
The Illuminated Entry system will not operate if the dimmer control is in the “Dome defeat” position (extreme bottom posi­tion).
The RKE system allows you to lock or unlock the doors or open the trunk from distances up to approximately 10 m using a hand-held Key Fob with RKE transmitter. The RKE transmit­ter does not need to be pointed at the vehicle to activate the system.
Key Fob With RKE Transmitter
Press and release the UNLOCK but­ton on the RKE transmitter once to unlock the driver's door or twice within five seconds to unlock all doors, if 1st Press Of Key Fob Unlocks is selected in the Uconnect Touch™ System. Refer to “Customer Program­mable Features — Uconnect Touch™ System 8.4 Settings” in “Understand­ing Your Instrument Panel”. The turn signal lights will flash to acknowledge the unlock signal. The illuminated en­try system will also turn on.
Remote Key Unlock, Driver Door/All Doors 1st Press
This feature lets you program the sys­tem to unlock either the driver's door or all doors on the first press of the UNLOCK button on the RKE trans­mitter. To change the current setting, refer to “Uconnect Touch™ Settings” in “Understanding Your Instrument Panel” for further information.
Flash Lights With Lock
This feature will cause the turn signal lights to flash when the doors are locked or unlocked with the RKE transmitter. This feature can be turned on or turned off. To change the current setting, refer to “Uconnect Touch™ Settings” in “Understanding Your Instrument Panel” for further information.
Turn Headlights On With Remote Key Unlock
This feature activates the headlights for up to 90 seconds when the doors are unlocked with the RKE trans­mitter. The time for this feature is programmable on vehicles equipped through Uconnect Touch™. To change the current setting, refer to “Uconnect Touch™ Settings” in “Understanding Your Instrument Panel” for further in­formation.
Press and release the LOCK button on the RKE transmitter to lock all doors. The turn signal lights will flash to acknowledge the signal.
If the vehicle is equipped with Passive Entry, refer to “Keyless Enter-N-Go” under “Things To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle” for further information.
Press the TRUNK button on the RKE transmitter two times within five sec­onds to unlatch the trunk.
If the vehicle is equipped with Passive Entry, refer to “Keyless Enter-N-Go” under “Things To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle” for further information.
The recommended replacement bat­tery is one CR2032 battery.
• Perchlorate Material — special handling may apply. Batteries could contain dangerous mate­rials. Please dispose of them ac­cording to respect for environ­ment and local laws.
• Do not touch the battery termi­nals that are on the back hous­ing or the printed circuit board.
1. Remove the emergency key by
sliding the mechanical latch on the back of the RKE transmitter sideways with your thumb and then pull the key out with your other hand.
Insert the tip of the emergency key or a #2 flat blade screwdriver into the slot and gently pry the two halves of the RKE transmitter apart. Make sure not to damage the seal during removal.
Prying The Two Halves Of The RKE
Transmitter Apart
3. Remove the battery by turning the back cover over (battery facing down­ward) and tapping it lightly on a solid surface such as a table or similar, then replace the battery. When replacing the battery, match the + sign on the battery to the + sign on the inside of the battery clip, located on the back cover. Avoid touching the new battery with your fingers. Skin oils may cause battery deterioration. If you touch a battery, clean it with rubbing alcohol.
4. To assemble the RKE transmitter case, snap the two halves together.
Transmitter and receivers operate on a carrier frequency of 433.92 MHz as required by EEC regulations. These devices must be certified to conform to specific regulations in each individual country. Two sets of regulations are involved: ETS (European Telecommu­nication Standard) 300–220, which most countries use, and German BZT federal regulation 225Z125, which is based on ETC 300–220 but has additional unique requirements. Other defined requirements are noted in ANNEX VI of COMMISSION DIREC­TIVE 95/56/EC. Operation is subject to the following conditions:
• This device may not cause harmful interference.
This device must accept any interfer­ence received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
If your RKE transmitter fails to oper­ate from a normal distance, check for these two conditions:
1. A weak battery in the RKE trans-
mitter. The expected life of the battery is a minimum of three years.
2. Closeness to a radio transmitter such as a radio station tower, airport transmitter, and some mobile or CB radios.
To lock each door, push the door lock knob on each door trim panel down­ward. To unlock the front doors, pull the inside door handle to the first de­tent. To unlock the rear doors, pull the door lock knob on the door trim panel upward.
Door Lock Knob
If the door lock knob is down when you shut the door, the door will lock. Therefore, make sure the Key Fob is not inside the vehicle before closing the door.
• For personal security and safety in the event of an accident, lock the vehicle doors before you drive as well as when you park and leave the vehicle.
• When leaving the vehicle, always remove the key fob and lock your vehicle.
• Never leave children alone in a vehicle, or with access to an un­locked vehicle.
• Allowing children to be in a ve­hicle unattended is dangerous for a number of reasons. A child or others could be seriously or fa­tally injured. Children should be warned not to touch the parking brake, brake pedal or the shift lever.
• Do not leave the keyfob in or near the vehicle, and do not leave Key­less Enter-N-Go in the ACC or ON/RUN mode. A child could operate power windows, other controls, or move the vehicle.
A power door lock switch is on each front door trim panel. Use this switch to lock or unlock the doors.
OFF position or closing the door will allow the locks to operate. If a door is open, and the ignition is in the ACC or ON/RUN position, a chime will sound as a reminder to remove the Key Fob.
4. The driver door is opened.
5. The doors were not previously un­locked.
6. The vehicle speed is 0 km/h.
Power Door Lock Switch
The doors can also be locked and un­locked with the Keyless Enter-N-Go (Passive Entry) system. For further information, refer to “Keyless Enter­N-Go” in “Things To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle”.
If you press the power door lock switch while the ignition is in the ACC or ON/RUN position, and any front door is open, the power locks will not operate. This prevents you from acci­dentally locking the Key Fob in the vehicle. Cycling the ignition to the
Automatic Door Locks
When enabled, the door locks will lock automatically when the vehicle's speed exceeds 24 km/h. The auto door lock feature can be enabled or disabled by your authorized dealer per written request of the customer. Please see your authorized dealer for service.
Automatic Unlock Doors On Exit
The doors will unlock automatically on vehicles with power door locks if:
1. The Automatic Unlock Doors On Exit feature is enabled.
2. The transmission was in gear and the vehicle speed returned to 0 km/h.
3. The transmission is in NEUTRAL or PARK.
Automatic Unlock Doors On Exit Programming
To change the current setting, refer to “Uconnect Touch™ Settings” in “Understanding Your Instrument Panel” for further information.
NOTE: Doors On Exit feature in accor­dance with local laws.
Use the Automatic Unlock
To provide a safer environment for small children riding in the rear seats, the rear doors are equipped with Child-Protection Door Lock system.
To Engage Or Disengage The Child-Protection Door Lock System
1. Open the rear door.
2. Insert the tip of the emergency key into the lock and rotate to the LOCK or UNLOCK position.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the oppo­site rear door.
Child-Protection Door Lock Function
NOTE: For emergency exit from the rear seats when the Child­Protection Door Lock System is engaged, manually raise the door lock knob to the unlocked posi­tion, roll down the window, and open the door using the outside door handle.
The Passive Entry system is an en­hancement to the vehicle’s Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) system and a feature of Keyless Enter-N-Go™. This feature allows you to lock and unlock the vehicle’s door(s) without having to press the RKE transmitter lock or unlock buttons.
unlock sensitivity can be affected, resulting in a slower response time.
• If the vehicle is unlocked by the RKE transmitter or Passive Entry and no door goes ajar within 60 seconds, the vehicle will re-lock and will arm the theft alarm.
To Unlock From The Driver's Side:
With a valid Passive Entry RKE transmitter within 1.5 m of the driv­er's door handle, grab the front driver door handle to unlock the driver's door automatically. The interior door panel lock knob will raise when the door is unlocked.
Avoid trapping anyone in a vehicle in a collision. Remember that the rear doors can only be opened from the outside when the Child-Protection locks are engaged (locked).
• Passive Entry may be pro­grammed ON/OFF; refer to “Uconnect Touch™ Settings” in “Understanding Your Instru­ment Panel” for further infor­mation.
If wearing gloves on your hands,
• or if it has been raining on the Passive Entry door handle, the
Grabbing The Driver's Door Handle
NOTE: Press” is programmed all doors will unlock when you grab hold of the front driver’s door handle. To select between “Unlock Driver Door 1st Press” and “Unlock All Doors 1st Press”, refer to “Uconnect Touch™ Settings” in “Understanding Your Instrument Panel” for further infor­mation.
To Unlock From The Passenger Side:
With a valid Passive Entry RKE transmitter within 1.5 m of the pas­senger door handle, grab the front passenger door handle to unlock all four doors automatically. The interior door panel lock knob will raise when the door is unlocked.
NOTE: the front passenger door handle is grabbed regardless of the driver’s door unlock preference setting (“Unlock Driver Door 1st Press” or “Unlock All Doors 1st Press”).
If “Unlock All Doors 1st
All doors will unlock when
Preventing Inadvertent Locking Of Passive Entry RKE Transmitter In Vehicle
To minimize the possibility of unin­tentionally locking a Passive Entry RKE transmitter inside your vehicle, the Passive Entry system is equipped with an automatic door unlock fea­ture which will function if the ignition switch is in the OFF position.
If one of the vehicle doors is open and the door panel switch is used to lock the vehicle, once all open doors have been closed the vehicle checks the in­side and outside of the vehicle for any valid Passive Entry RKE transmitters. If one of the vehicle's Passive Entry RKE transmitters is detected inside the vehicle, and no other valid Passive Entry RKE transmitters are detected outside the vehicle, the Passive Entry System automatically unlocks all ve­hicle doors and chirps the horn three times (on the third attempt ALL doors will lock and the Passive Entry RKE transmitter can be locked in the vehicle).
NOTE: The vehicle will only un­lock the doors when the doors are locked using the door panel switch, a valid Passive Entry RKE transmitter is detected inside the vehicle, and no valid Passive Entry RKE transmitter is detected out­side the vehicle. The vehicle will not unlock the doors when any of the following conditions are true:
• The doors are locked using the RKE transmitter.
• The doors are locked using the LOCK button on the Passive En­try door handles.
• The doors are manually locked using the door lock knobs.
• There is a valid Passive Entry RKE transmitter outside the ve­hicle and within 1.5 m of either Passive Entry door handle.
• Three attempts are made to lock the doors using the door panel switch and then close the doors.
To Enter The Trunk
With a valid Passive Entry RKE transmitter within 1.0 m of the deck lid, press the button on the right side of CHMSL, (Center High Mounted Stop Light) which is located on the deck lid.
Trunk Passive Entry Button
NOTE: If you inadvertently leave your vehicle's Passive Entry RKE transmitter in the trunk and try to close the deck lid, the deck lid will automatically unlatch, unless an­other one of the vehicle’s Passive Entry RKE transmitters is outside the vehicle and within 1.0 m of the deck lid.
To Lock The Vehicle’s Doors
With one of the vehicle’s Passive En­try RKE transmitters within 1.5 m of the driver or passenger front door handles, press the door handle LOCK button to lock all four doors.
Outside Door Handle Lock Button
After pressing the door handle LOCK button, you must wait two seconds before you can lock or unlock the doors, using either Passive Entry door handle. This is done to allow you to check if the vehicle is locked by pulling the door handle, without the vehicle reacting and unlocking.
• The Passive Entry system will not operate if the RKE transmit­ter battery is dead.
The vehicle doors can also be locked by using the RKE transmitter lock button or the lock button located on the vehicle’s interior door panel.
The window controls on the driver's door control all the door windows.
Power Window Switches
There are single window controls on each passenger door trim panel, which operate the passenger door windows. The window controls will operate only when the ignition is in the ACC or ON/RUN position.
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